// Copyright © 2015, Peter Atashian // Licensed under the MIT License //! FFI bindings to ole32. #![cfg(windows)] extern crate winapi; use winapi::*; extern "system" { // pub fn BindMoniker(); // pub fn CLIPFORMAT_UserFree(); // #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] // pub fn CLIPFORMAT_UserFree64(); // pub fn CLIPFORMAT_UserMarshal(); // #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] // pub fn CLIPFORMAT_UserMarshal64(); // pub fn CLIPFORMAT_UserSize(); // #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] // pub fn CLIPFORMAT_UserSize64(); // pub fn CLIPFORMAT_UserUnmarshal(); // #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] // pub fn CLIPFORMAT_UserUnmarshal64(); pub fn CLSIDFromProgID(lpszProgID: LPCOLESTR, lpclsid: LPCLSID) -> HRESULT; // pub fn CLSIDFromProgIDEx(); // pub fn CLSIDFromString(); // pub fn CoAddRefServerProcess(); // pub fn CoAllowSetForegroundWindow(); pub fn CoAllowUnmarshalerCLSID(clsid: REFCLSID) -> HRESULT; // pub fn CoBuildVersion(); // pub fn CoCancelCall(); // pub fn CoCopyProxy(); // pub fn CoCreateFreeThreadedMarshaler(); // pub fn CoCreateGuid(); pub fn CoCreateInstance( rclsid: REFCLSID, pUnkOuter: LPUNKNOWN, dwClsContext: DWORD, riid: REFIID, ppv: *mut LPVOID, ) -> HRESULT; // pub fn CoCreateInstanceEx(); // pub fn CoCreateInstanceFromApp(); // pub fn CoCreateObjectInContext(); // pub fn CoDeactivateObject(); pub fn CoDecodeProxy( dwClientPid: DWORD, ui64ProxyAddress: UINT64, pServerInformation: PServerInformation, ) -> HRESULT; pub fn CoDecrementMTAUsage(Cookie: CO_MTA_USAGE_COOKIE) -> HRESULT; // pub fn CoDisableCallCancellation(); // pub fn CoDisconnectContext(); // pub fn CoDisconnectObject(); // pub fn CoDosDateTimeToFileTime(); // pub fn CoEnableCallCancellation(); // pub fn CoFileTimeNow(); // pub fn CoFileTimeToDosDateTime(); // pub fn CoFreeAllLibraries(); // pub fn CoFreeLibrary(); // pub fn CoFreeUnusedLibraries(); // pub fn CoFreeUnusedLibrariesEx(); // pub fn CoGetApartmentID(); pub fn CoGetApartmentType( pAptType: *mut APTTYPE, pAptQualifier: *mut APTTYPEQUALIFIER, ) -> HRESULT; // pub fn CoGetCallContext(); pub fn CoGetCallerTID(lpdwTID: LPDWORD) -> HRESULT; // pub fn CoGetCancelObject(); pub fn CoGetClassObject( rclsid: REFCLSID, dwClsContext: DWORD, pvReserved: LPVOID, riid: REFIID, ppv: *mut LPVOID, ) -> HRESULT; // pub fn CoGetClassVersion(); // pub fn CoGetComCatalog(); pub fn CoGetContextToken(pToken: *mut ULONG_PTR) -> HRESULT; pub fn CoGetCurrentLogicalThreadId(pguid: *mut GUID) -> HRESULT; pub fn CoGetCurrentProcess() -> DWORD; pub fn CoGetDefaultContext(aptType: APTTYPE, riid: REFIID, ppv: *mut *mut c_void) -> HRESULT; // pub fn CoGetInstanceFromFile(); // pub fn CoGetInstanceFromIStorage(); // pub fn CoGetInterceptor(); // pub fn CoGetInterceptorFromTypeInfo(); // pub fn CoGetInterfaceAndReleaseStream(); pub fn CoGetMalloc(dwMemContext: DWORD, ppMalloc: *mut LPMALLOC) -> HRESULT; // pub fn CoGetMarshalSizeMax(); // pub fn CoGetObject(); pub fn CoGetObjectContext(riid: REFIID, ppv: *mut LPVOID) -> HRESULT; // pub fn CoGetPSClsid(); // pub fn CoGetProcessIdentifier(); // pub fn CoGetStandardMarshal(); // pub fn CoGetStdMarshalEx(); // pub fn CoGetSystemSecurityPermissions(); // pub fn CoGetTreatAsClass(); // pub fn CoHandlePriorityEventsFromMessagePump(); // pub fn CoImpersonateClient(); pub fn CoIncrementMTAUsage(pCookie: *mut CO_MTA_USAGE_COOKIE) -> HRESULT; pub fn CoInitialize(pvReserved: LPVOID) -> HRESULT; pub fn CoInitializeEx(pvReserved: LPVOID, dwCoInit: