//===--- SourceCode.h - Manipulating source code as strings -----*- C++ -*-===// // // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions. // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "SourceCode.h" #include "Context.h" #include "FuzzyMatch.h" #include "Logger.h" #include "Protocol.h" #include "clang/AST/ASTContext.h" #include "clang/Basic/LangOptions.h" #include "clang/Basic/SourceLocation.h" #include "clang/Basic/SourceManager.h" #include "clang/Basic/TokenKinds.h" #include "clang/Format/Format.h" #include "clang/Lex/Lexer.h" #include "clang/Lex/Preprocessor.h" #include "llvm/ADT/None.h" #include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h" #include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h" #include "llvm/Support/Compiler.h" #include "llvm/Support/Errc.h" #include "llvm/Support/Error.h" #include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h" #include "llvm/Support/Path.h" #include "llvm/Support/xxhash.h" #include namespace clang { namespace clangd { // Here be dragons. LSP positions use columns measured in *UTF-16 code units*! // Clangd uses UTF-8 and byte-offsets internally, so conversion is nontrivial. // Iterates over unicode codepoints in the (UTF-8) string. For each, // invokes CB(UTF-8 length, UTF-16 length), and breaks if it returns true. // Returns true if CB returned true, false if we hit the end of string. template static bool iterateCodepoints(llvm::StringRef U8, const Callback &CB) { // A codepoint takes two UTF-16 code unit if it's astral (outside BMP). // Astral codepoints are encoded as 4 bytes in UTF-8, starting with 11110xxx. for (size_t I = 0; I < U8.size();) { unsigned char C = static_cast(U8[I]); if (LLVM_LIKELY(!(C & 0x80))) { // ASCII character. if (CB(1, 1)) return true; ++I; continue; } // This convenient property of UTF-8 holds for all non-ASCII characters. size_t UTF8Length = llvm::countLeadingOnes(C); // 0xxx is ASCII, handled above. 10xxx is a trailing byte, invalid here. // 11111xxx is not valid UTF-8 at all. Assert because it's probably our bug. assert((UTF8Length >= 2 && UTF8Length <= 4) && "Invalid UTF-8, or transcoding bug?"); I += UTF8Length; // Skip over all trailing bytes. // A codepoint takes two UTF-16 code unit if it's astral (outside BMP). // Astral codepoints are encoded as 4 bytes in UTF-8 (11110xxx ...) if (CB(UTF8Length, UTF8Length == 4 ? 2 : 1)) return true; } return false; } // Returns the byte offset into the string that is an offset of \p Units in // the specified encoding. // Conceptually, this converts to the encoding, truncates to CodeUnits, // converts back to UTF-8, and returns the length in bytes. static size_t measureUnits(llvm::StringRef U8, int Units, OffsetEncoding Enc, bool &Valid) { Valid = Units >= 0; if (Units <= 0) return 0; size_t Result = 0; switch (Enc) { case OffsetEncoding::UTF8: Result = Units; break; case OffsetEncoding::UTF16: Valid = iterateCodepoints(U8, [&](int U8Len, int U16Len) { Result += U8Len; Units -= U16Len; return Units <= 0; }); if (Units < 0) // Offset in the middle of a surrogate pair. Valid = false; break; case OffsetEncoding::UTF32: Valid = iterateCodepoints(U8, [&](int U8Len, int U16Len) { Result += U8Len; Units--; return Units <= 0; }); break; case OffsetEncoding::UnsupportedEncoding: llvm_unreachable("unsupported encoding"); } // Don't return an out-of-range index if we overran. if (Result > U8.size()) { Valid = false; return U8.size(); } return Result; } Key kCurrentOffsetEncoding; static OffsetEncoding lspEncoding() { auto *Enc = Context::current().get(kCurrentOffsetEncoding); return Enc ? *Enc : OffsetEncoding::UTF16; } // Like most strings in clangd, the input is UTF-8 encoded. size_t lspLength(llvm::StringRef Code) { size_t Count = 0; switch (lspEncoding()) { case OffsetEncoding::UTF8: Count = Code.size(); break; case OffsetEncoding::UTF16: iterateCodepoints(Code, [&](int U8Len, int U16Len) { Count += U16Len; return false; }); break; case OffsetEncoding::UTF32: iterateCodepoints(Code, [&](int U8Len, int U16Len) { ++Count; return false; }); break; case OffsetEncoding::UnsupportedEncoding: llvm_unreachable("unsupported encoding"); } return Count; } llvm::Expected positionToOffset(llvm::StringRef Code, Position P, bool AllowColumnsBeyondLineLength) { if (P.line < 0) return llvm::make_error( llvm::formatv("Line value can't be negative ({0})", P.line), llvm::errc::invalid_argument); if (P.character < 0) return llvm::make_error( llvm::formatv("Character value can't be negative ({0})", P.character), llvm::errc::invalid_argument); size_t StartOfLine = 0; for (int I = 0; I != P.line; ++I) { size_t NextNL = Code.find('\n', StartOfLine); if (NextNL == llvm::StringRef::npos) return llvm::make_error( llvm::formatv("Line value is out of range ({0})", P.line), llvm::errc::invalid_argument); StartOfLine = NextNL + 1; } StringRef Line = Code.substr(StartOfLine).take_until([](char C) { return C == '\n'; }); // P.character may be in UTF-16, transcode if necessary. bool Valid; size_t ByteInLine = measureUnits(Line, P.character, lspEncoding(), Valid); if (!Valid && !AllowColumnsBeyondLineLength) return llvm::make_error( llvm::formatv("{0} offset {1} is invalid for line {2}", lspEncoding(), P.character, P.line), llvm::errc::invalid_argument); return StartOfLine + ByteInLine; } Position offsetToPosition(llvm::StringRef Code, size_t Offset) { Offset = std::min(Code.size(), Offset); llvm::StringRef Before = Code.substr(0, Offset); int Lines = Before.count('\n'); size_t PrevNL = Before.rfind('\n'); size_t StartOfLine = (PrevNL == llvm::StringRef::npos) ? 0 : (PrevNL + 1); Position Pos; Pos.line = Lines; Pos.character = lspLength(Before.substr(StartOfLine)); return Pos; } Position sourceLocToPosition(const SourceManager &SM, SourceLocation Loc) { // We use the SourceManager's line tables, but its column number is in bytes. FileID FID; unsigned Offset; std::tie(FID, Offset) = SM.getDecomposedSpellingLoc(Loc); Position P; P.line = static_cast(SM.getLineNumber(FID, Offset)) - 1; bool Invalid = false; llvm::StringRef Code = SM.getBufferData(FID, &Invalid); if (!Invalid) { auto ColumnInBytes = SM.getColumnNumber(FID, Offset) - 1; auto LineSoFar = Code.substr(Offset - ColumnInBytes, ColumnInBytes); P.character = lspLength(LineSoFar); } return P; } llvm::Optional getTokenRange(const SourceManager &SM, const LangOptions &LangOpts, SourceLocation TokLoc) { if (!TokLoc.isValid()) return llvm::None; SourceLocation End = Lexer::getLocForEndOfToken(TokLoc, 0, SM, LangOpts); if (!End.isValid()) return llvm::None; return halfOpenToRange(SM, CharSourceRange::getCharRange(TokLoc, End)); } bool isValidFileRange(const SourceManager &Mgr, SourceRange R) { if (!R.getBegin().isValid() || !R.getEnd().isValid()) return false; FileID BeginFID; size_t BeginOffset = 0; std::tie(BeginFID, BeginOffset) = Mgr.getDecomposedLoc(R.getBegin()); FileID EndFID; size_t EndOffset = 0; std::tie(EndFID, EndOffset) = Mgr.getDecomposedLoc(R.getEnd()); return BeginFID.isValid() && BeginFID == EndFID && BeginOffset <= EndOffset; } bool halfOpenRangeContains(const SourceManager &Mgr, SourceRange R, SourceLocation L) { assert(isValidFileRange(Mgr, R)); FileID BeginFID; size_t BeginOffset = 