/* Copyright (C) 2014-2017 CZ.NIC, z.s.p.o. * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "contrib/base32hex.h" #include "contrib/cleanup.h" #include "contrib/ucw/lib.h" #include "lib/cache/api.h" #include "lib/cache/cdb_lmdb.h" #include "lib/defines.h" #include "lib/dnssec/nsec3.h" #include "lib/generic/trie.h" #include "lib/resolve.h" #include "lib/rplan.h" #include "lib/utils.h" #include "lib/cache/impl.h" /* TODO: * - Reconsider when RRSIGs are put in and retrieved from the cache. * Currently it's always done, which _might_ be spurious, depending * on how kresd will use the returned result. * There's also the "problem" that kresd ATM does _not_ ask upstream * with DO bit in some cases. */ /** Cache version */ static const uint16_t CACHE_VERSION = 6; /** Key size */ #define KEY_HSIZE (sizeof(uint8_t) + sizeof(uint16_t)) #define KEY_SIZE (KEY_HSIZE + KNOT_DNAME_MAXLEN) /** @internal Forward declarations of the implementation details * \param needs_pkt[out] optionally set *needs_pkt = true; * We do that when some RRset wasn't stashed to aggressive cache, * even though it might have taken part in a successful DNSSEC proof: * 1. any opt-out NSEC3, as they typically aren't much use aggressively anyway * 2. some kinds of minimal NSEC* ranges, as they'd seem more trouble than worth: * - extremely short range of covered names limits the benefits severely * - the type-set is often a lie, either a working lie, e.g. CloudFlare's * black lies, or even a non-working lie, e.g. DVE-2018-0003 * 3. some kinds of "weird" RRsets, to get at least some caching on them */ static ssize_t stash_rrset(struct kr_cache *cache, const struct kr_query *qry, const knot_rrset_t *rr, const knot_rrset_t *rr_sigs, uint32_t timestamp, uint8_t rank, trie_t *nsec_pmap, knot_mm_t *pool, bool *needs_pkt); /** Preliminary checks before stash_rrset(). Don't call if returns <= 0. */ static int stash_rrset_precond(const knot_rrset_t *rr, const struct kr_query *qry/*logs*/); /** @internal Ensure the cache version is right, possibly by clearing it. */ static int assert_right_version(struct kr_cache *cache) { /* Check cache ABI version. */ /* CACHE_KEY_DEF: to avoid collisions with kr_cache_match(). */ uint8_t key_str[4] = "VERS"; knot_db_val_t key = { .data = key_str, .len = sizeof(key_str) }; knot_db_val_t val = { NULL, 0 }; int ret = cache_op(cache, read, &key, &val, 1); if (ret == 0 && val.len == sizeof(CACHE_VERSION) && memcmp(val.data, &CACHE_VERSION, sizeof(CACHE_VERSION)) == 0) { ret = kr_ok(); } else { int oldret = ret; /* Version doesn't match or we were unable to read it, possibly because DB is empty. * Recreate cache and write version key. */ ret = cache_op(cache, count); if (ret != 0) { /* Log for non-empty cache to limit noise on fresh start. */ kr_log_info(CACHE, "incompatible cache database detected, purging\n"); if (oldret) { kr_log_debug(CACHE, "reading version returned: %d\n", oldret); } else if (val.len != sizeof(CACHE_VERSION)) { kr_log_debug(CACHE, "version has bad length: %d\n", (int)val.len); } else { uint16_t ver; memcpy(&ver, val.data, sizeof(ver)); kr_log_debug(CACHE, "version has bad value: %d instead of %d\n", (int)ver, (int)CACHE_VERSION); } } ret = cache_op(cache, clear); } /* Rewrite the entry even if it isn't needed. Because of cache-size-changing * possibility it's good to always perform some write during opening of cache. */ if (ret == 0) { /* Key/Val is invalidated by cache purge, recreate it */ val.data = /*const-cast*/(void *)&CACHE_VERSION; val.len = sizeof(CACHE_VERSION); ret = cache_op(cache, write, &key, &val, 1); } kr_cache_commit(cache); return ret; } int kr_cache_open(struct kr_cache *cache, const struct kr_cdb_api *api, struct kr_cdb_opts *opts, knot_mm_t *mm) { if (kr_fails_assert(cache)) return kr_error(EINVAL); memset(cache, 0, sizeof(*cache)); /* Open cache */ if (!api) api = kr_cdb_lmdb(); cache->api = api; int ret = cache->api->open(&cache->db, &cache->stats, opts, mm); if (ret == 0) { ret = assert_right_version(cache); // The included write also committed maxsize increase to the file. } if (ret == 0 && opts->maxsize) { /* If some maxsize is requested and it's smaller than in-file maxsize, * LMDB only restricts our env without changing the in-file maxsize. * That is worked around by reopening (found no other reliable way). */ cache->api->close(cache->db, &cache->stats); struct kr_cdb_opts opts2; memcpy(&opts2, opts, sizeof(opts2)); opts2.maxsize = 0; ret = cache->api->open(&cache->db, &cache->stats, &opts2, mm); } char *fpath = kr_absolutize_path(opts->path, "data.mdb"); if (kr_fails_assert(fpath)) { /* non-critical, but still */ fpath = ""; } else { kr_cache_emergency_file_to_remove = fpath; } if (ret == 0 && opts->maxsize) { size_t maxsize = cache->api->get_maxsize(cache->db); if (maxsize > opts->maxsize) kr_log_warning(CACHE, "Warning: real cache size is %zu instead of the requested %zu bytes." " To reduce the size you need to remove the file '%s' by hand.\n", maxsize, opts->maxsize, fpath); } if (ret != 0) return ret; cache->ttl_min = KR_CACHE_DEFAULT_TTL_MIN; cache->ttl_max = KR_CACHE_DEFAULT_TTL_MAX; kr_cache_make_checkpoint(cache); return 0; } const char *kr_cache_emergency_file_to_remove = NULL; #define cache_isvalid(cache) ((cache) && (cache)->api && (cache)->db) void kr_cache_close(struct kr_cache *cache) { kr_cache_check_health(cache, -1); if (cache_isvalid(cache)) { cache_op(cache, close); cache->db = NULL; } free(/*const-cast*/(char*)kr_cache_emergency_file_to_remove); kr_cache_emergency_file_to_remove = NULL; } int kr_cache_commit(struct kr_cache *cache) { if (!cache_isvalid(cache)) { return kr_error(EINVAL); } if (cache->api->commit) { return cache_op(cache, commit); } return kr_ok(); } int kr_cache_clear(struct kr_cache *cache) { if (!cache_isvalid(cache)) { return kr_error(EINVAL); } int ret = cache_op(cache, clear); if (ret == 0) { kr_cache_make_checkpoint(cache); ret = assert_right_version(cache); } return ret; } /* When going stricter, BEWARE of breaking entry_h_consistent_NSEC() */ struct entry_h * entry_h_consistent_E(knot_db_val_t data, uint16_t type) { (void) type; /* unused, for now */ if (!data.data) return NULL; /* Length checks. */ if (data.len < offsetof(struct entry_h, data)) return NULL; const struct entry_h *eh = data.data; if (eh->is_packet) { uint16_t pkt_len; if (data.len < offsetof(struct entry_h, data) + sizeof(pkt_len)) { return NULL; } memcpy(&pkt_len, eh->data, sizeof(pkt_len)); if (data.len < offsetof(struct entry_h, data) + sizeof(pkt_len) + pkt_len) { return NULL; } } bool ok = true; ok = ok && kr_rank_check(eh->rank); ok = ok && (!kr_rank_test(eh->rank, KR_RANK_BOGUS) || eh->is_packet); ok = ok && (eh->is_packet || !eh->has_optout); return ok ? /*const-cast*/(struct entry_h *)eh : NULL; } int32_t get_new_ttl(const struct entry_h *entry, const struct kr_query *qry, const knot_dname_t *owner, uint16_t type, uint32_t now) { int32_t diff = now - entry->time; if (diff < 0) { /* We may have obtained the record *after* the request started. */ diff = 0; } int32_t res = entry->ttl - diff; if (res < 0 && owner && qry && qry->stale_cb) { /* Stale-serving decision, delegated to a callback. */ int res_stale = qry->stale_cb(res, owner, type, qry); if (res_stale >= 0) return res_stale; } return res; } int32_t kr_cache_ttl(const struct kr_cache_p *peek, const struct kr_query *qry, const knot_dname_t *name, uint16_t type) { const struct entry_h *eh = peek->raw_data; return get_new_ttl(eh, qry, name, type, qry->timestamp.tv_sec); } /** Check that no label contains a zero character, incl. a log trace. * * We refuse to work with those, as LF and our cache keys might become ambiguous. * Assuming uncompressed name, as usual. * CACHE_KEY_DEF */ static bool check_dname_for_lf(const knot_dname_t *n, const struct kr_query *qry/*logging*/) { const bool ret = knot_dname_size(n) == strlen((const char *)n) + 1; if (!ret && kr_log_is_debug_qry(CACHE, qry)) { auto_free char *n_str = kr_dname_text(n); VERBOSE_MSG(qry, "=> skipping zero-containing name %s\n", n_str); } return ret; } /** Return false on types to be ignored. Meant both for sname and direct cache requests. */ static bool check_rrtype(uint16_t type, const struct kr_query *qry/*logging*/) { const bool ret = !knot_rrtype_is_metatype(type) && type != KNOT_RRTYPE_RRSIG; if (!ret && kr_log_is_debug_qry(CACHE, qry)) { auto_free char *type_str = kr_rrtype_text(type); VERBOSE_MSG(qry, "=> skipping RR type %s\n", type_str); } return ret; } /** Like key_exact_type() but omits a couple checks not holding for pkt cache. */ knot_db_val_t key_exact_type_maypkt(struct key *k, uint16_t type) { if (kr_fails_assert(check_rrtype(type, NULL))) return (knot_db_val_t){ NULL, 0 }; switch (type) { case KNOT_RRTYPE_RRSIG: /* no RRSIG query caching, at least for now */ kr_assert(false); return (knot_db_val_t){ NULL, 0 }; /* xNAME lumped into NS. */ case KNOT_RRTYPE_CNAME: case KNOT_RRTYPE_DNAME: type = KNOT_RRTYPE_NS; default: break; } int name_len = k->buf[0]; k->buf[name_len + 1] = 0; /* make sure different names can never match */ k->buf[name_len + 2] = 'E'; /* tag for exact name+type matches */ memcpy(k->buf + name_len + 3, &type, 2); k->type = type; /* CACHE_KEY_DEF: key == dname_lf + '\0' + 'E' + RRTYPE */ return (knot_db_val_t){ k->buf + 1, name_len + 4 }; } /** The inside for cache_peek(); implementation separated to ./peek.c */ int peek_nosync(kr_layer_t *ctx, knot_pkt_t *pkt); /** function for .produce phase */ int cache_peek(kr_layer_t *ctx, knot_pkt_t *pkt) { struct kr_request *req = ctx->req; struct kr_query *qry = req->current_query; /* We first check various exit-conditions and then call the _real function. */ if (!kr_cache_is_open(&req->ctx->cache) || ctx->state & (KR_STATE_FAIL|KR_STATE_DONE) || qry->flags.NO_CACHE || (qry->flags.CACHE_TRIED && !qry->stale_cb) || !check_rrtype(qry->stype, qry) /* LATER: some other behavior for some of these? */ || qry->sclass != KNOT_CLASS_IN) { return ctx->state; /* Already resolved/failed or already tried, etc. */ } /* ATM cache only peeks for qry->sname and that would be useless * to repeat on every iteration, so disable it from now on. * LATER(optim.): assist with more precise QNAME minimization. */ qry->flags.CACHE_TRIED = true; if (qry->stype == KNOT_RRTYPE_NSEC) { VERBOSE_MSG(qry, "=> skipping stype NSEC\n"); return ctx->state; } if (!check_dname_for_lf(qry->sname, qry)) { return ctx->state; } int ret = peek_nosync(ctx, pkt); kr_cache_commit(&req->ctx->cache); return ret; } /** It's simply inside of cycle taken out to decrease indentation. \return error code. */ static int stash_rrarray_entry(ranked_rr_array_t *arr, int arr_i, const struct kr_query *qry, struct kr_cache *cache, int *unauth_cnt, trie_t *nsec_pmap, bool *needs_pkt); /** Stash a single nsec_p. \return 0 (errors are ignored). */ static int stash_nsec_p(const knot_dname_t *dname, const char *nsec_p_v, struct kr_cache *cache, uint32_t timestamp, knot_mm_t *pool, const struct kr_query *qry/*logging*/); /** The whole .consume phase for the cache module. */ int cache_stash(kr_layer_t *ctx, knot_pkt_t *pkt) { struct kr_request *req = ctx->req; struct kr_query *qry = req->current_query; struct kr_cache *cache = &req->ctx->cache; /* Note: we cache even in KR_STATE_FAIL. For example, * BOGUS answer can go to +cd cache even without +cd request. */ if (!kr_cache_is_open(cache) || !qry || qry->flags.CACHED || !check_rrtype(knot_pkt_qtype(pkt), qry) || qry->sclass != KNOT_CLASS_IN) { return ctx->state; } /* Do not cache truncated answers, at least for now. LATER */ if (knot_wire_get_tc(pkt->wire)) { return ctx->state; } int unauth_cnt = 0; bool needs_pkt = false; if (qry->flags.STUB) { needs_pkt = true; goto stash_packet; } /* Stash individual records. */ ranked_rr_array_t *selected[] = kr_request_selected(req); trie_t *nsec_pmap = trie_create(&req->pool); if (kr_fails_assert(nsec_pmap)) goto finally; for (int psec = KNOT_ANSWER; psec <= KNOT_ADDITIONAL; ++psec) { ranked_rr_array_t *arr = selected[psec]; /* uncached entries are located at the end */ for (ssize_t i = arr->len - 1; i >= 0; --i) { ranked_rr_array_entry_t *entry = arr->at[i]; if (entry->qry_uid != qry->uid || entry->dont_cache) { continue; /* TODO: probably safe to break on uid mismatch but maybe not worth it */ } int ret = stash_rrarray_entry( arr, i, qry, cache, &unauth_cnt, nsec_pmap, /* ADDITIONAL RRs are considered non-essential * in our (resolver) answers */ (psec == KNOT_ADDITIONAL ? NULL : &needs_pkt)); if (ret) { VERBOSE_MSG(qry, "=> stashing RRs errored out\n"); goto finally; } /* LATER(optim.): maybe filter out some type-rank combinations * that won't be useful as separate RRsets. */ } } trie_it_t *it; for (it = trie_it_begin(nsec_pmap); !trie_it_finished(it); trie_it_next(it)) { stash_nsec_p((const knot_dname_t *)trie_it_key(it, NULL), (const char *)*trie_it_val(it), cache, qry->timestamp.tv_sec, &req->pool, req->current_query); } trie_it_free(it); /* LATER(optim.): typically we also have corresponding NS record in the list, * so we might save a cache operation. */ stash_packet: if (qry->flags.PKT_IS_SANE && check_dname_for_lf(knot_pkt_qname(pkt), qry)) { stash_pkt(pkt, qry, req, needs_pkt); } finally: if (unauth_cnt) { VERBOSE_MSG(qry, "=> stashed also %d nonauth RRsets\n", unauth_cnt); }; kr_cache_commit(cache); return ctx->state; /* we ignore cache-stashing errors */ } /** Preliminary checks before stash_rrset(). Don't call if returns <= 0. */ static int stash_rrset_precond(const knot_rrset_t *rr, const struct kr_query *qry/*logs*/) { if (kr_fails_assert(rr && rr->rclass == KNOT_CLASS_IN)) return kr_error(EINVAL); if (!check_rrtype(rr->type, qry)) return kr_ok(); if (!check_dname_for_lf(rr->owner, qry)) return kr_ok(); return 1/*proceed*/; } /** Return true on some cases of NSEC* RRsets covering minimal ranges. * Also include some abnormal RR cases; qry is just for logging. */ static bool rrset_has_min_range_or_weird(const knot_rrset_t *rr, const struct kr_query *qry) { if (rr->rrs.count != 1) { kr_assert(rr->rrs.count > 0); if (rr->type == KNOT_RRTYPE_NSEC || rr->type == KNOT_RRTYPE_NSEC3 || rr->rrs.count == 0) { return true; /*< weird */ } } bool ret; /**< NOT used for the weird cases */ if (rr->type == KNOT_RRTYPE_NSEC) { if (!check_dname_for_lf(rr->owner, qry)) return true; /*< weird, probably filtered even before this point */ ret = !check_dname_for_lf(knot_nsec_next(rr->rrs.rdata), qry); /* ^^ Zero inside the next-name label means it's probably a minimal range, * and anyway it's problematic for our aggressive cache (comparisons). * Real-life examples covered: * NSEC: name -> \000.name (e.g. typical foobar.CloudFlare.net) * NSEC: name -> name\000 (CloudFlare on delegations) */ } else if (rr->type == KNOT_RRTYPE_NSEC3) { if (knot_nsec3_next_len(rr->rrs.rdata) != NSEC3_HASH_LEN || *rr->owner != NSEC3_HASH_TXT_LEN) { return true; /*< weird */ } /* Let's work on the binary hashes. Find if they "differ by one", * by constructing the owner hash incremented by one and comparing. */ uint8_t owner_hash[NSEC3_HASH_LEN]; if (base32hex_decode(rr->owner + 1, NSEC3_HASH_TXT_LEN, owner_hash, NSEC3_HASH_LEN) != NSEC3_HASH_LEN) { return true; /*< weird */ } for (int i = NSEC3_HASH_LEN - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (++owner_hash[i] != 0) break; } const uint8_t *next_hash = knot_nsec3_next(rr->rrs.rdata); ret = memcmp(owner_hash, next_hash, NSEC3_HASH_LEN) == 0; } else { return false; } if (ret) VERBOSE_MSG(qry, "=> minimized NSEC* range detected\n"); return ret; } static ssize_t stash_rrset(struct kr_cache *cache, const struct kr_query *qry, const knot_rrset_t *rr, const knot_rrset_t *rr_sigs, uint32_t timestamp, uint8_t rank, trie_t *nsec_pmap, knot_mm_t *pool, bool *needs_pkt) { if (kr_rank_test(rank, KR_RANK_BOGUS)) { WITH_VERBOSE(qry) { auto_free char *type_str = kr_rrtype_text(rr->type); VERBOSE_MSG(qry, "=> skipping bogus RR set %s\n", type_str); } return kr_ok(); } if (rr->type == KNOT_RRTYPE_NSEC3 && rr->rrs.count && knot_nsec3_iters(rr->rrs.rdata) > KR_NSEC3_MAX_ITERATIONS) { /* This shouldn't happen often, thanks to downgrades during validation. */ VERBOSE_MSG(qry, "=> skipping NSEC3 with too many iterations\n"); return kr_ok(); } if (kr_fails_assert(cache && stash_rrset_precond(rr, qry) > 0)) return kr_error(EINVAL); int ret = kr_ok(); if (rrset_has_min_range_or_weird(rr, qry)) goto return_needs_pkt; const int wild_labels = rr_sigs == NULL ? 0 : knot_dname_labels(rr->owner, NULL) - knot_rrsig_labels(rr_sigs->rrs.rdata); if (wild_labels < 0) goto return_needs_pkt; const knot_dname_t *encloser = rr->owner; /**< the closest encloser name */ for (int i = 0; i < wild_labels; ++i) { encloser = knot_wire_next_label(encloser, NULL); } /* Construct the key under which RRs will be stored, * and add corresponding nsec_pmap item (if necessary). */ struct key k_storage, *k = &k_storage; knot_db_val_t key; switch (rr->type) { case KNOT_RRTYPE_NSEC3: /* Skip opt-out NSEC3 sets. */ if (KNOT_NSEC3_FLAG_OPT_OUT & knot_nsec3_flags(rr->rrs.rdata)) goto return_needs_pkt; /* fall through */ case KNOT_RRTYPE_NSEC: /* Skip any NSEC*s that aren't validated or are suspicious. */ if (!kr_rank_test(rank, KR_RANK_SECURE) || rr->rrs.count != 1) goto return_needs_pkt; if (kr_fails_assert(rr_sigs && rr_sigs->rrs.count && rr_sigs->rrs.rdata)) { ret = kr_error(EINVAL); goto return_needs_pkt; } const knot_dname_t *signer = knot_rrsig_signer_name(rr_sigs->rrs.rdata); const int signer_size = knot_dname_size(signer); k->zlf_len = signer_size - 1; void **npp = NULL; if (nsec_pmap) { npp = trie_get_ins(nsec_pmap, (const char *)signer, signer_size); if (kr_fails_assert(npp)) return kr_error(ENOMEM); } if (rr->type == KNOT_RRTYPE_NSEC) { key = key_NSEC1(k, encloser, wild_labels); break; } kr_require(rr->type == KNOT_RRTYPE_NSEC3); const knot_rdata_t * const rdata = rr->rrs.rdata; if (rdata->len <= 4) { ret = kr_error(EILSEQ); /*< data from outside; less trust */ goto return_needs_pkt; } const int np_dlen = nsec_p_rdlen(rdata->data); if (np_dlen > rdata->len) { ret = kr_error(EILSEQ); goto return_needs_pkt; } key = key_NSEC3(k, encloser, nsec_p_mkHash(rdata->data)); if (npp && !*npp) { *npp = mm_alloc(pool, np_dlen); if (kr_fails_assert(*npp)) break; memcpy(*npp, rdata->data, np_dlen); } break; default: ret = kr_dname_lf(k->buf, encloser, wild_labels); if (kr_fails_assert(ret == 0)) goto return_needs_pkt; key = key_exact_type(k, rr->type); } /* Compute in-cache size for the new data. */ const knot_rdataset_t *rds_sigs = rr_sigs ? &rr_sigs->rrs : NULL; const int rr_ssize = rdataset_dematerialize_size(&rr->rrs); if (kr_fails_assert(rr_ssize == to_even(rr_ssize))) return kr_error(EINVAL); knot_db_val_t val_new_entry = { .data = NULL, .len = offsetof(struct entry_h, data) + rr_ssize + rdataset_dematerialize_size(rds_sigs), }; /* Prepare raw memory for the new entry. */ ret = entry_h_splice(&val_new_entry, rank, key, k->type, rr->type, rr->owner, qry, cache, timestamp); if (ret) return kr_ok(); /* some aren't really errors */ if (kr_fails_assert(val_new_entry.data)) return kr_error(EFAULT); const uint32_t ttl = rr->ttl; /* FIXME: consider TTLs and expirations of RRSIGs as well, just in case. */ /* Write the entry itself. */ struct entry_h *eh = val_new_entry.data; memset(eh, 0, offsetof(struct entry_h, data)); eh->time = timestamp; eh->ttl = MAX(MIN(ttl, cache->ttl_max), cache->ttl_min); eh->rank = rank; rdataset_dematerialize(&rr->rrs, eh->data); rdataset_dematerialize(rds_sigs, eh->data + rr_ssize); if (kr_fails_assert(entry_h_consistent_E(val_new_entry, rr->type))) return kr_error(EINVAL); #if 0 /* Occasionally useful when debugging some kinds of changes. */ { kr_cache_commit(cache); knot_db_val_t val = { NULL, 0 }; ret = cache_op(cache, read, &key, &val, 1); if (ret != kr_error(ENOENT)) { // ENOENT might happen in some edge case, I guess kr_assert(!ret); entry_list_t el; entry_list_parse(val, el); } } #endif /* Verbose-log some not-too-common cases. */ WITH_VERBOSE(qry) { if (kr_rank_test(rank, KR_RANK_AUTH) || rr->type == KNOT_RRTYPE_NS) { auto_free char *type_str = kr_rrtype_text(rr->type), *encl_str = kr_dname_text(encloser); VERBOSE_MSG(qry, "=> stashed %s%s %s, rank 0%.2o, " "%d B total, incl. %d RRSIGs\n", (wild_labels ? "*." : ""), encl_str, type_str, rank, (int)val_new_entry.len, (rr_sigs ? rr_sigs->rrs.count : 0) ); } } return (ssize_t) val_new_entry.len; return_needs_pkt: if (needs_pkt) *needs_pkt = true; return ret; } static int stash_rrarray_entry(ranked_rr_array_t *arr, int arr_i, const struct kr_query *qry, struct kr_cache *cache, int *unauth_cnt, trie_t *nsec_pmap, bool *needs_pkt) { ranked_rr_array_entry_t *entry = arr->at[arr_i]; if (entry->cached) { return kr_ok(); } const knot_rrset_t *rr = entry->rr; if (rr->type == KNOT_RRTYPE_RRSIG) { return kr_ok(); /* reduce verbose logging from the following call */ } int ret = stash_rrset_precond(rr, qry); if (ret <= 0) { return ret; } /* Try to find corresponding signatures, always. LATER(optim.): speed. */ ranked_rr_array_entry_t *entry_rrsigs = NULL; const knot_rrset_t *rr_sigs = NULL; for (ssize_t j = arr->len - 1; j >= 0; --j) { /* TODO: ATM we assume that some properties are the same * for all RRSIGs in the set (esp. label count). */ ranked_rr_array_entry_t *e = arr->at[j]; if (kr_fails_assert(!e->in_progress)) return kr_error(EINVAL); bool ok = e->qry_uid == qry->uid && !e->cached && e->rr->type == KNOT_RRTYPE_RRSIG && knot_rrsig_type_covered(e->rr->rrs.rdata) == rr->type && knot_dname_is_equal(rr->owner, e->rr->owner); if (!ok) continue; entry_rrsigs = e; rr_sigs = e->rr; break; } ssize_t written = stash_rrset(cache, qry, rr, rr_sigs, qry->timestamp.tv_sec, entry->rank, nsec_pmap, &qry->request->pool, needs_pkt); if (written < 0) { kr_log_error(CACHE, "[%05u.%02u] stash failed, ret = %d\n", qry->request->uid, qry->uid, ret); return (int) written; } if (written > 0) { /* Mark entry as cached for the rest of the query processing */ entry->cached = true; if (entry_rrsigs) { entry_rrsigs->cached = true; } if (!kr_rank_test(entry->rank, KR_RANK_AUTH) && rr->type != KNOT_RRTYPE_NS) { *unauth_cnt += 1; } } return kr_ok(); } static int stash_nsec_p(const knot_dname_t *dname, const char *nsec_p_v, struct kr_cache *cache, uint32_t timestamp, knot_mm_t *pool, const struct kr_query *qry/*logging*/) { uint32_t valid_until = timestamp + cache->ttl_max; /* LATER(optim.): be more precise here ^^ and reduce calls. */ static const int32_t ttl_margin = 3600; const uint8_t *nsec_p = (const uint8_t *)nsec_p_v; int data_stride = sizeof(valid_until) + nsec_p_rdlen(nsec_p); unsigned int log_hash = 0xFeeeFeee; /* this type is simpler for printf args */ auto_free char *log_dname = NULL; WITH_VERBOSE(qry) { log_hash = nsec_p_v ? nsec_p_mkHash((const uint8_t *)nsec_p_v) : 0; log_dname = kr_dname_text(dname); } /* Find what's in the cache. */ struct key k_storage, *k = &k_storage; int ret = kr_dname_lf(k->buf, dname, false); if (ret) return kr_error(ret); knot_db_val_t key = key_exact_type(k, KNOT_RRTYPE_NS); knot_db_val_t val_orig = { NULL, 0 }; ret = cache_op(cache, read, &key, &val_orig, 1); if (ret && ret != -ABS(ENOENT)) { VERBOSE_MSG(qry, "=> EL read failed (ret: %d)\n", ret); return kr_ok(); } /* Prepare new entry_list_t so we can just write at el[0]. */ entry_list_t el; int log_refresh_by = 0; if (ret == -ABS(ENOENT)) { memset(el, 0, sizeof(el)); } else { ret = entry_list_parse(val_orig, el); if (ret) { VERBOSE_MSG(qry, "=> EL parse failed (ret: %d)\n", ret); return kr_error(0); } /* Find the index to replace. */ int i_replace = ENTRY_APEX_NSECS_CNT - 1; for (int i = 0; i < ENTRY_APEX_NSECS_CNT; ++i) { if (el[i].len != data_stride) continue; if (nsec_p && memcmp(nsec_p, (uint8_t *)el[i].data + sizeof(uint32_t), data_stride - sizeof(uint32_t)) != 0) { continue; } /* Save a cache operation if TTL extended only a little. */ uint32_t valid_orig; memcpy(&valid_orig, el[i].data, sizeof(valid_orig)); const int32_t ttl_extended_by = valid_until - valid_orig; if (ttl_extended_by < ttl_margin) { VERBOSE_MSG(qry, "=> nsec_p stash for %s skipped (extra TTL: %d, hash: %x)\n", log_dname, ttl_extended_by, log_hash); return kr_ok(); } i_replace = i; log_refresh_by = ttl_extended_by; break; } /* Shift the other indices: move the first `i_replace` blocks * by one position. */ if (i_replace) { memmove(&el[1], &el[0], sizeof(el[0]) * i_replace); } } /* Prepare old data into a buffer. See entry_h_splice() for why. LATER(optim.) */ el[0].len = data_stride; el[0].data = NULL; knot_db_val_t val; val.len = entry_list_serial_size(el), val.data = mm_alloc(pool, val.len), entry_list_memcpy(val.data, el); /* Prepare the new data chunk */ memcpy(el[0].data, &valid_until, sizeof(valid_until)); if (nsec_p) { memcpy((uint8_t *)el[0].data + sizeof(valid_until), nsec_p, data_stride - sizeof(valid_until)); } /* Write it all to the cache */ ret = cache_op(cache, write, &key, &val, 1); mm_free(pool, val.data); if (ret || !val.data) { VERBOSE_MSG(qry, "=> EL write failed (ret: %d)\n", ret); return kr_ok(); } if (log_refresh_by) { VERBOSE_MSG(qry, "=> nsec_p stashed for %s (refresh by %d, hash: %x)\n", log_dname, log_refresh_by, log_hash); } else { VERBOSE_MSG(qry, "=> nsec_p stashed for %s (new, hash: %x)\n", log_dname, log_hash); } return kr_ok(); } int kr_cache_insert_rr(struct kr_cache *cache, const knot_rrset_t *rr, const knot_rrset_t *rrsig, uint8_t rank, uint32_t timestamp, bool ins_nsec_p) { int err = stash_rrset_precond(rr, NULL); if (err <= 0) { return kr_ok(); } trie_t *nsec_pmap = NULL; knot_mm_t *pool = NULL; if (ins_nsec_p && (rr->type == KNOT_RRTYPE_NSEC || rr->type == KNOT_RRTYPE_NSEC3)) { pool = mm_ctx_mempool2(4096); nsec_pmap = trie_create(pool); kr_assert(pool && nsec_pmap); } ssize_t written = stash_rrset(cache, NULL, rr, rrsig, timestamp, rank, nsec_pmap, pool, NULL); if (nsec_pmap) { trie_it_t *it; for (it = trie_it_begin(nsec_pmap); !trie_it_finished(it); trie_it_next(it)) { stash_nsec_p((const knot_dname_t *)trie_it_key(it, NULL), (const char *)*trie_it_val(it), cache, timestamp, pool, NULL); } trie_it_free(it); mm_ctx_delete(pool); } if (written >= 0) { return kr_ok(); } return (int) written; } static int peek_exact_real(struct kr_cache *cache, const knot_dname_t *name, uint16_t type, struct kr_cache_p *peek) { if (!check_rrtype(type, NULL) || !check_dname_for_lf(name, NULL)) { return kr_error(ENOTSUP); } struct key k_storage, *k = &k_storage; int ret = kr_dname_lf(k->buf, name, false); if (ret) return kr_error(ret); knot_db_val_t key = key_exact_type(k, type); knot_db_val_t val = { NULL, 0 }; ret = cache_op(cache, read, &key, &val, 1); if (!ret) ret = entry_h_seek(&val, type); if (ret) return kr_error(ret); const struct entry_h *eh = entry_h_consistent_E(val, type); if (!eh || eh->is_packet) { // TODO: no packets, but better get rid of whole kr_cache_peek_exact(). return kr_error(ENOENT); } *peek = (struct kr_cache_p){ .time = eh->time, .ttl = eh->ttl, .rank = eh->rank, .raw_data = val.data, .raw_bound = knot_db_val_bound(val), }; return kr_ok(); } int kr_cache_peek_exact(struct kr_cache *cache, const knot_dname_t *name, uint16_t type, struct kr_cache_p *peek) { /* Just wrap with extra verbose logging. */ const int ret = peek_exact_real(cache, name, type, peek); if (false && kr_log_is_debug(CACHE, NULL)) { /* too noisy for usual --verbose */ auto_free char *type_str = kr_rrtype_text(type), *name_str = kr_dname_text(name); const char *result_str = (ret == kr_ok() ? "hit" : (ret == kr_error(ENOENT) ? "miss" : "error")); VERBOSE_MSG(NULL, "_peek_exact: %s %s %s (ret: %d)", type_str, name_str, result_str, ret); } return ret; } int