#!/usr/bin/perl # # $Id: Resolver.pm 883 2010-06-15 08:27:51Z calle $ # # Copyright (c) 2007 .SE (The Internet Infrastructure Foundation). # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY # DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL # DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE # GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER # IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR # OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN # IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # ###################################################################### package DNSCheck::Lookup::Resolver; require 5.008; use warnings; use strict; our $SVN_VERSION = '$Revision: 883 $'; use YAML; use Net::IP; use Time::HiRes qw[gettimeofday tv_interval]; # In order to be able to know for sure where certain information comes from, # and/or modify parts of resolver chains, we need to do our own recursive # lookups rather than rely on an external caching recursive resolver. This # module is supposed to do recursive lookups. It seems to work, but was # written by someone who is not a DNS expert, so comments on the module logic # is very welcome. sub new { my $class = shift; my $parent = shift; my $self = {}; bless $self, $class; $self->{parent} = $parent; my $config = $self->config->get("dns"); $self->{debug} = $parent->config->get("debug"); $self->{debug} -= 1 if $self->{debug}; $self->{cache} = $parent->config->get('root_zone_data'); $self->{current} = ''; $self->{resolver} = Net::DNS::Resolver->new( # RFC3330 reserved address. As close to guaranteed *not* to have a nameserver # on it as we're likely to get (the module does not accept an empty list). nameservers => [''], ); $self->{resolver}->persistent_tcp(0); $self->{resolver}->cdflag(1); $self->{resolver}->recurse(0); $self->{resolver}->dnssec(0); $self->{resolver}->debug(1) if ($self->{debug} and $self->{debug} > 1); $self->{resolver}->udp_timeout($config->{udp_timeout}); $self->{resolver}->tcp_timeout($config->{tcp_timeout}); $self->{resolver}->retry($config->{retry}); $self->{resolver}->retrans($config->{retrans}); $self->{ipv6} = $parent->config->get("net")->{ipv6}; $self->{ipv4} = $parent->config->get("net")->{ipv4}; return $self; } # Standard utility methods sub resolver { return $_[0]->{resolver}; } sub parent { return $_[0]->{parent}; } sub cache { return $_[0]->{cache}; } sub config { return $_[0]->parent->config; } sub logger { return $_[0]->parent->logger; } # Timing information sub times { my $self = shift; $self->{times} ||= {}; return $self->{times}; } # Interface methods to underlying Net::DNS::Resolver object sub errorstring { my $self = shift; return $self->resolver->errorstring(@_); } sub dnssec { my $self = shift; return $self->resolver->dnssec(@_); } sub recursion { my $self = shift; return $self->resolver->recurse(@_); } sub cdflag { my $self = shift; return $self->resolver->cdflag(@_); } # Methods to support undelegated testing sub add_fake_glue { my $self = shift; my $zone = shift; my $nsname = shift; my $nsip = shift; return unless Net::IP->new($nsip); $nsname = $self->canonicalize_name($nsname); $zone = $self->canonicalize_name($zone); $self->cache->{ns}{$zone}{$nsname} = 1; $self->cache->{ips}{$nsname}{$nsip} = 1; $self->{fake}{ns}{$zone} = 1; $self->{fake}{ips}{$nsname} = 1; return $self; } # Return a list of zones with fake glue sub faked_zones { my $self = shift; return map { my $tmp = $_; $tmp =~ s/\.