/* * (C) 2014,2015 Jack Lloyd * * Botan is released under the Simplified BSD License (see license.txt) */ #include "tests.h" #if defined(BOTAN_HAS_BLOCK_CIPHER) #include namespace Botan_Tests { class Block_Cipher_Tests final : public Text_Based_Test { public: Block_Cipher_Tests() : Text_Based_Test("block", "Key,In,Out", "Tweak,Iterations") {} std::vector possible_providers(const std::string& algo) override { return provider_filter(Botan::BlockCipher::providers(algo)); } Test::Result run_one_test(const std::string& algo, const VarMap& vars) override { const std::vector key = vars.get_req_bin("Key"); const std::vector input = vars.get_req_bin("In"); const std::vector expected = vars.get_req_bin("Out"); const std::vector tweak = vars.get_opt_bin("Tweak"); const size_t iterations = vars.get_opt_sz("Iterations", 1); Test::Result result(algo); if(iterations > 1 && run_long_tests() == false) { return result; } const std::vector providers = possible_providers(algo); if(providers.empty()) { result.note_missing("block cipher " + algo); return result; } for(auto const& provider_ask : providers) { std::unique_ptr cipher(Botan::BlockCipher::create(algo, provider_ask)); if(!cipher) { result.test_failure("Cipher " + algo + " supported by " + provider_ask + " but not found"); continue; } const std::string provider(cipher->provider()); result.test_is_nonempty("provider", provider); result.test_eq(provider, cipher->name(), algo); result.test_gte(provider, cipher->parallelism(), 1); result.test_gte(provider, cipher->block_size(), 8); result.test_gte(provider, cipher->parallel_bytes(), cipher->block_size() * cipher->parallelism()); // Test that trying to encrypt or decrypt with now key set throws Botan::Invalid_State try { std::vector block(cipher->block_size()); cipher->encrypt(block); result.test_failure("Was able to encrypt without a key being set"); } catch(Botan::Invalid_State&) { result.test_success("Trying to encrypt with no key set fails"); } try { std::vector block(cipher->block_size()); cipher->decrypt(block); result.test_failure("Was able to decrypt without a key being set"); } catch(Botan::Invalid_State&) { result.test_success("Trying to encrypt with no key set fails"); } // Test to make sure clear() resets what we need it to cipher->set_key(Test::rng().random_vec(cipher->key_spec().maximum_keylength())); Botan::secure_vector garbage = Test::rng().random_vec(cipher->block_size()); cipher->encrypt(garbage); cipher->clear(); /* * Different providers may have additional restrictions on key sizes. * Avoid testing the cipher with a key size that it does not natively support. */ if(!cipher->valid_keylength(key.size())) { result.test_note("Skipping test with provider " + provider + " as it does not support key length " + std::to_string(key.size())); continue; } cipher->set_key(key); if(tweak.size() > 0) { Botan::Tweakable_Block_Cipher* tbc = dynamic_cast(cipher.get()); if(tbc == nullptr) result.test_failure("Tweak set in test data but cipher is not a Tweakable_Block_Cipher"); else tbc->set_tweak(tweak.data(), tweak.size()); } // Test that clone works and does not affect parent object std::unique_ptr clone(cipher->clone()); result.confirm("Clone has different pointer", cipher.get() != clone.get()); result.test_eq("Clone has same name", cipher->name(), clone->name()); clone->set_key(Test::rng().random_vec(cipher->maximum_keylength())); // have called set_key on clone: process input values std::vector buf = input; for(size_t i = 0; i != iterations; ++i) { cipher->encrypt(buf); } result.test_eq(provider, "encrypt", buf, expected); // always decrypt expected ciphertext vs what we produced above buf = expected; for(size_t i = 0; i != iterations; ++i) { cipher->decrypt(buf); } result.test_eq(provider, "decrypt", buf, input); // Now test misaligned buffers const size_t blocks = input.size() / cipher->block_size(); buf.resize(input.size() + 1); Botan::copy_mem(buf.data() + 1, input.data(), input.size()); for(size_t i = 0; i != iterations; ++i) { cipher->encrypt_n(buf.data() + 1, buf.data() + 1, blocks); } result.test_eq(provider.c_str(), "encrypt misaligned", buf.data() + 1, buf.size() - 1, expected.data(), expected.size()); // always decrypt expected ciphertext vs what we produced above Botan::copy_mem(buf.data() + 1, expected.data(), expected.size()); for(size_t i = 0; i != iterations; ++i) { cipher->decrypt_n(buf.data() + 1, buf.data() + 1, blocks); } result.test_eq(provider.c_str(), "decrypt misaligned", buf.data() + 1, buf.size() - 1, input.data(), input.size()); cipher->clear(); try { std::vector block(cipher->block_size()); cipher->encrypt(block); result.test_failure("Was able to encrypt without a key being set"); } catch(Botan::Invalid_State&) { result.test_success("Trying to encrypt with no key set (after clear) fails"); } try { std::vector block(cipher->block_size()); cipher->decrypt(block); result.test_failure("Was able to decrypt without a key being set"); } catch(Botan::Invalid_State&) { result.test_success("Trying to decrypt with no key set (after clear) fails"); } } return result; } }; BOTAN_REGISTER_TEST("block", "block", Block_Cipher_Tests); } #endif