kr_cache_remove(struct kr_cache *cache, const knot_dname_t *name, uint16_t type) { if (!cache_isvalid(cache)) { return kr_error(EINVAL); } if (!cache->api->remove) { return kr_error(ENOSYS); } struct key k_storage, *k = &k_storage; int ret = kr_dname_lf(k->buf, name, false); if (ret) return kr_error(ret); knot_db_val_t key = key_exact_type(k, type); return cache_op(cache, remove, &key, 1); } int kr_cache_match(struct kr_cache *cache, const knot_dname_t *name, bool exact_name, knot_db_val_t keyval[][2], int maxcount) { if (!cache_isvalid(cache)) { return kr_error(EINVAL); } if (!cache->api->match) { return kr_error(ENOSYS); } struct key k_storage, *k = &k_storage; int ret = kr_dname_lf(k->buf, name, false); if (ret) return kr_error(ret); // use a mock type knot_db_val_t key = key_exact_type(k, KNOT_RRTYPE_A); /* CACHE_KEY_DEF */ key.len -= sizeof(uint16_t); /* the type */ if (!exact_name) { key.len -= 2; /* '\0' 'E' */ if (name[0] == '\0') ++key.len; /* the root name is special ATM */ } return cache_op(cache, match, &key, keyval, maxcount); } int kr_unpack_cache_key(knot_db_val_t key, knot_dname_t *buf, uint16_t *type) { if (key.data == NULL || buf == NULL || type == NULL) { return kr_error(EINVAL); } int len = -1; const char *tag, *key_data = key.data; for (tag = key_data + 1; tag < key_data + key.len; ++tag) { /* CACHE_KEY_DEF */ if (tag[-1] == '\0' && (tag == key_data + 1 || tag[-2] == '\0')) { if (tag[0] != 'E') return kr_error(EINVAL); len = tag - 1 - key_data; break; } } if (len == -1 || len > KNOT_DNAME_MAXLEN) { return kr_error(EINVAL); } int ret = knot_dname_lf2wire(buf, len, key.data); if (ret < 0) { return kr_error(ret); } /* CACHE_KEY_DEF: jump over "\0 E/1" */ memcpy(type, tag + 1, sizeof(uint16_t)); return kr_ok(); } int kr_cache_remove_subtree(struct kr_cache *cache, const knot_dname_t *name, bool exact_name, int maxcount) { if (!cache_isvalid(cache)) { return kr_error(EINVAL); } knot_db_val_t keyval[maxcount][2], keys[maxcount]; int ret = kr_cache_match(cache, name, exact_name, keyval, maxcount); if (ret <= 0) { /* ENOENT -> nothing to remove */ return (ret == KNOT_ENOENT) ? 0 : ret; } const int count = ret; /* Duplicate the key strings, as deletion may invalidate the pointers. */ int i; for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { keys[i].len = keyval[i][0].len; keys[i].data = malloc(keys[i].len); if (!keys[i].data) { ret = kr_error(ENOMEM); goto cleanup; } memcpy(keys[i].data, keyval[i][0].data, keys[i].len); } ret = cache_op(cache, remove, keys, count); cleanup: kr_cache_commit(cache); /* Sync even after just kr_cache_match(). */ /* Free keys */ while (--i >= 0) { free(keys[i].data); } return ret; } static void health_timer_cb(uv_timer_t *health_timer) { struct kr_cache *cache = health_timer->data; if (cache) cache_op(cache, check_health); /* We don't do anything with the return code. For example, in some situations * the file may not exist (temporarily), and we just expect to be more lucky * when the timer fires again. */ } int kr_cache_check_health(struct kr_cache *cache, int interval) { if (interval == 0) return cache_op(cache, check_health); if (interval < 0) { if (!cache->health_timer) return kr_ok(); // tolerate stopping a "stopped" timer uv_close((uv_handle_t *)cache->health_timer, (uv_close_cb)free); cache->health_timer->data = NULL; cache->health_timer = NULL; return kr_ok(); } if (!cache->health_timer) { /* We avoid depending on daemon's symbols by using uv_default_loop. */ cache->health_timer = malloc(sizeof(*cache->health_timer)); if (!cache->health_timer) return kr_error(ENOMEM); uv_loop_t *loop = uv_default_loop(); kr_require(loop); int ret = uv_timer_init(loop, cache->health_timer); if (ret) { free(cache->health_timer); cache->health_timer = NULL; return kr_error(ret); } cache->health_timer->data = cache; } kr_assert(cache->health_timer->data); return kr_error(uv_timer_start(cache->health_timer, health_timer_cb, interval, interval)); }