administration tools readme this assumes ldapdns was setup into /service/ldapdns using ldapdns-conf first note: these tools ONLY work with the vanilla ldapdns system. they're not suited for Active Directory or BIND. there are existing tools for that. i also assume that you've installed perl, and at least Net::LDAP. configuration: 1. create a directory off of home called ~/.ldapdns/ * optional: more than one user can "share" a config by creating /.ldapdns/ or (admintooldir)/.config/ but be warned; these users will have access to your LDAP password. * optional: this directory is also read from $ROOT; you can use that too this directory is called $ROOT for the remainder of this document 2. create two directories: $ROOT/env $ROOT/root copy the files LDAP_BINDDN LDAP_HOST and LDAP_SUFFIX from /service/ldapdns/env to $ROOT/env copy the file "password" from /service/ldapdns/root into $ROOT/root * optiona: make symlinks instead of directories; ln -s /service/ldapdns/env $ROOT/env ln -s /service/ldapdns/root $ROOT/root 3. if you don't use TLS/SSL (e.g. LDAPS) then comment out that code at the top of and: echo 1 > $ROOT/env/TRUSTED_NETWORK 4. if you're going to be using transfer_zone to transfer zones from another nameserver into your directory, note that transfer_zone has TWO MODES of operation: 1. a normal zone-transfer tool 2. a zone-migration tool to invoke "type 2" set two envrionment variables prior to use: IP the local IP of the nameserver LOCAL_NS nameservers (names) handling PTR entries... you may need to hack this a bit yourself... contact me if you have any questions... 5. another possibility (thanks to ) is to use secondary_zone; which basically eats BIND zone files and populates the directory. this can be very useful for "trying out" data. some warnings (from me): 1. make sure that if you're going to use $RELATIVE_NAMES that you set it in the environment whenever you run secondary_zone (more to come) and that's it! the admin scripts should now work as you'd expect. Rather: as I would expect. just remember that set_sub_alias/mx ACTUALLY modifies the "source" instead of the "destination" (think of these as the direction of aliasing)