import os import subprocess import sys from textwrap import dedent import mock import pytest from pytest import mark from .constants import MINIMAL_WHEELS_PATH, PACKAGES_PATH from .utils import invoke from piptools._compat.pip_compat import PIP_VERSION, path_to_url from piptools.scripts.compile import cli @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def temp_dep_cache(tmpdir, monkeypatch): monkeypatch.setenv("PIP_TOOLS_CACHE_DIR", str(tmpdir / "cache")) def test_default_pip_conf_read(pip_with_index_conf, runner): # preconditions with open("", "w"): pass out = runner.invoke(cli, ["-v"]) # check that we have our index-url as specified in pip.conf assert "Using indexes:\n" in out.stderr assert "--index-url" in out.stderr def test_command_line_overrides_pip_conf(pip_with_index_conf, runner): # preconditions with open("", "w"): pass out = runner.invoke(cli, ["-v", "-i", ""]) # check that we have our index-url as specified in pip.conf assert "Using indexes:\n" in out.stderr def test_command_line_setuptools_read(pip_conf, runner): with open("", "w") as package: package.write( dedent( """\ from setuptools import setup setup( name="fake-setuptools-a", install_requires=["small-fake-a==0.1"] ) """ ) ) out = runner.invoke(cli) assert "This file is autogenerated by pip-compile" in out.stderr assert ( "small-fake-a==0.1 # via fake-setuptools-a (" in out.stderr.splitlines() ) # check that pip-compile generated a configuration file assert os.path.exists("requirements.txt") @pytest.mark.parametrize( "options, expected_output_file", [ # For the `pip-compile` output file should be "requirements.txt" ([], "requirements.txt"), # For the `pip-compile --output-file=output.txt` # output file should be "output.txt" (["--output-file", "output.txt"], "output.txt"), # For the `pip-compile` output file should be "requirements.txt" ([""], "requirements.txt"), # For the `pip-compile --output-file=output.txt` # output file should be "output.txt" (["", "--output-file", "output.txt"], "output.txt"), ], ) def test_command_line_setuptools_output_file( pip_conf, runner, options, expected_output_file ): """ Test the output files for as a requirement file. """ with open("", "w") as package: package.write( dedent( """\ from setuptools import setup setup(install_requires=[]) """ ) ) out = runner.invoke(cli, options) assert out.exit_code == 0 assert os.path.exists(expected_output_file) def test_find_links_option(runner): with open("", "w") as req_in: req_in.write("-f ./libs3") out = runner.invoke(cli, ["-v", "-f", "./libs1", "-f", "./libs2"]) # Check that find-links has been passed to pip assert "Configuration:\n -f ./libs1\n -f ./libs2\n -f ./libs3\n" in out.stderr # Check that find-links has been written to a requirements.txt with open("requirements.txt", "r") as req_txt: assert ( "--find-links ./libs1\n--find-links ./libs2\n--find-links ./libs3\n" in ) def test_extra_index_option(pip_with_index_conf, runner): with open("", "w"): pass out = runner.invoke( cli, [ "-v", "--extra-index-url", "", "--extra-index-url", "", ], ) assert ( "Using indexes:\n" "\n" "\n" "" in out.stderr ) assert ( "--index-url\n" "--extra-index-url\n" "--extra-index-url" in out.stderr ) def test_trusted_host(pip_conf, runner): with open("", "w"): pass out = runner.invoke( cli, ["-v", "--trusted-host", "", "--trusted-host", ""] ) assert "--trusted-host\n" "--trusted-host\n" in out.stderr def test_trusted_host_no_emit(pip_conf, runner): with open("", "w"): pass out = runner.invoke( cli, ["-v", "--trusted-host", "", "--no-emit-trusted-host"] ) assert "--trusted-host" not in out.stderr def test_find_links_no_emit(pip_conf, runner): with open("", "w"): pass out = runner.invoke(cli, ["-v", "--no-emit-find-links"]) assert "--find-links" not in out.stderr def test_realistic_complex_sub_dependencies(runner): wheels_dir = "wheels" # make a temporary wheel of a fake package subprocess.check_output( [ "pip", "wheel", "--no-deps", "-w", wheels_dir, os.path.join(PACKAGES_PATH, "fake_with_deps", "."), ] ) with open("", "w") as req_in: req_in.write("fake_with_deps") # require fake package out = runner.invoke(cli, ["-v", "-n", "--rebuild", "-f", wheels_dir]) assert out.exit_code == 0 def test_run_as_module_compile(): """piptools can be run as ``python -m piptools ...