$//; $tmp } keys %{ $self->{fake}{ns} }; } # Return a list of NS names for a zone with fake glue sub faked_zone { my $self = shift; my $name = shift; $name = $self->canonicalize_name($name); if ($self->{fake}{ns}{$name}) { return map { my $tmp = $_; $tmp =~ s/\.$//; $tmp } keys %{ $self->cache->{ns}{$name} }; } else { return; } } # Return a made-up packet with information for a name sub fake_packet { my $self = shift; my $zone = shift; my $name = shift; my $type = shift; $name = $self->canonicalize_name($name); my @ns = $self->faked_zone($zone); my @ips = keys %{ $self->cache->{ips}{$name} }; my $version; if ($type eq 'A') { $version = 4; } elsif ($type eq 'AAAA') { $version = 6; } else { return; # Can't or won't fake that } @ips = map { $_->ip } grep { defined($_) and $_->version == $version } map { Net::IP->new($_) } @ips; my $p = Net::DNS::Packet->new; $p->unique_push('answer', Net::DNS::RR->new("$name 4711 IN $type $_")) for @ips; for my $ns (@ns) { $p->unique_push('authority', Net::DNS::RR->new("$zone 4711 IN NS $ns")); for my $ip ( keys %{ $self->cache->{ips}{ $self->canonicalize_name($ns) } }) { my $t = (Net::IP->new($ip)->version == 4) ? 'A' : 'AAAA'; $p->unique_push('additional', Net::DNS::RR->new("$ns 4711 IN $t $ip")); } } $p->header->aa(1); return $p; } # Add stuff to our cache. # # We cache known nameserver lists for names, and IP addresses for names. sub remember { my ($self, $p) = @_; return unless defined($p); foreach my $rr ($p->answer, $p->additional, $p->authority) { my $n = $self->canonicalize_name($rr->name); if ($rr->type eq 'A' or $rr->type eq 'AAAA') { $self->{cache}{ips}{$n}{ Net::IP->new($rr->address)->ip } = 1 unless $self->{fake}{ips}{$n}; } if ($rr->type eq 'NS') { print STDERR "remember: NS $n (" . $rr->name . ") " . $rr->nsdname . ".\n" if $self->{debug}; $self->{cache}{ns}{$n}{ $self->canonicalize_name($rr->nsdname) } = 1 unless $self->{fake}{ns}{$n}; } } return $self; } # Class method to generate data with which to preload the cache. sub get_preload_data { my $self = shift; my $source = shift; my %cache; my $res = Net::DNS::Resolver->new; $res->nameservers($source) if defined($source); my $z = $res->send('.', 'IN', 'NS'); if (!defined($z) or $z->header->ancount == 0) { die "Failed to get root zone data"; } foreach my $rr ($z->answer) { next unless $rr->type eq 'NS'; $cache{ns}{'.'}{ $self->canonicalize_name($rr->nsdname) } = 1; } foreach my $nsname (keys %{ $cache{ns}{'.'} }) { $nsname = $self->canonicalize_name($nsname); my $a = $res->send($nsname, 'IN', 'A'); next if (!defined($a) or $a->header->ancount == 0); foreach my $rr ($a->answer) { next unless $rr->type eq 'A'; $cache{ips}{$nsname}{ $rr->address } = 1; } my $aaaa = $res->send($nsname, 'IN', 'AAAA'); next if (!defined($aaaa) or $aaaa->header->ancount == 0); foreach my $rr ($aaaa->answer) { next unless $rr->type eq 'AAAA'; $cache{ips}{$nsname}{ $rr->address } = 1; } } return \%cache; } # Reformat a name into a standardized form, for ease of comparison sub canonicalize_name { my $self = shift; my $name = shift; my $i = Net::IP->new($name); if ($name and $name =~ m|^[0-9.:]+$| and defined($i)) { $name = $i->reverse_ip; } $name = lc($name); $name .= '.' unless substr($name, -1) eq '.'; return $name; } # Strip the leftmost label off a DNS name. If there are no labels left after # removing one, returns a single period for the root level. sub strip_label { my $self = shift; my $name = shift; my @labels = split /\./, $name; shift @labels; if (@labels) { return $self->canonicalize_name(join '.', @labels); } else { return '.'; } } # Take a name, and return the nameserver names for the highest parent level we # have in cache. Which, at worst, will be the root zone, the data for which