// Copyright 2019 Google LLC // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package main import ( "fmt" "log" "os" "time" "unsafe" ) type FooInterface interface { Bar() } type FooStruct struct { a int b string } func (f *FooStruct) Bar() {} type myInt int16 var ( Z_bool_false bool = false Z_bool_true bool = true Z_int int = -21 Z_int8 int8 = -121 Z_int16 int16 = -32321 Z_int32 int32 = -1987654321 Z_int64 int64 = -9012345678987654321 Z_int_typedef myInt = 88 Z_uint uint = 21 Z_uint8 uint8 = 231 Z_uint16 uint16 = 54321 Z_uint32 uint32 = 3217654321 Z_uint64 uint64 = 12345678900987654321 Z_uintptr uintptr = 21 Z_float32 float32 = 1.54321 Z_float64 float64 = 1.987654321 Z_complex64 complex64 = 1.54321 + 2.54321i Z_complex128 complex128 = 1.987654321 - 2.987654321i Z_array [5]int8 = [5]int8{-121, 121, 3, 2, 1} Z_array_empty [0]int8 = [0]int8{} Z_array_of_empties [2]struct{} = [2]struct{}{{}, {}} Z_channel chan int16 = make(chan int16) Z_channel_2 chan int16 = make(chan int16) Z_channel_buffered chan int16 = make(chan int16, 10) Z_channel_nil chan int16 Z_func_bar = (*FooStruct).Bar Z_func_int8_r_int8 = func(x int8) int8 { return x + 1 } Z_func_int8_r_pint8 = func(x int8) *int8 { y := x + 1; return &y } Z_func_nil func(x int8) int8 = nil Z_interface FooInterface = &Z_struct Z_interface_typed_nil FooInterface = Z_pointer_nil Z_interface_nil FooInterface Z_map map[int8]float32 = map[int8]float32{-21: 3.54321} Z_map_2 map[int16]int8 = map[int16]int8{1024: 1} Z_map_3 map[int16]int8 = map[int16]int8{1024: 1, 512: -1} Z_map_empty map[int8]float32 = map[int8]float32{} Z_map_nil map[int8]float32 Z_pointer *FooStruct = &Z_struct Z_pointer_nil *FooStruct Z_slice []byte = []byte{'s', 'l', 'i', 'c', 'e'} Z_slice_2 []int8 = Z_array[0:2] Z_slice_nil []byte Z_string string = "I'm a string" Z_struct FooStruct = FooStruct{a: 21, b: "hi"} Z_unsafe_pointer unsafe.Pointer = unsafe.Pointer(&Z_uint) Z_unsafe_pointer_nil unsafe.Pointer ) func foo(x int16, y float32) { var ( local_array [5]int8 = [5]int8{-121, 121, 3, 2, 1} local_bool_false bool = false local_bool_true bool = true local_channel chan int16 = Z_channel local_channel_buffered chan int16 = Z_channel_buffered local_channel_nil chan int16 local_complex128 complex128 = 1.987654321 - 2.987654321i local_complex64 complex64 = 1.54321 + 2.54321i local_float32 float32 = 1.54321 local_float64 float64 = 1.987654321 local_func_bar = (*FooStruct).Bar local_func_int8_r_int8 = func(x int8) int8 { return x + 1 } local_func_int8_r_pint8 = func(x int8) *int8 { y := x + 1; return &y } local_func_nil func(x int8) int8 = nil local_int int = -21 local_int16 int16 = -32321 local_int32 int32 = -1987654321 local_int64 int64 = -9012345678987654321 local_int8 int8 = -121 local_int_typedef myInt = 88 local_interface FooInterface = &Z_struct local_interface_nil FooInterface local_interface_typed_nil FooInterface = Z_pointer_nil local_map map[int8]float32 = map[int8]float32{-21: 3.54321} local_map_2 map[int16]int8 = map[int16]int8{1024: 1} local_map_3 map[int16]int8 = map[int16]int8{1024: 1, 512: -1} local_map_empty map[int8]float32 = map[int8]float32{} local_map_nil map[int8]float32 local_pointer *FooStruct = &Z_struct local_pointer_nil *FooStruct local_slice []byte = []byte{'s', 'l', 'i', 'c', 'e'} local_slice_2 []int8 = Z_array[0:2] local_slice_nil []byte local_string string = "I'm a string" local_struct FooStruct = FooStruct{a: 21, b: "hi"} local_uint uint = 21 local_uint16 uint16 = 54321 local_uint32 uint32 = 3217654321 local_uint64 uint64 = 12345678900987654321 local_uint8 uint8 = 231 local_uintptr uintptr = 21 local_unsafe_pointer unsafe.Pointer = unsafe.Pointer(&Z_uint) local_unsafe_pointer_nil unsafe.Pointer ) fmt.Println(Z_bool_false, Z_bool_true) fmt.Println(Z_int, Z_int8, Z_int16, Z_int32, Z_int64, Z_int_typedef) fmt.Println(Z_uint, Z_uint8, Z_uint16, Z_uint32, Z_uint64, Z_uintptr) fmt.Println(Z_float32, Z_float64, Z_complex64, Z_complex128) fmt.Println(Z_array, Z_array_empty, Z_array_of_empties) fmt.Println(Z_channel, Z_channel_buffered, Z_channel_nil) fmt.Println(Z_func_bar, Z_func_int8_r_int8, Z_func_int8_r_pint8, Z_func_nil) fmt.Println(Z_interface, Z_interface_nil, Z_interface_typed_nil) fmt.Println(Z_map, Z_map_2, Z_map_3, Z_map_empty, Z_map_nil) fmt.Println(Z_pointer, Z_pointer_nil) fmt.Println(Z_slice, Z_slice_2, Z_slice_nil) fmt.Println(Z_string, Z_struct) fmt.Println(Z_unsafe_pointer, Z_unsafe_pointer_nil) fmt.Println(local_bool_false, local_bool_true) fmt.Println(local_int, local_int8, local_int16, local_int32, local_int64, local_int_typedef) fmt.Println(local_uint, local_uint8, local_uint16, local_uint32, local_uint64, local_uintptr) fmt.Println(local_float32, local_float64, local_complex64, local_complex128, local_array) fmt.Println(local_channel, local_channel_buffered, local_channel_nil) fmt.Println(local_func_bar, local_func_int8_r_int8, local_func_int8_r_pint8, local_func_nil) fmt.Println(local_interface, local_interface_nil, local_interface_typed_nil) fmt.Println(local_map, local_map_2, local_map_3, local_map_empty, local_map_nil) fmt.Println(local_pointer, local_pointer_nil) fmt.Println(local_slice, local_slice_2, local_slice_nil) fmt.Println(local_string, local_struct) fmt.Println(local_unsafe_pointer, local_unsafe_pointer_nil) f1() f2() } func f1() { fmt.Println() } func f2() { fmt.Println() } func bar() { foo(42, 1.5) fmt.Print() } func populateChannels() { go func() { Z_channel_2 <- 8 }() go func() { for i := int16(0); i < 14; i++ { Z_channel_buffered <- i } }() go func() { for i := 0; i < 8; i++ { <-Z_channel_buffered } }() time.Sleep(time.Second / 20) } func main() { args := os.Args[1:] expected := []string{"some", "arguments"} if len(args) != 2 || args[0] != expected[0] || args[1] != expected[1] { log.Fatalf("got command-line args %v, expected %v", args, expected) } populateChannels() for ; ; time.Sleep(2 * time.Second) { bar() } select {} }