#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use IO::Async::Test; use IO::Async::Loop; BEGIN { # Install a fake resolver *IO::Async::Resolver::DNS::res_search = *IO::Async::Resolver::DNS::res_query = sub { my ( $dname, $class, $type ) = @_; my $packet = Net::DNS::Packet->new( $dname, $type, $class ); $packet->push( answer => Net::DNS::RR->new( "_gopher._tcp.example.com. 86400 SRV 10 0 70 gopher.l.example.com." ) ); $packet->push( answer => Net::DNS::RR->new( "_gopher._tcp.example.com. 86400 SRV 20 10 70 gopher1.example.com." ) ); $packet->push( answer => Net::DNS::RR->new( "_gopher._tcp.example.com. 86400 SRV 20 10 70 gopher2.example.com." ) ); $packet->push( answer => Net::DNS::RR->new( "_gopher._tcp.example.com. 86400 SRV 20 10 70 gopher3.example.com." ) ); $packet->push( answer => Net::DNS::RR->new( "_gopher._tcp.example.com. 86400 SRV 30 0 70 gopher.backuphost.com." ) ); $packet->push( additional => Net::DNS::RR->new( "gopher.l.example.com. 86400 A" ) ); $packet->push( additional => Net::DNS::RR->new( "gopher1.example.com. 86400 A" ) ); $packet->push( additional => Net::DNS::RR->new( "gopher2.example.com. 86400 A" ) ); $packet->push( additional => Net::DNS::RR->new( "gopher3.example.com. 86400 A" ) ); return $packet->data; }; } use IO::Async::Resolver::DNS; my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new; testing_loop( $loop ); my $resolver = $loop->resolver; my ( $pkt, @srv ) = $resolver->res_query( dname => "_gopher._tcp.example.com", type => "SRV", )->get; isa_ok( $pkt, "Net::DNS::Packet", '$pkt from ->res_query isa Net::DNS::Packet' ); is( scalar @srv, 5, '->res_query yielded 5 records' ); is_deeply( $srv[0], { priority => 10, weight => 0, target => "gopher.l.example.com", port => 70, address => [ "" ] }, 'First returned SRV record' ); # Can't rely on the exact order of the middle three, but we'll sort them to be # sure is_deeply( [ sort { $a->{target} cmp $b->{target} } @srv[1..3] ], [ { priority => 20, weight => 10, target => "gopher1.example.com", port => 70, address => [ "" ] }, { priority => 20, weight => 10, target => "gopher2.example.com", port => 70, address => [ "" ] }, { priority => 20, weight => 10, target => "gopher3.example.com", port => 70, address => [ "" ] } ], 'Middle three returned SRV records' ); is_deeply( $srv[4], { priority => 30, weight => 0, target => "gopher.backuphost.com", port => 70 }, 'Last returned SRV record' ); done_testing;