we # initialize on object creation. sub highest_known_ns { my $self = shift; my $name = shift; $name = $self->canonicalize_name($name); # If there are more than one zone with fake glue, and one is a parent of # another, choose the one with the most labels in it. my $faked = ( sort { $b =~ y/././ <=> $a =~ y/././ } grep { $name =~ /\Q$_\E$/ } $self->faked_zones )[0]; if ($faked) { return keys %{ $self->cache->{ns}{$faked} }; } my @candidates; while (1) { my @tmp = $self->simple_names_to_ips(keys %{ $self->{cache}{ns}{$name} }) if $self->{cache}{ns}{$name}; push @candidates, @tmp if @tmp; if ($name eq '.') { last; } $name = $self->strip_label($name); } if (!@candidates) { die "Root zone cache missing."; } else { return @candidates; } } sub simple_names_to_ips { my $self = shift; my @names = map { $self->canonicalize_name($_) } @_; my @ips; foreach my $n (@names) { if ($self->cache->{ips}{$n}) { push @ips, keys %{ $self->cache->{ips}{$n} }; } } return @ips; } sub names_to_ips { my $self = shift; my @names = map { $self->canonicalize_name($_) } @_; my @ips; foreach my $n (@names) { if ($self->cache->{ips}{$n}) { push @ips, keys %{ $self->cache->{ips}{$n} }; } else { next if $self->{poison}{$n}; $self->{poison}{$n} = 1; # Block lookups of this name my $p = $self->recurse($n, 'A'); $self->remember($p); if ($self->cache->{ips}{$n}) { push @ips, keys %{ $self->cache->{ips}{$n} }; $self->{poison}{$n} = 0; # Allow lookups of name } } } return @ips; } # Send a query to a specified set of nameservers and return the result. sub get { my $self = shift; my $name = shift; my $type = shift || 'NS'; my $class = shift || 'IN'; my @ns = @_; print STDERR "get: $name $type $class @ns " . (caller(1))[3] . "\n" if $self->{debug}; @ns = map { $_->ip } grep { ($_->version == 4 and $self->{ipv4}) or ($_->version == 6 and $self->{ipv6}) } map { Net::IP->new($_) } @ns; return unless @ns; my @ns_old = $self->{resolver}->nameservers; $self->{resolver}->nameservers(@ns) if @ns; my $before = [gettimeofday()]; my $p = $self->{resolver}->send($name, $class, $type); my $duration = tv_interval($before); if ($p and $p->answerfrom) { push @{ $self->times->{ $p->answerfrom } }, $duration; } print STDERR "get: " . $p->string . "\n" if (defined($p) and $self->{debug} and $self->{debug} > 1); $self->remember($p) if defined($p); $self->{resolver}->nameservers(@ns_old); return $p; } # Recursively look up stuff. # # Resolution procedure of a name # ============================== # # 1. Get ns names for the highest level we know of (root, probably). # # 2. Do name-to-ip for names. Discard names we can't translate. # # 3. Push IPs on stack of servers to ask, unless they've already been there. # # 4. Pop IP from stack. Send question to it. Remember we asked it. # If the stack is empty, return undef. # # 5. If we get a response, clear the stack. # # 6. If the reply is authoritative, return it. # If it is not, but contains records in Authority section, get names from # those records and go to 2, unless the records point to a name higher in # the chain, in which case we terminate and return undef. sub recurse { my ($self, $name, $type, $class, $cnames) = @_; $type ||= 'NS'; $class ||= 'IN'; $cnames ||= {}; print STDERR "recurse: $name $type $class\n" if $self->{debug}; # See if it should be faked if (($type eq 'A' or $type eq 'AAAA') and $self->{fake}{ips}{ $self->canonicalize_name($name) }) { return $self->fake_packet(undef, $name, $type); } my @stack = $self->highest_known_ns($name); my %seen; my $candidate; my $level = -1; while (@stack) { my $ns = pop(@stack); print STDERR "recurse: Popped $ns (stack is " . scalar(@stack) . " entries deep).