# # This file defines the compilation rules for building the covtool # programs and is used in tests in the subdirectories. # all:: tests:: all clean:: depend:: INSTALL_DIR= /usr/local/covtool MAKEFLAGS:=-j1 # # select the optimization level -- optimization is the default # unless you change it to 1 -- or specify DEBUGGING=1 on the # command line # DEBUGGING=1 ifeq ($(DEBUGGING),1) CCOPTS= -g -DDEBUGGING else CCOPTS= +O2 endif CCDEFS= CCINCS= -I. CCFLAGS= $(CCDEFS) \ $(CCOPTS) \ $(CCINCS) CC:=aCC LN:=aCC # # the following COVTOOL declarations speed up cov++ by suppressing its # need to read the .cfg file. You must override all 4 symbols for this # speed up to work. # COVTOOL_CC:= $(CC) COVTOOL_LN:= $(LN) COVTOOL_EXT:= .c COVTOOL_TMP:= .c++ .EXPORT: COVTOOL_CC .EXPORT: COVTOOL_LN .EXPORT: COVTOOL_TMP .EXPORT: COVTOOL_EXT .SUFFIXES: .c .o .i .j .ii .c.o: $(CC) -o $@ $(CCFLAGS) -c $< .c.i: $(CC) -E $(CCDEFS) $(CCINCS) $< >$@ CCDEFS: echo $(CCDEFS) CCOPTS: echo $(CCOPTS) CCINCS: echo $(CCINCS) CCFLAGS: echo $(CCFLAGS) CC: echo $(CC) LN: echo $(LN) clean:: rm -fr *.o *.exe *.i *.out *.diff *.a *.log *.bak *.j j.c k.c log rm -fr remake.log *.covexp *.db *.ii *.c++ coverage_html