"""Utilities related to determining the reachability of code (in semantic analysis).""" from typing import Tuple, TypeVar, Union, Optional from typing_extensions import Final from mypy.nodes import ( Expression, IfStmt, Block, AssertStmt, NameExpr, UnaryExpr, MemberExpr, OpExpr, ComparisonExpr, StrExpr, UnicodeExpr, CallExpr, IntExpr, TupleExpr, IndexExpr, SliceExpr, Import, ImportFrom, ImportAll, LITERAL_YES ) from mypy.options import Options from mypy.traverser import TraverserVisitor from mypy.literals import literal # Inferred truth value of an expression. ALWAYS_TRUE = 1 # type: Final MYPY_TRUE = 2 # type: Final # True in mypy, False at runtime ALWAYS_FALSE = 3 # type: Final MYPY_FALSE = 4 # type: Final # False in mypy, True at runtime TRUTH_VALUE_UNKNOWN = 5 # type: Final inverted_truth_mapping = { ALWAYS_TRUE: ALWAYS_FALSE, ALWAYS_FALSE: ALWAYS_TRUE, TRUTH_VALUE_UNKNOWN: TRUTH_VALUE_UNKNOWN, MYPY_TRUE: MYPY_FALSE, MYPY_FALSE: MYPY_TRUE, } # type: Final reverse_op = {"==": "==", "!=": "!=", "<": ">", ">": "<", "<=": ">=", ">=": "<=", } # type: Final def infer_reachability_of_if_statement(s: IfStmt, options: Options) -> None: for i in range(len(s.expr)): result = infer_condition_value(s.expr[i], options) if result in (ALWAYS_FALSE, MYPY_FALSE): # The condition is considered always false, so we skip the if/elif body. mark_block_unreachable(s.body[i]) elif result in (ALWAYS_TRUE, MYPY_TRUE): # This condition is considered always true, so all of the remaining # elif/else bodies should not be checked. if result == MYPY_TRUE: # This condition is false at runtime; this will affect # import priorities. mark_block_mypy_only(s.body[i]) for body in s.body[i + 1:]: mark_block_unreachable(body) # Make sure else body always exists and is marked as # unreachable so the type checker always knows that # all control flow paths will flow through the if # statement body. if not s.else_body: s.else_body = Block([]) mark_block_unreachable(s.else_body) break def assert_will_always_fail(s: AssertStmt, options: Options) -> bool: return infer_condition_value(s.expr, options) in (ALWAYS_FALSE, MYPY_FALSE) def infer_condition_value(expr: Expression, options: Options) -> int: """Infer whether the given condition is always true/false. Return ALWAYS_TRUE if always true, ALWAYS_FALSE if always false, MYPY_TRUE if true under mypy and false at runtime, MYPY_FALSE if false under mypy and true at runtime, else TRUTH_VALUE_UNKNOWN. """ pyversion = options.python_version name = '' negated = False alias = expr if isinstance(alias, UnaryExpr): if alias.op == 'not': expr = alias.expr negated = True result = TRUTH_VALUE_UNKNOWN if isinstance(expr, NameExpr): name = expr.name elif isinstance(expr, MemberExpr): name = expr.name elif isinstance(expr, OpExpr) and expr.op in ('and', 'or'): left = infer_condition_value(expr.left, options) if ((left in (ALWAYS_TRUE, MYPY_TRUE) and expr.op == 'and') or (left in (ALWAYS_FALSE, MYPY_FALSE) and expr.op == 'or')): # Either `True and ` or `False or `: the result will # always be the right-hand-side. return infer_condition_value(expr.right, options) else: # The result will always be the left-hand-side (e.g. ALWAYS_* or # TRUTH_VALUE_UNKNOWN). return left else: result = consider_sys_version_info(expr, pyversion) if result == TRUTH_VALUE_UNKNOWN: result = consider_sys_platform(expr, options.platform) if result == TRUTH_VALUE_UNKNOWN: if name == 'PY2': result = ALWAYS_TRUE if pyversion[0] == 2 else ALWAYS_FALSE elif name == 'PY3': result = ALWAYS_TRUE if pyversion[0] == 3 else ALWAYS_FALSE elif name == 'MYPY' or name == 'TYPE_CHECKING': result = MYPY_TRUE elif name in options.always_true: result = ALWAYS_TRUE elif name in options.always_false: result = ALWAYS_FALSE if negated: result = inverted_truth_mapping[result] return result def consider_sys_version_info(expr: Expression, pyversion: Tuple[int, ...]) -> int: """Consider whether expr is a comparison involving sys.version_info. Return ALWAYS_TRUE, ALWAYS_FALSE, or TRUTH_VALUE_UNKNOWN. """ # Cases supported: # - sys.version_info[] # - sys.version_info[:] # - sys.version_info # (in this case must be >, >=, <, <=, but cannot be ==, !=) if not isinstance(expr, ComparisonExpr): return TRUTH_VALUE_UNKNOWN # Let's not yet support chained comparisons. if len(expr.operators) > 1: return TRUTH_VALUE_UNKNOWN op = expr.operators[0] if op not in ('==', '!