/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.blockmanagement; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import java.io.File; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.CommonConfigurationKeysPublic; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.StorageType; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSConfigKeys; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSTestUtil; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.HdfsConfiguration; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.TestBlockStoragePolicy; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.HdfsConstants; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.NameNode; import org.apache.hadoop.net.NetworkTopology; import org.apache.hadoop.net.NetworkTopologyWithNodeGroup; import org.apache.hadoop.net.Node; import org.apache.hadoop.test.PathUtils; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; public class TestReplicationPolicyWithNodeGroup { private static final int BLOCK_SIZE = 1024; private static final int NUM_OF_DATANODES = 8; private static final int NUM_OF_DATANODES_BOUNDARY = 6; private static final int NUM_OF_DATANODES_MORE_TARGETS = 12; private static final int NUM_OF_DATANODES_FOR_DEPENDENCIES = 6; private final Configuration CONF = new HdfsConfiguration(); private NetworkTopology cluster; private NameNode namenode; private BlockPlacementPolicy replicator; private static final String filename = "/dummyfile.txt"; private static final DatanodeStorageInfo[] storages; private static final DatanodeDescriptor[] dataNodes; static { final String[] racks = { "/d1/r1/n1", "/d1/r1/n1", "/d1/r1/n2", "/d1/r2/n3", "/d1/r2/n3", "/d1/r2/n4", "/d2/r3/n5", "/d2/r3/n6" }; storages = DFSTestUtil.createDatanodeStorageInfos(racks); dataNodes = DFSTestUtil.toDatanodeDescriptor(storages); } private static final DatanodeStorageInfo[] storagesInBoundaryCase; private static final DatanodeDescriptor[] dataNodesInBoundaryCase; static { final String[] racksInBoundaryCase = { "/d1/r1/n1", "/d1/r1/n1", "/d1/r1/n1", "/d1/r1/n2", "/d1/r2/n3", "/d1/r2/n3" }; storagesInBoundaryCase = DFSTestUtil.createDatanodeStorageInfos(racksInBoundaryCase); dataNodesInBoundaryCase = DFSTestUtil.toDatanodeDescriptor(storagesInBoundaryCase); } private static final DatanodeStorageInfo[] storagesInMoreTargetsCase; private final static DatanodeDescriptor[] dataNodesInMoreTargetsCase; static { final String[] racksInMoreTargetsCase = { "/r1/n1", "/r1/n1", "/r1/n2", "/r1/n2", "/r1/n3", "/r1/n3", "/r2/n4", "/r2/n4", "/r2/n5", "/r2/n5", "/r2/n6", "/r2/n6" }; storagesInMoreTargetsCase = DFSTestUtil.createDatanodeStorageInfos(racksInMoreTargetsCase); dataNodesInMoreTargetsCase = DFSTestUtil.toDatanodeDescriptor(storagesInMoreTargetsCase); }; private final static DatanodeDescriptor NODE = new DatanodeDescriptor(DFSTestUtil.getDatanodeDescriptor("", "/d2/r4/n7")); private static final DatanodeStorageInfo[] storagesForDependencies; private static final DatanodeDescriptor[] dataNodesForDependencies; static { final String[] racksForDependencies = { "/d1/r1/n1", "/d1/r1/n1", "/d1/r1/n2", "/d1/r1/n2", "/d1/r1/n3", "/d1/r1/n4" }; final String[] hostNamesForDependencies = { "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6" }; storagesForDependencies = DFSTestUtil.createDatanodeStorageInfos( racksForDependencies, hostNamesForDependencies); dataNodesForDependencies = DFSTestUtil.toDatanodeDescriptor(storagesForDependencies); }; @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { