use crate::abi::Size; use crate::spec::Target; use rustc_data_structures::fx::{FxHashMap, FxHashSet}; use rustc_macros::HashStable_Generic; use rustc_span::Symbol; use std::fmt; use std::str::FromStr; macro_rules! def_reg_class { ($arch:ident $arch_regclass:ident { $( $class:ident, )* }) => { #[derive(Copy, Clone, Encodable, Decodable, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Hash, HashStable_Generic)] #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] pub enum $arch_regclass { $($class,)* } impl $arch_regclass { pub fn name(self) -> rustc_span::Symbol { match self { $(Self::$class => rustc_span::symbol::sym::$class,)* } } pub fn parse(_arch: super::InlineAsmArch, name: rustc_span::Symbol) -> Result { match name { $( rustc_span::sym::$class => Ok(Self::$class), )* _ => Err("unknown register class"), } } } pub(super) fn regclass_map() -> rustc_data_structures::fx::FxHashMap< super::InlineAsmRegClass, rustc_data_structures::fx::FxHashSet, > { use rustc_data_structures::fx::{FxHashMap, FxHashSet}; use super::InlineAsmRegClass; let mut map = FxHashMap::default(); $( map.insert(InlineAsmRegClass::$arch($arch_regclass::$class), FxHashSet::default()); )* map } } } macro_rules! def_regs { ($arch:ident $arch_reg:ident $arch_regclass:ident { $( $reg:ident: $class:ident $(, $extra_class:ident)* = [$reg_name:literal $(, $alias:literal)*] $(% $filter:ident)?, )* $( #error = [$($bad_reg:literal),+] => $error:literal, )* }) => { #[allow(unreachable_code)] #[derive(Copy, Clone, Encodable, Decodable, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Hash, HashStable_Generic)] #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] pub enum $arch_reg { $($reg,)* } impl $arch_reg { pub fn name(self) -> &'static str { match self { $(Self::$reg => $reg_name,)* } } pub fn reg_class(self) -> $arch_regclass { match self { $(Self::$reg => $arch_regclass::$class,)* } } pub fn parse( _arch: super::InlineAsmArch, mut _has_feature: impl FnMut(&str) -> bool, _target: &crate::spec::Target, name: &str, ) -> Result { match name { $( $($alias)|* | $reg_name => { $($filter(_arch, &mut _has_feature, _target)?;)? Ok(Self::$reg) } )* $( $($bad_reg)|* => Err($error), )* _ => Err("unknown register"), } } } pub(super) fn fill_reg_map( _arch: super::InlineAsmArch, mut _has_feature: impl FnMut(&str) -> bool, _target: &crate::spec::Target, _map: &mut rustc_data_structures::fx::FxHashMap< super::InlineAsmRegClass, rustc_data_structures::fx::FxHashSet, >, ) { #[allow(unused_imports)] use super::{InlineAsmReg, InlineAsmRegClass}; $( if $($filter(_arch, &mut _has_feature, _target).is_ok() &&)? true { if let Some(set) = _map.get_mut(&InlineAsmRegClass::$arch($arch_regclass::$class)) { set.insert(InlineAsmReg::$arch($arch_reg::$reg)); } $( if let Some(set) = _map.get_mut(&InlineAsmRegClass::$arch($arch_regclass::$extra_class)) { set.insert(InlineAsmReg::$arch($arch_reg::$reg)); } )* } )* } } } macro_rules! types { ( $(_ : $($ty:expr),+;)? $($feature:literal: $($ty2:expr),+;)* ) => { { use super::InlineAsmType::*; &[ $($( ($ty, None), )*)? $($( ($ty2, Some($feature)), )*)* ] } }; } mod aarch64; mod arm; mod hexagon; mod mips; mod nvptx; mod powerpc; mod riscv; mod spirv; mod wasm; mod x86; pub use aarch64::{AArch64InlineAsmReg, AArch64InlineAsmRegClass}; pub use arm::{ArmInlineAsmReg, ArmInlineAsmRegClass}; pub use hexagon::{HexagonInlineAsmReg, HexagonInlineAsmRegClass}; pub use mips::{MipsInlineAsmReg, MipsInlineAsmRegClass}; pub use nvptx::{NvptxInlineAsmReg, NvptxInlineAsmRegClass}; pub use powerpc::{PowerPCInlineAsmReg, PowerPCInlineAsmRegClass}; pub use riscv::{RiscVInlineAsmReg, RiscVInlineAsmRegClass}; pub use spirv::{SpirVInlineAsmReg, SpirVInlineAsmRegClass}; pub