; RUN: llc -march=amdgcn -mcpu=verde -verify-machineinstrs < %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=GCN -check-prefix=SI %s ; RUN: llc -march=amdgcn -mcpu=tonga -verify-machineinstrs < %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=GCN -check-prefix=VI %s ; GCN-LABEL: {{^}}mbcnt_intrinsics: ; GCN: v_mbcnt_lo_u32_b32{{(_e64)*}} [[LO:v[0-9]+]], -1, 0 ; SI: v_mbcnt_hi_u32_b32_e32 {{v[0-9]+}}, -1, [[LO]] ; VI: v_mbcnt_hi_u32_b32 {{v[0-9]+}}, -1, [[LO]] define amdgpu_ps void @mbcnt_intrinsics(<16 x i8> addrspace(4)* inreg %arg, <16 x i8> addrspace(4)* inreg %arg1, <32 x i8> addrspace(4)* inreg %arg2, i32 inreg %arg3) { main_body: %lo = call i32 @llvm.amdgcn.mbcnt.lo(i32 -1, i32 0) #0 %hi = call i32 @llvm.amdgcn.mbcnt.hi(i32 -1, i32 %lo) #0 %tmp = bitcast i32 %hi to float call void @llvm.amdgcn.exp.f32(i32 0, i32 15, float %tmp, float %tmp, float %tmp, float %tmp, i1 true, i1 true) #1 ret void } ; GCN-LABEL: {{^}}mbcnt_lo_known_bits: ; GCN: v_mbcnt_lo_u32_b32 ; GCN-NOT: and define i32 @mbcnt_lo_known_bits(i32 %x, i32 %y) #0 { %lo = call i32 @llvm.amdgcn.mbcnt.lo(i32 %x, i32 %y) %mask = and i32 %lo, 63 ret i32 %mask } ; GCN-LABEL: {{^}}mbcnt_hi_known_bits: ; GCN: v_mbcnt_hi_u32_b32 ; GCN-NOT: and define i32 @mbcnt_hi_known_bits(i32 %x, i32 %y) #0 { %hi = call i32 @llvm.amdgcn.mbcnt.hi(i32 %x, i32 %y) %mask = and i32 %hi, 63 ret i32 %mask } declare i32 @llvm.amdgcn.mbcnt.lo(i32, i32) #0 declare i32 @llvm.amdgcn.mbcnt.hi(i32, i32) #0 declare void @llvm.amdgcn.exp.f32(i32, i32, float, float, float, float, i1, i1) #1 attributes #0 = { nounwind readnone } attributes #1 = { nounwind }