FileSystem.setDefaultUri(CONF, "hdfs://localhost:0"); CONF.set(DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_HTTP_ADDRESS_KEY, ""); // Set properties to make HDFS aware of NodeGroup. CONF.set(DFSConfigKeys.DFS_BLOCK_REPLICATOR_CLASSNAME_KEY, BlockPlacementPolicyWithNodeGroup.class.getName()); CONF.set(CommonConfigurationKeysPublic.NET_TOPOLOGY_IMPL_KEY, NetworkTopologyWithNodeGroup.class.getName()); CONF.setBoolean(DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_AVOID_STALE_DATANODE_FOR_WRITE_KEY, true); File baseDir = PathUtils.getTestDir(TestReplicationPolicyWithNodeGroup.class); CONF.set(DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_NAME_DIR_KEY, new File(baseDir, "name").getPath()); DFSTestUtil.formatNameNode(CONF); namenode = new NameNode(CONF); final BlockManager bm = namenode.getNamesystem().getBlockManager(); replicator = bm.getBlockPlacementPolicy(); cluster = bm.getDatanodeManager().getNetworkTopology(); // construct network topology for(int i=0; i targetSet = new HashSet(); for(DatanodeStorageInfo storage:targets) { final DatanodeDescriptor node = storage.getDatanodeDescriptor(); String nodeGroup = NetworkTopology.getLastHalf(node.getNetworkLocation()); if(targetSet.contains(nodeGroup)) { return false; } else { targetSet.add(nodeGroup); } } return true; } private boolean isOnSameRack(DatanodeStorageInfo left, DatanodeStorageInfo right) { return isOnSameRack(left.getDatanodeDescriptor(), right); } private boolean isOnSameRack(DatanodeDescriptor left, DatanodeStorageInfo right) { return cluster.isOnSameRack(left, right.getDatanodeDescriptor()); } private boolean isOnSameNodeGroup(DatanodeStorageInfo left, DatanodeStorageInfo right) { return isOnSameNodeGroup(left.getDatanodeDescriptor(), right); } private boolean isOnSameNodeGroup(DatanodeDescriptor left, DatanodeStorageInfo right) { return cluster.isOnSameNodeGroup(left, right.getDatanodeDescriptor()); } private DatanodeStorageInfo[] chooseTarget(int numOfReplicas) { return chooseTarget(numOfReplicas, dataNodes[0]); } private DatanodeStorageInfo[] chooseTarget(int numOfReplicas, DatanodeDescriptor writer) { return chooseTarget(numOfReplicas, writer, new ArrayList()); } private DatanodeStorageInfo[] chooseTarget(int numOfReplicas, List chosenNodes) { return chooseTarget(numOfReplicas, dataNodes[0], chosenNodes); } private DatanodeStorageInfo[] chooseTarget(int numOfReplicas, DatanodeDescriptor writer, List chosenNodes) { return chooseTarget(numOfReplicas, writer, chosenNodes, null); } private DatanodeStorageInfo[] chooseTarget( int numOfReplicas, DatanodeDescriptor writer, List chosenNodes, Set excludedNodes) { return replicator.chooseTarget(filename, numOfReplicas, writer, chosenNodes, false, excludedNodes, BLOCK_SIZE, TestBlockStoragePolicy.DEFAULT_STORAGE_POLICY); } /** * In this testcase, client is dataNodes[0]. So the 1st replica should be * placed on dataNodes[0], the 2nd replica should be placed on * different rack and third should be placed on different node (and node group) * of rack chosen for 2nd node. * The only excpetion is when the numOfReplicas is 2, * the 1st is on dataNodes[0] and the 2nd is on a different rack. * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testChooseTarget1() throws Exception { updateHeartbeatWithUsage(dataNodes[0], 2*HdfsConstants.MIN_BLOCKS_FOR_WRITE*BLOCK_SIZE, 0L, HdfsConstants.MIN_BLOCKS_FOR_WRITE*BLOCK_SIZE, 0L, 0L, 0L, 4, 0); // overloaded DatanodeStorageInfo[] targets; targets = chooseTarget(0); assertEquals(targets.length, 0); targets = chooseTarget(1); assertEquals(targets.length, 1); assertEquals(storages[0], targets[0]); targets = chooseTarget(2); assertEquals(targets.length, 