%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 4;indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- %% -------------------------------------------------- %% This file is provided to you under the Apache License, %% Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file %% except in compliance with the License. You may obtain %% a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, %% software distributed under the License is distributed on an %% "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY %% KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the %% specific language governing permissions and limitations %% under the License. %% -------------------------------------------------- %% File : exprecs.erl %% @author : Ulf Wiger %% @end %% Description : %% %% Created : 13 Feb 2006 by Ulf Wiger %% Rewritten: Jan-Feb 2010 by Ulf Wiger %%------------------------------------------------------------------- %% @doc Parse transform for generating record access functions. %%

This parse transform can be used to reduce compile-time %% dependencies in large systems.


In the old days, before records, Erlang programmers often wrote %% access functions for tuple data. This was tedious and error-prone. %% The record syntax made this easier, but since records were implemented %% fully in the pre-processor, a nasty compile-time dependency was %% introduced.


This module automates the generation of access functions for %% records. While this method cannot fully replace the utility of %% pattern matching, it does allow a fair bit of functionality on %% records without the need for compile-time dependencies.


Whenever record definitions need to be exported from a module, %% inserting a compiler attribute, %% export_records([RecName|...]) causes this transform %% to lay out access functions for the exported records:

%% %% As an example, consider the following module: %%
%% -module(test_exprecs).
%% -record(r,{a = 0 :: integer(),b = 0 :: integer(),c = 0 :: integer()}).
%% -record(s,{a}).
%% -record(t,{}).
%% -export_records([r,s,t]).
%% -export_type(['#prop-r'/0,
%%               '#attr-r'/0,
%%               '#prop-s'/0,
%%               '#attr-s'/0,
%%               '#prop-t'/0,
%%               '#attr-t'/0]).
%% -type '#prop-s'() :: {a, any()}.
%% -type '#attr-s'() :: a.
%% -type '#prop-r'() :: {a, any()} | {b, any()} | {c, any()}.
%% -type '#attr-r'() :: a | b | c.
%% -type '#prop-t'() :: any().
%% -type '#attr-t'() :: any().
%% -spec '#exported_records-'() -> [r | s | t].
%% -spec '#new-'(r) -> #r{};
%%              (s) -> #s{};
%%              (t) -> #t{}.
%% -spec '#info-'(r) -> ['#attr-r'()];
%%               (s) -> ['#attr-s'()];
%%               (t) -> ['#attr-t'()].
%% -spec '#info-'(r, size) -> 4;
%%               (r, fields) -> ['#attr-r'()];
%%               (s, size) -> 2;
%%               (s, fields) -> ['#attr-s'()];
%%               (t, size) -> 1;
%%               (t, fields) -> ['#attr-t'()].
%% -spec '#pos-'(r, a) -> 1;
%%              (r, b) -> 2;
%%              (r, c) -> 3;
%%              (s, a) -> 1.
%% -spec '#is_record-'(any()) -> boolean().
%% -spec '#is_record-'(any(), any()) -> boolean().
%% -spec '#get-'(a, #s{}) -> any();
%%              (a, #r{}) -> any();
%%              (b, #r{}) -> any();
%%              (c, #r{}) -> any();
%%              (['#attr-t'()], #t{}) -> [];
%%              (['#attr-s'()], #s{}) -> [any()];
%%              (['#attr-r'()], #r{}) -> [any()].
%% -spec '#set-'(['#prop-r'()], #r{}) -> #r{};
%%              (['#prop-s'()], #s{}) -> #s{};
%%              (['#prop-t'()], #t{}) -> #t{}.
%% -spec '#fromlist-'(['#prop-r'()], #r{}) -> #r{};
%%                   (['#prop-s'()], #s{}) -> #s{};
%%                   (['#prop-t'()], #t{}) -> #t{}.
%% -spec '#frommap-'(#{a => any(), b => any(), c => any()}, #r{}) -> #r{};
%%                  (#{a => any()}, #s{}) -> #s{};
%%                  (#{}, #t{}) -> #t{}.
%% -spec '#lens-'('#attr-r'(), r) ->
%%                   {fun((#r{}) -> any()), fun((any(), #r{}) -> #r{})};
%%               ('#attr-s'(), s) ->
%%                   {fun((#s{}) -> any()), fun((any(), #s{}) -> #s{})};
%%               ('#attr-t'(), t) ->
%%                   {fun((#t{}) -> any()), fun((any(), #t{}) -> #t{})}.
%% -spec '#new-r'() -> #r{}.
%% -spec '#new-r'(['#prop-r'()]) -> #r{}.
%% -spec '#get-r'(a, #r{}) -> any();
%%               (b, #r{}) -> any();
%%               (c, #r{}) -> any();
%%               (['#attr-r'()], #r{}) -> [any()].
%% -spec '#set-r'(['#prop-r'()], #r{}) -> #r{}.
%% -spec '#fromlist-r'(['#prop-r'()]) -> #r{}.
%% -spec '#fromlist-r'(['#prop-r'()], #r{}) -> #r{}.
%% -spec '#frommap-r'(#{a => any(), b => any(), c => any()}) -> #r{}.
%% -spec '#frommap-r'(#{a => any(), b => any(), c => any()}, #r{}) -> #r{}.
%% -spec '#pos-r'('#attr-r'() | atom()) -> integer().
%% -spec '#info-r'(fields) -> [a | b | c];
%%                (size) -> 4.
%% -spec '#lens-r'('#attr-r'()) ->
%%                    {fun((#r{}) -> any()), fun((any(), #r{}) -> #r{})}.
%% -spec '#new-s'() -> #s{}.
%% -spec '#new-s'(['#prop-s'()]) -> #s{}.
%% -spec '#get-s'(a, #s{}) -> any();
%%               (['#attr-s'()], #s{}) -> [any()].
%% -spec '#set-s'(['#prop-s'()], #s{}) -> #s{}.
%% -spec '#fromlist-s'(['#prop-s'()]) -> #s{}.
%% -spec '#fromlist-s'(['#prop-s'()], #s{}) -> #s{}.
%% -spec '#frommap-s'(#{a => any()}) -> #s{}.
%% -spec '#frommap-s'(#{a => any()}, #s{}) -> #s{}.
%% -spec '#pos-s'('#attr-s'() | atom()) -> integer().
%% -spec '#info-s'(fields) -> [a];
%%                (size) -> 2.
%% -spec '#lens-s'('#attr-s'()) ->
%%                    {fun((#s{}) -> any()), fun((any(), #s{}) -> #s{})}.
%% -spec '#new-t'() -> #t{}.
%% -spec '#new-t'(['#prop-t'()]) -> #t{}.
%% -spec '#get-t'(['#attr-t'()], #t{}) -> [any()].
%% -spec '#set-t'(['#prop-t'()], #t{}) -> #t{}.
%% -spec '#fromlist-t'(['#prop-t'()]) -> #t{}.
%% -spec '#fromlist-t'(['#prop-t'()], #t{}) -> #t{}.
%% -spec '#frommap-t'(#{}) -> #t{}.
%% -spec '#frommap-t'(#{}, #t{}) -> #t{}.
%% -spec '#pos-t'('#attr-t'() | atom()) -> integer().
%% -spec '#info-t'(fields) -> [];
%%                (size) -> 1.
%% -spec '#lens-t'('#attr-t'()) ->
%%                    {fun((#t{}) -> any()), fun((any(), #t{}) -> #t{})}.
