use warnings; use strict; use File::Spec; use Config; # operation of File::Temp under taint-check is broken for 'MSWin32' with non-user writable root directory (default for Win8+) # ... here File::Temp is required by Capture::Tiny in 'basic.t' # ... fix for File::Temp is committed but not distributed # ... ref: [RT#60340]( # ToDO: revisit after File::Temp > v0.2302 is released if ('MSWin32' eq $^O) { print "1..0 # SKIP broken (by File::Temp) on many 'MSWin32' platforms...\n"; exit 0; } # there is talk of possible perl compilations where -T is a fatal # we don't want to have the user deal with that system( $^X => -T => -e => 'use warnings; use strict; exit 0' ); if ($?) { print "1..0 # SKIP Your perl does not seem to like -T...\n"; exit 0; } # Taint mode ignores PERL5LIB, we have to convert to -I switches just # like Test::Harness does my @lib_switches; for my $env ( grep { defined $ENV{$_} } (qw/PERL5LIB PERLLIB/) ) { push @lib_switches, map { "-I$_" } grep { length($_) } split /\Q$Config{path_sep}\E/, $ENV{$env}; } # all is well - just rerun the basic test exec( $^X => -T => @lib_switches => File::Spec->catpath( ( File::Spec->splitpath(__FILE__) )[ 0, 1 ], 'basic.t' ) );