{ Copyright (c) 1998-2002 by Florian Klaempfl This unit implements the powerpc specific class for the register allocator This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. **************************************************************************** } unit rgcpu; {$i fpcdefs.inc} interface uses aasmbase,aasmtai,aasmdata,aasmcpu, cgbase,cgutils, cpubase, rgobj; type trgcpu = class(trgobj) procedure do_spill_read(list: TAsmList; pos: tai; const spilltemp: treference; tempreg: tregister; orgsupreg: tsuperregister); override; procedure do_spill_written(list: TAsmList; pos: tai; const spilltemp: treference; tempreg: tregister; orgsupreg: tsuperregister); override; end; trgintcpu = class(trgcpu) {$ifdef user0} procedure add_cpu_interferences(p : tai);override; {$endif user0} end; implementation uses verbose, cutils,globtype, cgobj, procinfo; procedure trgcpu.do_spill_read(list: TAsmList; pos: tai; const spilltemp: treference; tempreg: tregister; orgsupreg: tsuperregister); var tmpref : treference; helplist : TAsmList; hreg : tregister; ins : Taicpu; begin if (spilltemp.offsethigh(smallint)) then begin helplist:=TAsmList.create; if (spilltemp.index<>NR_NO) then internalerror(200704201); if getregtype(tempreg)=R_INTREGISTER then begin hreg:=getregisterinline(helplist,[R_SUBWHOLE]); {Done by add_cpu_interferences now. add_edge(getsupreg(hreg),RS_R0);} end else hreg:=cg.getintregister(helplist,OS_ADDR); reference_reset(tmpref,sizeof(aint),[]); tmpref.offset:=spilltemp.offset; tmpref.refaddr := addr_higha; ins:=taicpu.op_reg_reg_ref(A_ADDIS,hreg,spilltemp.base,tmpref); add_cpu_interferences(ins); helplist.concat(ins); tmpref:=spilltemp; tmpref.refaddr := addr_low; tmpref.base:=hreg; ins:=spilling_create_load(tmpref,tempreg); add_cpu_interferences(ins); helplist.concat(ins); if getregtype(tempreg)=R_INTREGISTER then ungetregisterinline(helplist,hreg); list.insertlistafter(pos,helplist); helplist.free; end else inherited; end; procedure trgcpu.do_spill_written(list: TAsmList; pos: tai; const spilltemp: treference; tempreg: tregister; orgsupreg: tsuperregister); var tmpref : treference; helplist : TAsmList; hreg : tregister; ins : Taicpu; begin if (spilltemp.offsethigh(smallint)) then begin helplist:=TAsmList.create; if (spilltemp.index<>NR_NO) then internalerror(200704201); if getregtype(tempreg)=R_INTREGISTER then begin hreg:=getregisterinline(helplist,[R_SUBWHOLE]); {Done by add_cpu_interferences now. add_edge(getsupreg(hreg),RS_R0);} end else hreg:=cg.getintregister(helplist,OS_ADDR); reference_reset(tmpref,sizeof(aint),[]); tmpref.offset:=spilltemp.offset; tmpref.refaddr := addr_higha; ins:=taicpu.op_reg_reg_ref(A_ADDIS,hreg,spilltemp.base,tmpref); add_cpu_interferences(ins); helplist.concat(ins); tmpref:=spilltemp; tmpref.refaddr := addr_low; tmpref.base:=hreg; ins:=spilling_create_store(tempreg,tmpref); add_cpu_interferences(ins); helplist.concat(ins); if getregtype(tempreg)=R_INTREGISTER then ungetregisterinline(helplist,hreg); list.insertlistafter(pos,helplist); helplist.free; end else inherited; end; {$ifdef user0} procedure trgintcpu.add_cpu_interferences(p : tai); var r : tregister; begin if p.typ=ait_instruction then begin case taicpu(p).opcode of A_ADDI, A_ADDIS, A_STB, A_LBZ, A_STBX, A_LBZX, A_STH, A_LHZ, A_STHX, A_LHZX, A_LHA, A_LHAX, A_STW, A_LWZ, A_STWX, A_LWZX, A_STFS, A_LFS, A_STFSX, A_LFSX, A_STFD, A_LFD, A_STFDX, A_LFDX, A_STFIWX, A_STHBRX, A_LHBRX, A_STWBRX, A_LWBRX, A_STWCX_, A_LWARX, A_ECIWX, A_ECOWX, A_LMW, A_STMW,A_LSWI,A_LSWX,A_STSWI,A_STSWX {$ifdef cpu64bitalu} , A_STD, A_STDX, A_LD, A_LDX, A_LWA, A_LWAX, A_STDCX_,A_LDARX {$endif cpu64bitalu} : begin case taicpu(p).oper[1]^.typ of top_reg: add_edge(getsupreg(taicpu(p).oper[1]^.reg),RS_R0); top_ref: if (taicpu(p).oper[1]^.ref^.base <> NR_NO) then add_edge(getsupreg(taicpu(p).oper[1]^.ref^.base),RS_R0); end; end; A_DCBA, A_DCBI, A_DCBST, A_DCBT, A_DCBTST, A_DCBZ, A_DCBF, A_ICBI: begin case taicpu(p).oper[0]^.typ of top_reg: add_edge(getsupreg(taicpu(p).oper[0]^.reg),RS_R0); top_ref: if (taicpu(p).oper[0]^.ref^.base <> NR_NO) then add_edge(getsupreg(taicpu(p).oper[1]^.ref^.base),RS_R0); end; end; end; end; end; {$endif user0} end.