%% -file("c:/git/etp/_checkouts/parse_trans/examples/test_exprecs.erl", 1).
%% '#exported_records-'() ->
%%     [r,s,t].
%% '#new-'(r) ->
%%     '#new-r'();
%% '#new-'(s) ->
%%     '#new-s'();
%% '#new-'(t) ->
%%     '#new-t'().
%% '#info-'(RecName) ->
%%     '#info-'(RecName, fields).
%% '#info-'(r, Info) ->
%%     '#info-r'(Info);
%% '#info-'(s, Info) ->
%%     '#info-s'(Info);
%% '#info-'(t, Info) ->
%%     '#info-t'(Info).
%% '#pos-'(r, Attr) ->
%%     '#pos-r'(Attr);
%% '#pos-'(s, Attr) ->
%%     '#pos-s'(Attr);
%% '#pos-'(t, Attr) ->
%%     '#pos-t'(Attr).
%% '#is_record-'(X) ->
%%     if
%%         is_record(X, r, 4) ->
%%             true;
%%         is_record(X, s, 2) ->
%%             true;
%%         is_record(X, t, 1) ->
%%             true;
%%         true ->
%%             false
%%     end.
%% '#is_record-'(t, Rec) when tuple_size(Rec) == 1, element(1, Rec) == t ->
%%     true;
%% '#is_record-'(s, Rec) when tuple_size(Rec) == 2, element(1, Rec) == s ->
%%     true;
%% '#is_record-'(r, Rec) when tuple_size(Rec) == 4, element(1, Rec) == r ->
%%     true;
%% '#is_record-'(_, _) ->
%%     false.
%% '#get-'(Attrs, {r,_,_,_} = Rec) when true ->
%%     '#get-r'(Attrs, Rec);
%% '#get-'(Attrs, {s,_} = Rec) when true ->
%%     '#get-s'(Attrs, Rec);
%% '#get-'(Attrs, {t} = Rec) when true ->
%%     '#get-t'(Attrs, Rec).
%% '#set-'(Vals, {r,_,_,_} = Rec) when true ->
%%     '#set-r'(Vals, Rec);
%% '#set-'(Vals, {s,_} = Rec) when true ->
%%     '#set-s'(Vals, Rec);
%% '#set-'(Vals, {t} = Rec) when true ->
%%     '#set-t'(Vals, Rec).
%% '#fromlist-'(Vals, {r,_,_,_} = Rec) when true ->
%%     '#fromlist-r'(Vals, Rec);
%% '#fromlist-'(Vals, {s,_} = Rec) when true ->
%%     '#fromlist-s'(Vals, Rec);
%% '#fromlist-'(Vals, {t} = Rec) when true ->
%%     '#fromlist-t'(Vals, Rec).
%% '#frommap-'(Vals, {r,_,_,_} = Rec) when true ->
%%     '#frommap-r'(Vals, Rec);
%% '#frommap-'(Vals, {s,_} = Rec) when true ->
%%     '#frommap-s'(Vals, Rec);
%% '#frommap-'(Vals, {t} = Rec) when true ->
%%     '#frommap-t'(Vals, Rec).
%% '#lens-'(Attr, r) ->
%%     '#lens-r'(Attr);
%% '#lens-'(Attr, s) ->
%%     '#lens-s'(Attr);
%% '#lens-'(Attr, t) ->
%%     '#lens-t'(Attr).
%% '#new-r'() ->
%%     {r,0,0,0}.
%% '#new-r'(Vals) ->
%%     '#set-r'(Vals, {r,0,0,0}).
%% '#get-r'(Attrs, R) when is_list(Attrs) ->
%%     [
%%      '#get-r'(A, R) ||
%%          A <- Attrs
%%     ];
%% '#get-r'(a, R) ->
%%     case R of
%%         {r,rec0,_,_} ->
%%             rec0;
%%         _ ->
%%             error({badrecord,r})
%%     end;
%% '#get-r'(b, R) ->
%%     case R of
%%         {r,_,rec1,_} ->
%%             rec1;
%%         _ ->
%%             error({badrecord,r})
%%     end;
%% '#get-r'(c, R) ->
%%     case R of
%%         {r,_,_,rec2} ->
%%             rec2;
%%         _ ->
%%             error({badrecord,r})
%%     end;
%% '#get-r'(Attr, R) ->
%%     error(bad_record_op, ['#get-r',Attr,R]).
%% '#set-r'(Vals, Rec) ->
%%     F = % fun-info: {0,0,'-#set-r/2-fun-0-'}
%%         fun([], R, _F1) ->
%%                R;
%%            ([{a,V}|T], R, F1) when is_list(T) ->
%%                F1(T,
%%                   begin
%%                       rec3 = R,
%%                       case rec3 of
%%                           {r,_,_,_} ->
%%                               setelement(2, rec3, V);
%%                           _ ->
%%                               error({badrecord,r})
%%                       end
%%                   end,
%%                   F1);
%%            ([{b,V}|T], R, F1) when is_list(T) ->
%%                F1(T,
%%                   begin
%%                       rec4 = R,
%%                       case rec4 of
%%                           {r,_,_,_} ->
%%                               setelement(3, rec4, V);
%%                           _ ->
%%                               error({badrecord,r})
%%                       end
%%                   end,
%%                   F1);
%%            ([{c,V}|T], R, F1) when is_list(T) ->
%%                F1(T,
%%                   begin
%%                       rec5 = R,
%%                       case rec5 of
%%                           {r,_,_,_} ->
%%                               setelement(4, rec5, V);
%%                           _ ->
%%                               error({badrecord,r})
%%                       end
%%                   end,
%%                   F1);
%%            (Vs, R, _) ->
%%                error(bad_record_op, ['#set-r',Vs,R])
%%         end,
%%     F(Vals, Rec, F).
%% '#fromlist-r'(Vals) when is_list(Vals) ->
%%     '#fromlist-r'(Vals, '#new-r'()).
%% '#fromlist-r'(Vals, Rec) ->
%%     AttrNames = [{a,2},{b,3},{c,4}],
%%     F = % fun-info: {0,0,'-#fromlist-r/2-fun-0-'}
%%         fun([], R, _F1) ->
%%                R;
%%            ([{H,Pos}|T], R, F1) when is_list(T) ->
%%                case lists:keyfind(H, 1, Vals) of
%%                    false ->
%%                        F1(T, R, F1);
%%                    {_,Val} ->
%%                        F1(T, setelement(Pos, R, Val), F1)
%%                end
%%         end,
%%     F(AttrNames, Rec, F).
%% '#frommap-r'(Vals) when is_map(Vals) ->
%%     '#frommap-r'(Vals, '#new-r'()).
%% '#frommap-r'(Vals, Rec) ->
%%     List = maps:to_list(Vals),
%%     '#fromlist-r'(List, Rec).
%% '#pos-r'(a) ->
%%     2;
%% '#pos-r'(b) ->
%%     3;
%% '#pos-r'(c) ->
%%     4;
%% '#pos-r'(A) when is_atom(A) ->
%%     0.
%% '#info-r'(fields) ->
%%     [a,b,c];
%% '#info-r'(size) ->
%%     4.
