#!/usr/local/bin/perl # This takes output from dnswalk and makes a "rep.orts" directory # with one file per contact. Great for sending mail to all the admins. mkdir("rep.orts",0777); while (<>) { if (/^Checking (.*).$/) { $zone=$1; next; } if (/^warning: .* has /) { # ugly $warning=$_; next; } if (/^SOA.*contact=(.*)$/) { close(REPORT); $contact=$1; $contact=~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; print "writing report for $contact\n"; open(REPORT,">>rep.orts/$contact") || die "cannot write to rep.orts/$1: $!\n"; print REPORT "Potential errors for zone: $zone\n"; if ($warning) { print REPORT $warning; undef $warning; } } print REPORT; } close(REPORT);