Quickstart instructions for MyDNS (MySQL installation): ............................................................................... 1. Configure and install MyDNS. $ ./configure $ make # make install If "make" fails, please read the "README.mysql" file located in this directory. ............................................................................... 2. Create a database called `mydns' on your MySQL server. $ mysqladmin -u -p create mydns Enter password: ............................................................................... 3. Create a user the mydns(8) server can use to access the `mydns' database. $ mysql -u -p mydns Enter password: mysql> GRANT SELECT ON mydns.* TO @localhost IDENTIFIED BY ''; ............................................................................... 4. Create the tables in the `mydns' database. $ mydns --create-tables | mysql -u -p mydns Enter password: ............................................................................... 5. Create your configuration file. # make conf ............................................................................... 6. Edit the configuration file. Change the `db-user' and `db-pass' values to reflect the user name and password you created in step 3. ............................................................................... 7. Start `mydns'. You may want to add something like this to your startup scripts. # mydns --background ............................................................................... If you currently have a name server running BIND or something else, you can use the `mydnsimport' program to import the data from that server into your new MyDNS database. See the user's manual for details. ## vi:set ts=3: