use ExtUtils::MakeMaker; use Config; my $pkg = 'URBL::Prepare'; $pkg =~ /([^:]+)$/; my $module = $1 .'.pm'; # See lib/ExtUtils/ for details of how to influence # the contents of the Makefile that is written. my %makeparms = ( NAME => $pkg, VERSION_FROM => $module, # finds $VERSION # PREREQ_PM => { # }, clean => { FILES => "*~ tmp* __*" }, dist => {COMPRESS=>'gzip', SUFFIX=>'gz'} ); # if html conversion has been removed in this perl version then work around here # sub MY::top_targets { package MY; my $inherited = shift->SUPER::top_targets(@_); $inherited =~ s/(pure_all\s+::.+)/$1 README/; $inherited; } sub MY::post_constants { my $post_constants = $Config{scriptdirexp} .'/pod2text'; if (-e $post_constants) { $post_constants = q| MY_POD2TEXT = |. $post_constants .q| |; } else { $post_constants = q| MY_POD2TEXT = echo "perl distro missing 'pod2text' to convert " |; } } sub MY::postamble { package MY; my $postamble = q| README : |. $module .q| @$(MY_POD2TEXT) |. $module .q| > README |; } WriteMakefile(%makeparms);