=', '<=', '>=', '<', '>'): return TRUTH_VALUE_UNKNOWN index = contains_sys_version_info(expr.operands[0]) thing = contains_int_or_tuple_of_ints(expr.operands[1]) if index is None or thing is None: index = contains_sys_version_info(expr.operands[1]) thing = contains_int_or_tuple_of_ints(expr.operands[0]) op = reverse_op[op] if isinstance(index, int) and isinstance(thing, int): # sys.version_info[i] k if 0 <= index <= 1: return fixed_comparison(pyversion[index], op, thing) else: return TRUTH_VALUE_UNKNOWN elif isinstance(index, tuple) and isinstance(thing, tuple): lo, hi = index if lo is None: lo = 0 if hi is None: hi = 2 if 0 <= lo < hi <= 2: val = pyversion[lo:hi] if len(val) == len(thing) or len(val) > len(thing) and op not in ('==', '!='): return fixed_comparison(val, op, thing) return TRUTH_VALUE_UNKNOWN def consider_sys_platform(expr: Expression, platform: str) -> int: """Consider whether expr is a comparison involving sys.platform. Return ALWAYS_TRUE, ALWAYS_FALSE, or TRUTH_VALUE_UNKNOWN. """ # Cases supported: # - sys.platform == 'posix' # - sys.platform != 'win32' # - sys.platform.startswith('win') if isinstance(expr, ComparisonExpr): # Let's not yet support chained comparisons. if len(expr.operators) > 1: return TRUTH_VALUE_UNKNOWN op = expr.operators[0] if op not in ('==', '!='): return TRUTH_VALUE_UNKNOWN if not is_sys_attr(expr.operands[0], 'platform'): return TRUTH_VALUE_UNKNOWN right = expr.operands[1] if not isinstance(right, (StrExpr, UnicodeExpr)): return TRUTH_VALUE_UNKNOWN return fixed_comparison(platform, op, right.value) elif isinstance(expr, CallExpr): if not isinstance(expr.callee, MemberExpr): return TRUTH_VALUE_UNKNOWN if len(expr.args) != 1 or not isinstance(expr.args[0], (StrExpr, UnicodeExpr)): return TRUTH_VALUE_UNKNOWN if not is_sys_attr(expr.callee.expr, 'platform'): return TRUTH_VALUE_UNKNOWN if expr.callee.name != 'startswith': return TRUTH_VALUE_UNKNOWN if platform.startswith(expr.args[0].value): return ALWAYS_TRUE else: return ALWAYS_FALSE else: return TRUTH_VALUE_UNKNOWN Targ = TypeVar('Targ', int, str, Tuple[int, ...]) def fixed_comparison(left: Targ, op: str, right: Targ) -> int: rmap = {False: ALWAYS_FALSE, True: ALWAYS_TRUE} if op == '==': return rmap[left == right] if op == '!=': return rmap[left != right] if op == '<=': return rmap[left <= right] if op == '>=': return rmap[left >= right] if op == '<': return rmap[left < right] if op == '>': return rmap[left > right] return TRUTH_VALUE_UNKNOWN def contains_int_or_tuple_of_ints(expr: Expression ) -> Union[None, int, Tuple[int], Tuple[int, ...]]: if isinstance(expr, IntExpr): return expr.value if isinstance(expr, TupleExpr): if literal(expr) == LITERAL_YES: thing = [] for x in expr.items: if not isinstance(x, IntExpr): return None thing.append(x.value) return tuple(thing) return None def contains_sys_version_info(expr: Expression ) -> Union[None, int, Tuple[Optional[int], Optional[int]]]: if is_sys_attr(expr, 'version_info'): return (None, None) # Same as sys.version_info[:] if isinstance(expr, IndexExpr) and is_sys_attr(expr.base, 'version_info'): index = expr.index if isinstance(index, IntExpr): return index.value if isinstance(index, SliceExpr): if index.stride is not None: if not isinstance(index.stride, IntExpr) or index.stride.value != 1: return None begin = end = None if index.begin_index is not None: if not isinstance(index.begin_index, IntExpr): return None begin = index.begin_index.value if index.end_index is not None: if not isinstance(index.end_index, IntExpr): return None end = index.end_index.value return (begin, end) return None def is_sys_attr(expr: Expression, name: str) -> bool: # TODO: This currently doesn't work with code like this: # - import sys as _sys # - from sys import version_info if isinstance(expr, MemberExpr) and expr.name == name: if isinstance(expr.expr, NameExpr) and expr.expr.name == 'sys': # TODO: Guard against a local named sys, etc. # (Though later passes will still do most checking.) return True return False def mark_block_unreachable(block: Block) -> None: block.is_unreachable = True block.accept(MarkImportsUnreachableVisitor()) class MarkImportsUnreachableVisitor(TraverserVisitor): """Visitor that flags all imports nested within a node as unreachable.""" def visit_import(self, node: Import) -> None: node.is_unreachable = True def visit_import_from(self, node: ImportFrom) -> None: node.is_unreachable = True def visit_import_all(self, node: ImportAll) -> None: node.is_unreachable = True def mark_block_mypy_only(block: Block) -> None: block.accept(MarkImportsMypyOnlyVisitor()) class MarkImportsMypyOnlyVisitor(TraverserVisitor): """Visitor that sets is_mypy_only (which affects priority).""" def visit_import(self, node: Import) -> None: node.is_mypy_only = True def visit_import_from(self, node: ImportFrom) -> None: node.is_mypy_only = True def visit_import_all(self, node: ImportAll) -> None: node.is_mypy_only = True