//======================================================================= // Copyright 2001 Jeremy G. Siek, Andrew Lumsdaine, Lie-Quan Lee, // // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See // accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) //======================================================================= #include #include #include using namespace boost; template < typename UndirectedGraph > void undirected_graph_demo1() { const int V = 3; UndirectedGraph undigraph(V); typename graph_traits< UndirectedGraph >::vertex_descriptor zero, one, two; typename graph_traits< UndirectedGraph >::out_edge_iterator out, out_end; typename graph_traits< UndirectedGraph >::in_edge_iterator in, in_end; zero = vertex(0, undigraph); one = vertex(1, undigraph); two = vertex(2, undigraph); add_edge(zero, one, undigraph); add_edge(zero, two, undigraph); add_edge(one, two, undigraph); std::cout << "out_edges(0):"; for (boost::tie(out, out_end) = out_edges(zero, undigraph); out != out_end; ++out) std::cout << ' ' << *out; std::cout << std::endl << "in_edges(0):"; for (boost::tie(in, in_end) = in_edges(zero, undigraph); in != in_end; ++in) std::cout << ' ' << *in; std::cout << std::endl; } template < typename DirectedGraph > void directed_graph_demo() { const int V = 2; DirectedGraph digraph(V); typename graph_traits< DirectedGraph >::vertex_descriptor u, v; typedef typename DirectedGraph::edge_property_type Weight; typename property_map< DirectedGraph, edge_weight_t >::type weight = get(edge_weight, digraph); typename graph_traits< DirectedGraph >::edge_descriptor e1, e2; bool found; u = vertex(0, digraph); v = vertex(1, digraph); add_edge(u, v, Weight(1.2), digraph); add_edge(v, u, Weight(2.4), digraph); boost::tie(e1, found) = edge(u, v, digraph); boost::tie(e2, found) = edge(v, u, digraph); std::cout << "in a directed graph is "; #ifdef __GNUC__ // no boolalpha std::cout << "(u,v) == (v,u) ? " << (e1 == e2) << std::endl; #else std::cout << "(u,v) == (v,u) ? " << std::boolalpha << (e1 == e2) << std::endl; #endif std::cout << "weight[(u,v)] = " << get(weight, e1) << std::endl; std::cout << "weight[(v,u)] = " << get(weight, e2) << std::endl; } template < typename UndirectedGraph > void undirected_graph_demo2() { const int V = 2; UndirectedGraph undigraph(V); typename graph_traits< UndirectedGraph >::vertex_descriptor u, v; typedef typename UndirectedGraph::edge_property_type Weight; typename property_map< UndirectedGraph, edge_weight_t >::type weight = get(edge_weight, undigraph); typename graph_traits< UndirectedGraph >::edge_descriptor e1, e2; bool found; u = vertex(0, undigraph); v = vertex(1, undigraph); add_edge(u, v, Weight(3.1), undigraph); boost::tie(e1, found) = edge(u, v, undigraph); boost::tie(e2, found) = edge(v, u, undigraph); std::cout << "in an undirected graph is "; #ifdef __GNUC__ std::cout << "(u,v) == (v,u) ? " << (e1 == e2) << std::endl; #else std::cout << "(u,v) == (v,u) ? " << std::boolalpha << (e1 == e2) << std::endl; #endif std::cout << "weight[(u,v)] = " << get(weight, e1) << std::endl; std::cout << "weight[(v,u)] = " << get(weight, e2) << std::endl; std::cout << "the edges incident to v: "; typename boost::graph_traits< UndirectedGraph >::out_edge_iterator e, e_end; typename boost::graph_traits< UndirectedGraph >::vertex_descriptor s = vertex(0, undigraph); for (boost::tie(e, e_end) = out_edges(s, undigraph); e != e_end; ++e) std::cout << "(" << source(*e, undigraph) << "," << target(*e, undigraph) << ")" << std::endl; } int main() { typedef property< edge_weight_t, double > Weight; typedef adjacency_list< vecS, vecS, undirectedS, no_property, Weight > UndirectedGraph; typedef adjacency_list< vecS, vecS, directedS, no_property, Weight > DirectedGraph; undirected_graph_demo1< UndirectedGraph >(); directed_graph_demo< DirectedGraph >(); undirected_graph_demo2< UndirectedGraph >(); return 0; }