# RUN: llvm-mc %s -arch=mips -mcpu=mips32 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=ASM # RUN: llvm-mc %s -arch=mips -mcpu=mips32 -filetype=obj -o - | \ # RUN: llvm-readobj --symbols - | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=OBJ .set micromips .global f_mm_insn_data .type f_mm_insn_data, @function f_mm_insn_data: .insn .word 0x00e73910 # add $7, $7, $7 .global f_mm_insn_instr .type f_mm_insn_instr, @function f_mm_insn_instr: .insn add $7, $7, $7 .global o_mm_insn_data .type o_mm_insn_data, @object o_mm_insn_data: .insn .word 0x00e73910 # add $7, $7, $7 .global o_mm_insn_instr .type o_mm_insn_instr, @object o_mm_insn_instr: .insn add $7, $7, $7 .set nomicromips .global f_normal_insn_data .type f_normal_insn_data, @function f_normal_insn_data: .insn .word 0x00e73820 # add $7, $7, $7 .global f_normal_insn_instr .type f_normal_insn_instr, @function f_normal_insn_instr: .insn add $7, $7, $7 .global o_normal_insn_data .type o_normal_insn_data, @object o_normal_insn_data: .insn .word 0x00e73820 # add $7, $7, $7 .global o_normal_insn_instr .type o_normal_insn_instr, @object o_normal_insn_instr: .insn add $7, $7, $7 # Verify that .insn causes the currently saved labels to be cleared by checking # that foo doesn't get marked. .set nomicromips foo: .insn .word 0x00e73820 # add $7, $7, $7 .set micromips bar: add $7, $7, $7 # ASM: .insn # OBJ: Symbols [ # OBJ: Name: foo # OBJ: Other: 0 # OBJ: Name: f_mm_insn_data # OBJ: Other [ (0x80) # OBJ: Name: f_mm_insn_instr # OBJ: Other [ (0x80) # OBJ: Name: o_mm_insn_data # OBJ: Other [ (0x80) # OBJ: Name: o_mm_insn_instr # OBJ: Other [ (0x80) # OBJ: Name: f_normal_insn_data # OBJ: Other: 0 # OBJ: Name: f_normal_insn_instr # OBJ: Other: 0 # OBJ: Name: o_normal_insn_data # OBJ: Other: 0 # OBJ: Name: o_normal_insn_instr # OBJ: Other: 0 # OBJ: ]