import asyncio import functools import logging import os import signal from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor from functools import partial from multiprocessing import Process from pathlib import Path from time import time from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Awaitable, Callable, Dict, Generator, Optional, Set, Tuple, Type, Union, cast from .watcher import DefaultWatcher, PythonWatcher __all__ = 'watch', 'awatch', 'run_process', 'arun_process' logger = logging.getLogger('watchgod.main') if TYPE_CHECKING: from .watcher import AllWatcher, FileChange FileChanges = Set[FileChange] AnyCallable = Callable[..., Any] def unix_ms() -> int: return int(round(time() * 1000)) def watch(path: Union[Path, str], **kwargs: Any) -> Generator['FileChanges', None, None]: """ Watch a directory and yield a set of changes whenever files change in that directory or its subdirectories. """ loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() try: _awatch = awatch(path, loop=loop, **kwargs) while True: try: yield loop.run_until_complete(_awatch.__anext__()) except StopAsyncIteration: break except KeyboardInterrupt: logger.debug('KeyboardInterrupt, exiting') finally: loop.close() class awatch: """ asynchronous equivalent of watch using a threaded executor. 3.5 doesn't support yield in coroutines so we need all this fluff. Yawwwwn. """ __slots__ = ( '_loop', '_path', '_watcher_cls', '_watcher_kwargs', '_debounce', '_min_sleep', '_stop_event', '_normal_sleep', '_w', 'lock', '_executor', ) def __init__( self, path: Union[Path, str], *, watcher_cls: Type['AllWatcher'] = DefaultWatcher, watcher_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, debounce: int = 1600, normal_sleep: int = 400, min_sleep: int = 50, stop_event: Optional[asyncio.Event] = None, loop: Optional[asyncio.AbstractEventLoop] = None, ) -> None: self._loop = loop or asyncio.get_event_loop() self._executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=4) self._path = path self._watcher_cls = watcher_cls self._watcher_kwargs = watcher_kwargs or dict() self._debounce = debounce self._normal_sleep = normal_sleep self._min_sleep = min_sleep self._stop_event = stop_event self._w: Optional['AllWatcher'] = None asyncio.set_event_loop(self._loop) self.lock = asyncio.Lock() def __aiter__(self) -> 'awatch': return self async def __anext__(self) -> 'FileChanges': if self._w: watcher = self._w else: watcher = self._w = await self.run_in_executor( functools.partial(self._watcher_cls, self._path, **self._watcher_kwargs) ) check_time = 0 changes: 'FileChanges' = set() last_change = 0 while True: if self._stop_event and self._stop_event.is_set(): raise StopAsyncIteration() async with self.lock: if not changes: last_change = unix_ms() if check_time: if changes: sleep_time = self._min_sleep else: sleep_time = max(self._normal_sleep - check_time, self._min_sleep) await asyncio.sleep(sleep_time / 1000) s = unix_ms() new_changes = await self.run_in_executor(watcher.check) changes.update(new_changes) now = unix_ms() check_time = now - s debounced = now - last_change if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG) and changes: logger.debug( '%s time=%0.0fms debounced=%0.0fms files=%d changes=%d (%d)', self._path, check_time, debounced, len(watcher.files), len(changes), len(new_changes), ) if changes and (not new_changes or debounced > self._debounce): logger.debug('%s changes released debounced=%0.0fms', self._path, debounced) return changes async def run_in_executor(self, func: 'AnyCallable', *args: Any) -> Any: return await self._loop.run_in_executor(self._executor, func, *args) def __del__(self) -> None: self._executor.shutdown() def _start_process(target: 'AnyCallable', args: Tuple[Any, ...], kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Process: process = Process(target=target, args=args, kwargs=kwargs or {}) process.start() return process def _stop_process(process: Process) -> None: if process.is_alive(): logger.debug('stopping process...') pid = cast(int, os.kill(pid, signal.SIGINT) process.join(5) if process.exitcode is None: logger.warning('process has not terminated, sending SIGKILL') os.kill(pid, signal.SIGKILL) process.join(1) else: logger.debug('process stopped') else: logger.warning('process already dead, exit code: %d', process.exitcode) def run_process( path: Union[Path, str], target: 'AnyCallable', *, args: Tuple[Any, ...] = (), kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, callback: Optional[Callable[[Set['FileChange']], None]] = None, watcher_cls: Type['AllWatcher'] = PythonWatcher, watcher_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, debounce: int = 400, min_sleep: int = 100, ) -> int: """ Run a function in a subprocess using multiprocessing.Process, restart it whenever files change in path. """ process = _start_process(target=target, args=args, kwargs=kwargs) reloads = 0 try: for changes in watch( path, watcher_cls=watcher_cls, debounce=debounce, min_sleep=min_sleep, watcher_kwargs=watcher_kwargs ): callback and callback(changes) _stop_process(process) process = _start_process(target=target, args=args, kwargs=kwargs) reloads += 1 finally: _stop_process(process) return reloads async def arun_process( path: Union[Path, str], target: 'AnyCallable', *, args: Tuple[Any, ...] = (), kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, callback: Optional[Callable[['FileChanges'], Awaitable[None]]] = None, watcher_cls: Type['AllWatcher'] = PythonWatcher, debounce: int = 400, min_sleep: int = 100, ) -> int: """ Run a function in a subprocess using multiprocessing.Process, restart it whenever files change in path. """ watcher = awatch(path, watcher_cls=watcher_cls, debounce=debounce, min_sleep=min_sleep) start_process = partial(_start_process, target=target, args=args, kwargs=kwargs) process = await watcher.run_in_executor(start_process) reloads = 0 async for changes in watcher: callback and await callback(changes) await watcher.run_in_executor(_stop_process, process) process = await watcher.run_in_executor(start_process) reloads += 1 await watcher.run_in_executor(_stop_process, process) return reloads