DWORD) -> HRESULT; pub fn CoInitializeSecurity( pSecDesc: PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR, cAuthSvc: LONG, asAuthSvc: *mut SOLE_AUTHENTICATION_SERVICE, pReserved1: LPVOID, dwAuthnLevel: DWORD, dwImpLevel: DWORD, pAuthList: LPVOID, dwCapabilities: DWORD, pReserved3: LPVOID, ) -> HRESULT; // pub fn CoInitializeWOW(); // pub fn CoInstall(); // pub fn CoInvalidateRemoteMachineBindings(); // pub fn CoIsHandlerConnected(); // pub fn CoIsOle1Class(); // pub fn CoLoadLibrary(); // pub fn CoLockObjectExternal(); // pub fn CoMarshalHresult(); // pub fn CoMarshalInterThreadInterfaceInStream(); // pub fn CoMarshalInterface(); // pub fn CoQueryAuthenticationServices(); // pub fn CoQueryClientBlanket(); // pub fn CoQueryProxyBlanket(); // pub fn CoQueryReleaseObject(); // pub fn CoReactivateObject(); // pub fn CoRegisterActivationFilter(); // pub fn CoRegisterChannelHook(); pub fn CoRegisterClassObject( rclsid: REFCLSID, pUnk: LPUNKNOWN, dwClsContext: DWORD, flags: DWORD, lpdwRegister: LPDWORD, ) -> HRESULT; // pub fn CoRegisterInitializeSpy(); // pub fn CoRegisterMallocSpy(); // pub fn CoRegisterMessageFilter(); // pub fn CoRegisterPSClsid(); // pub fn CoRegisterSurrogate(); // pub fn CoRegisterSurrogateEx(); // pub fn CoReleaseMarshalData(); // pub fn CoReleaseServerProcess(); // pub fn CoResumeClassObjects(); // pub fn CoRetireServer(); // pub fn CoRevertToSelf(); pub fn CoRevokeClassObject() -> HRESULT; // pub fn CoRevokeInitializeSpy(); // pub fn CoRevokeMallocSpy(); // pub fn CoSetCancelObject(); // pub fn CoSetMessageDispatcher(); // pub fn CoSetProxyBlanket(); // pub fn CoSuspendClassObjects(); // pub fn CoSwitchCallContext(); pub fn CoTaskMemAlloc(cb: SIZE_T) -> LPVOID; pub fn CoTaskMemFree(pv: LPVOID); pub fn CoTaskMemRealloc(pv: LPVOID, cb: SIZE_T) -> LPVOID; // pub fn CoTestCancel(); // pub fn CoTreatAsClass(); pub fn CoUninitialize(); // pub fn CoUnloadingWOW(); // pub fn CoUnmarshalHresult(); // pub fn CoUnmarshalInterface(); // pub fn CoWaitForMultipleHandles(); // pub fn CoWaitForMultipleObjects(); // pub fn ComPs_NdrDllCanUnloadNow(); // pub fn ComPs_NdrDllGetClassObject(); // pub fn ComPs_NdrDllRegisterProxy(); // pub fn ComPs_NdrDllUnregisterProxy(); // pub fn CreateAntiMoniker(); // pub fn CreateBindCtx(); // pub fn CreateClassMoniker(); // pub fn CreateDataAdviseHolder(); // pub fn CreateDataCache(); // pub fn CreateFileMoniker(); // pub fn CreateGenericComposite(); // pub fn CreateILockBytesOnHGlobal(); // pub fn CreateItemMoniker(); // pub fn CreateObjrefMoniker(); // pub fn CreateOleAdviseHolder(); // pub fn CreatePointerMoniker(); // pub fn CreateStdProgressIndicator(); pub fn CreateStreamOnHGlobal( hGlobal: HGLOBAL, fDeleteOnRelease: BOOL, ppstm: *mut LPSTREAM, ) -> HRESULT; // pub fn DcomChannelSetHResult(); // pub fn DllDebugObjectRPCHook(); // pub fn DllGetClassObjectWOW(); // pub fn DoDragDrop(); // pub fn EnableHookObject(); // pub fn FmtIdToPropStgName(); // pub fn FreePropVariantArray(); // pub fn GetActiveObjectExt(); // pub fn GetClassFile(); // pub fn GetConvertStg(); // pub fn GetDocumentBitStg(); // pub fn GetHGlobalFromILockBytes(); pub fn GetHGlobalFromStream(pstm: LPSTREAM, phglobal: *mut HGLOBAL) -> HRESULT; // pub fn GetHookInterface(); // pub fn GetRunningObjectTable(); // pub fn HACCEL_UserFree(); // #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] // pub fn HACCEL_UserFree64(); // pub fn HACCEL_UserMarshal(); // #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] // pub fn