#!perl # -*- mode: cperl ; compile-command: "cd .. ; ./Build ; prove -vb t/99-*.t" -*- use strict; use warnings; # Tests for the purpose of shutting up Devel::Cover about some stuff # that really is tested. Like, trust me already? use Test::Trap; # Set up a plan: use Test::Builder; BEGIN { my $t = Test::Builder->new; $t->plan( tests => 7 ) } BEGIN { scalar trap { exists &Test::More::ok }; $trap->return_nok( 0, '&Test::More::ok not created before the use' ); $trap->quiet; } use Test::More; BEGIN { scalar trap { exists &Test::More::ok }; $trap->return_ok( 0, '&Test::More::ok created now' ); $trap->quiet; } trap { Test::Trap::Builder->new->layer_implementation('Test::Trap', []); }; $trap->die_like( qr/^Unknown trap layer \"ARRAY/, 'Cannot specify layers as arrayrefs' ); my $early_exit = 1; END { ok( $early_exit, 'Failing to raise an exception: Early exit' ); is( $?, 8, 'Exiting with exit code 8' ); # let Test::More handle exit codes different from 8: $? = 0 if $? == 8; } $trap->Exception("Failing"); undef $early_exit;