``.""" status, output = invoke([sys.executable, "-m", "piptools", "compile", "--help"]) # Should have run pip-compile successfully. output = output.decode("utf-8") assert output.startswith("Usage:") assert "Compiles requirements.txt from" in output assert status == 0 def test_editable_package(pip_conf, runner): """ piptools can compile an editable """ fake_package_dir = os.path.join(PACKAGES_PATH, "small_fake_with_deps") fake_package_dir = path_to_url(fake_package_dir) with open("", "w") as req_in: req_in.write("-e " + fake_package_dir) # require editable fake package out = runner.invoke(cli, ["-n"]) assert out.exit_code == 0 assert fake_package_dir in out.stderr assert "small-fake-a==0.1" in out.stderr def test_editable_package_vcs(runner): vcs_package = ( "git+git://" "f97e62ecb0d9b70965c8eff952c001d8e2722e94" "#egg=pip-tools" ) with open("", "w") as req_in: req_in.write("-e " + vcs_package) out = runner.invoke(cli, ["-n", "--rebuild"]) assert out.exit_code == 0 assert vcs_package in out.stderr assert "click" in out.stderr # dependency of pip-tools def test_locally_available_editable_package_is_not_archived_in_cache_dir( pip_conf, tmpdir, runner ): """ piptools will not create an archive for a locally available editable requirement """ cache_dir = tmpdir.mkdir("cache_dir") fake_package_dir = os.path.join(PACKAGES_PATH, "small_fake_with_deps") fake_package_dir = path_to_url(fake_package_dir) with open("", "w") as req_in: req_in.write("-e " + fake_package_dir) # require editable fake package out = runner.invoke(cli, ["-n", "--rebuild", "--cache-dir", str(cache_dir)]) assert out.exit_code == 0 assert fake_package_dir in out.stderr assert "small-fake-a==0.1" in out.stderr # we should not find any archived file in {cache_dir}/pkgs assert not os.listdir(os.path.join(str(cache_dir), "pkgs")) @mark.parametrize( ("line", "dependency"), [ # zip URL # use pip-tools version prior to its use of setuptools_scm, # which is incompatible with https: install ( "" "", "\nclick==", ), # scm URL ( "git+git://" "7d86c8d3ecd1faa6be11c7ddc6b29a30ffd1dae3", "\nclick==", ), # wheel URL ( "" "89872db07ae70770fba97205b0737c17ef013d0d1c790" "899c16bb8bac419/pip_tools-3.6.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl", "\nclick==", ), ], ) @mark.parametrize(("generate_hashes",), [(True,), (False,)]) def test_url_package(runner, line, dependency, generate_hashes): with open("", "w") as req_in: req_in.write(line) out = runner.invoke( cli, ["-n", "--rebuild"] + (["--generate-hashes"] if generate_hashes else []) ) assert out.exit_code == 0 assert dependency in out.stderr @mark.parametrize( ("line", "dependency", "rewritten_line"), [ # file:// wheel URL ( path_to_url( os.path.join( MINIMAL_WHEELS_PATH, "small_fake_with_deps-0.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl" ) ), "\nsmall-fake-a==0.1", None, ), # file:// directory ( path_to_url(os.path.join(PACKAGES_PATH, "small_fake_with_deps")), "\nsmall-fake-a==0.1", None, ), # bare path # will be rewritten to file:// URL ( os.path.join( MINIMAL_WHEELS_PATH, "small_fake_with_deps-0.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl" ), "\nsmall-fake-a==0.1", path_to_url( os.path.join( MINIMAL_WHEELS_PATH, "small_fake_with_deps-0.