# Changelog ## Unreleased TDB ## 0.11.10 - Add deprecation notice to `README.rst` ## 0.11.9 - Add `TelemetryProcessor` support. ## 0.11.8 - Allow to specify and endpoint to upload telemetry to. - Add option to set telemetry context for Flask integration. - Add `async_` argument to `logging.enable` to use async telemetry channel. - Add `endpoint` argument to `logging.enable` to configure custom telemetry endpoint. - Fix Flask>=1.0 exception handler catching control-flow exceptions. - Add `level` argument to `logging.enable` to configure telemetry verbosity. - Add optional queue persistence to prevent telemetry loss in case of application crash. - Add support for using `NullSender` with `AsynchronousQueue`. ## 0.11.7 - Added `track_dependency`. - Added optional `request_id` argument to `track_request`. ## 0.11.6 - Fixed exception logging in Flask integration on Python 2. - Fixed setting attributes in channel through context - Added support for Cloud Role Name and Cloud Role Instance fields ## 0.11.5 - Fixed setting custom properties through context. [#102](https://github.com/Microsoft/ApplicationInsights-Python/pull/102) ## 0.11.4 - Schemas for all data types and context objects updated to the latest version. - Add common properties argument to WSGIApplication initialization. Those common properties will be associated with telemetry produced by WSGIApplication. ## 0.11.3 - Changelog started from this version.