""" $URL: svn+ssh://svn.mems-exchange.org/repos/trunk/durus/persistent.py $ $Id: persistent.py 31094 2008-09-15 11:34:19Z dbinger $ """ from durus.utils import str_to_int8, iteritems, as_bytes from sys import stderr # these must match the constants in _persistent.c UNSAVED = 1 SAVED = 0 GHOST = -1 try: from durus._persistent import PersistentBase, ConnectionBase from durus._persistent import _setattribute, _delattribute from durus._persistent import _getattribute, _hasattribute from durus._persistent import call_if_persistent [ConnectionBase, _hasattribute, call_if_persistent] # silence import checker except ImportError: stderr.write('Using Python base classes for persistence.\n') _setattribute = object.__setattr__ _delattribute = object.__delattr__ _getattribute = object.__getattribute__ def _hasattribute(obj, name): try: _getattribute(obj, name) except AttributeError: return False else: return True class ConnectionBase(object): """ The faster implementation of this class is in _persistent.c. """ __slots__ = ['transaction_serial'] def __new__(klass, *args, **kwargs): instance = object.__new__(klass) instance.transaction_serial = 1 return instance _GHOST_SAFE_ATTRIBUTES = { '__repr__': 1, '__class__': 1, '__setstate__': 1, } class PersistentBase(object): """ The faster implementation of this class is in _persistent.c. The __slots__ and methods of this class are the ones that typical applications use very frequently, so we want them to be fast. Instance attributes: _p_status: UNSAVED | SAVED | GHOST UNSAVED means that state that is here, self.__dict__, is usable and has not been stored. SAVED means that the state that is here, self.__dict__, is usable and the same as the stored state. GHOST means that the state that is here, self.__dict__, is empty and unusable until it is updated from storage. New instances are UNSAVED. UNSAVED -> SAVED happens when the instance state, self.__dict__, is saved. UNSAVED -> GHOST happens on an abort (if the object has previously been saved). SAVED -> UNSAVED happens when changes are made to self.__dict__. SAVED -> GHOST happens when the cache manager wants space. GHOST -> SAVED happens when the instance state is loaded from the storage. GHOST -> UNSAVED this happens when you want to make changes to self.__dict__. The stored state is loaded during this state transition. _p_serial: int On every access, this attribute is set to self._p_connection.serial (if _p_connection is not None). _p_connection: durus.connection.Connection | None The Connection to the Storage that stores this instance. The _p_connection is None when this instance has never been stored. _p_oid: str | None The identifier assigned when the instance was first stored. The _p_oid is None when this instance has never been stored. """ __slots__ = ['_p_status', '_p_serial', '_p_connection', '_p_oid'] def __new__(klass, *args, **kwargs): instance = object.__new__(klass) instance._p_status = UNSAVED instance._p_serial = 0 instance._p_connection = None instance._p_oid = None return instance def __getattribute__(self, name): if name[:3] != '_p_' and name not in _GHOST_SAFE_ATTRIBUTES: if self._p_status == GHOST: self._p_load_state() connection = self._p_connection if (connection is not None and self._p_serial != connection.transaction_serial): connection.note_access(self) return _getattribute(self, name) def __setattr__(self, name, value): if name[:3] != '_p_' and name not in _GHOST_SAFE_ATTRIBUTES: self._p_note_change() _setattribute(self, name, value) def call_if_persistent(f, x): if isinstance(x, PersistentBase): return f(x) else: return None class PersistentObject (PersistentBase): """ All Durus persistent objects should inherit from this class. """ __slots__ = ['__weakref__'] def _p_gen_data_slots(self): """Generate the sequence of names of data slots that have values. """ for klass in self.__class__.__mro__: if klass is not PersistentBase: for name in getattr(klass, '__slots__', []): if (name not in ('__weakref__', '__dict__') and _hasattribute(self, name)): yield name def __getstate__(self): if self._p_status == GHOST: self._p_load_state() state = {} if _hasattribute(self, '__dict__'): state.update(_getattribute(self, '__dict__')) for name in self._p_gen_data_slots(): state[name] = _getattribute(self, name) return state def __setstate__(self, state): if _hasattribute(self, '__dict__'): _getattribute(self, '__dict__').clear() for name in self._p_gen_data_slots(): _delattribute(self, name) if state is not None: for key, value in iteritems(state): _setattribute(self, key, value) def __repr__(self): if self._p_oid is None: identifier = '@%x' % id(self) else: identifier = self._p_format_oid() return "<%s %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, identifier) def __delattr__(self, name): self._p_note_change() _delattribute(self, name) def _p_load_state(self): assert self._p_status == GHOST self._p_connection.load_state(self) self._p_set_status_saved() def _p_note_change(self): if self._p_status != UNSAVED: self._p_set_status_unsaved() self._p_connection.note_change(self) def _p_format_oid(self): oid = self._p_oid return str(oid and str_to_int8(as_bytes(oid))) def _p_set_status_ghost(self): self.__setstate__({}) self._p_status = GHOST def _p_set_status_saved(self): self._p_status = SAVED def _p_set_status_unsaved(self): if self._p_status == GHOST: self._p_load_state() self._p_status = UNSAVED def _p_is_ghost(self): return self._p_status == GHOST def _p_is_unsaved(self): return self._p_status == UNSAVED def _p_is_saved(self): return self._p_status == SAVED class Persistent (PersistentObject): """ This is the traditional persistent class of Durus. The state is stored in the __dict__. """ def __getstate__(self): return self.__dict__ def __setstate__(self, state): self_dict = _getattribute(self, '__dict__') self_dict.clear() self_dict.update(state) class ComputedAttribute (PersistentObject): """Computed attributes do not have any state that needs to be saved in the database. Instead, their value is computed based on other persistent objects. Although they have no real persistent state, they do have OIDs. That allows synchronize of the cached value between connections (necessary to maintain consistency). If the value becomes invalid in one connection then it must be invalidated in all connections. That is achieved by marking the object as UNSAVED and treating it like a normal persistent object. Instance attributes: none """ __slots__ = ['value'] def __getstate__(self): return None def _p_load_state(self): # don't need to read state from connection, there is none self._p_set_status_saved() def invalidate(self): """Forget value and mark object as UNSAVED. On commit it will cause other connections to receive a invalidation notification and forget the value as well. """ self.__setstate__(None) self._p_note_change() def get(self, compute): """(compute) -> value Compute the value (if necessary) and return it. 'compute' needs to be a function that takes no arguments. """ # we are careful here not to mark object as UNSAVED if _hasattribute(self, 'value'): value = _getattribute(self, 'value') else: value = compute() _setattribute(self, 'value', value) return value