// Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey // Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/ #include #include #include #include #include #include "json_classes.hpp" #include "json_errors.hpp" #include "json_unescape.hpp" namespace pegtl = TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE; namespace example { // State class that stores the result of a JSON parsing run -- a single JSON object. // The other members are used temporarily, at the end of a (successful) parsing run. // They are expected to be empty. struct json_state { std::shared_ptr< json_base > result; std::vector< std::string > keys; std::vector< std::shared_ptr< array_json > > arrays; std::vector< std::shared_ptr< object_json > > objects; }; // Action class template< typename Rule > struct action {}; template<> struct action< pegtl::json::null > { static void apply0( json_state& state ) { state.result = std::make_shared< null_json >(); } }; template<> struct action< pegtl::json::true_ > { static void apply0( json_state& state ) { state.result = std::make_shared< boolean_json >( true ); } }; template<> struct action< pegtl::json::false_ > { static void apply0( json_state& state ) { state.result = std::make_shared< boolean_json >( false ); } }; template<> struct action< pegtl::json::number > { template< typename ActionInput > static void apply( const ActionInput& in, json_state& state ) { std::stringstream ss( in.string() ); long double v; ss >> v; // NOTE: not quite correct for JSON but we'll use it for this simple example. state.result = std::make_shared< number_json >( v ); } }; template<> struct action< pegtl::json::string::content > : json_unescape { template< typename ParseInput > static void success( const ParseInput& /*unused*/, std::string& s, json_state& state ) { state.result = std::make_shared< string_json >( std::move( s ) ); } }; template<> struct action< pegtl::json::array::begin > { static void apply0( json_state& state ) { state.arrays.push_back( std::make_shared< array_json >() ); } }; template<> struct action< pegtl::json::array::element > { static void apply0( json_state& state ) { state.arrays.back()->data.push_back( std::move( state.result ) ); } }; template<> struct action< pegtl::json::array::end > { static void apply0( json_state& state ) { state.result = std::move( state.arrays.back() ); state.arrays.pop_back(); } }; template<> struct action< pegtl::json::object::begin > { static void apply0( json_state& state ) { state.objects.push_back( std::make_shared< object_json >() ); } }; // To parse a key, we change the state to decouple string parsing/unescaping template<> struct action< pegtl::json::key::content > : json_unescape { template< typename ParseInput > static void success( const ParseInput& /*unused*/, std::string& s, json_state& state ) { state.keys.push_back( std::move( s ) ); } }; template<> struct action< pegtl::json::object::element > { static void apply0( json_state& state ) { state.objects.back()->data[ std::move( state.keys.back() ) ] = std::move( state.result ); state.keys.pop_back(); } }; template<> struct action< pegtl::json::object::end > { static void apply0( json_state& state ) { state.result = std::move( state.objects.back() ); state.objects.pop_back(); } }; using grammar = pegtl::must< pegtl::json::text, pegtl::eof >; } // namespace example int main( int argc, char** argv ) // NOLINT(bugprone-exception-escape) { if( argc != 2 ) { std::cerr << "usage: " << argv[ 0 ] << " "; } else { example::json_state state; pegtl::file_input in( argv[ 1 ] ); pegtl::parse< example::grammar, example::action, example::control >( in, state ); assert( state.keys.empty() ); assert( state.arrays.empty() ); assert( state.objects.empty() ); std::cout << state.result << std::endl; } return 0; }