=head1 NAME AnyEvent::DBI::Slave - implement AnyEvent::DBI child/server processes =head1 SYNOPSIS # this module is normally loaded automatically =head1 DESCRIPTION This module contains the code that implements the DBI server part of C. It is normally loaded automatically into each child process, but can be loaded explicitly to save memory or startup time (search for C in the L manpage). =cut package AnyEvent::DBI::Slave; use common::sense; use DBI (); use Convert::Scalar (); use CBOR::XS (); use AnyEvent (); our $VERSION = '3.04'; # this is the forked server code, could/should be bundled as it's own file our $DBH; our $STH; sub req_pid { [1, $$] } sub req_open { my (undef, $dbi, $user, $pass, %attr) = @{+shift}; $DBH = DBI->connect ($dbi, $user, $pass, \%attr) or die $DBI::errstr; [1, 1] } sub req_attr { my (undef, $attr_name, @attr_val) = @{+shift}; $DBH->{$attr_name} = $attr_val[0] if @attr_val; [1, $DBH->{$attr_name}] } sub req_exec { my (undef, $st, @args) = @{+shift}; $STH = $DBH->prepare_cached ($st, undef, 1) or die [$DBI::errstr]; my $rv = $STH->execute (@args) or die [$STH->errstr]; [1, $STH->{NUM_OF_FIELDS} ? $STH->fetchall_arrayref : undef, $rv] } sub req_stattr { my (undef, $attr_name) = @{+shift}; [1, $STH->{$attr_name}] } sub req_begin_work { [1, $DBH->begin_work || die [$DBI::errstr]] } sub req_commit { [1, $DBH->commit || die [$DBI::errstr]] } sub req_rollback { [1, $DBH->rollback || die [$DBI::errstr]] } sub req_func { my (undef, $arg_string, $function) = @{+shift}; my @args = eval $arg_string; die "error evaling \$dbh->func() arg_string: $@" if $@; my $rc = $DBH->func (@args, $function); return [1, $rc, $DBI::err, $DBI::errstr]; } sub serve($$) { my ($fork_fh, $version, $fh) = @_; $0 = "dbi slave"; close $fork_fh; if ($VERSION != $version) { Convert::Scalar::write_all $fh, CBOR::XS::encode_cbor [undef, "AnyEvent::DBI version mismatch ($VERSION vs. $version)"]; return; } eval { my $cbor = new CBOR::XS; my $rbuf; while (Convert::Scalar::extend_read $fh, $rbuf, 16000) { for my $req ($cbor->incr_parse_multiple ($rbuf)) { my $wbuf = eval { CBOR::XS::encode_cbor $req->[0]($req) }; $wbuf = CBOR::XS::encode_cbor [undef, ref $@ ? ("$@->[0]", $@->[1]) : ("$@", 1)] if $@; Convert::Scalar::write_all $fh, $wbuf or die "unable to write results"; } } }; } =head1 SEE ALSO L. =head1 AUTHOR AND CONTACT Marc Lehmann (current maintainer) http://home.schmorp.de/ Adam Rosenstein http://www.redcondor.com/ =cut 1