Project GTGT / release <#3.2.0#> -- ChangeLog gtgt (pronounce gittygitty): general(or gnu)-template-generation-tools Copyright (C) 2001/2002/2003/2004/2005/2006/2007/2008/2009 karsten reincke ------------------------------------------------------- This file is part of of the software-project GTGT. GTGT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. GTGT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. Please see the file COPYING for details. ------------------------------------------------------- For details see or read the file COPYING ------------------------------------------------------- 2009-01-10 :- published gtgt release 3.2.0 - changerelease improved 2008-12-25 :- - !/bin/sh replaced by !/bin/bash because of "function" 2007-04-09 : - - retest of gtgt under ubuntu dapper drake (6.06) - update onto automake 1.9, autoconf 2.13.56, autogen - renaming of prepare-cvs-commit into - automatically import of generated .cvsignore-files into the subversion property-list using the command "svn propset svn:ignore -F .cvsignore .". This command will be executed in all directories if it has already been set und subversion control (.svn-directory exists) 2004-??-?? : - published release 2.1 - inserted the new maintainer mail adress 2003-02-22 : - published release 2.0 - automatically generated prj.spec - file for building the corresponding rpm - some improvements concerning the file headers and their licence-headers 2002-06-16 : - AC_PROG_RANLIB\nAM_PROG_LIBTOOL replaced by AC_PROG_LIBTOOL accordingliy to libtool release 1.3.d (thanks to ralph schunk for this hint) 2002-05-27 : - gptg now writes an improved version of the reconf-script 2002-05-12 : - scripts prepared for usage with automake 1.6.x ... - libtoolize integrated into reconf file for generating the link (Note: you might meet the following bug-messages: "Using `AC_PROG_RANLIB' is rendered obsolete by `AC_PROG_LIBTOOL' You should add the contents of `...libtool.m4' to `aclocal.m4'" This messages seems to be evoked by an incompatibility between automake, aclocal and libtools. But not to call libtoolize evokes that the there won't be generatd a link to the - script. Therefore you can and should ignore this libtool.m4-fault message. ) - reconf now regenerates all derivatable files and links - a will be generated which deletes all derivatable files and links < using make distclean and the knowledge about the autoconf/automake files and links > and which generates intial versions of .cvsignore files containing those files and links which are derivatable using reconf, autoconf and automake ... - some minor bug-fixes 2001-03-02 : - namespace gtgt as example inserted - better respecting of the c++ coding standard * arguments will have the prefix p for parameters, * membervariables will have the prefix m 2001-02-02 : - version 1.0.0 reachable under - version 1.0.0 published under sourceforge 2001-02-02 : - replacing of old email-adresses - document revision - integration of new host addrees 2001-01-02 : - speaking function/class names integrated - better structure of comments integrated - template of shared-library-module and static-library-module unified to one library-module, which is now used by the shared and the static library - better version of giving library a release number in accordance to libtool 2000-31-12 ... : realization of gtgt sourceforge home 2000-01-12 2000-20-11 : gtgt-0.9.tar.gz published 2000-19-11 : hosting on prepared 2000-18-11 : hosting on sourceforge prepared documentation has been corrected 2000-17-11 : change-release-script will now also be created multiple bugs fixed 2000-15-11 : added 'Doxyconf' into toplevel-DIST 2000-15-11: exchange of project- and filename in fixed replace COPYING by company-license in company-case fixed 2000-14-11 : gtgt-0.8.1 published 2000-13-11 : insert of -DLinux -Wall -ansi -pedantic into compile-flags and clearing all warnings evoking facts clearing little bugs 2000-02-11 : gtgt-0.8 published 2000-01-11 : integration the cvs-compatibility 2000-31-10 : integrating the doxygen-documentation-style version 0.6 2000-05-24 : writing the documentation into gspt_index.html 2000-05-23 : actualizing the gnu-standard-files (like ChangeLog ;-) ) 2000-05-23 : adding the external made scripts gcng, gscg + gptg 2000-05-23 : generating the default projekt-development-template