// This file doesn't have an intention to express equivalents of Flow utility types using TypeScript types, // it just helps an IDE to provide similar experience with basic highlighting and completion, but without full type checking. // // https://flow.org/en/docs/types/utilities/ type $Keys = keyof T; type $Values = any; type $ReadOnly = Readonly; type $Exact = T; // object types are exact in typescript, but not in flow type $Diff = { [K in Exclude]: A[K]}; type $Rest = $Diff; type $PropertyType = T[k]; type $ElementType = T[K]; type $NonMaybeType = NonNullable; type $ObjMap = any; type $TupleMap = any; type $Call any> = ReturnType; type Class = { new(): T }; type $Shape = Partial; type $Supertype = any; type $Subtype = any; // not documented type $Exports = any;