use wasm::{WasmInlineAsmReg, WasmInlineAsmRegClass}; pub use x86::{X86InlineAsmReg, X86InlineAsmRegClass}; #[derive(Copy, Clone, Encodable, Decodable, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)] pub enum InlineAsmArch { X86, X86_64, Arm, AArch64, RiscV32, RiscV64, Nvptx64, Hexagon, Mips, Mips64, PowerPC, PowerPC64, SpirV, Wasm32, } impl FromStr for InlineAsmArch { type Err = (); fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result { match s { "x86" => Ok(Self::X86), "x86_64" => Ok(Self::X86_64), "arm" => Ok(Self::Arm), "aarch64" => Ok(Self::AArch64), "riscv32" => Ok(Self::RiscV32), "riscv64" => Ok(Self::RiscV64), "nvptx64" => Ok(Self::Nvptx64), "powerpc" => Ok(Self::PowerPC), "powerpc64" => Ok(Self::PowerPC64), "hexagon" => Ok(Self::Hexagon), "mips" => Ok(Self::Mips), "mips64" => Ok(Self::Mips64), "spirv" => Ok(Self::SpirV), "wasm32" => Ok(Self::Wasm32), _ => Err(()), } } } #[derive( Copy, Clone, Encodable, Decodable, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Hash, HashStable_Generic )] pub enum InlineAsmReg { X86(X86InlineAsmReg), Arm(ArmInlineAsmReg), AArch64(AArch64InlineAsmReg), RiscV(RiscVInlineAsmReg), Nvptx(NvptxInlineAsmReg), PowerPC(PowerPCInlineAsmReg), Hexagon(HexagonInlineAsmReg), Mips(MipsInlineAsmReg), SpirV(SpirVInlineAsmReg), Wasm(WasmInlineAsmReg), // Placeholder for invalid register constraints for the current target Err, } impl InlineAsmReg { pub fn name(self) -> &'static str { match self { Self::X86(r) =>, Self::Arm(r) =>, Self::AArch64(r) =>, Self::RiscV(r) =>, Self::PowerPC(r) =>, Self::Hexagon(r) =>, Self::Mips(r) =>, Self::Err => "", } } pub fn reg_class(self) -> InlineAsmRegClass { match self { Self::X86(r) => InlineAsmRegClass::X86(r.reg_class()), Self::Arm(r) => InlineAsmRegClass::Arm(r.reg_class()), Self::AArch64(r) => InlineAsmRegClass::AArch64(r.reg_class()), Self::RiscV(r) => InlineAsmRegClass::RiscV(r.reg_class()), Self::PowerPC(r) => InlineAsmRegClass::PowerPC(r.reg_class()), Self::Hexagon(r) => InlineAsmRegClass::Hexagon(r.reg_class()), Self::Mips(r) => InlineAsmRegClass::Mips(r.reg_class()), Self::Err => InlineAsmRegClass::Err, } } pub fn parse( arch: InlineAsmArch, has_feature: impl FnMut(&str) -> bool, target: &Target, name: Symbol, ) -> Result { // FIXME: use direct symbol comparison for register names // Use `Symbol::as_str` instead of `Symbol::with` here because `has_feature` may access `Symbol`. let name = name.as_str(); Ok(match arch { InlineAsmArch::X86 | InlineAsmArch::X86_64 => { Self::X86(X86InlineAsmReg::parse(arch, has_feature, target, &name)?) } InlineAsmArch::Arm => { Self::Arm(ArmInlineAsmReg::parse(arch, has_feature, target, &name)?) } InlineAsmArch::AArch64 => { Self::AArch64(AArch64InlineAsmReg::parse(arch, has_feature, target, &name)?) } InlineAsmArch::RiscV32 | InlineAsmArch::RiscV64 => { Self::RiscV(RiscVInlineAsmReg::parse(arch, has_feature, target, &name)?) } InlineAsmArch::Nvptx64 => { Self::Nvptx(NvptxInlineAsmReg::parse(arch, has_feature, target, &name)?) } InlineAsmArch::PowerPC | InlineAsmArch::PowerPC64 => { Self::PowerPC(PowerPCInlineAsmReg::parse(arch, has_feature, target, &name)?) } InlineAsmArch::Hexagon => { Self::Hexagon(HexagonInlineAsmReg::parse(arch, has_feature, target, &name)?) } InlineAsmArch::Mips | InlineAsmArch::Mips64 => { Self::Mips(MipsInlineAsmReg::parse(arch, has_feature, target, &name)?) } InlineAsmArch::SpirV => { Self::SpirV(SpirVInlineAsmReg::parse(arch, has_feature, target, &name)?) } InlineAsmArch::Wasm32 => { Self::Wasm(WasmInlineAsmReg::parse(arch, has_feature, target, &name)?) } }) } // NOTE: This function isn't used at the moment, but is needed to support // falling back to an external assembler. pub fn emit( self, out: &mut dyn fmt::Write, arch: InlineAsmArch, modifier: Option, ) -> fmt::Result { match self { Self::X86(r) => r.emit(out, arch, modifier), Self::Arm(r) => r.emit(out, arch, modifier), Self::AArch64(r) => r.emit(out, arch, modifier), Self::RiscV(r) => r.emit(out, arch, modifier), Self::PowerPC(r) => r.emit(out, arch, modifier), Self::Hexagon(r) => r.emit(out, arch, modifier), Self::Mips(r) => r.emit(out, arch, modifier), Self::Err => unreachable!