2); assertEquals(storages[0], targets[0]); assertFalse(isOnSameRack(targets[0], targets[1])); targets = chooseTarget(3); assertEquals(targets.length, 3); assertEquals(storages[0], targets[0]); assertFalse(isOnSameRack(targets[0], targets[1])); assertTrue(isOnSameRack(targets[1], targets[2])); assertFalse(isOnSameNodeGroup(targets[1], targets[2])); targets = chooseTarget(4); assertEquals(targets.length, 4); assertEquals(storages[0], targets[0]); assertTrue(isOnSameRack(targets[1], targets[2]) || isOnSameRack(targets[2], targets[3])); assertFalse(isOnSameRack(targets[0], targets[2])); // Make sure no more than one replicas are on the same nodegroup verifyNoTwoTargetsOnSameNodeGroup(targets); updateHeartbeatWithUsage(dataNodes[0], 2*HdfsConstants.MIN_BLOCKS_FOR_WRITE*BLOCK_SIZE, 0L, HdfsConstants.MIN_BLOCKS_FOR_WRITE*BLOCK_SIZE, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0, 0); } private void verifyNoTwoTargetsOnSameNodeGroup(DatanodeStorageInfo[] targets) { Set nodeGroupSet = new HashSet(); for (DatanodeStorageInfo target: targets) { nodeGroupSet.add(target.getDatanodeDescriptor().getNetworkLocation()); } assertEquals(nodeGroupSet.size(), targets.length); } /** * In this testcase, client is dataNodes[0], but the dataNodes[1] is * not allowed to be chosen. So the 1st replica should be * placed on dataNodes[0], the 2nd replica should be placed on a different * rack, the 3rd should be on same rack as the 2nd replica but in different * node group, and the rest should be placed on a third rack. * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testChooseTarget2() throws Exception { DatanodeStorageInfo[] targets; BlockPlacementPolicyDefault repl = (BlockPlacementPolicyDefault)replicator; List chosenNodes = new ArrayList(); Set excludedNodes = new HashSet(); excludedNodes.add(dataNodes[1]); targets = repl.chooseTarget(filename, 4, dataNodes[0], chosenNodes, false, excludedNodes, BLOCK_SIZE, TestBlockStoragePolicy.DEFAULT_STORAGE_POLICY); assertEquals(targets.length, 4); assertEquals(storages[0], targets[0]); assertTrue(cluster.isNodeGroupAware()); // Make sure no replicas are on the same nodegroup for (int i=1;i<4;i++) { assertFalse(isOnSameNodeGroup(targets[0], targets[i])); } assertTrue(isOnSameRack(targets[1], targets[2]) || isOnSameRack(targets[2], targets[3])); assertFalse(isOnSameRack(targets[1], targets[3])); excludedNodes.clear(); chosenNodes.clear(); excludedNodes.add(dataNodes[1]); chosenNodes.add(storages[2]); targets = repl.chooseTarget(filename, 1, dataNodes[0], chosenNodes, true, excludedNodes, BLOCK_SIZE, TestBlockStoragePolicy.DEFAULT_STORAGE_POLICY); System.out.println("targets=" + Arrays.asList(targets)); assertEquals(2, targets.length); //make sure that the chosen node is in the target. int i = 0; for(; i < targets.length && !storages[2].equals(targets[i]); i++); assertTrue(i < targets.length); } /** * In this testcase, client is dataNodes[0], but dataNodes[0] is not qualified * to be chosen. So the 1st replica should be placed on dataNodes[1], * the 2nd replica should be placed on a different rack, * the 3rd replica should be placed on the same rack as the 2nd replica but in different nodegroup, * and the rest should be placed on the third rack. * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testChooseTarget3() throws Exception { // make data node 0 to be not qualified to choose updateHeartbeatWithUsage(dataNodes[0], 2*HdfsConstants.MIN_BLOCKS_FOR_WRITE*BLOCK_SIZE, 0L, (HdfsConstants.MIN_BLOCKS_FOR_WRITE-1)*BLOCK_SIZE, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0, 