# # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # import platform import re from itertools import product from .util import merge_dict from .test import TestEntry # Those keys are passed to execution as is. # Note that there are keys other than these, namely: # delay: After server is started, client start is delayed for the value # (seconds). # timeout: Test timeout after client is started (seconds). # platforms: Supported platforms. Should match platform.system() value. # protocols: list of supported protocols # transports: list of supported transports # sockets: list of supported sockets # # protocols and transports entries can be colon separated "spec:impl" pair # (e.g. binary:accel) where test is run for any matching "spec" while actual # argument passed to test executable is "impl". # Otherwise "spec" is equivalent to "spec:spec" pair. # (e.g. "binary" is equivalent to "binary:binary" in tests.json) # VALID_JSON_KEYS = [ 'name', # name of the library, typically a language name 'workdir', # work directory where command is executed 'command', # test command 'extra_args', # args appended to command after other args are appended 'remote_args', # args added to the other side of the program 'join_args', # whether args should be passed as single concatenated string 'env', # additional environmental variable ] DEFAULT_MAX_DELAY = 5 DEFAULT_SIGNAL = 1 DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 5 def _collect_testlibs(config, server_match, client_match=[None]): """Collects server/client configurations from library configurations""" def expand_libs(config): for lib in config: sv = lib.pop('server', None) cl = lib.pop('client', None) yield lib, sv, cl def yield_testlibs(base_configs, configs, match): for base, conf in zip(base_configs, configs): if conf: if not match or base['name'] in match: platforms = conf.get('platforms') or base.get('platforms') if not platforms or platform.system() in platforms: yield merge_dict(base, conf) libs, svs, cls = zip(*expand_libs(config)) servers = list(yield_testlibs(libs, svs, server_match)) clients = list(yield_testlibs(libs, cls, client_match)) return servers, clients def collect_features(config, match): res = list(map(re.compile, match)) return list(filter(lambda c: any(map(lambda r: r.search(c['name']), res)), config)) def _do_collect_tests(servers, clients): def intersection(key, o1, o2): """intersection of two collections. collections are replaced with sets the first time""" def cached_set(o, key): v = o[key] if not isinstance(v, set): v = set(v) o[key] = v return v return cached_set(o1, key) & cached_set(o2, key) def intersect_with_spec(key, o1, o2): # store as set of (spec, impl) tuple def cached_set(o): def to_spec_impl_tuples(values): for v in values: spec, _, impl = v.partition(':') yield spec, impl or spec v = o[key] if not isinstance(v, set): v = set(to_spec_impl_tuples(set(v))) o[key] = v return v for spec1, impl1 in cached_set(o1): for spec2, impl2 in cached_set(o2): if spec1 == spec2: name = impl1 if impl1 == impl2 else '%s-%s' % (impl1, impl2) yield name, impl1, impl2 def maybe_max(key, o1, o2, default): """maximum of two if present, otherwise default value""" v1 = o1.get(key) v2 = o2.get(key) return max(v1, v2) if v1 and v2 else v1 or v2 or default def filter_with_validkeys(o): ret = {} for key in VALID_JSON_KEYS: if key in o: ret[key] = o[key] return ret def merge_metadata(o, **ret): for key in VALID_JSON_KEYS: if key in o: ret[key] = o[key] return ret for sv, cl in product(servers, clients): for proto, proto1, proto2 in intersect_with_spec('protocols', sv, cl): for trans, trans1, trans2 in intersect_with_spec('transports', sv, cl): for sock in intersection('sockets', sv, cl): yield { 'server': merge_metadata(sv, **{'protocol': proto1, 'transport': trans1}), 'client': merge_metadata(cl, **{'protocol': proto2, 'transport': trans2}), 'delay': maybe_max('delay', sv, cl, DEFAULT_MAX_DELAY), 'stop_signal': maybe_max('stop_signal', sv, cl, DEFAULT_SIGNAL), 'timeout': maybe_max('timeout', sv, cl, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT), 'protocol': proto, 'transport': trans, 'socket': sock } def _filter_entries(tests, regex): if regex: return filter(lambda t: re.search(regex, TestEntry.get_name(**t)), tests) return tests def collect_cross_tests(tests_dict, server_match, client_match, regex): sv, cl = _collect_testlibs(tests_dict, server_match, client_match) return list(_filter_entries(_do_collect_tests(sv, cl), regex)) def collect_feature_tests(tests_dict, features_dict, server_match, feature_match, regex): sv, _ = _collect_testlibs(tests_dict, server_match) ft = collect_features(features_dict, feature_match) return list(_filter_entries(_do_collect_tests(sv, ft), regex))