("Use of InlineAsmReg::Err"), } } pub fn overlapping_regs(self, mut cb: impl FnMut(InlineAsmReg)) { match self { Self::X86(r) => r.overlapping_regs(|r| cb(Self::X86(r))), Self::Arm(r) => r.overlapping_regs(|r| cb(Self::Arm(r))), Self::AArch64(_) => cb(self), Self::RiscV(_) => cb(self), Self::PowerPC(_) => cb(self), Self::Hexagon(r) => r.overlapping_regs(|r| cb(Self::Hexagon(r))), Self::Mips(_) => cb(self), Self::Err => unreachable!("Use of InlineAsmReg::Err"), } } } #[derive( Copy, Clone, Encodable, Decodable, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Hash, HashStable_Generic )] pub enum InlineAsmRegClass { X86(X86InlineAsmRegClass), Arm(ArmInlineAsmRegClass), AArch64(AArch64InlineAsmRegClass), RiscV(RiscVInlineAsmRegClass), Nvptx(NvptxInlineAsmRegClass), PowerPC(PowerPCInlineAsmRegClass), Hexagon(HexagonInlineAsmRegClass), Mips(MipsInlineAsmRegClass), SpirV(SpirVInlineAsmRegClass), Wasm(WasmInlineAsmRegClass), // Placeholder for invalid register constraints for the current target Err, } impl InlineAsmRegClass { pub fn name(self) -> Symbol { match self { Self::X86(r) =>, Self::Arm(r) =>, Self::AArch64(r) =>, Self::RiscV(r) =>, Self::Nvptx(r) =>, Self::PowerPC(r) =>, Self::Hexagon(r) =>, Self::Mips(r) =>, Self::SpirV(r) =>, Self::Wasm(r) =>, Self::Err => rustc_span::symbol::sym::reg, } } /// Returns a suggested register class to use for this type. This is called /// after type checking via `supported_types` fails to give a better error /// message to the user. pub fn suggest_class(self, arch: InlineAsmArch, ty: InlineAsmType) -> Option { match self { Self::X86(r) => r.suggest_class(arch, ty).map(InlineAsmRegClass::X86), Self::Arm(r) => r.suggest_class(arch, ty).map(InlineAsmRegClass::Arm), Self::AArch64(r) => r.suggest_class(arch, ty).map(InlineAsmRegClass::AArch64), Self::RiscV(r) => r.suggest_class(arch, ty).map(InlineAsmRegClass::RiscV), Self::Nvptx(r) => r.suggest_class(arch, ty).map(InlineAsmRegClass::Nvptx), Self::PowerPC(r) => r.suggest_class(arch, ty).map(InlineAsmRegClass::PowerPC), Self::Hexagon(r) => r.suggest_class(arch, ty).map(InlineAsmRegClass::Hexagon), Self::Mips(r) => r.suggest_class(arch, ty).map(InlineAsmRegClass::Mips), Self::SpirV(r) => r.suggest_class(arch, ty).map(InlineAsmRegClass::SpirV), Self::Wasm(r) => r.suggest_class(arch, ty).map(InlineAsmRegClass::Wasm), Self::Err => unreachable!("Use of InlineAsmRegClass::Err"), } } /// Returns a suggested template modifier to use for this type and an /// example of a register named formatted with it. /// /// Such suggestions are useful if a type smaller than the full register /// size is used and a modifier can be used to point to the subregister of /// the correct size. pub fn suggest_modifier( self, arch: InlineAsmArch, ty: InlineAsmType, ) -> Option<(char, &'static str)> { match self { Self::X86(r) => r.suggest_modifier(arch, ty), Self::Arm(r) => r.suggest_modifier(arch, ty), Self::AArch64(r) => r.suggest_modifier(arch, ty), Self::RiscV(r) => r.suggest_modifier(arch, ty), Self::Nvptx(r) => r.suggest_modifier(arch, ty), Self::PowerPC(r) => r.suggest_modifier(arch, ty), Self::Hexagon(r) => r.suggest_modifier(arch, ty), Self::Mips(r) => r.suggest_modifier(arch, ty), Self::SpirV(r) => r.suggest_modifier(arch, ty), Self::Wasm(r) => r.suggest_modifier(arch, ty), Self::Err => unreachable!