# # This is the cvslines local installation configuration file. # It's perl. # # Lines containing values you may need to change are tagged with # "#cfg". # ###################################################################### # # First, variables that control what INSTALL does. # # The absolute path to the perl interpreter to use. # INSTALL will substitute this into the #!... line. # if (! defined($PERL5)) { $PERL5 = "$ENV{'PERL5'}"; } # cfg # Where to install the cvslines scripts... # (Absolute path) # if (! defined($BINDIR)) { $BINDIR = "$ENV{'PREFIX'}/bin"; } # cfg # Where to install the cvslines man page... # (Absolute path) # if (! defined($MANDIR)) { $MAN1DIR = "$ENV{'PREFIX'}/man/man1"; } # cfg ###################################################################### # # Next, the cvslines-config file. This will be placed in BINDIR, # and contains site local configuration that cvslines uses when # it is run. # $cvslines_config = <