%% '#lens-r'(a) ->
%%     {% fun-info: {0,0,'-#lens-r/1-fun-0-'}
%%      fun(R) ->
%%             '#get-r'(a, R)
%%      end,
%%      % fun-info: {0,0,'-#lens-r/1-fun-1-'}
%%      fun(X, R) ->
%%             '#set-r'([{a,X}], R)
%%      end};
%% '#lens-r'(b) ->
%%     {% fun-info: {0,0,'-#lens-r/1-fun-2-'}
%%      fun(R) ->
%%             '#get-r'(b, R)
%%      end,
%%      % fun-info: {0,0,'-#lens-r/1-fun-3-'}
%%      fun(X, R) ->
%%             '#set-r'([{b,X}], R)
%%      end};
%% '#lens-r'(c) ->
%%     {% fun-info: {0,0,'-#lens-r/1-fun-4-'}
%%      fun(R) ->
%%             '#get-r'(c, R)
%%      end,
%%      % fun-info: {0,0,'-#lens-r/1-fun-5-'}
%%      fun(X, R) ->
%%             '#set-r'([{c,X}], R)
%%      end};
%% '#lens-r'(Attr) ->
%%     error(bad_record_op, ['#lens-r',Attr]).
%% '#new-s'() ->
%%     {s,undefined}.
%% '#new-s'(Vals) ->
%%     '#set-s'(Vals, {s,undefined}).
%% '#get-s'(Attrs, R) when is_list(Attrs) ->
%%     [
%%      '#get-s'(A, R) ||
%%          A <- Attrs
%%     ];
%% '#get-s'(a, R) ->
%%     case R of
%%         {s,rec6} ->
%%             rec6;
%%         _ ->
%%             error({badrecord,s})
%%     end;
%% '#get-s'(Attr, R) ->
%%     error(bad_record_op, ['#get-s',Attr,R]).
%% '#set-s'(Vals, Rec) ->
%%     F = % fun-info: {0,0,'-#set-s/2-fun-0-'}
%%         fun([], R, _F1) ->
%%                R;
%%            ([{a,V}|T], R, F1) when is_list(T) ->
%%                F1(T,
%%                   begin
%%                       rec7 = R,
%%                       case rec7 of
%%                           {s,rec8} ->
%%                               {s,V};
%%                           _ ->
%%                               error({badrecord,s})
%%                       end
%%                   end,
%%                   F1);
%%            (Vs, R, _) ->
%%                error(bad_record_op, ['#set-s',Vs,R])
%%         end,
%%     F(Vals, Rec, F).
%% '#fromlist-s'(Vals) when is_list(Vals) ->
%%     '#fromlist-s'(Vals, '#new-s'()).
%% '#fromlist-s'(Vals, Rec) ->
%%     AttrNames = [{a,2}],
%%     F = % fun-info: {0,0,'-#fromlist-s/2-fun-0-'}
%%         fun([], R, _F1) ->
%%                R;
%%            ([{H,Pos}|T], R, F1) when is_list(T) ->
%%                case lists:keyfind(H, 1, Vals) of
%%                    false ->
%%                        F1(T, R, F1);
%%                    {_,Val} ->
%%                        F1(T, setelement(Pos, R, Val), F1)
%%                end
%%         end,
%%     F(AttrNames, Rec, F).
%% '#frommap-s'(Vals) when is_map(Vals) ->
%%     '#frommap-s'(Vals, '#new-s'()).
%% '#frommap-s'(Vals, Rec) ->
%%     List = maps:to_list(Vals),
%%     '#fromlist-s'(List, Rec).
%% '#pos-s'(a) ->
%%     2;
%% '#pos-s'(A) when is_atom(A) ->
%%     0.
%% '#info-s'(fields) ->
%%     [a];
%% '#info-s'(size) ->
%%     2.
%% '#lens-s'(a) ->
%%     {% fun-info: {0,0,'-#lens-s/1-fun-0-'}
%%      fun(R) ->
%%             '#get-s'(a, R)
%%      end,
%%      % fun-info: {0,0,'-#lens-s/1-fun-1-'}
%%      fun(X, R) ->
%%             '#set-s'([{a,X}], R)
%%      end};
%% '#lens-s'(Attr) ->
%%     error(bad_record_op, ['#lens-s',Attr]).
%% '#new-t'() ->
%%     {t}.
%% '#new-t'(Vals) ->
%%     '#set-t'(Vals, {t}).
%% '#get-t'(Attrs, R) when is_list(Attrs) ->
%%     [
%%      '#get-t'(A, R) ||
%%          A <- Attrs
%%     ];
%% '#get-t'(Attr, R) ->
%%     error(bad_record_op, ['#get-t',Attr,R]).
%% '#set-t'(Vals, Rec) ->
%%     F = % fun-info: {0,0,'-#set-t/2-fun-0-'}
%%         fun([], R, _F1) ->
%%                R;
%%            (Vs, R, _) ->
%%                error(bad_record_op, ['#set-t',Vs,R])
%%         end,
%%     F(Vals, Rec, F).
%% '#fromlist-t'(Vals) when is_list(Vals) ->
%%     '#fromlist-t'(Vals, '#new-t'()).
%% '#fromlist-t'(Vals, Rec) ->
%%     AttrNames = [],
%%     F = % fun-info: {0,0,'-#fromlist-t/2-fun-0-'}
%%         fun([], R, _F1) ->
%%                R;
%%            ([{H,Pos}|T], R, F1) when is_list(T) ->
%%                case lists:keyfind(H, 1, Vals) of
%%                    false ->
%%                        F1(T, R, F1);
%%                    {_,Val} ->
%%                        F1(T, setelement(Pos, R, Val), F1)
%%                end
%%         end,
%%     F(AttrNames, Rec, F).
%% '#frommap-t'(Vals) when is_map(Vals) ->
%%     '#frommap-t'(Vals, '#new-t'()).
%% '#frommap-t'(Vals, Rec) ->
%%     List = maps:to_list(Vals),
%%     '#fromlist-t'(List, Rec).
%% '#pos-t'(A) when is_atom(A) ->
%%     0.
%% '#info-t'(fields) ->
%%     [];
%% '#info-t'(size) ->
%%     1.
%% '#lens-t'(Attr) ->
%%     error(bad_record_op, ['#lens-t',Attr]).
%% f() ->
%%     foo.
%% %% It is possible to modify the naming rules of exprecs, through the use %% of the following attributes (example reflecting the current rules): %% %%
%% -exprecs_prefix(["#", operation, "-"]).
%% -exprecs_fname([prefix, record]).
%% -exprecs_vfname([fname, "__", version]).
