/** * Yudit Unicode Editor Source File * * GNU Copyright (C) 1997-2006 Gaspar Sinai * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2, * dated June 1991. See file COPYYING for details. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include "stoolkit/SCluster.h" #include "stoolkit/SProperties.h" #include "stoolkit/SUniMap.h" static unsigned int getRISCluster (const SV_UCS4& unicode, unsigned int index, SV_UCS4* ret, int* finished); static unsigned int getRovasCluster (const SV_UCS4& unicode, unsigned int index, SV_UCS4* ret, int* finished, bool isPUA); static unsigned int getJamoCluster (const SV_UCS4& unicode, unsigned int index, SV_UCS4* ret, int* finished); static SS_UCS4 precomposJamos(SV_UCS4* jamo); static unsigned int getSouthIndicCluster (unsigned int scriptcode, const SV_UCS4& unicode, unsigned int index, SV_UCS4* ret, int* finished); static unsigned int getIndicCluster (unsigned int scriptcode, const SV_UCS4& unicode, unsigned int index, SV_UCS4* ret, int* finished); static SUniMap* clusters; static SUniMap* indic; static SProperties* ligatureUnics; static SProperties* ligatureClust; static SProperties* ligatureCache; static SS_UCS4 counters[SD_SCRIPT_MAX]; static SS_UCS4 nextLigature (unsigned int script, const SS_UCS4* unicode, unsigned int length); static void initLigatures(); SString yuditClusterError; /** * Try to form a cluster - an abstract glyphs that can * be broken apart once made. It can be rendered by * a font that contains glyphs and ligatureUnics by subdividing * the cluster. The cluster is in memory order - * vowels are place on the appropriate side. * * Clusters will replace the current SGlyph architecture. * All new things should be added here. * * 2002-04-03 - added surrogate clusters. * * @param ucs4 is the input vector. * @param i is the index in this vector - next character. * @param finished is set to 0 if more data is needed * this parameter can be null. * @return the new index in ucs4. */ unsigned int getCluster (const SV_UCS4& ucs4, unsigned int index, SV_UCS4* retchar, int *finished) { if (finished) *finished = -1; /* pack surrogates into a cluster - no combining marks on surrogates for the time being. */ if (ucs4[index] >= 0xd800 && ucs4[index] <= 0xdbff) { if (ucs4.size() < index+2) { if (finished) *finished = 0; retchar->append (ucs4[index]); return index + 1; } if (ucs4[index+1] >= 0xdc00 && ucs4[index+1] <= 0xdfff) { retchar->append (((ucs4[index] & 0x3ff)<< 10) + (ucs4[index+1]&0x3ff) + 0x10000); if (finished) *finished = 1; return index+2; } return index; } /* start the game */ initLigatures(); /* Should be able to start with ZWJ */ int scriptcode = ( (ucs4[index] == 0x200D || ucs4[index] == 0x25CC) && index+1 < ucs4.size()) ? getUnicodeScript (ucs4[index+1]) : getUnicodeScript (ucs4[index]); if (scriptcode < 0) return index; unsigned int ret = index; yuditClusterError.clear(); switch (scriptcode) { case SD_DEVANAGARI: case SD_BENGALI: case SD_GURMUKHI: case SD_GUJARATI: case SD_ORIYA: case SD_KANNADA: case SD_MALAYALAM: case SD_SINHALA: case SD_TELUGU: if (!indic->isOK()) break;; ret = getIndicCluster ( (unsigned int)scriptcode, ucs4, index, retchar, finished); break; case SD_HANGUL_JAMO: ret = getJamoCluster (ucs4, index, retchar, finished); break; case SD_TIBETAN: case SD_THAI: case SD_LAO: ret = getSouthIndicCluster ((unsigned int)scriptcode, ucs4, index, retchar, finished); //if (ret>0) fprintf (stderr, "TIBET Tibetan: %d\n", ret-index); break; case SD_TAMIL: case SD_YUDIT: if (!clusters->isOK()) break; ret = clusters->lift (ucs4, index, true, retchar); break; case SD_ROVASIRAS: ret = getRovasCluster (ucs4, index, retchar, finished, false); break; case SD_PUA_ROVAS: ret = getRovasCluster (ucs4, index, retchar, finished, true); break; case SD_REGIONAL_INDICATOR_SYMBOL: ret = getRISCluster (ucs4, index, retchar, finished); break; } if (finished==0 && yuditClusterError.size()) { // If you want to debug things uncomment this. //fprintf (stderr, "SCluster.cpp:%*.*s\n", SSARGS(yuditClusterError)); } return ret; } /** * -1 non rovas. * 1 rovas basic * 2 rovas liga * 3 rovas yudit cluster * 0 ZWJ */ int getRovasType (SS_UCS4 chr) { if (chr == 0x200d) return 0; if (chr >= 0x10c80 && chr <= 0x10cff) { return 1; } if (getLigatureScriptCode(chr) == SD_ROVASIRAS) return 3; return -1; } /** * -1 non rovas. * 1 rovas basic * 2 rovas liga * 3 rovas yudit cluster * 0 ZWJ */ int getPUARovasType (SS_UCS4 chr) { if (chr == 0x200d) return 0; if (chr >= 0xee00 && chr <= 0xee29) { return 1; } if (chr >= 0xee30 && chr <= 0xee8b) { return 2; } if (getLigatureScriptCode(chr) == SD_PUA_ROVAS) return 3; return -1; } static unsigned int getRovasCluster (const SV_UCS4& unicode, unsigned int index, SV_UCS4* ret, int* finished, bool