("Use of InlineAsmRegClass::Err"), } } /// Returns the default modifier for this register and an example of a /// register named formatted with it. /// /// This is only needed when the register class can suggest a modifier, so /// that the user can be shown how to get the default behavior without a /// warning. pub fn default_modifier(self, arch: InlineAsmArch) -> Option<(char, &'static str)> { match self { Self::X86(r) => r.default_modifier(arch), Self::Arm(r) => r.default_modifier(arch), Self::AArch64(r) => r.default_modifier(arch), Self::RiscV(r) => r.default_modifier(arch), Self::Nvptx(r) => r.default_modifier(arch), Self::PowerPC(r) => r.default_modifier(arch), Self::Hexagon(r) => r.default_modifier(arch), Self::Mips(r) => r.default_modifier(arch), Self::SpirV(r) => r.default_modifier(arch), Self::Wasm(r) => r.default_modifier(arch), Self::Err => unreachable!("Use of InlineAsmRegClass::Err"), } } /// Returns a list of supported types for this register class, each with a /// options target feature required to use this type. pub fn supported_types( self, arch: InlineAsmArch, ) -> &'static [(InlineAsmType, Option<&'static str>)] { match self { Self::X86(r) => r.supported_types(arch), Self::Arm(r) => r.supported_types(arch), Self::AArch64(r) => r.supported_types(arch), Self::RiscV(r) => r.supported_types(arch), Self::Nvptx(r) => r.supported_types(arch), Self::PowerPC(r) => r.supported_types(arch), Self::Hexagon(r) => r.supported_types(arch), Self::Mips(r) => r.supported_types(arch), Self::SpirV(r) => r.supported_types(arch), Self::Wasm(r) => r.supported_types(arch), Self::Err => unreachable!("Use of InlineAsmRegClass::Err"), } } pub fn parse(arch: InlineAsmArch, name: Symbol) -> Result { Ok(match arch { InlineAsmArch::X86 | InlineAsmArch::X86_64 => { Self::X86(X86InlineAsmRegClass::parse(arch, name)?) } InlineAsmArch::Arm => Self::Arm(ArmInlineAsmRegClass::parse(arch, name)?), InlineAsmArch::AArch64 => Self::AArch64(AArch64InlineAsmRegClass::parse(arch, name)?), InlineAsmArch::RiscV32 | InlineAsmArch::RiscV64 => { Self::RiscV(RiscVInlineAsmRegClass::parse(arch, name)?) } InlineAsmArch::Nvptx64 => Self::Nvptx(NvptxInlineAsmRegClass::parse(arch, name)?), InlineAsmArch::PowerPC | InlineAsmArch::PowerPC64 => { Self::PowerPC(PowerPCInlineAsmRegClass::parse(arch, name)?) } InlineAsmArch::Hexagon => Self::Hexagon(HexagonInlineAsmRegClass::parse(arch, name)?), InlineAsmArch::Mips | InlineAsmArch::Mips64 => { Self::Mips(MipsInlineAsmRegClass::parse(arch, name)?) } InlineAsmArch::SpirV => Self::SpirV(SpirVInlineAsmRegClass::parse(arch, name)?), InlineAsmArch::Wasm32 => Self::Wasm(WasmInlineAsmRegClass::parse(arch, name)?), }) } /// Returns the list of template modifiers that can be used with this /// register class. pub fn valid_modifiers(self, arch: InlineAsmArch) -> &'static [char] { match self { Self::X86(r) => r.valid_modifiers(arch), Self::Arm(r) => r.valid_modifiers(arch), Self::AArch64(r) => r.valid_modifiers(arch), Self::RiscV(r) => r.valid_modifiers(arch), Self::Nvptx(r) => r.valid_modifiers(arch), Self::PowerPC(r) => r.valid_modifiers(arch), Self::Hexagon(r) => r.valid_modifiers(arch), Self::Mips(r) => r.valid_modifiers(arch), Self::SpirV(r) => r.valid_modifiers(arch), Self::Wasm(r) => r.valid_modifiers(arch), Self::Err => unreachable!("Use of InlineAsmRegClass::Err"), } } } #[derive( Copy, Clone, Encodable, Decodable, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Hash, HashStable_Generic )] pub enum InlineAsmRegOrRegClass { Reg(InlineAsmReg), RegClass(InlineAsmRegClass), } impl InlineAsmRegOrRegClass { pub fn reg_class(self) -> InlineAsmRegClass { match self { Self::Reg(r) => r.reg_class(), Self::RegClass(r) => r, } } } impl fmt::Display for InlineAsmRegOrRegClass { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { match self { Self::Reg(r) => write!