@echo off setlocal REM Script for building the LLVM installer on Windows, REM used for the the weekly snapshots at http://www.llvm.org/builds. REM REM Usage: build_llvm_package.bat REM Prerequisites: REM REM Visual Studio 2019, CMake, Ninja, GNUWin32, SWIG, Python 3, REM NSIS with the strlen_8192 patch, REM Visual Studio 2019 SDK and Nuget (for the clang-format plugin), REM Perl (for the OpenMP run-time), 7Zip. REM REM REM For LLDB, SWIG version <= 3.0.8 needs to be used to work around REM https://github.com/swig/swig/issues/769 REM You need to modify the paths below: set vsdevcmd=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Professional\Common7\Tools\VsDevCmd.bat set python32_dir=C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36-32 set python64_dir=C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36 for /f "usebackq" %%i in (`PowerShell ^(Get-Date^).ToString^('yyyyMMdd'^)`) do set datestamp=%%i set revision=%1 set package_version=10.0.1-%revision% set clang_format_vs_version=10.0.1.%datestamp% set build_dir=llvm_package_%revision% echo Revision: %revision% echo Package version: %package_version% echo Clang format plugin version: %clang_format_vs_version% echo Build dir: %build_dir% echo. pause mkdir %build_dir% cd %build_dir% echo Checking out %revision% curl -L https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/archive/%revision%.zip -o src.zip || exit /b 7z x src.zip || exit /b mv llvm-project-* llvm-project || exit /b REM Setting CMAKE_CL_SHOWINCLUDES_PREFIX to work around PR27226. set cmake_flags=^ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ^ -DLLVM_ENABLE_ASSERTIONS=ON ^ -DLLVM_INSTALL_TOOLCHAIN_ONLY=ON ^ -DLLVM_BUILD_LLVM_C_DYLIB=ON ^ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_UCRT_LIBRARIES=ON ^ -DCLANG_FORMAT_VS_VERSION=%clang_format_vs_version% ^ -DPACKAGE_VERSION=%package_version% ^ -DLLDB_RELOCATABLE_PYTHON=1 ^ -DLLDB_TEST_COMPILER=%cd%\build32_stage0\bin\clang.exe ^ -DCMAKE_CL_SHOWINCLUDES_PREFIX="Note: including file: " ^ -DLLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS="clang;clang-tools-extra;lld;compiler-rt;openmp;lldb" REM TODO: Run the "check-all" tests. set "VSCMD_START_DIR=%CD%" call "%vsdevcmd%" -arch=x86 set CC= set CXX= mkdir build32_stage0 cd build32_stage0 cmake -GNinja %cmake_flags% -DPYTHON_HOME=%python32_dir% -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=%python32_dir%\python.exe ..\llvm-project\llvm || exit /b ninja all || ninja all || ninja all || exit /b ninja check || ninja check || ninja check || exit /b ninja check-clang || ninja check-clang || ninja check-clang || exit /b ninja check-lld || ninja check-lld || ninja check-lld || exit /b ninja check-sanitizer || ninja check-sanitizer || ninja check-sanitizer || exit /b ninja check-clang-tools || ninja check-clang-tools || ninja check-clang-tools || exit /b ninja check-clangd || ninja check-clangd || ninja check-clangd || exit /b cd.. mkdir build32 cd build32 set CC=..\build32_stage0\bin\clang-cl set CXX=..\build32_stage0\bin\clang-cl cmake -GNinja %cmake_flags% -DPYTHON_HOME=%python32_dir% -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=%python32_dir%\python.exe ..\llvm-project\llvm || exit /b ninja all || ninja all || ninja all || exit /b ninja check || ninja check || ninja check || exit /b ninja check-clang || ninja check-clang || ninja check-clang || exit /b ninja check-lld || ninja check-lld || ninja check-lld || exit /b ninja check-sanitizer || ninja check-sanitizer || ninja check-sanitizer || exit /b ninja check-clang-tools || ninja check-clang-tools || ninja check-clang-tools || exit /b ninja check-clangd || ninja check-clangd || ninja check-clangd || exit /b ninja package || exit /b 7z x LLVM-%package_version%-win32.exe -orepack rmdir /s /q repack\$PLUGINSDIR del repack\Uninstall.exe 7z a LLVM-%package_version%-win32.zip .\repack\* -mx9 cd .. REM The plug-in is built separately as it uses a statically linked clang-format.exe. mkdir build_vsix cd build_vsix REM Having VSSDKINSTALL set makes devenv *not* find the SDK for some reason. set VSSDKINSTALL= set CC=..\build32_stage0\bin\clang-cl set CXX=..\build32_stage0\bin\clang-cl cmake -GNinja %cmake_flags% -DLLVM_USE_CRT_RELEASE=MT -DBUILD_CLANG_FORMAT_VS_PLUGIN=ON -DPYTHON_HOME=%python32_dir% -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=%python32_dir%\python.exe ..\llvm-project\llvm || exit /b ninja clang_format_vsix || exit /b copy ..\llvm-project\llvm\tools\clang\tools\clang-format-vs\ClangFormat\bin\Release\ClangFormat.vsix ClangFormat-r%revision%.vsix cd .. set "VSCMD_START_DIR=%CD%" call "%vsdevcmd%" -arch=amd64 set CC= set CXX= mkdir build64_stage0 cd build64_stage0 cmake -GNinja %cmake_flags% -DPYTHON_HOME=%python64_dir% -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=%python64_dir%\python.exe ..\llvm-project\llvm || exit /b ninja all || ninja all || ninja all || exit /b ninja check || ninja check || ninja check || exit /b ninja check-clang || ninja check-clang || ninja check-clang || exit /b ninja check-lld || ninja check-lld || ninja check-lld || exit /b ninja check-sanitizer || ninja check-sanitizer || ninja check-sanitizer || exit /b ninja check-clang-tools || ninja check-clang-tools || ninja check-clang-tools || exit /b ninja check-clangd || ninja check-clangd || ninja check-clangd || exit /b cd.. mkdir build64 cd build64 set CC=..\build64_stage0\bin\clang-cl set CXX=..\build64_stage0\bin\clang-cl cmake -GNinja %cmake_flags% -DPYTHON_HOME=%python64_dir% -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=%python64_dir%\python.exe ..\llvm-project\llvm || exit /b ninja all || ninja all || ninja all || exit /b ninja check || ninja check || ninja check || exit /b ninja check-clang || ninja check-clang || ninja check-clang || exit /b ninja check-lld || ninja check-lld || ninja check-lld || exit /b ninja check-sanitizer || ninja check-sanitizer || ninja check-sanitizer || exit /b ninja check-clang-tools || ninja check-clang-tools || ninja check-clang-tools || exit /b ninja check-clangd || ninja check-clangd || ninja check-clangd || exit /b ninja package || exit /b 7z x LLVM-%package_version%-win64.exe -orepack rmdir /s /q repack\$PLUGINSDIR del repack\Uninstall.exe 7z a LLVM-%package_version%-win64.zip .\repack\* -mx9 cd ..