0); // no space DatanodeStorageInfo[] targets; targets = chooseTarget(0); assertEquals(targets.length, 0); targets = chooseTarget(1); assertEquals(targets.length, 1); assertEquals(storages[1], targets[0]); targets = chooseTarget(2); assertEquals(targets.length, 2); assertEquals(storages[1], targets[0]); assertFalse(isOnSameRack(targets[0], targets[1])); targets = chooseTarget(3); assertEquals(targets.length, 3); assertEquals(storages[1], targets[0]); assertTrue(isOnSameRack(targets[1], targets[2])); assertFalse(isOnSameRack(targets[0], targets[1])); targets = chooseTarget(4); assertEquals(targets.length, 4); assertEquals(storages[1], targets[0]); assertTrue(cluster.isNodeGroupAware()); verifyNoTwoTargetsOnSameNodeGroup(targets); assertTrue(isOnSameRack(targets[1], targets[2]) || isOnSameRack(targets[2], targets[3])); updateHeartbeatWithUsage(dataNodes[0], 2*HdfsConstants.MIN_BLOCKS_FOR_WRITE*BLOCK_SIZE, 0L, HdfsConstants.MIN_BLOCKS_FOR_WRITE*BLOCK_SIZE, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0, 0); } /** * In this testcase, client is dataNodes[0], but none of the nodes on rack 1 * is qualified to be chosen. So the 1st replica should be placed on either * rack 2 or rack 3. * the 2nd replica should be placed on a different rack, * the 3rd replica should be placed on the same rack as the 1st replica, but * in different node group. * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testChooseTarget4() throws Exception { // make data node 0-2 to be not qualified to choose: not enough disk space for(int i=0; i<3; i++) { updateHeartbeatWithUsage(dataNodes[i], 2*HdfsConstants.MIN_BLOCKS_FOR_WRITE*BLOCK_SIZE, 0L, (HdfsConstants.MIN_BLOCKS_FOR_WRITE-1)*BLOCK_SIZE, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0, 0); } DatanodeStorageInfo[] targets; targets = chooseTarget(0); assertEquals(targets.length, 0); targets = chooseTarget(1); assertEquals(targets.length, 1); assertFalse(isOnSameRack(dataNodes[0], targets[0])); targets = chooseTarget(2); assertEquals(targets.length, 2); assertFalse(isOnSameRack(dataNodes[0], targets[0])); assertFalse(isOnSameRack(targets[0], targets[1])); targets = chooseTarget(3); assertEquals(targets.length, 3); for(int i=0; i<3; i++) { assertFalse(isOnSameRack(dataNodes[0], targets[i])); } verifyNoTwoTargetsOnSameNodeGroup(targets); assertTrue(isOnSameRack(targets[0], targets[1]) || isOnSameRack(targets[1], targets[2])); assertFalse(isOnSameRack(targets[0], targets[2])); } /** * In this testcase, client is is a node outside of file system. * So the 1st replica can be placed on any node. * the 2nd replica should be placed on a different rack, * the 3rd replica should be placed on the same rack as the 2nd replica, * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testChooseTarget5() throws Exception { setupDataNodeCapacity(); DatanodeStorageInfo[] targets; targets = chooseTarget(0, NODE); assertEquals(targets.length, 0); targets = chooseTarget(1, NODE); assertEquals(targets.length, 1); targets = chooseTarget(2, NODE); assertEquals(targets.length, 2); assertFalse(isOnSameRack(targets[0], targets[1])); targets = chooseTarget(3, NODE); assertEquals(targets.length, 3); assertTrue(isOnSameRack(targets[1], targets[2])); assertFalse(isOnSameRack(targets[0], targets[1])); verifyNoTwoTargetsOnSameNodeGroup(targets); } /** * This testcase tests re-replication, when dataNodes[0] is already chosen. * So the 1st replica can be placed on random rack. * the 2nd replica should be placed on different node and nodegroup by same rack as * the 1st replica. The 3rd replica can be placed