DHIS Principle and Architecture: ================================ DHIS is a client-server architecture meant to update databases for systems which are assigned a dynamic IP[v4] address. By the means of a DHIS client a host which is assigned a dynamic IP address (either from its ISP or from DHCP) is able to communicate with a DHIS server in order to advertise its newly acquired IP address. DHIS comprises a UDP based protocol to achieve this purpose. A DHIS client has a unique identification number and a set of authentication keys, runs in background, and attempts to reach its server. The DHIS server (permanently online) listens to UDP messages from its clients and authenticates these against its knowledge of keys. When authentication is successful the DHIS server updates one or more databases with the newly received IP address for the given client. The client then keeps sending, every period of time, refresh messages to the server. If the server doesn't hear from a client for an amount of time (3x refresh period) it considers that the client has gone offline and marks it accordingly with (a private unrechable IP address). Alternativelly the server may receive an OFFLINE_REQ packet from the client, in which case the DNS record is updated at once and the online state droped. In essence the DHIS server: Listens to a UDP port for messages from clients Authenticates clients Checks that clients are still connected If not, marks them offline Compatibility: ============== The DHIS release 5 server dhisd is compatible with release 3 and 4 clients. Release 3 and 4 servers are not, however, compatible with release 5 clients. Secure QRC Authentication: ========================== On a secure level DHIS 5 has built in public key authentication based on QRC (Quadratic Residue Cypher). The server(dhisd) supports two methods of authentication, password and qrc. Furthermore, dhisd 5 is compatible with R3 authentication scheme. In R5 authentication (and protocol) the client sends an ECHO_REQ packet to the server from which it expects an ECHO_REP. If received the connection is established and the client proceeds to authentication. If mode is password, a simple password is sent raw over the network upon which the server confirms or denies the online state. If scheme is QRC the server sends the client an AUTH_SY packet to which the client must reply with an AUTH_SX before authentication can be confirmed. The QRC algorithm, as implemented in DHIS 5, is as follows: The client has two 100 digit keys P and Q. The server has (for each client) the public key N obtained by P*Q. P and Q are both prime and congruent to 3 mod 4. When authentication is requested the server generates a random number (prime relative to N) called X and squares it mod N. It then sends its square to the client (Y) which by its turn has to calculte its square root mod N (X') using the chinese remainder theorem. X' is sent back and compared with X. X' may only be calculated knowing the two private keys factors P and Q. In order to make use of QRC dhisd uses the GNU Multi Precision Library gmp. Signals: ======== dhisd accepts HUP and TERM signals. A kill -HUP will make it reload the hosts database and kill -TERM will terminate it. Its pid number is recorded a the text file (default: /var/run/dhis/dhisd.pid) Before terminating with SIGTERM dhisd will attempt to bring all online clients offline. The pid file location can be changed with either the -P option of the PidFile statement under dhisd.conf In addition, a kill -USR1 signal will increate the debug level of dhisd by 1 and a -USR2 will reset its debug level to 0. Logging: ======== dhisd logs online and offline transitions on a text file (default: /var/log/dhis/dhisd.log) The log file location can be changed with either the -l option of the LogFile statement under dhisd.conf Command Line Options: ===================== dhisd supports the following command line options: -b binds the server to the interface with the specified IPv4 address instead of the default ANY -p allows the server to listen to an alternative port. Default is 58800. -P allows the specification of an alternative port e.g. dhisd -P /var/run/dhisd.pid -l allows specifying a path for the log file e.g. dhisd -l /var/log/dhisd.log -d allows specifying a path for the database file e.g. dhisd -d /usr/local/etc/dhis.db If the special keyword "mysql" is given as a file, and dhisd has been compiled with MySQL support, dhisd uses the authentication information present in dhisd.conf to connect to a MySQL database and use it as a database instead. -D Increases the verbosity log level by 1 All options may be used in conjunction with each other. Confirguration File =================== If specified and if it exists, parameters can be put on a configuration file (default is /usr/local/etc/dhisd.conf) The following parameters are supported: LogFile a-log-file-location PidFile a-pid-file-location BindAddress The address to bind the server to, default is ANY BindPort The UDP port to use, default is 58000 DBFile The location of the database file See dhisd.conf.sample for an example. MySQL Support ============= dhisd 5.4 adds MySQL support in that, instead of using a dhis.db file for keeping the hosts, these can be kept on a MySQL database table. In order to add MySQL suport the source code must be compiled with WITH_MYSQL enabled (in the Makefile) and must be linked against the mysqlclient library. If