HACCEL_UserMarshal64(); // pub fn HACCEL_UserSize(); // #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] // pub fn HACCEL_UserSize64(); // pub fn HACCEL_UserUnmarshal(); // #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] // pub fn HACCEL_UserUnmarshal64(); // pub fn HBITMAP_UserFree(); // #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] // pub fn HBITMAP_UserFree64(); // pub fn HBITMAP_UserMarshal(); // #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] // pub fn HBITMAP_UserMarshal64(); // pub fn HBITMAP_UserSize(); // #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] // pub fn HBITMAP_UserSize64(); // pub fn HBITMAP_UserUnmarshal(); // #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] // pub fn HBITMAP_UserUnmarshal64(); // pub fn HBRUSH_UserFree(); // #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] // pub fn HBRUSH_UserFree64(); // pub fn HBRUSH_UserMarshal(); // #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] // pub fn HBRUSH_UserMarshal64(); // pub fn HBRUSH_UserSize(); // #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] // pub fn HBRUSH_UserSize64(); // pub fn HBRUSH_UserUnmarshal(); // #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] // pub fn HBRUSH_UserUnmarshal64(); // pub fn HDC_UserFree(); // #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] // pub fn HDC_UserFree64(); // pub fn HDC_UserMarshal(); // #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] // pub fn HDC_UserMarshal64(); // pub fn HDC_UserSize(); // #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] // pub fn HDC_UserSize64(); // pub fn HDC_UserUnmarshal(); // #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] // pub fn HDC_UserUnmarshal64(); // pub fn HENHMETAFILE_UserFree(); // #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] // pub fn HENHMETAFILE_UserFree64(); // pub fn HENHMETAFILE_UserMarshal(); // #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] // pub fn HENHMETAFILE_UserMarshal64(); // pub fn HENHMETAFILE_UserSize(); // #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] // pub fn HENHMETAFILE_UserSize64(); // pub fn HENHMETAFILE_UserUnmarshal(); // #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] // pub fn HENHMETAFILE_UserUnmarshal64(); // pub fn HGLOBAL_UserFree(); // #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] // pub fn HGLOBAL_UserFree64(); // pub fn HGLOBAL_UserMarshal(); // #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] // pub fn HGLOBAL_UserMarshal64(); // pub fn HGLOBAL_UserSize(); // #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] // pub fn HGLOBAL_UserSize64(); // pub fn HGLOBAL_UserUnmarshal(); // #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] // pub fn HGLOBAL_UserUnmarshal64(); // pub fn HICON_UserFree(); // #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] // pub fn HICON_UserFree64(); // pub fn HICON_UserMarshal(); // #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] // pub fn HICON_UserMarshal64(); // pub fn HICON_UserSize(); // #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] // pub fn HICON_UserSize64(); // pub fn HICON_UserUnmarshal(); // #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] // pub fn HICON_UserUnmarshal64(); // pub fn HMENU_UserFree(); // #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] // pub fn HMENU_UserFree64(); // pub fn HMENU_UserMarshal(); // #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] // pub fn HMENU_UserMarshal64(); // pub fn