randomly. * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testRereplicate1() throws Exception { setupDataNodeCapacity(); List chosenNodes = new ArrayList(); chosenNodes.add(storages[0]); DatanodeStorageInfo[] targets; targets = chooseTarget(0, chosenNodes); assertEquals(targets.length, 0); targets = chooseTarget(1, chosenNodes); assertEquals(targets.length, 1); assertFalse(isOnSameRack(dataNodes[0], targets[0])); targets = chooseTarget(2, chosenNodes); assertEquals(targets.length, 2); assertTrue(isOnSameRack(dataNodes[0], targets[0])); assertFalse(isOnSameRack(targets[0], targets[1])); targets = chooseTarget(3, chosenNodes); assertEquals(targets.length, 3); assertTrue(isOnSameRack(dataNodes[0], targets[0])); assertFalse(isOnSameNodeGroup(dataNodes[0], targets[0])); assertFalse(isOnSameRack(targets[0], targets[2])); } /** * This testcase tests re-replication, * when dataNodes[0] and dataNodes[1] are already chosen. * So the 1st replica should be placed on a different rack of rack 1. * the rest replicas can be placed randomly, * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testRereplicate2() throws Exception { setupDataNodeCapacity(); List chosenNodes = new ArrayList(); chosenNodes.add(storages[0]); chosenNodes.add(storages[1]); DatanodeStorageInfo[] targets; targets = chooseTarget(0, chosenNodes); assertEquals(targets.length, 0); targets = chooseTarget(1, chosenNodes); assertEquals(targets.length, 1); assertFalse(isOnSameRack(dataNodes[0], targets[0])); targets = chooseTarget(2, chosenNodes); assertEquals(targets.length, 2); assertFalse(isOnSameRack(dataNodes[0], targets[0]) && isOnSameRack(dataNodes[0], targets[1])); } /** * This testcase tests re-replication, * when dataNodes[0] and dataNodes[3] are already chosen. * So the 1st replica should be placed on the rack that the writer resides. * the rest replicas can be placed randomly, * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testRereplicate3() throws Exception { setupDataNodeCapacity(); List chosenNodes = new ArrayList(); chosenNodes.add(storages[0]); chosenNodes.add(storages[3]); DatanodeStorageInfo[] targets; targets = chooseTarget(0, chosenNodes); assertEquals(targets.length, 0); targets = chooseTarget(1, chosenNodes); assertEquals(targets.length, 1); assertTrue(isOnSameRack(dataNodes[0], targets[0])); assertFalse(isOnSameRack(dataNodes[3], targets[0])); targets = chooseTarget(1, dataNodes[3], chosenNodes); assertEquals(targets.length, 1); assertTrue(isOnSameRack(dataNodes[3], targets[0])); assertFalse(isOnSameNodeGroup(dataNodes[3], targets[0])); assertFalse(isOnSameRack(dataNodes[0], targets[0])); targets = chooseTarget(2, chosenNodes); assertEquals(targets.length, 2); assertTrue(isOnSameRack(dataNodes[0], targets[0])); assertFalse(isOnSameNodeGroup(dataNodes[0], targets[0])); targets = chooseTarget(2, dataNodes[3], chosenNodes); assertEquals(targets.length, 2); assertTrue(isOnSameRack(dataNodes[3], targets[0])); } /** * Test for the chooseReplicaToDelete are processed based on * block locality and free space */ @Test public void testChooseReplicaToDelete() throws Exception { List replicaList = new ArrayList(); final Map> rackMap = new HashMap>(); dataNodes[0].setRemaining(4*1024*1024); replicaList.add(storages[0]); dataNodes[1].setRemaining(3*1024*1024); replicaList.add(storages[1]); dataNodes[2].setRemaining(2*1024*1024); replicaList.add(storages[2]); dataNodes[5].setRemaining(1*1024*1024); replicaList.add(storages[5]); List first = new ArrayList(); List second = new ArrayList(); replicator.splitNodesWithRack( replicaList, rackMap, first, second); assertEquals(3, first.size()); assertEquals(1, second.size()); List