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl" ) ), ), ], ) @mark.parametrize(("generate_hashes",), [(True,), (False,)]) def test_local_url_package( pip_conf, runner, line, dependency, rewritten_line, generate_hashes ): if rewritten_line is None: rewritten_line = line with open("", "w") as req_in: req_in.write(line) out = runner.invoke( cli, ["-n", "--rebuild"] + (["--generate-hashes"] if generate_hashes else []) ) assert out.exit_code == 0 assert rewritten_line in out.stderr assert dependency in out.stderr def test_input_file_without_extension(pip_conf, runner): """ piptools can compile a file without an extension, and add .txt as the defaut output file extension. """ with open("requirements", "w") as req_in: req_in.write("small-fake-a==0.1") out = runner.invoke(cli, ["requirements"]) assert out.exit_code == 0 assert "small-fake-a==0.1" in out.stderr assert os.path.exists("requirements.txt") def test_upgrade_packages_option(pip_conf, runner): """ piptools respects --upgrade-package/-P inline list. """ with open("", "w") as req_in: req_in.write("small-fake-a\nsmall-fake-b") with open("requirements.txt", "w") as req_in: req_in.write("small-fake-a==0.1\nsmall-fake-b==0.1") out = runner.invoke(cli, ["--no-annotate", "-P", "small-fake-b"]) assert out.exit_code == 0 assert "small-fake-a==0.1" in out.stderr.splitlines() assert "small-fake-b==0.3" in out.stderr.splitlines() def test_upgrade_packages_option_irrelevant(pip_conf, runner): """ piptools ignores --upgrade-package/-P items not already constrained. """ with open("", "w") as req_in: req_in.write("small-fake-a") with open("requirements.txt", "w") as req_in: req_in.write("small-fake-a==0.1") out = runner.invoke(cli, ["--no-annotate", "--upgrade-package", "small-fake-b"]) assert out.exit_code == 0 assert "small-fake-a==0.1" in out.stderr.splitlines() assert "small-fake-b==0.3" not in out.stderr.splitlines() def test_upgrade_packages_option_no_existing_file(pip_conf, runner): """ piptools respects --upgrade-package/-P inline list when the output file doesn't exist. """ with open("", "w") as req_in: req_in.write("small-fake-a\nsmall-fake-b") out = runner.invoke(cli, ["--no-annotate", "-P", "small-fake-b"]) assert out.exit_code == 0 assert "small-fake-a==0.2" in out.stderr.splitlines() assert "small-fake-b==0.3" in out.stderr.splitlines() @pytest.mark.parametrize( "current_package, upgraded_package", ( pytest.param("small-fake-b==0.1", "small-fake-b==0.3", id="upgrade"), pytest.param("small-fake-b==0.3", "small-fake-b==0.1", id="downgrade"), ), ) def test_upgrade_packages_version_option( pip_conf, runner, current_package, upgraded_package ): """ piptools respects --upgrade-package/-P inline list with specified versions. """ with open("", "w") as req_in: req_in.write("small-fake-a\nsmall-fake-b") with open("requirements.txt", "w") as req_in: req_in.write("small-fake-a==0.1\n" + current_package) out = runner.invoke(cli, ["--no-annotate", "--upgrade-package", upgraded_package]) assert out.exit_code == 0 stderr_lines = out.stderr.splitlines() assert "small-fake-a==0.1" in stderr_lines assert upgraded_package in stderr_lines def test_upgrade_packages_version_option_no_existing_file(pip_conf, runner): """ piptools respects --upgrade-package/-P inline list with specified versions. """ with open("", "w") as req_in: req_in.write("small-fake-a\nsmall-fake-b") out = runner.invoke(cli, ["-P", "small-fake-b==0.2"]) assert out.exit_code == 0 assert "small-fake-a==0.2" in out.stderr assert "small-fake-b==0.2" in out.stderr def test_upgrade_packages_version_option_and_upgrade(pip_conf, runner): """ piptools respects --upgrade-package/-P inline list with specified versions whilst also doing --upgrade. """ with open("", "w") as req_in: req_in.write("small-fake-a\nsmall-fake-b") with open("requirements.txt", "w") as req_in: req_in.write("small-fake-a==0.1\nsmall-fake-b==0.1") out = runner.invoke(cli, ["--upgrade", "-P", "small-fake-b==0.1"]) assert out.exit_code == 0 assert "small-fake-a==0.2" in out.stderr assert "small-fake-b==0.1" in out.stderr def test_upgrade_packages_version_option_and_upgrade_no_existing_file(pip_conf, runner): """ piptools respects --upgrade-package/-P inline list with specified versions