/* * This file is part of the Code::Blocks IDE and licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3 * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.html */ #ifndef EDITPATHDLG_H #define EDITPATHDLG_H #include "scrollingdialog.h" #include class DLLIMPORT EditPathDlg : public wxScrollingDialog { public: EditPathDlg(wxWindow* parent, const wxString& path, // initial path const wxString& basepath, // for relative pathes const wxString& title = _("Edit Path"), // title of the dialog const wxString& message = _T(""), // message displayed in the dialogs const bool wantDir = true, // whether to open a dir or a file dialog const bool allowMultiSel = false, // whether to allow for multiple files selection const wxString& filter = _("All files(*)|*")); // wildcard for files ~EditPathDlg() override; EditPathDlg& operator=(const EditPathDlg&){ return *this; } // just to satisfy script bindings (never used) const wxString& GetPath(){ return m_Path; } void EndModal(int retCode) override; protected: void OnUpdateUI(wxUpdateUIEvent& event); void OnBrowse(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnOther(wxCommandEvent& event); wxString m_Path; wxString m_Message; wxString m_Basepath; wxString m_Filter; bool m_WantDir; bool m_AllowMultiSel; bool m_AskMakeRelative; bool m_ShowCreateDirButton; private: DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE(); }; #endif // EDITPATHDLG_H