! { dg-do run } ! ! class based quick sort program - starting point comment #0 of pr41539 ! ! Note assignment with vector index reference fails because temporary ! allocation does not occur - also false dependency detected. Nullification ! of temp descriptor data causes a segfault. ! module m_qsort implicit none type, abstract :: sort_t contains procedure(disp), deferred :: disp procedure(lt_cmp), deferred :: lt_cmp procedure(assign), deferred :: assign generic :: operator(<) => lt_cmp generic :: assignment(=) => assign end type sort_t interface elemental integer function disp(a) import class(sort_t), intent(in) :: a end function disp end interface interface impure elemental logical function lt_cmp(a,b) import class(sort_t), intent(in) :: a, b end function lt_cmp end interface interface impure elemental subroutine assign(a,b) import class(sort_t), intent(out) :: a class(sort_t), intent(in) :: b end subroutine assign end interface contains subroutine qsort(a) class(sort_t), intent(inout),allocatable :: a(:) class(sort_t), allocatable :: tmp (:) integer, allocatable :: index_array (:) integer :: i allocate (tmp(size (a, 1)), source = a) index_array = [(i, i = 1, size (a, 1))] call internal_qsort (tmp, index_array) ! Do not move class elements around until end a = tmp(index_array) end subroutine qsort recursive subroutine internal_qsort (x, iarray) class(sort_t), intent(inout),allocatable :: x(:) class(sort_t), allocatable :: ptr integer, allocatable :: iarray(:), above(:), below(:), itmp(:) integer :: pivot, nelem, i, iptr if (.not.allocated (iarray)) return nelem = size (iarray, 1) if (nelem .le. 1) return pivot = nelem / 2 allocate (ptr, source = x(iarray(pivot))) ! Pointer to the pivot element do i = 1, nelem iptr = iarray(i) ! Index for i'th element if (ptr%lt_cmp (x(iptr))) then ! Compare pivot with i'th element itmp = [iptr] above = concat (itmp, above) ! Invert order to prevent infinite loops else itmp = [iptr] below = concat (itmp, below) ! -ditto- end if end do call internal_qsort (x, above) ! Recursive sort of 'above' and 'below' call internal_qsort (x, below) iarray = concat (below, above) ! Concatenate the result end subroutine internal_qsort function concat (ia, ib) result (ic) integer, allocatable, dimension(:) :: ia, ib, ic if (allocated (ia) .and. allocated (ib)) then ic = [ia, ib] else if (allocated (ia)) then ic = ia else if (allocated (ib)) then ic = ib end if end function concat end module m_qsort module test use m_qsort implicit none type, extends(sort_t) :: sort_int_t integer :: i contains procedure :: disp => disp_int procedure :: lt_cmp => lt_cmp_int procedure :: assign => assign_int end type contains elemental integer function disp_int(a) class(sort_int_t), intent(in) :: a disp_int = a%i end function disp_int impure elemental subroutine assign_int (a, b) class(sort_int_t), intent(out) :: a class(sort_t), intent(in) :: b ! TODO: gfortran does not throw 'class(sort_int_t)' select type (b) class is (sort_int_t) a%i = b%i class default a%i = -1 end select end subroutine assign_int impure elemental logical function lt_cmp_int(a,b) result(cmp) class(sort_int_t), intent(in) :: a class(sort_t), intent(in) :: b select type(b) type is(sort_int_t) if (a%i < b%i) then cmp = .true. else cmp = .false. end if class default ERROR STOP "Don't compare apples with oranges" end select end function lt_cmp_int end module test program main use test class(sort_t), allocatable :: A(:) integer :: i, m(5)= [7 , 4, 5, 2, 3] allocate (A(5), source = [(sort_int_t(m(i)), i=1,5)]) ! print *, "Before qsort: ", A%disp() call qsort(A) ! print *, "After qsort: ", A%disp() if (any (A%disp() .ne. [2,3,4,5,7])) STOP 1 end program main