HMENU_UserSize(); // #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] // pub fn HMENU_UserSize64(); // pub fn HMENU_UserUnmarshal(); // #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] // pub fn HMENU_UserUnmarshal64(); // pub fn HMETAFILEPICT_UserFree(); // #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] // pub fn HMETAFILEPICT_UserFree64(); // pub fn HMETAFILEPICT_UserMarshal(); // #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] // pub fn HMETAFILEPICT_UserMarshal64(); // pub fn HMETAFILEPICT_UserSize(); // #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] // pub fn HMETAFILEPICT_UserSize64(); // pub fn HMETAFILEPICT_UserUnmarshal(); // #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] // pub fn HMETAFILEPICT_UserUnmarshal64(); // pub fn HMETAFILE_UserFree(); // #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] // pub fn HMETAFILE_UserFree64(); // pub fn HMETAFILE_UserMarshal(); // #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] // pub fn HMETAFILE_UserMarshal64(); // pub fn HMETAFILE_UserSize(); // #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] // pub fn HMETAFILE_UserSize64(); // pub fn HMETAFILE_UserUnmarshal(); // #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] // pub fn HMETAFILE_UserUnmarshal64(); // pub fn HMONITOR_UserFree(); // #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] // pub fn HMONITOR_UserFree64(); // pub fn HMONITOR_UserMarshal(); // #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] // pub fn HMONITOR_UserMarshal64(); // pub fn HMONITOR_UserSize(); // #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] // pub fn HMONITOR_UserSize64(); // pub fn HMONITOR_UserUnmarshal(); // #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] // pub fn HMONITOR_UserUnmarshal64(); // pub fn HPALETTE_UserFree(); // #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] // pub fn HPALETTE_UserFree64(); // pub fn HPALETTE_UserMarshal(); // #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] // pub fn HPALETTE_UserMarshal64(); // pub fn HPALETTE_UserSize(); // #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] // pub fn HPALETTE_UserSize64(); // pub fn HPALETTE_UserUnmarshal(); // #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] // pub fn HPALETTE_UserUnmarshal64(); // pub fn HWND_UserFree(); // #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] // pub fn HWND_UserFree64(); // pub fn HWND_UserMarshal(); // #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] // pub fn HWND_UserMarshal64(); // pub fn HWND_UserSize(); // #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] // pub fn HWND_UserSize64(); // pub fn HWND_UserUnmarshal(); // #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] // pub fn HWND_UserUnmarshal64(); // pub fn HkOleRegisterObject(); // pub fn IIDFromString(); // pub fn IsAccelerator(); // pub fn IsEqualGUID(); // pub fn MkParseDisplayName(); // pub fn MonikerCommonPrefixWith(); // pub fn MonikerRelativePathTo(); // pub fn NdrProxyForwardingFunction10(); // pub fn NdrProxyForwardingFunction11(); // pub fn NdrProxyForwardingFunction12(); // pub fn NdrProxyForwardingFunction13(); // pub fn NdrProxyForwardingFunction14(); // pub fn NdrProxyForwardingFunction15(); // pub fn NdrProxyForwardingFunction16(); // pub fn NdrProxyForwardingFunction17(); // pub fn NdrProxyForwardingFunction18(); // pub fn NdrProxyForwardingFunction19(); // pub fn NdrProxyForwardingFunction20(); // pub fn NdrProxyForwardingFunction21(); // pub fn NdrProxyForwardingFunction22(); // pub