0; std::tie(BeginFID, BeginOffset) = Mgr.getDecomposedLoc(R.getBegin()); size_t EndOffset = Mgr.getFileOffset(R.getEnd()); FileID LFid; size_t LOffset; std::tie(LFid, LOffset) = Mgr.getDecomposedLoc(L); return BeginFID == LFid && BeginOffset <= LOffset && LOffset < EndOffset; } bool halfOpenRangeTouches(const SourceManager &Mgr, SourceRange R, SourceLocation L) { return L == R.getEnd() || halfOpenRangeContains(Mgr, R, L); } static unsigned getTokenLengthAtLoc(SourceLocation Loc, const SourceManager &SM, const LangOptions &LangOpts) { Token TheTok; if (Lexer::getRawToken(Loc, TheTok, SM, LangOpts)) return 0; // FIXME: Here we check whether the token at the location is a greatergreater // (>>) token and consider it as a single greater (>). This is to get it // working for templates but it isn't correct for the right shift operator. We // can avoid this by using half open char ranges in getFileRange() but getting // token ending is not well supported in macroIDs. if (TheTok.is(tok::greatergreater)) return 1; return TheTok.getLength(); } // Returns location of the last character of the token at a given loc static SourceLocation getLocForTokenEnd(SourceLocation BeginLoc, const SourceManager &SM, const LangOptions &LangOpts) { unsigned Len = getTokenLengthAtLoc(BeginLoc, SM, LangOpts); return BeginLoc.getLocWithOffset(Len ? Len - 1 : 0); } // Returns location of the starting of the token at a given EndLoc static SourceLocation getLocForTokenBegin(SourceLocation EndLoc, const SourceManager &SM, const LangOptions &LangOpts) { return EndLoc.getLocWithOffset( -(signed)getTokenLengthAtLoc(EndLoc, SM, LangOpts)); } // Converts a char source range to a token range. static SourceRange toTokenRange(CharSourceRange Range, const SourceManager &SM, const LangOptions &LangOpts) { if (!Range.isTokenRange()) Range.setEnd(getLocForTokenBegin(Range.getEnd(), SM, LangOpts)); return Range.getAsRange(); } // Returns the union of two token ranges. // To find the maximum of the Ends of the ranges, we compare the location of the // last character of the token. static SourceRange unionTokenRange(SourceRange R1, SourceRange R2, const SourceManager &SM, const LangOptions &LangOpts) { SourceLocation E1 = getLocForTokenEnd(R1.getEnd(), SM, LangOpts); SourceLocation E2 = getLocForTokenEnd(R2.getEnd(), SM, LangOpts); return SourceRange(std::min(R1.getBegin(), R2.getBegin()), E1 < E2 ? R2.getEnd() : R1.getEnd()); } // Check if two locations have the same file id. static bool inSameFile(SourceLocation Loc1, SourceLocation Loc2, const SourceManager &SM) { return SM.getFileID(Loc1) == SM.getFileID(Loc2); } // Find an expansion range (not necessarily immediate) the ends of which are in // the same file id. static SourceRange getExpansionTokenRangeInSameFile(SourceLocation Loc, const SourceManager &SM, const LangOptions &LangOpts) { SourceRange ExpansionRange = toTokenRange(SM.getImmediateExpansionRange(Loc), SM, LangOpts); // Fast path for most common cases. if (inSameFile(ExpansionRange.getBegin(), ExpansionRange.getEnd(), SM)) return ExpansionRange; // Record the stack of expansion locations for the beginning, keyed by FileID. llvm::DenseMap BeginExpansions; for (SourceLocation Begin = ExpansionRange.getBegin(); Begin.isValid(); Begin = Begin.isFileID() ? SourceLocation() : SM.getImmediateExpansionRange(Begin).getBegin()) { BeginExpansions[SM.getFileID(Begin)] = Begin; } // Move up the stack of expansion locations for the end until we find the // location in BeginExpansions with that has the same file id. for (SourceLocation End = ExpansionRange.getEnd(); End.isValid(); End = End.isFileID() ? SourceLocation() : toTokenRange(SM.getImmediateExpansionRange(End), SM, LangOpts) .getEnd()) { auto It = BeginExpansions.find(SM.getFileID(End)); if (It != BeginExpansions.end()) return {It->second, End}; } llvm_unreachable( "We should able to find a common ancestor in the expansion tree."); } // Returns the file range for a given Location as a Token Range // This is quite similar to getFileLoc in SourceManager as both use // getImmediateExpansionRange and getImmediateSpellingLoc (for macro IDs). // However: // - We want to maintain the full range information as we move from one file to // the next. getFileLoc only uses the BeginLoc of getImmediateExpansionRange. // - We want to split '>>' tokens as the lexer parses the '>>' in nested // template instantiations as a '>>' instead of two '>'s. // There is also getExpansionRange but it simply calls // getImmediateExpansionRange on the begin and ends separately which is wrong. static SourceRange getTokenFileRange(SourceLocation Loc, const SourceManager &SM, const LangOptions &LangOpts) { SourceRange FileRange = Loc; while (!FileRange.getBegin().isFileID()) { if (SM.isMacroArgExpansion(FileRange.getBegin())) { FileRange = unionTokenRange( SM.getImmediateSpellingLoc(FileRange.getBegin()), SM.getImmediateSpellingLoc(FileRange.getEnd()), SM, LangOpts); assert(inSameFile(FileRange.getBegin(), FileRange.getEnd(), SM)); } else { SourceRange ExpansionRangeForBegin = getExpansionTokenRangeInSameFile(FileRange.getBegin(), SM, LangOpts); SourceRange ExpansionRangeForEnd = getExpansionTokenRangeInSameFile(FileRange.getEnd(), SM, LangOpts); assert(inSameFile(ExpansionRangeForBegin.getBegin(), ExpansionRangeForEnd.getBegin(), SM) && "Both Expansion ranges should be in same file."); FileRange = unionTokenRange(ExpansionRangeForBegin, ExpansionRangeForEnd, SM, LangOpts); } } return FileRange; } bool isInsideMainFile(SourceLocation Loc, const SourceManager &SM) { return Loc.isValid() && SM.isWrittenInMainFile(SM.getExpansionLoc(Loc)); } llvm::Optional toHalfOpenFileRange(const SourceManager &SM, const LangOptions &LangOpts, SourceRange R) { SourceRange R1 = getTokenFileRange(R.getBegin(), SM, LangOpts); if (!isValidFileRange(SM, R1)) return llvm::None; SourceRange R2 = getTokenFileRange(R.getEnd(), SM, LangOpts); if (!isValidFileRange(SM, R2)) return llvm::None; SourceRange Result = unionTokenRange(R1, R2, SM, LangOpts); unsigned TokLen = getTokenLengthAtLoc(Result.getEnd(), SM, LangOpts); // Convert from closed token range to half-open (char) range Result.setEnd(Result.getEnd().getLocWithOffset(TokLen)); if (!isValidFileRange(SM, Result)) return llvm::None; return Result; } llvm::StringRef toSourceCode(const SourceManager &SM, SourceRange R) { assert(isValidFileRange(SM, R)); bool Invalid = false; auto *Buf = SM.getBuffer(SM.getFileID(R.getBegin()), &Invalid); assert(!Invalid); size_t BeginOffset = SM.getFileOffset(R.getBegin()); size_t EndOffset = SM.getFileOffset(R.getEnd()); return Buf->getBuffer().substr(BeginOffset, EndOffset - BeginOffset); } llvm::Expected sourceLocationInMainFile(const SourceManager &SM, Position P) { llvm::StringRef Code = SM.getBuffer(SM.getMainFileID())->getBuffer(); auto Offset = positionToOffset(Code, P, /*AllowColumnBeyondLineLength=*/false); if (!Offset) return Offset.takeError(); return SM.getLocForStartOfFile(SM.getMainFileID()).getLocWithOffset(*Offset); } Range halfOpenToRange(const SourceManager &SM, CharSourceRange R) { // Clang is 1-based, LSP uses 0-based indexes. Position Begin = sourceLocToPosition(SM, R.getBegin()); Position End = sourceLocToPosition(SM, R.getEnd()); return {Begin, End}; } std::pair offsetToClangLineColumn(llvm::StringRef Code, size_t Offset) { Offset = std::min(Code.size(), Offset); llvm::StringRef Before = Code.substr(0, Offset); int Lines = Before.count('\n'); size_t PrevNL = Before.rfind('\n'); size_t StartOfLine = (PrevNL == llvm::StringRef::npos) ? 