/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright 2005-2007 Stefan Nikolaus 2006 Fredrik Edemar 2005-2006 Raphael Langerhorst 2004 Tomas Mecir 2003 Norbert Andres 2002 Philipp Mueller 2000 David Faure 2000 Werner Trobin 2000-2006 Laurent Montel 1999, 2000 Torben Weis 1999 Stephan Kulow This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef CALLIGRA_SHEETS_FORMAT #define CALLIGRA_SHEETS_FORMAT #include "sheets_odf_export.h" namespace Calligra { namespace Sheets { /** * \ingroup Style * Collection of string formatting enumeration and functions. */ namespace Format { enum Type { Generic = 0, Number = 1, Text = 5, Money = 10, Percentage = 25, Scientific = 30, ShortDate = 35, ///< Short (numeric) date format, e.g. 08-04-2007 (locale specific) TextDate = 36, ///< Long (text) date format, e.g. Sunday 08 April 2007 (locale specific) DatesBegin = 200, ///< \internal Date1 = 200, ///< e.g. 18-Feb-99 Date2 = 201, ///< e.g. 18-Feb-1999 Date3 = 202, ///< e.g. 18-Feb Date4 = 203, ///< e.g. 18-05 Date5 = 204, ///< e.g. 18/05/00 Date6 = 205, ///< e.g. 18/05/1999 Date7 = 206, ///< e.g. Feb-99 Date8 = 207, ///< e.g. February-99 Date9 = 208, ///< e.g. February-1999 Date10 = 209, ///< e.g. F-99 Date11 = 210, ///< e.g. 18/Feb Date12 = 211, ///< e.g. 18/02 Date13 = 212, ///< e.g. 18/Feb/1999 Date14 = 213, ///< e.g. 2000/Feb/18 Date15 = 214, ///< e.g. 2000-Feb-18 Date16 = 215, ///< e.g. 2000-02-18 Date17 = 216, ///< e.g. 2 February 2000 Date18 = 217, ///< e.g. 02/18/1999 Date19 = 218, ///< e.g. 02/18/99 Date20 = 219, ///< e.g. Feb/18/99 Date21 = 220, ///< e.g. Feb/18/1999 Date22 = 221, ///< e.g. Feb-1999 Date23 = 222, ///< e.g. 1999 Date24 = 223, ///< e.g. 99 Date25 = 224, ///< e.g. 2000/02/18 Date26 = 225, ///< e.g. 2000/Feb/18 Date27 = 226, ///< e.g. Feb/99, complements Date7 Date28 = 227, ///< e.g. Feb/1999, complements Date22 Date29 = 228, ///< e.g. February/99, complements Date8 Date30 = 229, ///< e.g. February/1999, complements Date9 Date31 = 230, ///< e.g. 18-02, complements Date12 Date32 = 231, ///< e.g. 02/99 Date33 = 232, ///< e.g. 02-99, complements Date32 Date34 = 233, ///< e.g. Mon, 2 Feb 99 Date35 = 234, ///< e.g. Mon, 2 February 1999 DatesEnd = 234, ///< \internal DateTime = 40, ///< e.g. 08-04-2007 11:02 (locale specific) TimesBegin = 50, ///< \internal Time = 50, ///< Short time format without seconds, e.g. 11:02 (locale specific) SecondeTime = 51, ///< Long time format with seconds, e.g. 11:02:45 (locale specific) Time1 = 52, ///< e.g. 9:01 AM Time2 = 53, ///< e.g. 9:01:05 AM Time3 = 54, ///< e.g. 9 h 01 min 28 s Time4 = 55, ///< e.g. 9:01 Time5 = 56, ///< e.g. 9:01:12 Time6 = 57, ///< [mm]:ss Time7 = 58, ///< [h]:mm:ss Time8 = 59, ///< [h]:mm TimesEnd = 59, ///< \internal FractionsBegin = 70, ///< \internal fraction_half = 70, fraction_quarter = 71, fraction_eighth = 72, fraction_sixteenth = 73, fraction_tenth = 74, fraction_hundredth = 75, fraction_one_digit = 76, fraction_two_digits = 77, fraction_three_digits = 78, FractionsEnd = 78, ///< \internal Custom = 300, None = 400 }; //helper functions for the formatting CALLIGRA_SHEETS_ODF_EXPORT bool isDate(Type type); CALLIGRA_SHEETS_ODF_EXPORT bool isTime(Type type); CALLIGRA_SHEETS_ODF_EXPORT bool isFraction(Type type); CALLIGRA_SHEETS_ODF_EXPORT bool isMoney(Type type); CALLIGRA_SHEETS_ODF_EXPORT bool isNumber(Type type); } // namespace Format } // namespace Sheets } // namespace Calligra #endif // CALLIGRA_SHEETS_FORMAT