fn NdrProxyForwardingFunction23(); // pub fn NdrProxyForwardingFunction24(); // pub fn NdrProxyForwardingFunction25(); // pub fn NdrProxyForwardingFunction26(); // pub fn NdrProxyForwardingFunction27(); // pub fn NdrProxyForwardingFunction28(); // pub fn NdrProxyForwardingFunction29(); // pub fn NdrProxyForwardingFunction3(); // pub fn NdrProxyForwardingFunction30(); // pub fn NdrProxyForwardingFunction31(); // pub fn NdrProxyForwardingFunction32(); // pub fn NdrProxyForwardingFunction4(); // pub fn NdrProxyForwardingFunction5(); // pub fn NdrProxyForwardingFunction6(); // pub fn NdrProxyForwardingFunction7(); // pub fn NdrProxyForwardingFunction8(); // pub fn NdrProxyForwardingFunction9(); // pub fn ObjectStublessClient10(); // pub fn ObjectStublessClient11(); // pub fn ObjectStublessClient12(); // pub fn ObjectStublessClient13(); // pub fn ObjectStublessClient14(); // pub fn ObjectStublessClient15(); // pub fn ObjectStublessClient16(); // pub fn ObjectStublessClient17(); // pub fn ObjectStublessClient18(); // pub fn ObjectStublessClient19(); // pub fn ObjectStublessClient20(); // pub fn ObjectStublessClient21(); // pub fn ObjectStublessClient22(); // pub fn ObjectStublessClient23(); // pub fn ObjectStublessClient24(); // pub fn ObjectStublessClient25(); // pub fn ObjectStublessClient26(); // pub fn ObjectStublessClient27(); // pub fn ObjectStublessClient28(); // pub fn ObjectStublessClient29(); // pub fn ObjectStublessClient3(); // pub fn ObjectStublessClient30(); // pub fn ObjectStublessClient31(); // pub fn ObjectStublessClient32(); // pub fn ObjectStublessClient4(); // pub fn ObjectStublessClient5(); // pub fn ObjectStublessClient6(); // pub fn ObjectStublessClient7(); // pub fn ObjectStublessClient8(); // pub fn ObjectStublessClient9(); // pub fn Ole32DllGetClassObject(); // pub fn OleBuildVersion(); // pub fn OleConvertIStorageToOLESTREAM(); // pub fn OleConvertIStorageToOLESTREAMEx(); // pub fn OleConvertOLESTREAMToIStorage(); // pub fn OleConvertOLESTREAMToIStorageEx(); // pub fn OleCreate(); // pub fn OleCreateDefaultHandler(); // pub fn OleCreateEmbeddingHelper(); // pub fn OleCreateEx(); // pub fn OleCreateFontIndirectExt(); // pub fn OleCreateFromData(); // pub fn OleCreateFromDataEx(); // pub fn OleCreateFromFile(); // pub fn OleCreateFromFileEx(); // pub fn OleCreateLink(); // pub fn OleCreateLinkEx(); // pub fn OleCreateLinkFromData(); // pub fn OleCreateLinkFromDataEx(); // pub fn OleCreateLinkToFile(); // pub fn OleCreateLinkToFileEx(); // pub fn OleCreateMenuDescriptor(); // pub fn OleCreatePictureIndirectExt(); // pub fn OleCreatePropertyFrameIndirectExt(); // pub fn OleCreateStaticFromData(); // pub fn OleDestroyMenuDescriptor(); // pub fn OleDoAutoConvert(); // pub fn OleDraw(); // pub fn OleDuplicateData(); // pub fn OleFlushClipboard(); // pub fn OleGetAutoConvert(); // pub fn OleGetClipboard(); // pub fn OleGetIconOfClass(); // pub fn OleGetIconOfFile(); // pub fn OleIconToCursorExt(); // pub fn OleInitialize(); // pub fn OleInitializeWOW(); // pub fn OleIsCurrentClipboard(); // pub fn OleIsRunning(); // pub fn OleLoad(); // pub fn OleLoadFromStream(); // pub fn OleLoadPictureExt(); // pub fn OleLoadPictureFileExt(); // pub fn OleLoadPicturePathExt(); // pub fn OleLockRunning(); // pub fn OleMetafilePictFromIconAndLabel(); // pub fn OleNoteObjectVisible(); // pub fn OleQueryCreateFromData(); // pub fn OleQueryLinkFromData(); // pub fn OleRegEnumFormatEtc(); // pub fn OleRegEnumVerbs(); // pub fn OleRegGetMiscStatus(); // pub