(f, "\"{}\"",, Self::RegClass(r) => write!(f, "{}",, } } } /// Set of types which can be used with a particular register class. #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)] pub enum InlineAsmType { I8, I16, I32, I64, I128, F32, F64, VecI8(u64), VecI16(u64), VecI32(u64), VecI64(u64), VecI128(u64), VecF32(u64), VecF64(u64), } impl InlineAsmType { pub fn is_integer(self) -> bool { matches!(self, Self::I8 | Self::I16 | Self::I32 | Self::I64 | Self::I128) } pub fn size(self) -> Size { Size::from_bytes(match self { Self::I8 => 1, Self::I16 => 2, Self::I32 => 4, Self::I64 => 8, Self::I128 => 16, Self::F32 => 4, Self::F64 => 8, Self::VecI8(n) => n * 1, Self::VecI16(n) => n * 2, Self::VecI32(n) => n * 4, Self::VecI64(n) => n * 8, Self::VecI128(n) => n * 16, Self::VecF32(n) => n * 4, Self::VecF64(n) => n * 8, }) } } impl fmt::Display for InlineAsmType { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { match *self { Self::I8 => f.write_str("i8"), Self::I16 => f.write_str("i16"), Self::I32 => f.write_str("i32"), Self::I64 => f.write_str("i64"), Self::I128 => f.write_str("i128"), Self::F32 => f.write_str("f32"), Self::F64 => f.write_str("f64"), Self::VecI8(n) => write!(f, "i8x{}", n), Self::VecI16(n) => write!(f, "i16x{}", n), Self::VecI32(n) => write!(f, "i32x{}", n), Self::VecI64(n) => write!(f, "i64x{}", n), Self::VecI128(n) => write!(f, "i128x{}", n), Self::VecF32(n) => write!(f, "f32x{}", n), Self::VecF64(n) => write!(f, "f64x{}", n), } } } /// Returns the full set of allocatable registers for a given architecture. /// /// The registers are structured as a map containing the set of allocatable /// registers in each register class. A particular register may be allocatable /// from multiple register classes, in which case it will appear multiple times /// in the map. // NOTE: This function isn't used at the moment, but is needed to support // falling back to an external assembler. pub fn allocatable_registers( arch: InlineAsmArch, has_feature: impl FnMut(&str) -> bool, target: &crate::spec::Target, ) -> FxHashMap> { match arch { InlineAsmArch::X86 | InlineAsmArch::X86_64 => { let mut map = x86::regclass_map(); x86::fill_reg_map(arch, has_feature, target, &mut map); map } InlineAsmArch::Arm => { let mut map = arm::regclass_map(); arm::fill_reg_map(arch, has_feature, target, &mut map); map } InlineAsmArch::AArch64 => { let mut map = aarch64::regclass_map(); aarch64::fill_reg_map(arch, has_feature, target, &mut map); map } InlineAsmArch::RiscV32 | InlineAsmArch::RiscV64 => { let mut map = riscv::regclass_map(); riscv::fill_reg_map(arch, has_feature, target, &mut map); map } InlineAsmArch::Nvptx64 => { let mut map = nvptx::regclass_map(); nvptx::fill_reg_map(arch, has_feature, target, &mut map); map } InlineAsmArch::PowerPC | InlineAsmArch::PowerPC64 => { let mut map = powerpc::regclass_map(); powerpc::fill_reg_map(arch, has_feature, target, &mut map); map } InlineAsmArch::Hexagon => { let mut map = hexagon::regclass_map(); hexagon::fill_reg_map(arch, has_feature, target, &mut map); map } InlineAsmArch::Mips | InlineAsmArch::Mips64 => { let mut map = mips::regclass_map(); mips::fill_reg_map(arch, has_feature, target, &mut map); map } InlineAsmArch::SpirV => { let mut map = spirv::regclass_map(); spirv::fill_reg_map(arch, has_feature, target, &mut map); map } InlineAsmArch::Wasm32 => { let mut map = wasm::regclass_map(); wasm::fill_reg_map(arch, has_feature, target, &mut map); map } } }