\n" if $self->{debug}; $seen{$ns} = 1; my $p = $self->get($name, $type, $class, $ns); if (!defined($p)) { print STDERR "recurse: No response packet.\n" if $self->{debug}; next; } elsif ($p->header->aa) { print STDERR "recurse: Authoritative response.\n" if $self->{debug}; if ( $p->header->rcode ne 'NOERROR' and $p->header->rcode ne 'NXDOMAIN') { print STDERR "recurse: ...but it's not good. Saving as candidate.\n" if $self->{debug}; $candidate = $p; next; } if ( $type ne 'CNAME' and $p->header->ancount > 0 and grep { $_->type eq 'CNAME' } $p->answer) { print STDERR "recurse: Resolving CNAME.\n" if $self->{debug}; my $cnamerr = (grep { $_->type eq 'CNAME' } $p->answer)[0]; return $p if $cnames->{ $cnamerr->cname }; # Break loops $cnames->{ $cnamerr->cname } = 1; my $tmp = $self->recurse($cnamerr->cname, $type, $class, $cnames); if ($tmp) { print STDERR "recurse: Adding CNAME to response packet.\n" if $self->{debug}; $tmp->unique_push(answer => $cnamerr) unless (keys %$cnames) > 1; return $tmp; } else { return $p; } } return $p; } elsif ($p->header->rcode ne 'NOERROR') { print STDERR "recurse: Response code " . $p->header->rcode . "\n" if $self->{debug}; $candidate = $p unless $candidate; next; } elsif ( $p->header->ancount > 0 and grep { $_->type eq 'CNAME' } $p->answer ) { print STDERR "recurse: Resolving non-auth CNAME.\n" if $self->{debug}; my $cnamerr = (grep { $_->type eq 'CNAME' } $p->answer)[0]; return $p if $cnames->{ $cnamerr->cname }; # Break loops $cnames->{ $cnamerr->cname } = 1; my $tmp = $self->recurse($cnamerr->cname, $type, $class, $cnames); if ($tmp) { print STDERR "recurse: Adding CNAME to response packet.\n" if $self->{debug}; $tmp->unique_push(answer => $cnamerr) unless (keys %$cnames) > 1; return $tmp; } else { return $p; } } elsif ($p->header->nscount > 0) { my $zname = ($p->authority)[0]->name; my $m = $self->matching_labels($name, $zname); if ($m < $level) { print STDERR "recurse: Bad referral. Skipping to next server.\n" if $self->{debug}; next; # Resolving chain redirecting up } $level = $m; print STDERR "recurse: Got " . scalar($p->authority) . " authority records. Reloading stack.\n" if $self->{debug}; @stack = (); $self->remember($p); if (my @fns = $self->faked_zone($zname)) { push @stack, grep { !$seen{$_} } $self->simple_names_to_ips(@fns); } else { push @stack, grep { !$seen{$_} } $self->names_to_ips( map { $_->nsdname } grep { $_->type eq 'NS' } $p->authority ); } next; } else { print STDERR "recurse: Fell through: " . $p->print if $self->{debug}; } } print STDERR "recurse: Ran out of servers.\n" if $self->{debug}; # Ran out of servers before we got a good reply, return what we've got if ($candidate) { return $candidate; } else { return; } } sub matching_labels { my $self = shift; my ($n1, $n2) = @_; my @n1 = reverse split /\./, $n1; my @n2 = reverse split /\./, $n2; my $count = 0; while (@n1 and @n2) { my $i = shift @n1; my $j = shift @n2; if ($i eq $j) { $count += 1; } else { last; } } return $count; } =head1 NAME DNSCheck::Lookup::Resolver - a recursive DNS resolver for DNSCheck =head1 DESCRIPTION This module does recursive lookups, and is heavily used by L. =head1 METHODS =over =item ->new($parent) Creates and configures a new resolver object. The parent object should be a L object, and it will be used to find DNS resolver configuration information. =item ->get($name, $type, $class, @nameservers) Send a DNS query to specified servers. =item ->recurse($name, $type, [$class]) Do a recursive query. If the class is not specified, it defaults to IN. =back =cut