isPUA) { unsigned int usize = unicode.size(); if (index>=usize) return index; /* set it to finished - this routine would not be called to other scirpts */ if (finished) *finished = 1; /* Some platforms have unsigned char */ int prevchartype = 0; SS_UCS4 nextLig = 0; unsigned int i; int ligatureType = isPUA ? SD_PUA_ROVAS : SD_ROVASIRAS; for (i=index;i index+1) { nextLig = nextLigature (ligatureType, &unicode.array()[index], i-index); if (nextLig) ret->append (nextLig); return i; } ret->clear(); return index; } ret->append (next); break; case 1: case 2: if (prevchartype != 0) { if (i > index+1) { nextLig = nextLigature (ligatureType, &unicode.array()[index], i-index); if (nextLig) ret->append (nextLig); return i; } ret->clear(); return index; } ret->append (next); break; case -1: if (i > index+1) { nextLig = nextLigature (ligatureType, &unicode.array()[index], i-index); if (nextLig) ret->append (nextLig); return i; } ret->clear(); return index; } prevchartype = chartype; } /* Not yet finished. Return unfinished cluster */ if (finished) *finished = 0; if (ret->size() > 1) { nextLig = nextLigature (ligatureType, &unicode.array()[index], i-index); if (nextLig) ret->append (nextLig); return i; } ret->clear(); return index; } static unsigned int getRISCluster (const SV_UCS4& unicode, unsigned int index, SV_UCS4* ret, int* finished) { unsigned int usize = unicode.size(); if (index>=usize) return index; /* set it to finished - this routine would not be called to other scirpts */ if (finished) *finished = 1; SS_UCS4 nextLig = 0; unsigned int i; int ligatureType = SD_REGIONAL_INDICATOR_SYMBOL; for (i=index;iappend (next - 0x1f1e6 + (int) 'A'); } if (ret->size() > 1) { nextLig = nextLigature (ligatureType, &unicode.array()[index], i-index); if (nextLig) ret->append (nextLig); return i; } if (finished) *finished = 1; ret->clear(); return index; } /** * Create a JAMO Cluster as of Unicode 3.0 Chapter 3.11. * 1. L.X V.X T.X X.L X.V X.T * 2. T.L * 3. V.L * 4. T.V * In short: Cluster=L*V*T* * Asterisk means: one or more. * @param finished is set to 1 if exact match happens * 0 is not yet finished * -1 if illegal sequence start. */ static unsigned int getJamoCluster (const SV_UCS4& unicode, unsigned int index, SV_UCS4* ret, int* finished) { unsigned int usize = unicode.size(); if (index>=usize) return index; /* set it to finished - this routine would not be called to other scirpts */ if (finished) *finished = -1; /* Some platforms have unsigned char */ int prevchartype = getJamoClass (unicode[index]); SS_UCS4 nextLig = 0; unsigned int i; for (i=index;iappend (nextLig); return i; } ret->append (next); break; case SD_JAMO_V: if (prevchartype != SD_JAMO_L && prevchartype != SD_JAMO_V) { nextLig = precomposJamos (ret); if (nextLig ==0) { nextLig = nextLigature (SD_HANGUL_JAMO, &unicode.array()[index], i-index); } if (nextLig) ret->append (nextLig); return i; } ret->append (next); break; case SD_JAMO_T: /* Do we really have TT sequence ? According to Unicode yes. Hmm.. */ if (prevchartype != SD_JAMO_V && prevchartype != SD_JAMO_T) { nextLig = precomposJamos (ret); if (nextLig==0) { nextLig = nextLigature (SD_HANGUL_JAMO, &unicode.array()[index], i-index); } if (nextLig) ret->append (nextLig); return i; } ret->append (next); break; case SD_JAMO_X: default: /* Tone marks can follow the cluster */ // They are suported as composing anyway... #if 0 if (next == 0x302e || next == 0x302f) { ret->append (next); i++; } #endif nextLig = precomposJamos (ret); if (nextLig==0) { nextLig = nextLigature (SD_HANGUL_JAMO, &unicode.array()[index], i-index); } if (nextLig) ret->append (nextLig); return i; break; } prevchartype = chartype; } /* Not yet finished. Return unfinished cluster */ if (finished) *finished = 0; if (ret->size()>=1) { nextLig = precomposJamos (ret); if (nextLig==0) { nextLig = nextLigature (SD_HANGUL_JAMO, &unicode.array()[index], i-index); } if (nextLig) ret->append (nextLig); return i; } ret->clear(); return index; } /** * Precompose JAMOs that are present in unicode tables * @param jamo is the vector that holds input jamos and * output precompositions. * @return the precomposed JAMOS or 0 */ static SS_UCS4 precomposJamos(SV_UCS4* jamo) { if (jamo->size()==0) return 0; if (jamo->size()==1) return 0; SS_UCS4 last = (*jamo)[jamo->size()-1]; if (last==0x302e || last==0x302f) { if (jamo->size()<=2) return 0; if (jamo->size()>4) return 0; jamo->truncate (jamo->size()-1); } else if (jamo->size()>3) { return 0; } SS_UCS4 l = (*jamo)[0]; SS_UCS4 v = (*jamo)[1]; SS_UCS4 t = (jamo->size() >= 3) ? (*jamo)[2] : 0x11a7; /* tone marks will be rendered first */ if (last==0x302e || last==0x302f) { jamo->insert (0, last); } if (l>=0x1100 && l<=0x1112 && v>=0x1161 && v<=0x1175 && t>=0x11a7 && t<=0x11c2) { jamo->clear(); SS_UCS4 vle = 21*28* (l-0x1100) + 28 * (v-0x1161) + (t-0x11a7) + 0xac00; jamo->append (vle); /* create a unique key */ if (last==0x302e) { vle = vle & 0x3fff; } else if (last==0x302f) { vle = vle & 0x7fff; } vle += 0x80000000 + (0x10000 * SD_HANGUL_PREC); return vle; } return 0; } /** * Get cluster for South Indian Thai-like scripts * The cluster is rendered and treated together. It has * a unicode and a separated memory representation. * Memory representation is only used for fallback rendering. * A cluster is * * a) Consonant + Top/Bottom/Right Sign [+ ...] * b) Consonant + Nukta * c) Consonant + Nukta + Top/Bottom/Right Sign [+ ...] * d) Indep-Vowel + Top/Bottom Sign [+ ...] * * @param finished is set to 1 if exact match happens * 0 is not yet finished * -1 if illegal sequence start. * It also sets yuditClusterError to an appropriate string. */ static unsigned int getSouthIndicCluster (unsigned int scriptcode, const SV_UCS4& unicode, unsigned int index, SV_UCS4* ret, int* finished) { unsigned int usize = unicode.size(); unsigned int i; if (finished) *finished = 1; /* Some platforms have unsigned char */ char prevchartype = (char)0x7f; /* big enough */ SS_UCS4 nextLig = 0; for (i=index;iencode (next); unsigned int sc = getUnicodeScript (next); if (sc!=scriptcode && next != 0x25cc && next != 0x200d && next != 0x200c) { if (ret->size()==0) { /* can not start with it */ if (finished) *finished=-1; } nextLig = nextLigature (scriptcode, &unicode.array()[index], i-index); if (nextLig) ret->append (nextLig); return i; } switch (chartype) { case SD_INDIC_INDEP_VOWEL: ret->append (next); if (i+1 < usize) { SS_UCS4 n = unicode[i+1]; char ct = (char) indic->encode (n); if (ct != SD_INDIC_TOP_VOWEL && ct != SD_INDIC_BOTTOM_VOWEL) { if (ret->size()==1) return index; nextLig = nextLigature (scriptcode, &unicode.array()[index], i-index+1); if (nextLig) ret->append (nextLig); return i+1; } } break; case SD_INDIC_CONSONANT_BASE: case SD_INDIC_CONSONANT_POST_BASE: case SD_INDIC_CONSONANT_BELOW_BASE: ret->append (next); if (i+1 < usize) { SS_UCS4 n = unicode[i+1]; char ct = (char) indic->encode (n); if (ct != SD_INDIC_NUKTA && ct != SD_INDIC_RIGHT_VOWEL && ct != SD_INDIC_TOP_VOWEL && ct != SD_INDIC_BOTTOM_VOWEL) { if (ret->size()==1) return index; nextLig = nextLigature (scriptcode, &unicode.array()[index], i-index+1); if (nextLig) ret->append (nextLig); return i+1; } } break; case SD_INDIC_NUKTA: if (ret->size()==0) { /* can not start with it */ if (finished) *finished=-1; yuditClusterError = "Cluster should not start with a subjoined consonant."; return index; } if (prevchartype != SD_INDIC_CONSONANT_BASE && prevchartype != SD_INDIC_CONSONANT_POST_BASE && prevchartype != SD_INDIC_CONSONANT_BELOW_BASE) { yuditClusterError = "Subjoined consonant should be preceded by a full consonant."; nextLig = nextLigature (scriptcode, &unicode.array()[index], i-index); if (nextLig) ret->append (nextLig); return i; } ret->append (next); if (i+1 < usize) { SS_UCS4 n = unicode[i+1]; char ct = (char) indic->encode (n); if (ct != SD_INDIC_RIGHT_VOWEL && ct != SD_INDIC_TOP_VOWEL && ct != SD_INDIC_BOTTOM_VOWEL) { if (ret->size()==1) return index; nextLig = nextLigature (scriptcode, &unicode.array()[index], i-index+1); if (nextLig) ret->append (nextLig); return i+1; } } break; case SD_INDIC_LEFT_VOWEL: case SD_INDIC_RIGHT_VOWEL: case SD_INDIC_TOP_VOWEL: case SD_INDIC_BOTTOM_VOWEL: if (ret->size()==0) { /* can not start with it */ if (finished) *finished=-1; yuditClusterError = "Cluster should not start with a dependent wovel."; return index; } if (prevchartype != SD_INDIC_INDEP_VOWEL && prevchartype != SD_INDIC_CONSONANT_BASE && prevchartype != SD_INDIC_CONSONANT_BELOW_BASE && prevchartype != SD_INDIC_CONSONANT_POST_BASE && prevchartype != SD_INDIC_NUKTA && prevchartype != SD_INDIC_RIGHT_VOWEL && prevchartype != SD_INDIC_TOP_VOWEL && prevchartype != SD_INDIC_BOTTOM_VOWEL) { yuditClusterError = "Dependent sign should be preceded by another character."; nextLig = nextLigature (scriptcode, &unicode.array()[index], i-index); if (nextLig) ret->append (nextLig); return i; } ret->append (next); if (i+1 < usize) { SS_UCS4 n = unicode[i+1]; char ct = (char) indic->encode (n); if (ct != SD_INDIC_RIGHT_VOWEL && ct != SD_INDIC_TOP_VOWEL && ct != SD_INDIC_BOTTOM_VOWEL) { if (ret->size()==1) return index; nextLig = nextLigature (scriptcode, &unicode.array()[index], i-index+1); if (nextLig) ret->append (nextLig); return i+1; } } break; case SD_INDIC_SIGN: if (ret->size()==0) { /* can start with it */ // if (finished) *finished=-1; return index; } ret->append (next); nextLig = nextLigature (scriptcode, &unicode.array()[index], i-index+1); if (nextLig) ret->append (nextLig); return i+1; default: if (ret->size()==0) { if (finished) *finished=1; return index; } nextLig = nextLigature (scriptcode, &unicode.array()[index], i-index); if (nextLig) ret->append (nextLig); return i; } prevchartype = chartype; } // fprintf (stderr, "TIBET index=%d\n", index); if (finished) *finished = 0; if (ret->size()>1) { nextLig = nextLigature (scriptcode, &unicode.array()[index], i-index); if (nextLig) ret->append (nextLig); return i; } ret->clear(); return index; } /** * Get cluster for North Indian Devanagari-like scripts * The cluster is rendered and treated together. It has * a unicode and a seperated memory representation. * Memory representation is only used for fallback rendering. * A cluster is * a) Consonant * b) Consonant + Halant * c) Consonant + Halant + ZWJ * d) Consonant + Nukta + Halant * e) Consonant + Nukta + Halant + ZWJ * f) Independent Vowel * g) Independent Vowel + Vowel * h) [b|c|d|e]* * i) [b|c|d|e]* a * j) [b|c|d|e]* Vowel * k) [a-i] ending with Modifier * l) [a-i] ending with ZWNJ * For bengali * Consonant + ZWJ * Halant + Consonant * are also possible. * @param scriptcode is one of the scripts (Hard-Coded) * @return index if nothing was lifted off vector, return * the number of unicode characters + index otherwise. * append the output cluster to ret, last element is ligature * code - if any. * @param finished is set to 1 if exact match happens * 0 is not yet finished * -1 if illegal sequence start. * It also sets yuditClusterError to an appripriate string. */ static unsigned int getIndicCluster (unsigned int scriptcode, const SV_UCS4& unicode, unsigned int index, SV_UCS4* ret, int* finished) { unsigned int usize = unicode.size(); unsigned int i; if (finished) *finished = 1; /* Some platforms have unsigned char */ char prevchartype = (char)0x7f; /* big enough */ SS_UCS4 nextLig = 0; for (i=index;iencode (next); //fprintf (stderr, "getIndicCluster=%u %d\n", next, chartype); unsigned int sc = getUnicodeScript (next); if (sc!=scriptcode && chartype != SD_INDIC_ZWNJ && chartype != SD_INDIC_ZWJ && next != 0x25cc) { if (ret->size()==0) { /* can not start with it */ if (finished) *finished=-1; } nextLig = nextLigature (scriptcode, &unicode.array()[index], i-index); if (nextLig) ret->append (nextLig); return i; } switch (chartype) { case SD_INDIC_INDEP_VOWEL: ret->append (next); if (i+1 < usize) { SS_UCS4 n = unicode[i+1]; char ct = (char) indic->encode (n); if (ct != SD_INDIC_BOTTOM_VOWEL && ct != SD_INDIC_TOP_VOWEL && ct != SD_INDIC_LEFT_VOWEL && ct != SD_INDIC_LEFT_RIGHT_VOWEL && ct != SD_INDIC_RIGHT_VOWEL && ct != SD_INDIC_MODIFIER && ct != SD_INDIC_HALANT) { if (ret->size()==1) return index; nextLig = nextLigature (scriptcode, &unicode.array()[index], i-index+1); if (nextLig) ret->append (nextLig); return i+1; } } break; case SD_INDIC_LEFT_VOWEL: if (ret->size()==0) { /* can not start with it */ if (finished) *finished=-1; yuditClusterError = "Cluster should not start with dependent vowel."; return index; } if (prevchartype != SD_INDIC_CONSONANT_BASE && prevchartype != SD_INDIC_CONSONANT_BELOW_BASE && prevchartype != SD_INDIC_CONSONANT_POST_BASE && prevchartype != SD_INDIC_CONSONANT_DEAD && prevchartype != SD_INDIC_HALANT && prevchartype != SD_INDIC_NUKTA && prevchartype != SD_INDIC_INDEP_VOWEL) { yuditClusterError = "Dependent vowel should be preceded by consonant, nukta, halant or independent vowel."; nextLig = nextLigature (scriptcode, &unicode.array()[index], i-index); if (nextLig) ret->append (nextLig); return i; } if (scriptcode == SD_MALAYALAM) ret->insert (ret->size()-1, next); else ret->insert (0, next); if (i+1 < usize) { SS_UCS4 n = unicode[i+1]; char ct = (char) indic->encode (n); if (ct != SD_INDIC_MODIFIER) { nextLig = nextLigature (scriptcode, &unicode.array()[index],i-index+1); if (nextLig) ret->append (nextLig); return i+1; } } break; case SD_INDIC_LEFT_RIGHT_VOWEL: if (ret->size()==0) { /* can not start with it */ if (finished) *finished=-1; yuditClusterError = "Cluster should not start with dependent vowel."; return index; } if (prevchartype != SD_INDIC_CONSONANT_BASE && prevchartype != SD_INDIC_CONSONANT_BELOW_BASE && prevchartype != SD_INDIC_CONSONANT_POST_BASE && prevchartype != SD_INDIC_CONSONANT_DEAD && prevchartype != SD_INDIC_HALANT && prevchartype != SD_INDIC_NUKTA && prevchartype != SD_INDIC_INDEP_VOWEL) { yuditClusterError = "Dependent vowel should be preceded by consonant, nukta, halant or independent vowel."; nextLig = nextLigature (scriptcode, &unicode.array()[index], i-index); if (nextLig) ret->append (nextLig); return i; } /* this will be the fallback rendering */ { SS_UCS4 l = getLRVowelLeft (next); SS_UCS4 r = getLRVowelRight (next); if (l && r) { if (scriptcode == SD_MALAYALAM) ret->insert (ret->size()-1, l); else ret->insert (0, l); ret->append (r); } else { ret->append (next); } } if (i+1 < usize) { SS_UCS4 n = unicode[i+1]; char ct = (char) indic->encode (n); if (ct != SD_INDIC_MODIFIER) { nextLig = nextLigature (scriptcode, &unicode.array()[index],i-index+1); if (nextLig) ret->append (nextLig); return i+1; } } break; case SD_INDIC_MODIFIER: if (ret->size()==0) { /* can not start with it */ yuditClusterError = "Cluster should not start with a modifier."; if (finished) *finished=-1; return index; } if ( prevchartype != SD_INDIC_INDEP_VOWEL && prevchartype != SD_INDIC_TOP_VOWEL && prevchartype != SD_INDIC_BOTTOM_VOWEL && prevchartype != SD_INDIC_LEFT_VOWEL && prevchartype != SD_INDIC_LEFT_RIGHT_VOWEL && prevchartype != SD_INDIC_RIGHT_VOWEL && prevchartype != SD_INDIC_CONSONANT_BASE && prevchartype != SD_INDIC_CONSONANT_BELOW_BASE && prevchartype != SD_INDIC_CONSONANT_POST_BASE && prevchartype != SD_INDIC_CONSONANT_DEAD && prevchartype != SD_INDIC_NUKTA) { nextLig = nextLigature (scriptcode, &unicode.array()[index], i-index); if (nextLig) ret->append (nextLig); return i; } ret->append (next); nextLig = nextLigature (scriptcode, &unicode.array()[index], i-index+1); if (nextLig) ret->append (nextLig); return i +1; case SD_INDIC_SIGN: if (ret->size()==0) { /* can start with it */ // if (finished) *finished=-1; return index; } ret->append (next); nextLig = nextLigature (scriptcode, &unicode.array()[index], i-index+1); if (nextLig) ret->append (nextLig); return i+1; case SD_INDIC_RIGHT_VOWEL: case SD_INDIC_TOP_VOWEL: case SD_INDIC_BOTTOM_VOWEL: if (ret->size()==0) { /* can not start with it */ yuditClusterError = "Cluster should not start with dependent vowel."; if (finished) *finished=-1; return index; } if (prevchartype != SD_INDIC_CONSONANT_BASE && prevchartype != SD_INDIC_CONSONANT_BELOW_BASE && prevchartype != SD_INDIC_CONSONANT_POST_BASE && prevchartype != SD_INDIC_HALANT && prevchartype != SD_INDIC_NUKTA && prevchartype != SD_INDIC_CONSONANT_DEAD && prevchartype != SD_INDIC_INDEP_VOWEL) { yuditClusterError = "Dependent vowel should be preceded by consonant, nukta, halant or independent vowel."; nextLig = nextLigature (scriptcode, &unicode.array()[index], i-index); if (nextLig) ret->append (nextLig); return i; } ret->append (next); if (i+1 < usize) { SS_UCS4 n = unicode[i+1]; char ct = (char) indic->encode (n); if (ct != SD_INDIC_MODIFIER) { nextLig = nextLigature (scriptcode, &unicode.array()[index], i-index+1); if (nextLig) ret->append (nextLig); return i +1; } } break; case SD_INDIC_CONSONANT_BASE: case SD_INDIC_CONSONANT_BELOW_BASE: case SD_INDIC_CONSONANT_POST_BASE: if (ret->size() > 0 && prevchartype != SD_INDIC_HALANT && prevchartype != SD_INDIC_ZWJ && prevchartype != SD_INDIC_CONSONANT_DEAD) { yuditClusterError = "Consonant should be preceded by halant or nukta or ZWJ"; nextLig = nextLigature (scriptcode, &unicode.array()[index], i-index); if (nextLig) ret->append (nextLig); return i; } ret->append (next); if (i+1 < usize) { SS_UCS4 n = unicode[i+1]; char ct = (char) indic->encode (n); if (ct != SD_INDIC_HALANT && ct != SD_INDIC_NUKTA && ct != SD_INDIC_ZWNJ && ct != SD_INDIC_ZWJ && ct != SD_INDIC_MODIFIER && ct != SD_INDIC_BOTTOM_VOWEL && ct != SD_INDIC_TOP_VOWEL && ct != SD_INDIC_LEFT_VOWEL && ct != SD_INDIC_LEFT_RIGHT_VOWEL && ct != SD_INDIC_CONSONANT_DEAD && ct != SD_INDIC_RIGHT_VOWEL) { if (ret->size()==1) return index; nextLig = nextLigature (scriptcode,&unicode.array()[index],i-index+1); if (nextLig) ret->append (nextLig); return i+1; } } break; case SD_INDIC_ZWNJ: if (ret->size()==0) { /* can not start with it */ yuditClusterError = "Cluster can not start with a ZWNJ."; if (finished) *finished=-1; return index; } #if 0 if (prevchartype != SD_INDIC_HALANT) { yuditClusterError = "ZWNJ should be preceded by a halant."; nextLig = nextLigature (scriptcode, &unicode.array()[index], i-index); if (nextLig) ret->append (nextLig); return i; } #endif nextLig = nextLigature (scriptcode, &unicode.array()[index], i-index+1); if (nextLig) ret->append (nextLig); return i+1; case SD_INDIC_NUKTA: if (ret->size()==0) { /* can not start with it */ yuditClusterError = "Cluster can not start with a nukta."; if (finished) *finished=-1; return index; } if (prevchartype != SD_INDIC_CONSONANT_BASE && prevchartype != SD_INDIC_CONSONANT_BELOW_BASE && prevchartype != SD_INDIC_CONSONANT_DEAD && prevchartype != SD_INDIC_CONSONANT_POST_BASE) { yuditClusterError = "Nukta should be preceded by a consonant."; nextLig = nextLigature (scriptcode, &unicode.array()[index], i-index); if (nextLig) ret->append (nextLig); return i; } ret->append (next); if (i+1 < usize) { SS_UCS4 n = unicode[i+1]; char ct = (char) indic->encode (n); if (ct != SD_INDIC_HALANT && ct != SD_INDIC_MODIFIER && ct != SD_INDIC_BOTTOM_VOWEL && ct != SD_INDIC_TOP_VOWEL && ct != SD_INDIC_LEFT_VOWEL && ct != SD_INDIC_LEFT_RIGHT_VOWEL && ct != SD_INDIC_RIGHT_VOWEL) { if (ret->size()==1) return index; nextLig = nextLigature (scriptcode,&unicode.array()[index],i-index+1); if (nextLig) ret->append (nextLig); return i+1; } } break; case SD_INDIC_ZWJ: // Bengali can start with ZWJ - it needs a little work. #if 0 if (ret->size()==0) { /* can not start with it */ yuditClusterError = "Cluster can not start with a ZWJ."; if (finished) *finished=-1; return index; } if (prevchartype != SD_INDIC_HALANT) { yuditClusterError = "ZWJ should be preceded by a halant."; nextLig = nextLigature (scriptcode, &unicode.array()[index], i-index); if (nextLig) ret->append (nextLig); return i; } #endif ret->append (next); break; case SD_INDIC_HALANT: // Bengali can start with a halant - Yaphala if (next != 0x09cd && ret->size()==0) { /* can not start with it */ yuditClusterError = "Cluster can not start with a halant."; if (finished) *finished=-1; return index; } if (next != 0x09cd && prevchartype != SD_INDIC_INDEP_VOWEL && prevchartype != SD_INDIC_CONSONANT_BASE && prevchartype != SD_INDIC_CONSONANT_BELOW_BASE && prevchartype != SD_INDIC_CONSONANT_POST_BASE && prevchartype != SD_INDIC_NUKTA) { yuditClusterError = "Halant should be preceded by an independent vowel, a consonant or nukta."; nextLig = nextLigature (scriptcode, &unicode.array()[index], i-index); if (nextLig) ret->append (nextLig); return i; } ret->append (next); break; case SD_INDIC_CONSONANT_DEAD: // Finish the cluster - I dont know any better solution. nextLig = nextLigature (scriptcode, &unicode.array()[index], i-index+1); if (nextLig) ret->append (nextLig); return i+1; default: if (ret->size()==0) { if (finished) *finished=1; return index; } nextLig = nextLigature (scriptcode, &unicode.array()[index], i-index); if (nextLig) ret->append (nextLig); return i; break; } prevchartype = chartype; } if (finished) *finished = 0; if (ret->size()>1) { nextLig = nextLigature (scriptcode, &unicode.array()[index], i-index); if (nextLig) ret->append (nextLig); return i; } ret->clear(); return index; } /** * Generate a next ligature number if it still does not exist */ static SS_UCS4 nextLigature (unsigned int script, const SS_UCS4* unicode, unsigned int length) { initLigatures (); if (length<2) return 0; SString key = SString((char*)unicode, sizeof (SS_UCS4) * length); const SString* cac = ligatureCache->get (key); SS_UCS4 liga; if (cac && cac->size()==sizeof (SS_UCS4)) { liga = *(SS_UCS4*) (cac->array()); return liga; } liga = counters[script]; /* check overflow */ if ((liga & 0xffff) == 0xffff) return 0; liga++; counters[script] = liga; /* FIXME: check overflow */ SString vle = SString((char*)&liga, sizeof (SS_UCS4)); ligatureCache->put (key, vle); //fprintf (stderr, "New Ligature[%d]=%X\n", script, liga); return liga; } int getUnicodeScript (SS_UCS4 comp) { /* TONE LETTERS */ switch (comp) { case 0x304B: return SD_YUDIT; case 0x304D: return SD_YUDIT; case 0x304F: return SD_YUDIT; case 0x3051: return SD_YUDIT; case 0x3053: return SD_YUDIT; case 0x30AB: return SD_YUDIT; case 0x30AD: return SD_YUDIT; case 0x30AF: return SD_YUDIT; case 0x30B1: return SD_YUDIT; case 0x30B3: return SD_YUDIT; case 0x30BB: return SD_YUDIT; case 0x30C4: return SD_YUDIT; case 0x30C8: return SD_YUDIT; case 0x31F7: return SD_YUDIT; case 0x00E6: return SD_YUDIT; case 0x0254: return SD_YUDIT; case 0x028C: return SD_YUDIT; case 0x0259: return SD_YUDIT; case 0x025A: return SD_YUDIT; default: break; } if (comp >= 0x02E5 && comp <= 0x02E9) return SD_YUDIT; if (getJamoClass (comp)>0) return SD_HANGUL_JAMO; if (comp >= 0x1f1e6 && comp <= 0x1f1ff) { return SD_REGIONAL_INDICATOR_SYMBOL; } if (comp >= 0x1000) { if (getRovasType (comp) == 1) { return SD_ROVASIRAS; } if (getPUARovasType (comp) == 1) { return SD_PUA_ROVAS; } return -1; } if (comp < 0x0900 ) return -1; if (comp < 0x0980) return SD_DEVANAGARI; if (comp < 0x0A00) return SD_BENGALI; if (comp < 0x0A80) return SD_GURMUKHI; if (comp < 0x0B00) return SD_GUJARATI; if (comp < 0x0B80) return SD_ORIYA; if (comp < 0x0C00) return SD_TAMIL; if (comp < 0x0C80) return SD_TELUGU; if (comp < 0x0D00) return SD_KANNADA; if (comp < 0x0D80) return SD_MALAYALAM; if (comp < 0x0E00) return SD_SINHALA; if (comp < 0x0E80) return SD_THAI; if (comp < 0x0F00) return SD_LAO; if (comp < 0x0FFF) return SD_TIBETAN; return -1; } /** * return true if this is covered */ bool isCoveredScipt (SS_UCS4 comp, int sc) { switch (sc) { case SD_YUDIT: return false; case SD_REGIONAL_INDICATOR_SYMBOL: return (comp>=0x1f1e6 && comp<=0x1f1ff); case SD_DEVANAGARI: return (comp>=0x0900 && comp<0x0980); case SD_BENGALI: return (comp>=0x0980 && comp<0x0a00); case SD_BENGALI_BEGIN: return (comp>=0x0980 && comp<0x0a00); case SD_GURMUKHI: return (comp>=0x0a00 && comp<0x0a80); case SD_GUJARATI: return (comp>=0x0a80 && comp<0x0b00); case SD_ORIYA: return (comp>=0x0b00 && comp<0x0b80); case SD_TAMIL: return (comp>=0x0b80 && comp<0x0c00); case SD_TELUGU: return (comp>=0x0c00 && comp<0x0c80); case SD_KANNADA: return (comp>=0x0c80 && comp<0x0d00); case SD_MALAYALAM: return (comp>=0x0d00 && comp<0x0d80); case SD_SINHALA: return (comp>=0x0d80 && comp<0x0e00); case SD_THAI: return (comp>=0x0e00 && comp<0x0e80); case SD_LAO: return (comp>=0x0e80 && comp<0x0f00); case SD_TIBETAN: return (comp>=0x0f00 && comp<0x0fff); case SD_HANGUL_JAMO: return (getJamoClass(comp) != 0); case SD_HANGUL_PREC: return (getJamoClass(comp) != 0); } return false; } /** * Add combining ligature. A combining ligature is a ligature * with combining marks. The ligature can be a unicode or 8 Yudit ligature. * @param unicode is the unicode representation of the while thing * @param ul is the unicode repr. length * @param ligAndMarks contains one ligature + all the marks to it. * @param cl is the length of ligAndMarks. */ SS_UCS4 addCombiningLigature (const SS_UCS4* unicode, unsigned int ul, const SS_UCS4* ligAndMarks, unsigned int cl) { SS_UCS4 nl = nextLigature (SD_COMBINING_LIGATURE, unicode, ul); const SString* found = ligatureUnics->get ( SString((char*) &nl, sizeof (SS_UCS4))); if (found == 0) { putLigatureUnicode (nl, unicode, ul); putLigatureCluster (nl, ligAndMarks, cl); } return nl; } /** * Put ligature away to remember */ void putLigatureUnicode (SS_UCS4 ligature, const SS_UCS4* buffer, unsigned int bufsize) { if (ligature <= 0x80000000 || ligature >= 0xA0000000) return; initLigatures(); SString key ((char*)& ligature, sizeof (SS_UCS4)); const SString* ret = ligatureUnics->get (key); if (ret) return; /* already there */ ligatureUnics->put (key, SString((char*)buffer, bufsize * sizeof (SS_UCS4))); } /** * Put ligature away to remember */ void putLigatureCluster (SS_UCS4 ligature, const SS_UCS4* buffer, unsigned int bufsize) { if (ligature <= 0x80000000 || ligature >= 0xA0000000) return; initLigatures (); SString key ((char*)& ligature, sizeof (SS_UCS4)); const SString* ret = ligatureClust->get (key); if (ret) return; /* already there */ ligatureClust->put (key, SString((char*)buffer, bufsize * sizeof (SS_UCS4))); } unsigned int getLigatureUnicode (SS_UCS4 lig, SS_UCS4* buffer) { SS_UCS4 ligature = lig; int sc = getLigatureScriptCode(ligature); // // SD_BENGALI_BEGIN is an artificial shape-code. // if (sc == SD_BENGALI_BEGIN) { unsigned int en = (SD_BENGALI << 16) | 0x80000000; ligature = (ligature & 0xffff) | en; } if (ligatureUnics == 0) return 0; const SString* ret = ligatureUnics->get ( SString((char*) &ligature, sizeof (SS_UCS4))); if (ret==0) return 0; if (buffer==0) return ret->size()/sizeof (SS_UCS4); memcpy (buffer, ret->array(), ret->size()); return ret->size()/sizeof (SS_UCS4); } unsigned int getLigatureCluster (SS_UCS4 lig, SS_UCS4* buffer) { SS_UCS4 ligature = lig; int sc = getLigatureScriptCode(ligature); // // SD_BENGALI_BEGIN is an artificial shape-code. // if (sc == SD_BENGALI_BEGIN) { unsigned int en = (SD_BENGALI << 16) | 0x80000000; ligature = (ligature & 0xffff) | en; } if (ligatureClust == 0) return 0; const SString* ret = ligatureClust->get ( SString((char*) &ligature, sizeof (SS_UCS4))); if (ret==0) return 0; if (buffer==0) return ret->size()/sizeof (SS_UCS4); memcpy (buffer, ret->array(), ret->size()); return ret->size()/sizeof (SS_UCS4); } static void initLigatures() { if (ligatureUnics == 0) { clusters = new SUniMap("cluster"); CHECK_NEW (clusters); indic = new SUniMap("indic"); CHECK_NEW (indic); ligatureUnics = new SProperties(); CHECK_NEW (ligatureUnics); ligatureClust = new SProperties(); CHECK_NEW (ligatureClust); ligatureCache = new SProperties(); CHECK_NEW (ligatureCache); for (unsigned int i=0; i> 16; return (int) en; } /* get script name or null */ const char* getLigatureScript (SS_UCS4 comp) { if (comp <= 0x80000000 || comp >= 0xA0000000) return 0; SS_UCS4 en = comp & 0x7fff0000; en = en >> 16; /* I modified this to return Script name as in MS Opentype spec.