enabled, dhisd will try to use an SQL database instead of the traditional text file if and only if the DBFile is set to the special keyword "mysql". If so, dhisd needs to know how to reach the database so the following dhisd.conf configuration parameters become mandatory: MySQLServer ; Or the IP address of the server MySQLUser auser MySQLPassword userpassword MySQLDBase mysql-database-to-use auser with userpassword must exist as a user in the SQL server and must have read/write access to the DHISHost table of the database in use. And the parameters must be correct in order to dhisd to connect to the database and load it. If any of them are missed or incorrect dhisd won't run. The server queries/updates a table named DHISHost under the specified database. The table should have the following schema at least, although more parameters can be added for other purposes without impact on the server. +-------------------+--------------+------+-----+---------+-------+ | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | +-------------------+--------------+------+-----+---------+-------+ | DHISHostID | int(11) | NO | PRI | 0 | | | DHISHostName | varchar(127) | NO | UNI | | | | DHISHostPassword | varchar(127) | YES | | NULL | | | DHISAuthN0 | varchar(127) | YES | | NULL | | | DHISAuthN1 | varchar(127) | YES | | NULL | | | DHISAuthN2 | varchar(127) | YES | | NULL | | | DHISAuthN3 | varchar(127) | YES | | NULL | | | DHISStatus | int(11) | NO | | 0 | | | DHISOnlineCmd | varchar(255) | YES | | NULL | | | DHISOfflineCmd | varchar(255) | YES | | NULL | | | DHISLastLogin | bigint(20) | NO | | 0 | | +-------------------+--------------+------+-----+---------+-------+ Text Database ============= For details on using a text file as a database instead of MySQL (the traditional method) please see dhis.db.sample Running dhisd as dhis user ========================== The server can and should be run by a user created for that purpose, namely dhis. Running it as root is no longer required. Multi-server mode: ================== Since release 5 (due to the R5 client) DHIS may be used in more than one server at the same time for redundancy or load sharing purposes. DHIS R5 clients has the possibility of specifying multiple redundant servers. When connected the clients try to reach one of the available servers and use the one that provides a faster reply (or a reply at all if others are down). The only restriction to running DHIS in redundant multi-servers is to keep exactly the same database files on all redundant systems at all times. An example for a redundant or load-balanced dynamic DNS service: Primary DNS server A Secondary DNS server B | +-----------------+ | | | -------------------------------------------------- | | DHIS Server C DHIS Server D \ / ----- client ----- Client attempts to communicate with C and D. Client uses whichever replies (first) and authenticates with it. Say, if C picks up the request, C issues an nsupdate to A or B. An Update is then sent to B or A if DNS NOTIFY is configured. If C is down D will keep the system running. If is also possible to run multiple DHIS servers on the same machine (using different UDP port and file locations) in either independent or redundant mode. Firewalls: ========== In order to configure a firewall for a DHIS server ensure that: The server can receive UDP packets on its listening port (default: 58800) The server can send UDP packets to anywhere/anyport (Since the client has the possibility of changing its UDP port) Refreshing and keeping the connection alive: ============================================ The new R5 method of keep-alive for DHIS is as follows: The client authenticates with the server. Optionally the client (in the authentication request) sends a refresh rate proposal. The server updates the client with its subscribed services and initialises the refresh period to a default of 60 seconds. If the refresh period was proposed by the client in the AUTH request the server compares this value against minimum and maximum limits and, if valid, uses this refresh delay instead. When N seconds have elapsed the client should send an ECHO_REQ to the server. If the server doesn't receive ECHO_REQs for three periods of time it considers the host offline and marks it accordingly. Online and Offline Commands: ============================ The server may run individual commands for a given client at online and offline transitions. For each client in dhis.db: If the client record has a line in the form: OnCmd /path/to/on/cmd /path/to/on/cmd is executed when that client becomes online. If the client record has a line in the form: OffCmd /path/to/off/cmd /path/to/off/cmd is executed when that client becomes offline. Both OffCmd and OnCmd executions occur with 2 parameters, the HostID of the client and the IP address acquired via DHIS. In addition both oncmd and offcmd commands may be invoqued with additional parameters (3, 4, 5, ...) as they appear in the dhis.db file. The first "word" after the command is passed to the external program as argument 3 (1 and 2 are id and address from above), the second as argument 4 and so on... Example of a simple logging test: 1000 { hostpass something oncmd /etc/oncmd } # /etc/oncmd #!/bin/sh # echo I am $1 online now at $2 OnCmd = oncmd and OffCmd = offcmd as keywords are not case sensitive. Support: ======== Please address any questions or bugs regarding dhisd to support (at) dhis.org