whilst also doing --upgrade and the output file doesn't exist. """ with open("", "w") as req_in: req_in.write("small-fake-a\nsmall-fake-b") out = runner.invoke(cli, ["--upgrade", "-P", "small-fake-b==0.1"]) assert out.exit_code == 0 assert "small-fake-a==0.2" in out.stderr assert "small-fake-b==0.1" in out.stderr def test_quiet_option(runner): with open("requirements", "w"): pass out = runner.invoke(cli, ["--quiet", "-n", "requirements"]) # Pinned requirements result has not been written to output. assert not out.stderr_bytes def test_dry_run_noisy_option(runner): with open("requirements", "w"): pass out = runner.invoke(cli, ["--dry-run", "requirements"]) # Dry-run message has been written to output assert "Dry-run, so nothing updated." in out.stderr.splitlines() def test_dry_run_quiet_option(runner): with open("requirements", "w"): pass out = runner.invoke(cli, ["--dry-run", "--quiet", "requirements"]) # Dry-run message has not been written to output. assert not out.stderr_bytes def test_generate_hashes_with_editable(pip_conf, runner): small_fake_package_dir = os.path.join(PACKAGES_PATH, "small_fake_with_deps") small_fake_package_url = path_to_url(small_fake_package_dir) with open("", "w") as fp: fp.write("-e {}\n".format(small_fake_package_url)) out = runner.invoke(cli, ["--no-annotate", "--generate-hashes"]) expected = ( "-e {}\n" "small-fake-a==0.1 \\\n" " --hash=sha256:5e6071ee6e4c59e0d0408d366f" "e9b66781d2cf01be9a6e19a2433bb3c5336330\n" "small-fake-b==0.1 \\\n" " --hash=sha256:acdba8f8b8a816213c30d5310c" "3fe296c0107b16ed452062f7f994a5672e3b3f\n" ).format(small_fake_package_url) assert out.exit_code == 0 assert expected in out.stderr def test_generate_hashes_with_url(runner): with open("", "w") as fp: fp.write( "" "\n" ) out = runner.invoke(cli, ["--no-annotate", "--generate-hashes"]) expected = ( "" " \\\n" " --hash=sha256:d24de92e18ad5bf291f25cfcdcf" "0171be6fa70d01d0bef9eeda356b8549715e7\n" ) assert out.exit_code == 0 assert expected in out.stderr def test_generate_hashes_verbose(pip_conf, runner): """ The hashes generation process should show a progress. """ with open("", "w") as fp: fp.write("small-fake-a==0.1") out = runner.invoke(cli, ["--generate-hashes", "-v"]) expected_verbose_text = "Generating hashes:\n small-fake-a\n" assert expected_verbose_text in out.stderr @pytest.mark.skipif(PIP_VERSION < (9,), reason="needs pip 9 or greater") def test_filter_pip_markers(pip_conf, runner): """ Check that pip-compile works with pip environment markers (PEP496) """ with open("requirements", "w") as req_in: req_in.write( "small-fake-a==0.1\n" "unknown_package==0.1; python_version == '1'" ) out = runner.invoke(cli, ["-n", "requirements"]) assert out.exit_code == 0 assert "small-fake-a==0.1" in out.stderr assert "unknown_package" not in out.stderr def test_no_candidates(pip_conf, runner): with open("requirements", "w") as req_in: req_in.write("small-fake-a>0.3b1,<0.3b2") out = runner.invoke(cli, ["-n", "requirements"]) assert out.exit_code == 2 assert "Skipped pre-versions:" in out.stderr def test_no_candidates_pre(pip_conf, runner): with open("requirements", "w") as req_in: req_in.write("small-fake-a>0.3b1,<0.3b1") out = runner.invoke(cli, ["-n", "requirements", "--pre"]) assert out.exit_code == 2 assert "Tried pre-versions:" in out.stderr def test_default_index_url(pip_with_index_conf): status, output = invoke([sys.executable, "-m", "piptools", "compile", "--help"]) output = output.decode("utf-8") # Click's subprocess output has \r\r\n line endings on win py27. Fix it. output = output.replace("\r\r", "\r") assert status == 0 expected = ( " -i, --index-url TEXT Change index URL (defaults to" + os.linesep + "" + os.linesep ) assert expected in output def test_stdin_without_output_file(runner): """ The --output-file option is required for STDIN. """ out = runner.invoke(cli, ["-n", "-"]) assert out.exit_code == 2 assert "--output-file is