*/ switch (en) { case SD_YUDIT: return "yudit"; case SD_DEVANAGARI: return "deva"; case SD_BENGALI: return "beng"; case SD_BENGALI_BEGIN: return "beng"; case SD_GURMUKHI: return "guru"; case SD_GUJARATI: return "gujr"; case SD_ORIYA: return "orya"; case SD_TAMIL: return "taml"; case SD_TELUGU: return "telu"; case SD_KANNADA: return "knda"; case SD_MALAYALAM: return "mlym"; case SD_SINHALA: return "sinh"; case SD_HANGUL_JAMO: return "jamo"; case SD_HANGUL_PREC: return "hang"; case SD_THAI: return "thai"; case SD_LAO: return "lao "; case SD_TIBETAN: return "tibt"; case SD_ROVASIRAS: return "rovs"; case SD_PUA_ROVAS: return "prvs"; case SD_REGIONAL_INDICATOR_SYMBOL: return "flag"; } return 0; } bool isLigature (SS_UCS4 _comp) { /* Yudit ligatures below 0x80008000 are considered hacked glyphs only */ return (_comp >= 0x80008000 && _comp > 0x80000000 && _comp < 0xA0000000); } SS_UCS4 getHalant (int index) { switch (index) { case SD_DEVANAGARI: return 0x094D; case SD_BENGALI: return 0x09CD; case SD_BENGALI_BEGIN: return 0x09CD; case SD_GURMUKHI: return 0x0A4D; case SD_GUJARATI: return 0x0ACD; case SD_ORIYA: return 0x0B4D; case SD_TELUGU: return 0x0C4D; case SD_KANNADA: return 0x0CCD; case SD_MALAYALAM: return 0x0D4D; case SD_SINHALA: return 0x0DCD; default: return 0; } return 0; } int getCharType (SS_UCS4 unchar) { initLigatures(); char echartype = (char) indic->encode (unchar); return (int) echartype; } /** * get left part of LR vowel */ SS_UCS4 getLRVowelLeft (SS_UCS4 u) { switch (u) { case 0x09CB: case 0x09CC: return 0x09c7; case 0x0b4b: case 0x0b4c: return 0x0b47; case 0x0d4b: return 0x0d47; case 0x0d4a: case 0x0d4c: return 0x0d46; default: break; } return 0; } /** * get right part of LR vowel */ SS_UCS4 getLRVowelRight (SS_UCS4 u) { switch (u) { case 0x09CB: return 0x09be; case 0x09CC: return 0x09d7; case 0x0b4b: return 0x0b3e; case 0x0b4c: return 0x0b57; case 0x0d4a: case 0x0d4b: return 0x0d3e; case 0x0d4c: return 0x0d57; default: break; } return 0; } /** * Decompose yudit ligature into unicode characters */ void expandYuditLigatures (SV_UCS4* decd) { if (decd->size()!=1 || (*decd)[0] < 0x80000000) return; SS_UCS4 ucs4 = (*decd)[0]; decd->remove (0); /* Yudit ligatures*/ switch (ucs4) { case 0x80000010: /* JIS X 0213: 02B65 */ decd->append (0x02E9); decd->append (0x02E5); break; case 0x80000011: /* JIS X 0213: 02B66 */ decd->append (0x02E5); decd->append (0x02E9); break; // Generated by ./jiscompose.pl at 2002-04-15 // Add this to stoolkit/SCluster.cpp expandYuditLigatures case 0x80000040: /* JIS X 0213: 0x2477 */ decd->append (0x304B); decd->append (0x309A); break; case 0x80000041: /* JIS X 0213: 0x2478 */ decd->append (0x304D); decd->append (0x309A); break; case 0x80000042: /* JIS X 0213: 0x2479 */ decd->append (0x304F); decd->append (0x309A); break; case 0x80000043: /* JIS X 0213: 0x247A */ decd->append (0x3051); decd->append (0x309A); break; case 0x80000044: /* JIS X 0213: 0x247B */ decd->append (0x3053); decd->append (0x309A); break; case 0x80000045: /* JIS X 0213: 0x2577 */ decd->append (0x30AB); decd->append (0x309A); break; case 0x80000046: /* JIS X 0213: 0x2578 */ decd->append (0x30AD); decd->append (0x309A); break; case 0x80000047: /* JIS X 0213: 0x2579 */ decd->append (0x30AF); decd->append (0x309A); break; case 0x80000048: /* JIS X 0213: 0x257A */ decd->append (0x30B1); decd->append (0x309A); break; case 0x80000049: /* JIS X 0213: 0x257B */ decd->append (0x30B3); decd->append (0x309A); break; case 0x8000004A: /* JIS X 0213: 0x257C */ decd->append (0x30BB); decd->append (0x309A); break; case 0x8000004B: /* JIS X 0213: 0x257D */ decd->append (0x30C4); decd->append (0x309A); break; case 0x8000004C: /* JIS X 0213: 0x257E */ decd->append (0x30C8); decd->append (0x309A); break; case 0x8000004D: /* JIS X 0213: 0x2678 */ decd->append (0x31F7); decd->append (0x309A); break; case 0x8000004E: /* JIS X 0213: 0x2B44 */ decd->append (0x00E6); decd->append (0x0300); break; case 0x8000004F: /* JIS X 0213: 0x2B48 */ decd->append (0x0254); decd->append (0x0300); break; case 0x80000050: /* JIS X 0213: 0x2B49 */ decd->append (0x0254); decd->append (0x0301); break; case 0x80000051: /* JIS X 0213: 0x2B4A */ decd->append (0x028C); decd->append (0x0300); break; case 0x80000052: /* JIS X 0213: 0x2B4B */ decd->append (0x028C); decd->append (0x0301); break; case 0x80000053: /* JIS X 0213: 0x2B4C */ decd->append (0x0259); decd->append (0x0300); break; case 0x80000054: /* JIS X 0213: 0x2B4D */ decd->append (0x0259); decd->append (0x0301); break; case 0x80000055: /* JIS X 0213: 0x2B4E */ decd->append (0x025A); decd->append (0x0300); break; case 0x80000056: /* JIS X 0213: 0x2B4F */ decd->append (0x025A); decd->append (0x0301); break; // END OF ./jiscompose.pl default: break; } if (decd->size()==0) decd->append(0xfffd); return; } /** * Get the Jamo class * @param ucs is the unicode character * @return one of *
  • *
  • *
  • *
  • *
*/ int getJamoClass (SS_UCS4 uc) { if (uc >= 0x1100 && uc <= 0x115f) return SD_JAMO_L; if (uc >= 0x1160 && uc <= 0x11a2) return SD_JAMO_V; if (uc >= 0x11a8 && uc <= 0x11f9) return SD_JAMO_T; return SD_JAMO_X; } /* get the name of OTF font shaping feature name */ const char* getShapeCode (unsigned int icode) { static const char* shapes[] = { "isol", "init", "medi", "fina", "med2", "fin2", "fin3", "init", }; if (icode >= 8) return "unknown"; return shapes[icode]; }