; RUN: opt < %s -S -mtriple=amdgcn-unknown-amdhsa -speculative-execution \ ; RUN: -spec-exec-max-speculation-cost 1 -spec-exec-max-not-hoisted 1 \ ; RUN: | FileCheck %s ; CHECK-LABEL: @ifThen_bitcast( ; CHECK: bitcast ; CHECK: br i1 true define void @ifThen_bitcast(i32 %y) { br i1 true, label %a, label %b a: %x = bitcast i32 %y to float br label %b b: ret void } ; CHECK-LABEL: @ifThen_addrspacecast( ; CHECK: addrspacecast ; CHECK: br i1 true define void @ifThen_addrspacecast(i32* %y) { br i1 true, label %a, label %b a: %x = addrspacecast i32* %y to i32 addrspace(1)* br label %b b: ret void }