%% %% The lists must contain strings or any of the following control atoms: %%
  • in `exprecs_prefix': `operation'
  • %%
  • in `exprecs_fname': `operation', `record', `prefix'
  • %%
  • in `exprecs_vfname': `operation', `record', `prefix', `fname', `version' %%
  • %%
%% %% Exprecs will substitute the control atoms with the string values of the %% corresponding items. The result will then be flattened and converted to an %% atom (a valid function or type name). %% %% `operation' is one of: %%
Creates a new record
Retrieves given attribute values from a record
Sets given attribute values in a record
Creates a record from a key-value list
Equivalent to record_info/2
Returns the position of a given attribute
Tests if a value is a specific record
Converts an old record to the current version
Used only in type specs
Used only in type specs
Returns a 'lens' (an accessor pair) as described in %% [http://github.com/jlouis/erl-lenses]
%% %% @end -module(exprecs). -export([parse_transform/2, format_error/1, % transform/3, context/2]). -record(context, {module, function, arity}). -record(pass1, {exports = [], generated = false, records = [], record_types = [], versions = orddict:new(), inserted = false, prefix = ["#", operation, "-"], fname = [prefix, record], vfname = [fname, "__", version]}). -include("../include/codegen.hrl"). -define(HERE, {?MODULE, ?LINE}). -define(ERROR(R, F, I), begin rpt_error(R, F, I), throw({error,get_pos(I),{unknown,R}}) end). -type form() :: any(). -type forms() :: [form()]. -type options() :: [{atom(), any()}]. get_pos(I) -> case proplists:get_value(form, I) of undefined -> 0; Form -> erl_syntax:get_pos(Form) end. -spec parse_transform(forms(), options()) -> forms(). parse_transform(Forms, Options) -> parse_trans:top(fun do_transform/2, Forms, Options). do_transform(Forms, Context) -> Acc1 = versioned_records( add_untyped_recs( parse_trans:do_inspect(fun inspect_f/4, #pass1{}, Forms, Context))), {Forms2, Acc2} = parse_trans:do_transform(fun generate_f/4, Acc1, Forms, Context), parse_trans:revert(verify_generated(Forms2, Acc2, Context)). add_untyped_recs(#pass1{records = Rs, record_types = RTypes, exports = Es} = Acc) -> Untyped = [{R, Def} || {R, Def} <- Rs, lists:member(R, Es), not lists:keymember(R, 1, RTypes)], RTypes1 = [{R, lists:map( fun({record_field,L,{atom,_,A}}) -> {A, t_any(L)}; ({record_field,L,{atom,_,A},_}) -> {A, t_any(L)}; ({typed_record_field, {record_field,L,{atom,_,A}},_}) -> {A, t_any(L)}; ({typed_record_field, {record_field,L,{atom,_,A},_},_}) -> {A, t_any(L)} end, Def)} || {R, Def} <- Untyped], Acc#pass1{record_types = RTypes ++ RTypes1}. inspect_f(attribute, {attribute,_L,exprecs_prefix,Pattern}, _Ctxt, Acc) -> {false, Acc#pass1{prefix = Pattern}}; inspect_f(attribute, {attribute,_L,exprecs_fname,Pattern}, _Ctxt, Acc) -> {false, Acc#pass1{fname = Pattern}}; inspect_f(attribute, {attribute,_L,exprecs_vfname,Pattern}, _Ctxt, Acc) -> {false, Acc#pass1{vfname = Pattern}}; inspect_f(attribute, {attribute,_L,record,RecDef}, _Ctxt, Acc) -> Recs0 = Acc#pass1.records, {false, Acc#pass1{records = [RecDef|Recs0]}}; inspect_f(attribute, {attribute,_L,export_records, E}, _Ctxt, Acc) -> Exports0 = Acc#pass1.exports, NewExports = Exports0 ++ E, {false, Acc#pass1{exports = NewExports}}; inspect_f(attribute, {attribute, _L, type, {{record, R}, RType,_}}, _Ctxt, Acc) -> Type = lists:map( fun({typed_record_field, {record_field,_,{atom,_,A}}, T}) -> {A, T}; ({typed_record_field, {record_field,_,{atom,_,A},_}, T}) -> {A, T}; ({record_field, _, {atom,L,A}, _}) -> {A, t_any(L)}; ({record_field, _, {atom,L,A}}) -> {A, t_any(L)} end, RType), {false, Acc#pass1{record_types = [{R, Type}|Acc#pass1.record_types]}}; inspect_f(_Type, _Form, _Context, Acc) -> {false, Acc}. generate_f(attribute, {attribute,L,export_records,_} = Form, _Ctxt, #pass1{exports = [_|_] = Es, versions = Vsns, inserted = false} = Acc) -> case check_record_names(Es, L, Acc) of ok -> continue; {error, Bad} -> ?ERROR(invalid_record_exports, ?HERE, Bad) end, Exports = [{fname(exported_records, Acc), 0}, {fname(new, Acc), 1}, {fname(info, Acc), 1}, {fname(info, Acc), 2}, {fname(pos, Acc), 2}, {fname(is_record, Acc), 1}, {fname(is_record, Acc), 2}, {fname(get, Acc), 2}, {fname(set, Acc), 2}, {fname(fromlist, Acc), 2}, {fname(frommap, Acc), 2}, {fname(lens, Acc), 2} | lists:flatmap( fun(Rec) -> RecS = atom_to_list(Rec), FNew = fname(new, RecS, Acc), [{FNew, 0}, {FNew,1}, {fname(get, RecS, Acc), 2}, {fname(set, RecS, Acc), 2}, {fname(pos, RecS, Acc), 1}, {fname(fromlist, RecS, Acc), 1}, {fname(frommap, RecS, Acc), 1}, {fname(fromlist, RecS, Acc), 2}, {fname(frommap, RecS, Acc), 2}, {fname(info, RecS, Acc), 1}, {fname(lens, RecS, Acc), 1}] end, Es)] ++ version_exports(Vsns, Acc), TypeExports = lists:flatmap( fun(Rec) -> [{fname(prop, Rec, Acc), 0}, {fname(attr, Rec, Acc), 0}] end, Es), {[], Form, [{attribute,L,export,Exports}, {attribute,L,export_type, TypeExports}], false, Acc#pass1{inserted = true}}; generate_f(function, Form, _Context, #pass1{generated = false} = Acc) -> % Layout record funs before first function L = erl_syntax:get_pos(Form), Forms = generate_specs_and_accessors(L, Acc), {Forms, Form, [], false, Acc#pass1{generated = true}}; generate_f(_Type, Form, _Ctxt, Acc) -> {Form, false, Acc}. generate_specs_and_accessors(L, #pass1{exports = [_|_] = Es, record_types = Ts} = Acc) -> Specs = generate_specs(L, [{R,T} || {R,T} <- Ts, lists:member(R, Es)], Acc), Funs = generate_accessors(L, Acc), Specs ++ Funs; generate_specs_and_accessors(_, _) -> []. verify_generated(Forms, #pass1{} = Acc, _Context) -> case (Acc#pass1.generated == true) orelse (Acc#pass1.exports == []) of true -> Forms; false -> % should be re-written to use the parse_trans helper...? [{eof,Last}|RevForms] = lists:reverse(Forms), [{function, NewLast, _, _, _}|_] = RevAs = lists:reverse(generate_specs_and_accessors(Last, Acc)), lists:reverse([{eof, NewLast+1} | RevAs] ++ RevForms) end. check_record_names(Es, L, #pass1{records = Rs}) -> case [E || E <- Es, not(lists:keymember(E, 1, Rs))] of [] -> ok; Bad -> {error, [{L,E} || E <- Bad]} end. versioned_records(#pass1{exports = Es, records = Rs} = Pass1) -> case split_recnames(Rs) of [] -> Pass1#pass1{versions = []}; [_|_] = Versions -> Exp_vsns = lists:foldl( fun(Re, Acc) -> case orddict:find(atom_to_list(Re), Versions) of {ok, Vs} -> orddict:store(Re, Vs, Acc); error -> Acc end end, orddict:new(), Es), Pass1#pass1{versions = Exp_vsns} end. version_exports([], _Acc) -> []; version_exports([_|_] = _Vsns, Acc) -> [{list_to_atom(fname_prefix(info, Acc)), 3}, {list_to_atom(fname_prefix(convert, Acc)), 2}]. version_accessors(_L, #pass1{versions = []}) -> []; version_accessors(L, #pass1{versions = Vsns} = Acc) -> Flat_vsns = flat_versions(Vsns), [f_convert(Vsns, L, Acc), f_info_3(Vsns, L, Acc)] ++ [f_info_1(Rname, Acc, L, V) || {Rname,V} <- Flat_vsns]. flat_versions(Vsns) -> lists:flatmap(fun({R,Vs}) -> [{R,V} || V <- Vs] end, Vsns). split_recnames(Rs) -> lists:foldl( fun({R,_As}, Acc) -> case re:split(atom_to_list(R), "__", [{return, list}]) of [Base, V] -> orddict:append(Base,V,Acc); [_] -> Acc end end, orddict:new(), Rs). generate_specs(L, Specs, Acc) -> [[ {attribute, L, type, {fname(prop, R, Acc), {type, L, union, [{type, L, tuple, [{atom,L,A},T]} || {A,T} <- Attrs]}, []}}, {attribute, L, type, {fname(attr, R, Acc), {type, L, union, [{atom, L, A} || {A,_} <- Attrs]}, []}} ] || {R, Attrs} <- Specs, Attrs =/= []] ++ [[{attribute, L, type, {fname(prop, R, Acc), {type, L, any, []}, []}}, {attribute, L, type, {fname(attr, R, Acc), {type, L, any, []}, []}}] || {R, []} <- Specs]. generate_accessors(L, Acc) -> lists:flatten( [f_exported_recs(Acc, L), f_new_(Acc, L), f_info(Acc, L), f_info_2(Acc, L), f_pos_2(Acc, L), f_isrec_1(Acc, L), f_isrec_2(Acc, L), f_get(Acc, L), f_set(Acc, L), f_fromlist(Acc, L), f_frommap(Acc, L), f_lens_(Acc, L)| lists:append( lists:map( fun(Rname) -> Fields = get_flds(Rname, Acc), [f_new_0(Rname, L, Acc), f_new_1(Rname, L, Acc), f_get_2(Rname, Fields, L, Acc), f_set_2(Rname, Fields, L, Acc), f_fromlist_1(Rname, L, Acc), f_fromlist_2(Rname, Fields, L, Acc), f_frommap_1(Rname, L, Acc), f_frommap_2(Rname, L, Acc), f_pos_1(Rname, Fields, L, Acc), f_info_1(Rname, Acc, L), f_lens_1(Rname, Fields, L, Acc)] end, Acc#pass1.exports))] ++ version_accessors(L, Acc)). get_flds(Rname, #pass1{records = Rs}) -> {_, Flds} = lists:keyfind(Rname, 1, Rs), lists:map( fun({record_field,_, {atom,_,N}}) -> N; ({record_field,_, {atom,_,N}, _}) -> N; ({typed_record_field,{record_field,_,{atom,_,N}},_}) -> N; ({typed_record_field,{record_field,_,{atom,_,N},_},_}) -> N end, Flds). fname_prefix(Op, #pass1{prefix = Pat}) -> lists:flatten( lists:map(fun(operation) -> str(Op); (X) -> str(X) end, Pat)). %% fname_prefix(Op, #pass1{} = Acc) -> %% case Op of %% new -> "#new-"; %% get -> "#get-"; %% set -> "#set-"; %% fromlist -> "#fromlist-"; %% info -> "#info-"; %% pos -> "#pos-"; %% is_record -> "#is_record-"; %% convert -> "#convert-"; %% prop -> "#prop-"; %% attr -> "#attr-" %% end. %% fname_prefix(Op, Rname, Acc) -> %% fname_prefix(Op, Acc) ++ str(Rname). str(A) when is_atom(A) -> atom_to_list(A); str(S) when is_list(S) -> S. fname(Op, #pass1{} = Acc) -> list_to_atom(fname_prefix(Op, Acc)). %% list_to_atom(fname_prefix(Op, Acc)). fname(Op, Rname, #pass1{fname = FPat} = Acc) -> Prefix = fname_prefix(Op, Acc), list_to_atom( lists:flatten( lists:map(fun(prefix) -> str(Prefix); (record) -> str(Rname); (operation) -> str(Op); (X) -> str(X) end, FPat))). %% list_to_atom(fname_prefix(Op, Rname, Acc)). fname(Op, Rname, V, #pass1{vfname = VPat} = Acc) -> list_to_atom( lists:flatten( lists:map(fun(prefix) -> fname_prefix(Op, Acc); (operation) -> str(Op); (record) -> str(Rname); (version) -> str(V); (fname) -> str(fname(Op, Rname, Acc)); (X) -> str(X) end, VPat))). %% list_to_atom(fname_prefix(Op, Rname, Acc) ++ "__" ++ V). %%% Meta functions f_exported_recs(#pass1{exports = Es} = Acc, L) -> Fname = fname(exported_records, Acc), [funspec(L, Fname, [], t_list(L, [t_union(L, [t_atom(L, E) || E <- Es])])), {function, L, Fname, 0, [{clause, L, [], [], [erl_parse:abstract(Es, L)]}]} ]. %%% Accessor functions %%% f_new_(#pass1{exports = Es} = Acc, L) -> Fname = fname(new, Acc), [funspec(L, Fname, [ {[t_atom(L, E)], t_record(L, E)} || E <- Es ]), {function, L, fname(new, Acc), 1, [{clause, L, [{atom, L, Re}], [], [{call, L, {atom, L, fname(new, Re, Acc)}, []}]} || Re <- Es]} ]. f_new_0(Rname, L, Acc) -> Fname = fname(new, Rname, Acc), [funspec(L, Fname, [], t_record(L, Rname)), {function, L, fname(new, Rname, Acc), 