required if input is from stdin" in out.stderr def test_not_specified_input_file(runner): """ It should raise an error if there are no input files or default input files such as "" or "". """ out = runner.invoke(cli) assert "If you do not specify an input file" in out.stderr assert out.exit_code == 2 def test_stdin(pip_conf, runner): """ Test compile requirements from STDIN. """ out = runner.invoke( cli, ["-", "--output-file", "requirements.txt", "-n"], input="small-fake-a==0.1" ) assert "small-fake-a==0.1 # via -r -" in out.stderr.splitlines() def test_multiple_input_files_without_output_file(runner): """ The --output-file option is required for multiple requirement input files. """ with open("", "w") as req_in: req_in.write("six==1.10.0") with open("", "w") as req_in: req_in.write("django==2.1") out = runner.invoke(cli, ["", ""]) assert ( "--output-file is required if two or more input files are given" in out.stderr ) assert out.exit_code == 2 @pytest.mark.parametrize( "option, expected", [ ( "--annotate", "small-fake-a==0.1 " "# via -c constraints.txt, small-fake-with-deps\n", ), ("--no-annotate", "small-fake-a==0.1\n"), ], ) def test_annotate_option(pip_conf, runner, option, expected): """ The output lines has have annotations if option is turned on. """ with open("constraints.txt", "w") as constraints_in: constraints_in.write("small-fake-a==0.1") with open("", "w") as req_in: req_in.write("-c constraints.txt\n") req_in.write("small_fake_with_deps") out = runner.invoke(cli, [option, "-n"]) assert expected in out.stderr assert out.exit_code == 0 @pytest.mark.parametrize( "option, expected", [("--allow-unsafe", "small-fake-a==0.1"), (None, "# small-fake-a")], ) def test_allow_unsafe_option(pip_conf, monkeypatch, runner, option, expected): """ Unsafe packages are printed as expected with and without --allow-unsafe. """ monkeypatch.setattr("piptools.resolver.UNSAFE_PACKAGES", {"small-fake-a"}) with open("", "w") as req_in: req_in.write(path_to_url(os.path.join(PACKAGES_PATH, "small_fake_with_deps"))) out = runner.invoke(cli, ["--no-annotate", option] if option else []) assert expected in out.stderr.splitlines() assert out.exit_code == 0 @pytest.mark.parametrize( "option, attr, expected", [("--cert", "cert", "foo.crt"), ("--client-cert", "client_cert", "bar.pem")], ) @mock.patch("piptools.scripts.compile.parse_requirements") def test_cert_option(parse_requirements, runner, option, attr, expected): """ The options --cert and --client-crt have to be passed to the PyPIRepository. """ with open("", "w"): pass runner.invoke(cli, [option, expected]) # Ensure the options in parse_requirements has the expected option assert getattr(parse_requirements.call_args.kwargs["options"], attr) == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize( "option, expected", [("--build-isolation", True), ("--no-build-isolation", False)] ) @mock.patch("piptools.scripts.compile.PyPIRepository") @mock.patch("piptools.scripts.compile.parse_requirements") # prevent to parse def test_build_isolation_option( parse_requirements, PyPIRepository, runner, option, expected ): """ A value of the --build-isolation/--no-build-isolation flag must be passed to the PyPIRepository. """ with open("", "w"): pass runner.invoke(cli, [option]) # Ensure the build_isolation option in PyPIRepository has the expected value. assert PyPIRepository.call_args.kwargs["build_isolation"] is expected @pytest.mark.parametrize( "cli_option, infile_option, expected_package", [ # no --pre pip-compile should resolve to the last stable version (False, False, "small-fake-a==0.2"), # pip-compile --pre should resolve to the last pre-released version (True, False, "small-fake-a==0.3b1"), (False, True, "small-fake-a==0.3b1"), (True, True, "small-fake-a==0.3b1"), ], ) def test_pre_option(pip_conf, runner, cli_option, infile_option, expected_package): """ Tests pip-compile respects --pre option. """ with