# Copyright 2009 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Utility functions related to IP Addresses & Hostnames.""" # TODO(tstromberg): Investigate replacement with ipaddr library __author__ = 'tstromberg@google.com (Thomas Stromberg)' import re import zlib # TODO(tstromberg): Find a way to combine the following two regexps. # Used to decide whether or not to benchmark a name INTERNAL_RE = re.compile('^0|\.pro[md]z*\.|\.corp|\.bor|\.hot$|internal|dmz|' '\._[ut][dc]p\.|intra|\.\w$|\.\w{5,}$', re.IGNORECASE) # Used to decide if a hostname should be censored later. PRIVATE_RE = re.compile('^\w+dc\.|^\w+ds\.|^\w+sv\.|^\w+nt\.|\.corp|internal|' 'intranet|\.local', re.IGNORECASE) # ^.*[\w-]+\.[\w-]+\.[\w-]+\.[a-zA-Z]+\.$|^[\w-]+\.[\w-]{3,}\.[a-zA-Z]+\.$ FQDN_RE = re.compile('^.*\..*\..*\..*\.$|^.*\.[\w-]*\.\w{3,4}\.$|^[\w-]+\.[\w-]{4,}\.\w+\.') IP_RE = re.compile('^[0-9.]+$') def ExtractIPsFromString(ip_string): """Return a tuple of ip addressed held in a string.""" ips = [] # IPV6 If this regexp is too loose, see Regexp-IPv6 in CPAN for inspiration. ips.extend(re.findall('[\dabcdef:]+:[\dabcdef:]+', ip_string, re.IGNORECASE)) ips.extend(re.findall('\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.+\d+', ip_string)) return ips def ExtractIPTuplesFromString(ip_string): """Return a list of (ip, name) tuples for use by NameServer class.""" ip_tuples = [] for ip in ExtractIPsFromString(ip_string): ip_tuples.append((ip, ip)) return ip_tuples def IsPrivateHostname(hostname): """Basic matching to determine if the hostname is likely to be 'internal'.""" if PRIVATE_RE.search(hostname): return True else: return False def IsLoopbackIP(ip): """Boolean check to see if an IP is private or not. Args: ip: str Returns: Boolean """ if ip.startswith('127.') or ip == '::1': return True else: return False def IsPrivateIP(ip): """Boolean check to see if an IP is private or not. Args: ip: str Returns: Number of bits that should be preserved (int, or None) """ if re.match('^10\.', ip): return 1 elif re.match('^192\.168', ip): return 2 elif re.match('^172\.(1[6-9]|2[0-9]|3[0-1])\.', ip): return 1 else: return None def MaskStringWithIPs(string): """Mask all private IP addresses listed in a string.""" ips = ExtractIPsFromString(string) for ip in ips: use_bits = IsPrivateIP(ip) if use_bits: masked_ip = MaskIPBits(ip, use_bits) string = string.replace(ip, masked_ip) return string def MaskIPBits(ip, use_bits): """Mask an IP, but still keep a meaningful checksum.""" ip_parts = ip.split('.') checksum = zlib.crc32(''.join(ip_parts[use_bits:])) masked_ip = '.'.join(ip_parts[0:use_bits]) return masked_ip + '.x-' + str(checksum)[-4:] def MaskPrivateHost(ip, hostname, name): """Mask unnamed private IP's.""" # If we have a name not listed as SYS-x.x.x.x, then we're clear. if name and ip not in name: # Even if we are listed (Internal 192-0-1 for instance), data can leak via hostname. if IsPrivateIP(ip): hostname = 'internal.ip' return (ip, hostname, name) use_bits = IsPrivateIP(ip) if use_bits: masked_ip = MaskIPBits(ip, use_bits) masked_hostname = 'internal.ip' elif IsPrivateHostname(hostname): masked_ip = MaskIPBits(ip, 2) masked_hostname = 'internal.name' else: masked_ip = ip masked_hostname = hostname if 'SYS-' in name: masked_name = 'SYS-%s' % masked_ip else: masked_name = '' return (masked_ip, masked_hostname, masked_name) if __name__ == '__main__': print MaskStringWithIPs(' has a sharing relationship with and')