0, [{clause, L, [], [], [{record, L, Rname, []}]}]} ]. f_new_1(Rname, L, Acc) -> Fname = fname(new, Rname, Acc), [funspec(L, Fname, [t_list(L, [t_prop(L, Rname, Acc)])], t_record(L, Rname)), {function, L, Fname, 1, [{clause, L, [{var, L, 'Vals'}], [], [{call, L, {atom, L, fname(set, Rname, Acc)}, [{var, L, 'Vals'}, {record, L, Rname, []} ]}] }]}]. funspec(L, Fname, [{H,_} | _] = Alts) -> Arity = length(H), {attribute, L, spec, {{Fname, Arity}, [{type, L, 'fun', [{type, L, product, Head}, Ret]} || {Head, Ret} <- Alts, no_empty_union(Head)]}}. no_empty_union({type,_,union,[]}) -> false; no_empty_union(T) when is_tuple(T) -> no_empty_union(tuple_to_list(T)); no_empty_union([H|T]) -> no_empty_union(H) andalso no_empty_union(T); no_empty_union(_) -> true. funspec(L, Fname, Head, Returns) -> Arity = length(Head), {attribute, L, spec, {{Fname, Arity}, [{type, L, 'fun', [{type, L, product, Head}, Returns]}]}}. t_prop(L, Rname, Acc) -> {user_type, L, fname(prop, Rname, Acc), []}. t_attr(L, Rname, Acc) -> {user_type, L, fname(attr, Rname, Acc), []}. t_union(L, Alt) -> {type, L, union, lists:usort(Alt)}. t_any(L) -> {type, L, any, []}. t_atom(L) -> {type, L, atom, []}. t_atom(L, A) -> {atom, L, A}. t_integer(L) -> {type, L, integer, []}. t_integer(L, I) -> {integer, L, I}. t_list(L, Es) -> {type, L, list, Es}. t_fun(L, As, Res) -> {type, L, 'fun', [{type, L, product, As}, Res]}. t_tuple(L, Es) -> {type, L, tuple, Es}. t_boolean(L) -> {type, L, boolean, []}. t_record(L, A) -> {type, L, record, [{atom, L, A}]}. t_map(L, Rname, Acc) -> {type, L, map, [{type, L, map_field_assoc, [t_atom(L, F), t_any(L)]} || F <- get_flds(Rname, Acc) ] }. f_set_2(Rname, Flds, L, Acc) -> Fname = fname(set, Rname, Acc), TRec = t_record(L, Rname), [funspec(L, Fname, [t_list(L, [t_prop(L, Rname, Acc)]), TRec], TRec), {function, L, Fname, 2, [{clause, L, [{var, L, 'Vals'}, {var, L, 'Rec'}], [], [{match, L, {var, L, 'F'}, {'fun', L, {clauses, [{clause, L, [{nil,L}, {var,L,'R'}, {var,L,'_F1'}], [], [{var, L, 'R'}]} | [{clause, L, [{cons, L, {tuple, L, [{atom, L, Attr}, {var, L, 'V'}]}, {var, L, 'T'}}, {var, L, 'R'}, {var, L, 'F1'}], [[{call, L, {atom, L, is_list}, [{var, L, 'T'}]}]], [{call, L, {var, L, 'F1'}, [{var,L,'T'}, {record, L, {var,L,'R'}, Rname, [{record_field, L, {atom, L, Attr}, {var, L, 'V'}}]}, {var, L, 'F1'}]}]} || Attr <- Flds] ++ [{clause, L, [{var, L, 'Vs'}, {var,L,'R'},{var,L,'_'}], [], [bad_record_op(L, Fname, 'Vs', 'R')]}] ]}}}, {call, L, {var, L, 'F'}, [{var, L, 'Vals'}, {var, L, 'Rec'}, {var, L, 'F'}]}]}]}]. bad_record_op(L, Fname, Val) -> {call, L, {remote, L, {atom,L,erlang}, {atom,L,error}}, [{atom,L,bad_record_op}, {cons, L, {atom, L, Fname}, {cons, L, {var, L, Val}, {nil, L}}}]}. bad_record_op(L, Fname, Val, R) -> {call, L, {remote, L, {atom,L,erlang}, {atom,L,error}}, [{atom,L,bad_record_op}, {cons, L, {atom, L, Fname}, {cons, L, {var, L, Val}, {cons, L, {var, L, R}, {nil, L}}}}]}. f_pos_1(Rname, Flds, L, Acc) -> Fname = fname(pos, Rname, Acc), FieldList = lists:zip(Flds, lists:seq(2, length(Flds)+1)), [ funspec(L, Fname, [t_union(L, [t_attr(L, Rname, Acc), t_atom(L)])], t_integer(L)), {function, L, Fname, 1, [{clause, L, [{atom, L, FldName}], [], [{integer, L, Pos}]} || {FldName, Pos} <- FieldList] ++ [{clause, L, [{var, L, 'A'}], [[{call, L, {atom, L, is_atom}, [{var, L, 'A'}]}]], [{integer, L, 0}]}] }]. f_frommap_1(Rname, L, Acc) -> Fname = fname(frommap, Rname, Acc), [ funspec(L, Fname, [t_map(L, Rname, Acc)], t_record(L, Rname)), {function, L, Fname, 1, [{clause, L, [{var, L, 'Vals'}], [[ {call, L, {atom, L, is_map}, [{var, L, 'Vals'}]} ]], [{call, L, {atom, L, Fname}, [{var, L, 'Vals'}, {call, L, {atom, L, fname(new, Rname, Acc)}, []}]} ]} ]}]. f_fromlist_1(Rname, L, Acc) -> Fname = fname(fromlist, Rname, Acc), [ funspec(L, Fname, [t_list(L, [t_prop(L, Rname, Acc)])], t_record(L, Rname)), {function, L, Fname, 1, [{clause, L, [{var, L, 'Vals'}], [[ {call, L, {atom, L, is_list}, [{var, L, 'Vals'}]} ]], [{call, L, {atom, L, Fname}, [{var, L, 'Vals'}, {call, L, {atom, L, fname(new, Rname, Acc)}, []}]} ]} ]}]. f_frommap_2(Rname, L, Acc) -> Fname = fname(frommap, Rname, Acc), TRec = t_record(L, Rname), [ funspec(L, Fname, [t_map(L, Rname, Acc), TRec], TRec), {function, L, Fname, 2, [{clause, L, [{var, L, 'Vals'}, {var, L, 'Rec'}], [], [{match, L, {var, L, 'List'}, {call, L, {remote, L, {atom, L, maps}, {atom, L, to_list}}, [{var, L, 'Vals'}] } }, {call, L, {atom, L, fname(fromlist, Rname, Acc)}, [{var, L, 'List'}, {var, L, 'Rec'}] } ]} ]}]. f_fromlist_2(Rname, Flds, L, Acc) -> Fname = fname(fromlist, Rname, Acc), FldList = field_list(Flds), TRec = t_record(L, Rname), [ funspec(L, Fname, [t_list(L, [t_prop(L, Rname, Acc)]), TRec], TRec), {function, L, Fname, 2, [{clause, L, [{var, L, 'Vals'}, {var, L, 'Rec'}], [], [{match, L, {var, L, 'AttrNames'}, FldList}, {match, L, {var, L, 'F'}, {'fun', L, {clauses, [{clause, L, [{nil, L}, {var, L,'R'}, {var, L,'_F1'}], [], [{var, L, 'R'}]}, {clause, L, [{cons, L, {tuple, L, [{var, L, 'H'}, {var, L, 'Pos'}]}, {var, L, 'T'}}, {var, L, 'R'}, {var, L, 'F1'}], [[{call, L, {atom, L, is_list}, [{var, L, 'T'}]}]], [{'case', L, {call, L, {remote, L, {atom,L,lists},{atom,L,keyfind}}, [{var,L,'H'},{integer,L,1},{var,L,'Vals'}]}, [{clause, L, [{atom,L,false}], [], [{call, L, {var, L, 