open("", "w") as req_in: if infile_option: req_in.write("--pre\n") req_in.write("small-fake-a\n") out = runner.invoke(cli, ["--no-annotate", "-n"] + (["-p"] if cli_option else [])) assert out.exit_code == 0, out.stderr assert expected_package in out.stderr.splitlines(), out.stderr @pytest.mark.parametrize( "add_options", [ [], ["--output-file", "requirements.txt"], ["--upgrade"], ["--upgrade", "--output-file", "requirements.txt"], ["--upgrade-package", "small-fake-a"], ["--upgrade-package", "small-fake-a", "--output-file", "requirements.txt"], ], ) def test_dry_run_option(pip_conf, runner, add_options): """ Tests pip-compile doesn't create requirements.txt file on dry-run. """ with open("", "w") as req_in: req_in.write("small-fake-a\n") out = runner.invoke(cli, ["--no-annotate", "--dry-run"] + add_options) assert out.exit_code == 0, out.stderr assert "small-fake-a==0.2" in out.stderr.splitlines() assert not os.path.exists("requirements.txt") @pytest.mark.parametrize( "add_options, expected_cli_output_package", [ ([], "small-fake-a==0.1"), (["--output-file", "requirements.txt"], "small-fake-a==0.1"), (["--upgrade"], "small-fake-a==0.2"), (["--upgrade", "--output-file", "requirements.txt"], "small-fake-a==0.2"), (["--upgrade-package", "small-fake-a"], "small-fake-a==0.2"), ( ["--upgrade-package", "small-fake-a", "--output-file", "requirements.txt"], "small-fake-a==0.2", ), ], ) def test_dry_run_doesnt_touch_output_file( pip_conf, runner, add_options, expected_cli_output_package ): """ Tests pip-compile doesn't touch requirements.txt file on dry-run. """ with open("", "w") as req_in: req_in.write("small-fake-a\n") with open("requirements.txt", "w") as req_txt: req_txt.write("small-fake-a==0.1\n") before_compile_mtime = os.stat("requirements.txt").st_mtime out = runner.invoke(cli, ["--no-annotate", "--dry-run"] + add_options) assert out.exit_code == 0, out.stderr assert expected_cli_output_package in out.stderr.splitlines() # The package version must NOT be updated in the output file with open("requirements.txt", "r") as req_txt: assert "small-fake-a==0.1" in # The output file must not be touched after_compile_mtime = os.stat("requirements.txt").st_mtime assert after_compile_mtime == before_compile_mtime @pytest.mark.parametrize( "empty_input_pkg, prior_output_pkg", [ ("", ""), ("", "small-fake-a==0.1\n"), ("# Nothing to see here", ""), ("# Nothing to see here", "small-fake-a==0.1\n"), ], ) def test_empty_input_file_no_header(runner, empty_input_pkg, prior_output_pkg): """ Tests pip-compile creates an empty requirements.txt file, given --no-header and empty """ with open("", "w") as req_in: req_in.write(empty_input_pkg) # empty input file with open("requirements.txt", "w") as req_txt: req_txt.write(prior_output_pkg) runner.invoke(cli, ["--no-header", ""]) with open("requirements.txt", "r") as req_txt: assert == "" def test_upgrade_package_doesnt_remove_annotation(pip_conf, runner): """ Tests pip-compile --upgrade-package shouldn't remove "via" annotation. See: GH-929 """ with open("", "w") as req_in: req_in.write("small-fake-with-deps\n") runner.invoke(cli) # Downgrade small-fake-a to 0.1 with open("requirements.txt", "w") as req_txt: req_txt.write( "small-fake-with-deps==0.1\n" "small-fake-a==0.1 # via small-fake-with-deps\n" ) runner.invoke(cli, ["-P", "small-fake-a"]) with open("requirements.txt", "r") as req_txt: assert ( "small-fake-a==0.1 # via small-fake-with-deps" in ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "options", [ # TODO add --no-index support in OutputWriter # "--no-index", "--index-url", "--extra-index-url", "--find-links ./libs1", "--trusted-host", "--no-binary :all:", "--only-binary :all:", ], ) def test_options_in_requirements_file(runner, options): """ Test the options from is copied to requirements.txt. """ with open("", "w") as reqs_in: reqs_in.write(options) out = runner.invoke(cli) assert out.exit_code == 