0 : (PrevNL + 1); return {Lines + 1, Offset - StartOfLine + 1}; } std::pair splitQualifiedName(StringRef QName) { size_t Pos = QName.rfind("::"); if (Pos == llvm::StringRef::npos) return {llvm::StringRef(), QName}; return {QName.substr(0, Pos + 2), QName.substr(Pos + 2)}; } TextEdit replacementToEdit(llvm::StringRef Code, const tooling::Replacement &R) { Range ReplacementRange = { offsetToPosition(Code, R.getOffset()), offsetToPosition(Code, R.getOffset() + R.getLength())}; return {ReplacementRange, R.getReplacementText()}; } std::vector replacementsToEdits(llvm::StringRef Code, const tooling::Replacements &Repls) { std::vector Edits; for (const auto &R : Repls) Edits.push_back(replacementToEdit(Code, R)); return Edits; } llvm::Optional getCanonicalPath(const FileEntry *F, const SourceManager &SourceMgr) { if (!F) return None; llvm::SmallString<128> FilePath = F->getName(); if (!llvm::sys::path::is_absolute(FilePath)) { if (auto EC = SourceMgr.getFileManager().getVirtualFileSystem().makeAbsolute( FilePath)) { elog("Could not turn relative path '{0}' to absolute: {1}", FilePath, EC.message()); return None; } } // Handle the symbolic link path case where the current working directory // (getCurrentWorkingDirectory) is a symlink./ We always want to the real // file path (instead of the symlink path) for the C++ symbols. // // Consider the following example: // // src dir: /project/src/foo.h // current working directory (symlink): /tmp/build -> /project/src/ // // The file path of Symbol is "/project/src/foo.h" instead of // "/tmp/build/foo.h" if (const DirectoryEntry *Dir = SourceMgr.getFileManager().getDirectory( llvm::sys::path::parent_path(FilePath))) { llvm::SmallString<128> RealPath; llvm::StringRef DirName = SourceMgr.getFileManager().getCanonicalName(Dir); llvm::sys::path::append(RealPath, DirName, llvm::sys::path::filename(FilePath)); return RealPath.str().str(); } return FilePath.str().str(); } TextEdit toTextEdit(const FixItHint &FixIt, const SourceManager &M, const LangOptions &L) { TextEdit Result; Result.range = halfOpenToRange(M, Lexer::makeFileCharRange(FixIt.RemoveRange, M, L)); Result.newText = FixIt.CodeToInsert; return Result; } bool isRangeConsecutive(const Range &Left, const Range &Right) { return Left.end.line == Right.start.line && Left.end.character == Right.start.character; } FileDigest digest(llvm::StringRef Content) { uint64_t Hash{llvm::xxHash64(Content)}; FileDigest Result; for (unsigned I = 0; I < Result.size(); ++I) { Result[I] = uint8_t(Hash); Hash >>= 8; } return Result; } llvm::Optional digestFile(const SourceManager &SM, FileID FID) { bool Invalid = false; llvm::StringRef Content = SM.getBufferData(FID, &Invalid); if (Invalid) return None; return digest(Content); } format::FormatStyle getFormatStyleForFile(llvm::StringRef File, llvm::StringRef Content, llvm::vfs::FileSystem *FS) { auto Style = format::getStyle(format::DefaultFormatStyle, File, format::DefaultFallbackStyle, Content, FS); if (!Style) { log("getStyle() failed for file {0}: {1}. Fallback is LLVM style.", File, Style.takeError()); Style = format::getLLVMStyle(); } return *Style; } llvm::Expected cleanupAndFormat(StringRef Code, const tooling::Replacements &Replaces, const format::FormatStyle &Style) { auto CleanReplaces = cleanupAroundReplacements(Code, Replaces, Style); if (!CleanReplaces) return CleanReplaces; return formatReplacements(Code, std::move(*CleanReplaces), Style); } template static void lex(llvm::StringRef Code, const format::FormatStyle &Style, Action A) { // FIXME: InMemoryFileAdapter crashes unless the buffer is null terminated! std::string NullTerminatedCode = Code.str(); SourceManagerForFile FileSM("dummy.cpp", NullTerminatedCode); auto &SM = FileSM.get(); auto FID = SM.getMainFileID(); Lexer Lex(FID, SM.getBuffer(FID), SM, format::getFormattingLangOpts(Style)); Token Tok; while (!Lex.LexFromRawLexer(Tok)) A(Tok); } llvm::StringMap collectIdentifiers(llvm::StringRef Content, const format::FormatStyle &Style) { llvm::StringMap Identifiers; lex(Content, Style, [&](const clang::Token &Tok) { switch (Tok.getKind()) { case tok::identifier: ++Identifiers[Tok.getIdentifierInfo()->getName()]; break; case tok::raw_identifier: ++Identifiers[Tok.getRawIdentifier()]; break; default: break; } }); return Identifiers; } namespace { enum NamespaceEvent { BeginNamespace, // namespace {. Payload is resolved . EndNamespace, // } // namespace . Payload is resolved *outer* namespace. UsingDirective // using namespace . Payload is unresolved . }; // Scans C++ source code for constructs that change the visible namespaces. void parseNamespaceEvents( llvm::StringRef Code, const format::FormatStyle &Style, llvm::function_ref Callback) { // Stack of enclosing namespaces, e.g. {"clang", "clangd"} std::vector Enclosing; // Contains e.g. "clang", "clangd" // Stack counts open braces. true if the brace opened a namespace. std::vector BraceStack; enum { Default, Namespace, // just saw 'namespace' NamespaceName, // just saw 'namespace' NSName Using, // just saw 'using' UsingNamespace, // just saw 'using namespace' UsingNamespaceName, // just saw 'using namespace' NSName } State = Default; std::string NSName; lex(Code, Style, [&](const clang::Token &Tok) { switch(Tok.getKind()) { case tok::raw_identifier: // In raw mode, this could be a keyword or a name. switch (State) { case UsingNamespace: case UsingNamespaceName: NSName.append(Tok.getRawIdentifier()); State = UsingNamespaceName; break; case Namespace: case NamespaceName: NSName.append(Tok.getRawIdentifier()); State = NamespaceName; break; case Using: State = (Tok.getRawIdentifier() == "namespace") ? UsingNamespace : Default; break; case Default: NSName.clear(); if (Tok.getRawIdentifier() == "namespace") State = Namespace; else if (Tok.getRawIdentifier() == "using") State = Using; break; } break; case tok::coloncolon: // This can come at the beginning or in the middle of a namespace name. switch (State) { case UsingNamespace: case UsingNamespaceName: NSName.append("::"); State = UsingNamespaceName; break; case NamespaceName: NSName.append("::"); State = NamespaceName; break; case Namespace: // Not legal here. case Using: case Default: State = Default; break; } break; case tok::l_brace: // Record which { started a namespace, so we know when } ends one. if (State == NamespaceName) { // Parsed: namespace { BraceStack.push_back(true); Enclosing.push_back(NSName); Callback(BeginNamespace, llvm::join(Enclosing, "::")); } else { // This case includes anonymous namespaces (State = Namespace). // For our purposes, they're not namespaces and we ignore them. BraceStack.push_back(false); } State = Default; break; case tok::r_brace: // If braces are unmatched, we're going to be confused, but don't crash. if (!BraceStack.empty()) { if (BraceStack.back()) { // Parsed: } // namespace