import pytest from pint import UnitRegistry # Conditionally import NumPy and any upcast type libraries np = pytest.importorskip("numpy", reason="NumPy is not available") xr = pytest.importorskip("xarray", reason="xarray is not available") # Set up unit registry and sample ureg = UnitRegistry() q = [[1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 4.0]] * ureg.m @pytest.fixture def da(): return xr.DataArray(q.copy()) @pytest.fixture def ds(): return xr.Dataset( { "a": (("x", "y"), [[0, 1], [2, 3], [4, 5]], {"units": "K"}), "b": ("x", [0, 2, 4], {"units": "degC"}), "c": ("y", [-1, 1], {"units": "hPa"}), }, coords={ "x": ("x", [-1, 0, 1], {"units": "degree"}), "y": ("y", [0, 1], {"units": "degree"}), }, ) def test_xarray_quantity_creation(): with pytest.raises(TypeError) as exc: ureg.Quantity(xr.DataArray(np.arange(4)), "m") assert "Quantity cannot wrap upcast type" in str(exc) assert xr.DataArray(q).data is q def test_quantification(ds): da = ds["a"] = ureg.Quantity(da.values, da.attrs.pop("units")) mean = da.mean().item() assert mean.units == ureg.K assert np.isclose(mean, 2.5 * ureg.K) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "op", [ lambda x, y: x + y, lambda x, y: x - (-y), lambda x, y: x * y, lambda x, y: x / (y ** -1), ], ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "pair", [ (q, xr.DataArray(q)), ( xr.DataArray([1.0, 2.0] * ureg.m, dims=("y",)), xr.DataArray( np.arange(6, dtype="float").reshape(3, 2, 1), dims=("z", "y", "x") ) *, ), (1 * ureg.m, xr.DataArray(q)), ], ) def test_binary_arithmetic_commutativity(op, pair): z0 = op(*pair) z1 = op(*pair[::-1]) z1 = z1.transpose(*z0.dims) assert np.all(np.isclose(, def test_eq_commutativity(da): assert np.all((q.T == da) == (da.transpose() == q)) def test_ne_commutativity(da): assert np.all((q != da.transpose()) == (da != q.T)) def test_dataset_operation_with_unit(ds): ds0 = ureg.K * ds.isel(x=0) ds1 = (ds * ureg.K).isel(x=0) xr.testing.assert_identical(ds0, ds1) assert np.isclose(ds0["a"].mean().item(), 0.5 * ureg.K) def test_dataarray_inplace_arithmetic_roundtrip(da): da_original = da.copy() q_to_modify = q.copy() da += q xr.testing.assert_identical(da, xr.DataArray([[2, 4], [6, 8]] * ureg.m)) da -= q xr.testing.assert_identical(da, da_original) da *= ureg.m xr.testing.assert_identical(da, xr.DataArray(q * ureg.m)) da /= ureg.m xr.testing.assert_identical(da, da_original) # Operating inplace with DataArray converts to DataArray q_to_modify += da q_to_modify -= da assert np.all(np.isclose(, q)) def test_dataarray_inequalities(da): xr.testing.assert_identical( 2 * ureg.m > da, xr.DataArray([[True, False], [False, False]]) ) xr.testing.assert_identical( 2 * ureg.m < da, xr.DataArray([[False, False], [True, True]]) ) with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc: da > 2 assert "Cannot compare Quantity and " in str(exc) def test_array_function_deferral(da): lower = 2 * ureg.m upper = 3 * ureg.m args = (da, lower, upper) assert ( lower.__array_function__( np.clip, tuple(set(type(arg) for arg in args)), args, {} ) is NotImplemented ) def test_array_ufunc_deferral(da): lower = 2 * ureg.m assert lower.__array_ufunc__(np.maximum, "__call__", lower, da) is NotImplemented