excessTypes = new ArrayList(); excessTypes.add(StorageType.DEFAULT); DatanodeStorageInfo chosen = replicator.chooseReplicaToDelete( null, null, (short)3, first, second, excessTypes); // Within first set {dataNodes[0], dataNodes[1], dataNodes[2]}, // dataNodes[0] and dataNodes[1] are in the same nodegroup, // but dataNodes[1] is chosen as less free space assertEquals(chosen, storages[1]); replicator.adjustSetsWithChosenReplica(rackMap, first, second, chosen); assertEquals(2, first.size()); assertEquals(1, second.size()); // Within first set {dataNodes[0], dataNodes[2]}, dataNodes[2] is chosen // as less free space excessTypes.add(StorageType.DEFAULT); chosen = replicator.chooseReplicaToDelete( null, null, (short)2, first, second, excessTypes); assertEquals(chosen, storages[2]); replicator.adjustSetsWithChosenReplica(rackMap, first, second, chosen); assertEquals(0, first.size()); assertEquals(2, second.size()); // Within second set, dataNodes[5] with less free space excessTypes.add(StorageType.DEFAULT); chosen = replicator.chooseReplicaToDelete( null, null, (short)1, first, second, excessTypes); assertEquals(chosen, storages[5]); } /** * Test replica placement policy in case of boundary topology. * Rack 2 has only 1 node group & can't be placed with two replicas * The 1st replica will be placed on writer. * The 2nd replica should be placed on a different rack * The 3rd replica should be placed on the same rack with writer, but on a * different node group. */ @Test public void testChooseTargetsOnBoundaryTopology() throws Exception { for(int i=0; i chosenNodes = new ArrayList(); chosenNodes.add(storagesInBoundaryCase[0]); chosenNodes.add(storagesInBoundaryCase[5]); DatanodeStorageInfo[] targets; targets = chooseTarget(1, dataNodesInBoundaryCase[0], chosenNodes); assertFalse(isOnSameNodeGroup(dataNodesInBoundaryCase[0], targets[0])); assertFalse(isOnSameNodeGroup(dataNodesInBoundaryCase[5], targets[0])); assertTrue(checkTargetsOnDifferentNodeGroup(targets)); } /** * Test replica placement policy in case of targets more than number of * NodeGroups. * The 12-nodes cluster only has 6 NodeGroups, but in some cases, like: * placing submitted job file, there is requirement to choose more (10) * targets for placing replica. We should test it can return 6 targets. */ @Test public void testChooseMoreTargetsThanNodeGroups() throws Exception { for(int i=0; i node2, and node3<->node4) dataNodesForDependencies[1].addDependentHostName( dataNodesForDependencies[2].getHostName()); dataNodesForDependencies[2].addDependentHostName( dataNodesForDependencies[1].getHostName()); dataNodesForDependencies[3].addDependentHostName( dataNodesForDependencies[4].getHostName()); dataNodesForDependencies[4].addDependentHostName( dataNodesForDependencies[3].getHostName()); //Update heartbeat for(int i=0; i chosenNodes = new ArrayList(); DatanodeStorageInfo[] targets; Set excludedNodes = new HashSet(); excludedNodes.add(dataNodesForDependencies[5]); //try to select three targets as there are three node groups targets = chooseTarget(3, dataNodesForDependencies[1], chosenNodes, excludedNodes); //Even there are three node groups, verify that //only two targets are selected due to dependencies assertEquals(targets.length, 2); assertEquals(targets[0], storagesForDependencies[1]); assertTrue(targets[1].equals(storagesForDependencies[3]) || targets[1].equals(storagesForDependencies[4])); //verify that all data nodes are in the excluded list assertEquals(excludedNodes.size(), NUM_OF_DATANODES_FOR_DEPENDENCIES); for(int i=0; i