0, out with open("requirements.txt") as reqs_txt: assert options in @pytest.mark.parametrize( "cli_options, expected_message", ( pytest.param( ["--index-url", "file:foo"], "Was file:foo reachable?", id="single index url", ), pytest.param( ["--index-url", "file:foo", "--extra-index-url", "file:bar"], "Were file:foo or file:bar reachable?", id="multiple index urls", ), ), ) def test_unreachable_index_urls(runner, cli_options, expected_message): """ Test pip-compile raises an error if index URLs are not reachable. """ with open("", "w") as reqs_in: reqs_in.write("some-package") out = runner.invoke(cli, cli_options) assert out.exit_code == 2, out stderr_lines = out.stderr.splitlines() assert "No versions found" in stderr_lines assert expected_message in stderr_lines @pytest.mark.parametrize( "current_package, upgraded_package", ( pytest.param("small-fake-b==0.1", "small-fake-b==0.2", id="upgrade"), pytest.param("small-fake-b==0.2", "small-fake-b==0.1", id="downgrade"), ), ) def test_upgrade_packages_option_subdependency( pip_conf, runner, current_package, upgraded_package ): """ Test that pip-compile --upgrade-package/-P upgrades/dpwngrades subdependencies. """ with open("", "w") as reqs: reqs.write("small-fake-with-unpinned-deps\n") with open("requirements.txt", "w") as reqs: reqs.write("small-fake-a==0.1\n") reqs.write(current_package + "\n") reqs.write("small-fake-with-unpinned-deps==0.1\n") out = runner.invoke( cli, ["--no-annotate", "--dry-run", "--upgrade-package", upgraded_package] ) stderr_lines = out.stderr.splitlines() assert "small-fake-a==0.1" in stderr_lines, "small-fake-a must keep its version" assert ( upgraded_package in stderr_lines ), "{} must be upgraded/downgraded to {}".format(current_package, upgraded_package) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "input_opts, output_opts", ( # Test that input options overwrite output options pytest.param( "--index-url https://index-url", "--index-url https://another-index-url", id="index url", ), pytest.param( "--extra-index-url https://extra-index-url", "--extra-index-url https://another-extra-index-url", id="extra index url", ), pytest.param("--find-links dir", "--find-links another-dir", id="find links"), pytest.param( "--trusted-host hostname", "--trusted-host another-hostname", id="trusted host", ), pytest.param( "--no-binary :package:", "--no-binary :another-package:", id="no binary" ), pytest.param( "--only-binary :package:", "--only-binary :another-package:", id="only binary", ), # Test misc corner cases pytest.param("", "--index-url https://index-url", id="empty input options"), pytest.param( "--index-url https://index-url", ( "--index-url https://index-url\n" "--extra-index-url https://another-extra-index-url" ), id="partially matched options", ), ), ) def test_remove_outdated_options(runner, input_opts, output_opts): """ Test that the options from the current requirements.txt wouldn't stay after compile if they were removed from file. """ with open("", "w") as req_in: req_in.write(input_opts) with open("requirements.txt", "w") as req_txt: req_txt.write(output_opts) out = runner.invoke(cli, ["--no-header"]) assert out.exit_code == 0, out assert out.stderr.strip() == input_opts def test_sub_dependencies_with_constraints(pip_conf, runner): # Write constraints file with open("constraints.txt", "w") as constraints_in: constraints_in.write("small-fake-a==0.1\n") constraints_in.write("small-fake-b==0.2\n") constraints_in.write("small-fake-with-unpinned-deps==0.1") with open("", "w") as req_in: req_in.write("-c constraints.txt\n") req_in.write("small_fake_with_deps_and_sub_deps") # require fake package out = runner.invoke(cli, ["--no-annotate"]) assert out.exit_code == 0 req_out_lines = set(out.stderr.splitlines()) assert { "small-fake-a==0.1", "small-fake-b==0.2", "small-fake-with-deps-and-sub-deps==0.1", "small-fake-with-unpinned-deps==0.1", }.issubset(req_out_lines)