fn OleRegGetUserType(); // pub fn OleRun(); // pub fn OleSave(); // pub fn OleSavePictureFileExt(); // pub fn OleSaveToStream(); // pub fn OleSetAutoConvert(); // pub fn OleSetClipboard(); // pub fn OleSetContainedObject(); // pub fn OleSetMenuDescriptor(); // pub fn OleTranslateAccelerator(); // pub fn OleTranslateColorExt(); // pub fn OleUninitialize(); // pub fn OpenOrCreateStream(); // pub fn ProgIDFromCLSID(); // pub fn PropStgNameToFmtId(); // pub fn PropVariantClear(); // pub fn PropVariantCopy(); // pub fn ReadClassStg(); // pub fn ReadClassStm(); // pub fn ReadFmtUserTypeStg(); // pub fn ReadOleStg(); // pub fn ReadStringStream(); // pub fn RegisterActiveObjectExt(); // pub fn RegisterDragDrop(); // pub fn ReleaseStgMedium(); // pub fn RevokeActiveObjectExt(); // pub fn RevokeDragDrop(); // pub fn RoGetAgileReference(); // pub fn SNB_UserFree(); // #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] // pub fn SNB_UserFree64(); // pub fn SNB_UserMarshal(); // #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] // pub fn SNB_UserMarshal64(); // pub fn SNB_UserSize(); // #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] // pub fn SNB_UserSize64(); // pub fn SNB_UserUnmarshal(); // #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] // pub fn SNB_UserUnmarshal64(); // pub fn STGMEDIUM_UserFree(); // #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] // pub fn STGMEDIUM_UserFree64(); // pub fn STGMEDIUM_UserMarshal(); // #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] // pub fn STGMEDIUM_UserMarshal64(); // pub fn STGMEDIUM_UserSize(); // #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] // pub fn STGMEDIUM_UserSize64(); // pub fn STGMEDIUM_UserUnmarshal(); // #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] // pub fn STGMEDIUM_UserUnmarshal64(); // pub fn SetConvertStg(); // pub fn SetDocumentBitStg(); // pub fn StgConvertPropertyToVariant(); // pub fn StgConvertVariantToProperty(); // pub fn StgCreateDocfile(); // pub fn StgCreateDocfileOnILockBytes(); // pub fn StgCreatePropSetStg(); // pub fn StgCreatePropStg(); // pub fn StgCreateStorageEx(); // pub fn StgGetIFillLockBytesOnFile(); // pub fn StgGetIFillLockBytesOnILockBytes(); // pub fn StgIsStorageFile(); // pub fn StgIsStorageILockBytes(); // pub fn StgOpenAsyncDocfileOnIFillLockBytes(); // pub fn StgOpenPropStg(); // pub fn StgOpenStorage(); // pub fn StgOpenStorageEx(); // pub fn StgOpenStorageOnILockBytes(); // pub fn StgPropertyLengthAsVariant(); // pub fn StgSetTimes(); // pub fn StringFromCLSID(); // pub fn StringFromGUID2(); // pub fn StringFromIID(); // pub fn UpdateDCOMSettings(); // pub fn UtConvertDvtd16toDvtd32(); // pub fn UtConvertDvtd32toDvtd16(); // pub fn UtGetDvtd16Info(); // pub fn UtGetDvtd32Info(); // pub fn WdtpInterfacePointer_UserFree(); // #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] // pub fn WdtpInterfacePointer_UserFree64(); // pub fn WdtpInterfacePointer_UserMarshal(); // #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] // pub fn WdtpInterfacePointer_UserMarshal64(); // pub fn WdtpInterfacePointer_UserSize(); // #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] // pub fn WdtpInterfacePointer_UserSize64(); // pub fn WdtpInterfacePointer_UserUnmarshal(); // #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] // pub fn WdtpInterfacePointer_UserUnmarshal64(); // pub fn WriteClassStg(); // pub fn WriteClassStm(); // pub fn WriteFmtUserTypeStg(); // pub fn WriteOleStg(); // pub fn WriteStringStream(); }