@DATABASE "Atari800.guide" @$VER: Atari800.guide 1.0 (23.03.00) @AUTHOR Sebastian Bauer @(C) ©2000 @NODE MAIN "Atari800 - Guide" @SMARTWRAP @{b}Atari800 1.0 @{AMIGAGUIDE}@{ub} Note that the @{" guide author's " link CONTACTING} native language is German. So please forgive any spelling and gramer mistakes. Or better correct them and send them to @{" me " link CONTACTING}. @{b}Attention!@{ub} This guide is designed for use with version 40 of the amigaguide.datatype which is supplied with AmigaOS 3.1. Under other versions this guide may look @{b}"less than optimal"@{ub}. Note further that if you are presently running Kickstart 3.0, you may @{b}still@{ub} use Workbench 3.1 with it, including the newer amigaguide.datatype. @{CODE} @{" Copyright " link COPYRIGHT} Copyright and disclaimer @{" Introduction " link INTRO} What does it do ? @{" Requirements " link REQUIRE} What does it need ? @{" Installation " link INSTALL} How to install (and remove) ? @{" Usage " link USAGE} How to use it? @{" Contacting " link CONTACTING } Where to send bug reports ? @ENDNODE @NODE COPYRIGHT "Atari800 - Copyright and disclamer" @SMARTWRAP @{b}Copyright@{ub} Copyright (C) 1995 David Firth. E-Mail: david@signus.demon.co.uk This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. @{" GNU General Public License " link COPYING/main} @ENDNODE @NODE INTRO "Atari800 - Introduction" @SMARTWRAP @{b}Introduction@{ub} @ENDNODE @NODE REQUIRE "Atari800 - Requirements" @SMARTWRAP @{b}Requirements@{ub} The Amiga port of the Emulator requires a 68020 processor, OS3.0 and MUI3.8. For sound support AHI is needed. It also requires the Atari ROMs. @ENDNODE @NODE INSTALL "Atari800 - Installation" @SMARTWRAP @{b}How to install Atari800@{ub} To install Atari800 simply copy the whole Atari800 drawer to the destination of your choice. The ROM files must be in the copied in the same directory (but this can be also changed). @ENDNODE @NODE USAGE "Atari800 - Usage" @SMARTWRAP @{b}Usage@{ub} Sorry, but not written yet. @ENDNODE @NODE CONTACTING "Atari800 - Contacting" @SMARTWRAP @{b}Contacting@{ub} The Amiga port of the Atari800 emulator was created by Sebastian Bauer. Any comments which are related to the Amiga version should be sent to@{LINE} @{" sebauer@t-online.de " system "YAM:YAM MAILTO sebauer@t-online.de NOCHECK"} or @{" Sebastian.Bauer@in.stud.tu-ilmenau.de " system "YAM:YAM MAILTO Sebastian.Bauer@in.stud.tu-ilmenau.de NOCHECK"}@{LINE} The latest version of the emulator can be obtained from my homepage:@{LINE} @{" http://home.t-online.de/home/sebauer/english.html " system "C:OpenURL http://home.t-online.de/home/sebauer/english.html"} Also look on the official Atari800 Emulator support page at: @{" http://cas3.zlin.vutbr.cz/~stehlik/a800.htm " system "C:OpenURL http://cas3.zlin.vutbr.cz/~stehlik/a800.htm"} @ENDNODE