'F1'}, [{var, L, 'T'}, {var, L, 'R'}, {var, L, 'F1'}]}]}, {clause, L, [{tuple, L, [{var,L,'_'},{var,L,'Val'}]}], [], [{call, L, {var, L, 'F1'}, [{var, L, 'T'}, {call, L, {atom, L, 'setelement'}, [{var, L, 'Pos'}, {var, L, 'R'}, {var, L, 'Val'}]}, {var, L, 'F1'}]}]} ]} ]} ]}}}, {call, L, {var, L, 'F'}, [{var, L, 'AttrNames'}, {var, L, 'Rec'}, {var, L, 'F'}]} ]} ]}]. field_list(Flds) -> erl_parse:abstract( lists:zip(Flds, lists:seq(2, length(Flds)+1))). f_get_2(R, Flds, L, Acc) -> FName = fname(get, R, Acc), {_, Types} = lists:keyfind(R, 1, Acc#pass1.record_types), [funspec(L, FName, [{[t_atom(L, A), t_record(L, R)], T} || {A, T} <- Types] ++ [{[t_list(L, [t_attr(L, R, Acc)]), t_record(L, R)], t_list(L, [t_any(L)])}] ), {function, L, FName, 2, [{clause, L, [{var, L, 'Attrs'}, {var, L, 'R'}], [[{call, L, {atom, L, is_list}, [{var, L, 'Attrs'}]}]], [{lc, L, {call, L, {atom, L, FName}, [{var, L, 'A'}, {var, L, 'R'}]}, [{generate, L, {var, L, 'A'}, {var, L, 'Attrs'}}]}] } | [{clause, L, [{atom, L, Attr}, {var, L, 'R'}], [], [{record_field, L, {var, L, 'R'}, R, {atom, L, Attr}}]} || Attr <- Flds]] ++ [{clause, L, [{var, L, 'Attr'}, {var, L, 'R'}], [], [bad_record_op(L, FName, 'Attr', 'R')]}] }]. f_info(Acc, L) -> Fname = list_to_atom(fname_prefix(info, Acc)), [funspec(L, Fname, [{[t_atom(L, R)], t_list(L, [t_attr(L, R, Acc)])} || R <- Acc#pass1.exports]), {function, L, Fname, 1, [{clause, L, [{var, L, 'RecName'}], [], [{call, L, {atom, L, Fname}, [{var, L, 'RecName'}, {atom, L, fields}]}] }]} ]. f_isrec_2(#pass1{records = Rs, exports = Es} = Acc, L) -> Fname = list_to_atom(fname_prefix(is_record, Acc)), Info = [{R,length(As) + 1} || {R,As} <- Rs, lists:member(R, Es)], [%% This contract is correct, but is ignored by Dialyzer because it %% has overlapping domains: %% funspec(L, Fname, %% [{[t_atom(L, R), t_record(L, R)], t_atom(L, true)} %% || R <- Es] ++ %% [{[t_any(L), t_any(L)], t_atom(L, false)}]), %% This is less specific, but more useful to Dialyzer: funspec(L, Fname, [{[t_any(L), t_any(L)], t_boolean(L)}]), {function, L, Fname, 2, lists:map( fun({R, Ln}) -> {clause, L, [{atom, L, R}, {var, L, 'Rec'}], [[{op,L,'==', {call, L, {atom,L,tuple_size},[{var,L,'Rec'}]}, {integer, L, Ln}}, {op,L,'==', {call,L,{atom,L,element},[{integer,L,1}, {var,L,'Rec'}]}, {atom, L, R}}]], [{atom, L, true}]} end, Info) ++ [{clause, L, [{var,L,'_'}, {var,L,'_'}], [], [{atom, L, false}]}]} ]. f_info_2(Acc, L) -> Fname = list_to_atom(fname_prefix(info, Acc)), [funspec(L, Fname, lists:flatmap( fun(Rname) -> Flds = get_flds(Rname, Acc), TRec = t_atom(L, Rname), [{[TRec, t_atom(L, size)], t_integer(L, length(Flds)+1)}, {[TRec, t_atom(L, fields)], t_list(L, [t_attr(L, Rname, Acc)])}] end, Acc#pass1.exports)), {function, L, Fname, 2, [{clause, L, [{atom, L, R}, {var, L, 'Info'}], [], [{call, L, {atom, L, fname(info, R, Acc)}, [{var, L, 'Info'}]}]} || R <- Acc#pass1.exports]} ]. f_info_3(Versions, L, Acc) -> Fname = list_to_atom(fname_prefix(info, Acc)), [ {function, L, Fname, 3, [{clause, L, [{atom, L, R}, {var, L, 'Info'}, {string, L, V}], [], [{call, L, {atom, L, fname(info,R,V,Acc)}, [{var, L, 'Info'}]}]} || {R,V} <- flat_versions(Versions)]} ]. f_pos_2(#pass1{exports = Es} = Acc, L) -> Fname = list_to_atom(fname_prefix(pos, Acc)), [ funspec(L, Fname, lists:flatmap( fun(R) -> Flds = get_flds(R, Acc), %% PFlds = lists:zip( %% lists:seq(2, length(Flds)+1), Flds), Ps = lists:seq(2, length(Flds)+1), [{[t_atom(L, R), t_union( L, ([t_atom(L, F) || F <- Flds] ++ [t_atom(L)]))], t_union(L, ([t_integer(L, P) || P <- Ps] ++ [t_integer(L, 0)]))}] %% [{[t_atom(L, R), t_atom(L, A)], %% t_integer(L, P)} || {P,A} <- PFlds] %% ++ [{[t_atom(L, R), t_any(L)], %% t_integer(L, 0)}] end, Es)), {function, L, Fname, 2, [{clause, L, [{atom, L, R}, {var, L, 'Attr'}], [], [{call, L, {atom, L, fname(pos, R, Acc)}, [{var, L, 'Attr'}]}]} || R <- Acc#pass1.exports]} ]. f_isrec_1(Acc, L) -> Fname = list_to_atom(fname_prefix(is_record, Acc)), [%% This contract is correct, but is ignored by Dialyzer because it %% has overlapping domains: %% funspec(L, Fname, %% [{[t_record(L, R)], t_atom(L, true)} %% || R <- Acc#pass1.exports] %% ++ [{[t_any(L)], t_atom(L, false)}]), %% This is less specific, but more useful to Dialyzer: funspec(L, Fname, [{[t_any(L)], t_boolean(L)}]), {function, L, Fname, 1, [{clause, L, [{var, L, 'X'}], [], [{'if',L, [{clause, L, [], [[{call, L, {atom,L,is_record}, [{var,L,'X'},{atom,L,R}]}]], [{atom,L,true}]} || R <- Acc#pass1.exports] ++ [{clause,L, [], [[{atom,L,true}]], [{atom, L, false}]}]}]} ]} ]. f_get(#pass1{record_types = RTypes, exports = Es} = Acc, L) -> Fname = list_to_atom(fname_prefix(get, Acc)), [funspec(L, Fname, lists:append( [[{[t_atom(L, A), t_record(L, R)], T} || {A, T} <- Types] || {R, Types} <- RTypes, lists:member(R, Es)]) ++ [{[t_list(L, [t_attr(L, R, Acc)]), t_record(L, R)], t_list(L, [t_union(L, [Ts || {_, Ts} <- Types])])} || {R, Types} <- RTypes, lists:member(R, Es)] ), {function, L, Fname, 2, [{clause, L, [{var, L, 'Attrs'}, {var, L, 'Rec'}], [[{call, L, {atom, L, is_record}, [{var, L, 'Rec'}, {atom, L, R}]}]], [{call, L, {atom, L, fname(get, R, Acc)}, [{var, L, 'Attrs'}, {var, L, 'Rec'}]}]} || R <- Es]} ]. f_set(Acc, L) -> Fname = list_to_atom(fname_prefix(set, Acc)), [funspec(L, Fname, lists:map( fun(Rname) -> TRec = t_record(L, Rname), {[t_list(L, [t_prop(L, Rname, Acc)]), TRec], TRec} end, Acc#pass1.exports)), {function, L, Fname, 2, [{clause, L, [{var, L, 'Vals'}, {var, L, 'Rec'}], [[{call, L, {atom, L, is_record}, [{var, L, 'Rec'}, {atom, L, R}]}]], [{call, L, {atom, L, fname(set, R, Acc)}, [{var, L, 'Vals'}, {var, L, 'Rec'}]}]} || R <- Acc#pass1.exports]} ]. f_fromlist(Acc, L) -> Fname = list_to_atom(fname_prefix(fromlist, Acc)), [funspec(L, Fname, lists:map( fun(Rname) -> TRec = t_record(L, Rname), {[t_list(L, [t_prop(L, Rname, Acc)]), TRec], TRec} end, Acc#pass1.exports)), {function, L, Fname, 2, [{clause, L, [{var, L, 'Vals'}, {var, L, 'Rec'}], [[{call, L, {atom, L, is_record}, [{var, L, 'Rec'}, {atom, L, R}]}]], [{call, L, {atom, L, fname(fromlist, R, Acc)}, [{var, L, 'Vals'}, {var, L, 'Rec'}]}]} || R <- Acc#pass1.exports]} ]. f_frommap(Acc, L) -> Fname = list_to_atom(fname_prefix(frommap, Acc)), [funspec(L, Fname, lists:map( fun(Rname) -> TRec = t_record(L, Rname), {[t_map(L, Rname, Acc), TRec], TRec} end, Acc#pass1.exports)), {function, L, Fname, 2, [{clause, L, [{var, L, 'Vals'}, {var, L, 'Rec'}], [[{call, L, {atom, L, is_record}, [{var, L, 'Rec'}, {atom, L, R}]}]], [{call, L, {atom, L, fname(frommap, R, Acc)}, [{var, L, 'Vals'}, {var, L, 'Rec'}]}]} || R <- Acc#pass1.exports]} ]. f_info_1(Rname, Acc, L) -> Fname = fname(info, Rname, Acc), Flds = get_flds(Rname, Acc), [funspec(L, Fname, [{[t_atom(L, fields)], t_list(L, [t_union(L, [t_atom(L,F) || F <- Flds])])}, {[t_atom(L, size)], t_integer(L, length(Flds)+1)}]), {function, L, Fname, 1, [{clause, L, [{atom, L, fields}], [], [{call, L, {atom, L, record_info}, [{atom, L, fields}, {atom, L, Rname}]}] }, {clause, L, [{atom, L, size}], [], [{call, L, {atom, L, record_info}, [{atom, L, size}, {atom, L, Rname}]}] }]} ]. f_info_1(Rname, Acc, L, V) -> f_info_1(recname(Rname, V), Acc, L). recname(Rname, V) -> list_to_atom(lists:concat([Rname,"__",V])). f_convert(_Vsns, L, Acc) -> {function, L, fname(convert, Acc), 2, [{clause, L, [{var, L, 'FromVsn'}, {var, L, 'Rec'}], [[{call,L,{atom, L, is_tuple}, [{var, L, 'Rec'}]}]], [{match, L, {var, L, 'Rname'}, {call, L, {atom, L, element}, [{integer, L, 1}, {var, 1, 'Rec'}]}}, {match,L,{var,L,'Size'}, {call, L, {atom, L, fname(info, Acc)}, [{var,L,'Rname'}, {atom, L, size}, {var,L,'FromVsn'}]}}, {match, L, {var, L, 'Size'}, {call, L, {atom, L, size}, [{var, L, 'Rec'}]}}, %% %% {match, L, {var, L, 'Old_fields'}, %% {call, L, {atom,L,fname(info, Acc)}, %% [{var,L,'Rname'},{atom,L,fields},{var,L,'FromVsn'}]}}, {match, L, {var, L, 'New_fields'}, {call, L, {atom,L,fname(info, Acc)}, [{var,L,'Rname'},{atom,L,fields}]}}, {match, L, {var, L, 'Values'}, {call, L, {remote, L, {atom, L, lists}, {atom, L, zip}}, [{call, L, {atom,L,fname(info, Acc)}, [{var,L,'Rname'},{atom,L,fields},{var,L,'FromVsn'}]}, {call, L, {atom, L, 'tl'}, [{call, L, {atom, L, tuple_to_list}, [{var, L, 'Rec'}]}]}]}}, {match, L, {tuple, L, [{var, L, 'Matching'}, {var, L, 'Discarded'}]}, {call, L, {remote, L, {atom, L, lists}, {atom, L, partition}}, [{'fun',L, {clauses, [{clause,L, [{tuple,L,[{var,L,'F'},{var,L,'_'}]}], [], [{call,L, {remote,L,{atom,L,lists},{atom,L,member}}, [{var, L, 'F'}, {var,L,'New_fields'}]}]}]}}, {var, L, 'Values'}]}}, {tuple, L, [{call, L, {atom, L, fname(set, Acc)}, [{var, L, 'Matching'}, {call, L, {atom, L, fname(new, Acc)}, [{var, L, 'Rname'}]}]}, {var, L, 'Discarded'}]}] }]}. f_lens_(#pass1{exports = Es} = Acc, L) -> Fname = fname(lens, Acc), [ funspec(L, Fname, [ {[t_attr(L, Rname, Acc), t_atom(L, Rname)], t_tuple(L, [t_fun(L, [t_record(L, Rname)], t_any(L)), t_fun(L, [t_any(L), t_record(L, Rname)], t_record(L, Rname))])} || Rname <- Es]), {function, L, Fname, 2, [{clause, L, [{var, L, 'Attr'}, {atom, L, Re}], [], [{call, L, {atom, L, fname(lens, Re, Acc)}, [{var, L, 'Attr'}]}]} || Re <- Es]} ]. f_lens_1(Rname, Flds, L, Acc) -> Fname = fname(lens, Rname, Acc), [funspec(L, Fname, [ {[t_attr(L, Rname, Acc)], t_tuple(L, [t_fun(L, [t_record(L, Rname)], t_any(L)), t_fun(L, [t_any(L), t_record(L, Rname)], t_record(L, Rname))])} ]), {function, L, Fname, 1, [{clause, L, [{atom, L, Attr}], [], [{tuple, L, [{'fun', L, {clauses, [{clause, L, [{var, L, 'R'}], [], [{call, L, {atom, L, fname(get, Rname, Acc)}, [{atom, L, Attr}, {var, L, 'R'}]}]} ]}}, {'fun', L, {clauses, [{clause, L, [{var, L, 'X'}, {var, L, 'R'}], [], [{call, L, {atom, L, fname(set, Rname, Acc)}, [{cons,L, {tuple, L, [{atom, L, Attr}, {var, L, 'X'}]}, {nil,L}}, {var, L, 'R'}]}] }]}} ]}]} || Attr <- Flds] ++ [{clause, L, [{var, L, 'Attr'}], [], [bad_record_op(L, Fname, 'Attr')]}] }]. %%% ========== generic parse_transform stuff ============== -spec context(atom(), #context{}) -> term(). %% @hidden context(module, #context{module = M} ) -> M; context(function, #context{function = F}) -> F; context(arity, #context{arity = A} ) -> A. rpt_error(Reason, Fun, Info) -> Fmt = lists:flatten( ["*** ERROR in parse_transform function:~n" "*** Reason = ~p~n", "*** Location: ~p~n", ["*** ~10w = ~p~n" || _ <- Info]]), Args = [Reason, Fun | lists:foldr( fun({K,V}, Acc) -> [K, V | Acc] end, [], Info)], io:format(Fmt, Args). -spec format_error({atom(), term()}) -> iolist(). %% @hidden format_error({_Cat, Error}) -> Error.