Feature: Skip deleting the remote branch when shipping the current branch When using GitHub's feature to automatically delete head branches of pull requests. I want "git ship" to skip deleting the remote feature branch So that I can keep using Git Town in this situation. Background: Given my code base has a feature branch named "feature" And the following commits exist in my repo | BRANCH | LOCATION | MESSAGE | FILE NAME | | feature | local, remote | feature commit | feature_file | And I am on the "feature" branch And my repo has "git-town.ship-delete-remote-branch" set to "false" When I run "git-town ship -m 'feature done'" And the remote deletes the "feature" branch Scenario: result Then it runs the commands | BRANCH | COMMAND | | feature | git fetch --prune --tags | | | git checkout main | | main | git rebase origin/main | | | git checkout feature | | feature | git merge --no-edit origin/feature | | | git merge --no-edit main | | | git checkout main | | main | git merge --squash feature | | | git commit -m "feature done" | | | git push | | | git branch -D feature | And I end up on the "main" branch And the existing branches are | REPOSITORY | BRANCHES | | local | main | | remote | main | And my repo now has the following commits | BRANCH | LOCATION | MESSAGE | FILE NAME | | main | local, remote | feature done | feature_file | Scenario: undo When I run "git-town undo" Then it runs the commands | BRANCH | COMMAND | | main | git branch feature {{ sha 'feature commit' }} | | | git revert {{ sha 'feature done' }} | | | git push | | | git checkout feature | | feature | git checkout main | | main | git checkout feature | And I end up on the "feature" branch And my repo now has the following commits | BRANCH | LOCATION | MESSAGE | FILE NAME | | main | local, remote | feature done | feature_file | | | | Revert "feature done" | feature_file | | feature | local | feature commit | feature_file |