Enclosing.pop_back(); Callback(EndNamespace, llvm::join(Enclosing, "::")); } BraceStack.pop_back(); } break; case tok::semi: if (State == UsingNamespaceName) // Parsed: using namespace ; Callback(UsingDirective, llvm::StringRef(NSName)); State = Default; break; default: State = Default; break; } }); } // Returns the prefix namespaces of NS: {"" ... NS}. llvm::SmallVector ancestorNamespaces(llvm::StringRef NS) { llvm::SmallVector Results; Results.push_back(NS.take_front(0)); NS.split(Results, "::", /*MaxSplit=*/-1, /*KeepEmpty=*/false); for (llvm::StringRef &R : Results) R = NS.take_front(R.end() - NS.begin()); return Results; } } // namespace std::vector visibleNamespaces(llvm::StringRef Code, const format::FormatStyle &Style) { std::string Current; // Map from namespace to (resolved) namespaces introduced via using directive. llvm::StringMap> UsingDirectives; parseNamespaceEvents(Code, Style, [&](NamespaceEvent Event, llvm::StringRef NS) { switch (Event) { case BeginNamespace: case EndNamespace: Current = NS; break; case UsingDirective: if (NS.consume_front("::")) UsingDirectives[Current].insert(NS); else { for (llvm::StringRef Enclosing : ancestorNamespaces(Current)) { if (Enclosing.empty()) UsingDirectives[Current].insert(NS); else UsingDirectives[Current].insert( (Enclosing + "::" + NS).str()); } } break; } }); std::vector Found; for (llvm::StringRef Enclosing : ancestorNamespaces(Current)) { Found.push_back(Enclosing); auto It = UsingDirectives.find(Enclosing); if (It != UsingDirectives.end()) for (const auto& Used : It->second) Found.push_back(Used.getKey()); } llvm::sort(Found, [&](const std::string &LHS, const std::string &RHS) { if (Current == RHS) return false; if (Current == LHS) return true; return LHS < RHS; }); Found.erase(std::unique(Found.begin(), Found.end()), Found.end()); return Found; } llvm::StringSet<> collectWords(llvm::StringRef Content) { // We assume short words are not significant. // We may want to consider other stopwords, e.g. language keywords. // (A very naive implementation showed no benefit, but lexing might do better) static constexpr int MinWordLength = 4; std::vector Roles(Content.size()); calculateRoles(Content, Roles); llvm::StringSet<> Result; llvm::SmallString<256> Word; auto Flush = [&] { if (Word.size() >= MinWordLength) { for (char &C : Word) C = llvm::toLower(C); Result.insert(Word); } Word.clear(); }; for (unsigned I = 0; I < Content.size(); ++I) { switch (Roles[I]) { case Head: Flush(); LLVM_FALLTHROUGH; case Tail: Word.push_back(Content[I]); break; case Unknown: case Separator: Flush(); break; } } Flush(); return Result; } llvm::Optional locateMacroAt(SourceLocation Loc, Preprocessor &PP) { const auto &SM = PP.getSourceManager(); const auto &LangOpts = PP.getLangOpts(); Token Result; if (Lexer::getRawToken(SM.getSpellingLoc(Loc), Result, SM, LangOpts, false)) return None; if (Result.is(tok::raw_identifier)) PP.LookUpIdentifierInfo(Result); IdentifierInfo *IdentifierInfo = Result.getIdentifierInfo(); if (!IdentifierInfo || !IdentifierInfo->hadMacroDefinition()) return None; std::pair DecLoc = SM.getDecomposedExpansionLoc(Loc); // Get the definition just before the searched location so that a macro // referenced in a '#undef MACRO' can still be found. SourceLocation BeforeSearchedLocation = SM.getMacroArgExpandedLocation(SM.getLocForStartOfFile(DecLoc.first) .getLocWithOffset(DecLoc.second - 1)); MacroDefinition MacroDef = PP.getMacroDefinitionAtLoc(IdentifierInfo, BeforeSearchedLocation); if (auto *MI = MacroDef.getMacroInfo()) return DefinedMacro{IdentifierInfo->getName(), MI}; return None; } } // namespace clangd } // namespace clang