import os import sys import hashlib import re import subprocess import time import glob import zipfile import shutil import requests import json # Timeout socket handling import socket import threading import errno from util import * try: import zlib compression = zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED except: compression = zipfile.ZIP_STORED modes = { zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED: 'deflated', zipfile.ZIP_STORED: 'stored', } try: # Python 3 from urllib.request import urlopen, Request from urllib.error import HTTPError, URLError from urllib.parse import urlparse from http.client import HTTPException except ImportError: # Python 2 from urllib2 import urlopen, Request, HTTPError, URLError from urlparse import urlparse from httplib import HTTPException BINTRAY_SNAPSHOT_SERVER_PATH = "" BINTRAY_RELEASE_SERVER_PATH = "" BINTRAY_MAVEN_GROUP_PATH = "/org/github/alberthdev/cemu/" MAX_ATTEMPTS = 5 SHA256_STRICT = False # Solution from Anppa @ StackOverflow # def timeout_http_body_read_to_file(response, fh, timeout = 60): def murha(resp): os.close(resp.fileno()) resp.close() # set a timer to yank the carpet underneath the blocking read() by closing the os file descriptor t = threading.Timer(timeout, murha, (response,)) t.start() fh.write( t.cancel() def truncate_url(url): if len(url) > 70: truncated_url = url[:34] + ".." + url[len(url) - 34:] else: truncated_url = url return truncated_url def check_file(path): try: test_fh = open(path) test_fh.close() return True except IOError: return False # Note: suppress_errors will only work on HTTP errors # Other errors will be forcefully displayed def check_url(url, suppress_errors = True): check_attempts = 0 found = False while check_attempts <= MAX_ATTEMPTS: # If we aren't on our first download attempt, wait a bit. if check_attempts > 0: print(" !! Download attempt failed, waiting 10s before retry...") print(" (attempt %i/%i)" % (check_attempts + 1, MAX_ATTEMPTS)) # Wait... time.sleep(10) # Open the url try: f = urlopen(url) # Everything good! found = True break # Error handling... except HTTPError: if not suppress_errors: _, e, _ = sys.exc_info() print(" !! HTTP Error: %i (%s)" % (e.code, url)) print(" !! Server said:") err ="utf-8") err = " !! " + "\n !! ".join(err.split("\n")).strip() print(err) found = False break except URLError: _, e, _ = sys.exc_info() print(" !! URL Error: %s (%s)" % (e.reason, url)) found = False break except HTTPException: _, e, _ = sys.exc_info() print(" !! HTTP Exception: %s (%s)" % (str(e), url)) except socket.error: _, e, _ = sys.exc_info() if e.errno == errno.EBADF: print(" !! Timeout reached: %s (%s)" % (str(e), url)) else: print(" !! Socket Exception: %s (%s)" % (str(e), url)) # Increment attempts check_attempts += 1 if check_attempts > MAX_ATTEMPTS: print(" !! ERROR: URL check failed, assuming not found!") return found def dlfile(url, dest = None): dl_attempts = 0 dest = dest or os.path.basename(url) while dl_attempts <= MAX_ATTEMPTS: # If we aren't on our first download attempt, wait a bit. if dl_attempts > 0: print(" !! Download attempt failed, waiting 10s before retry...") print(" (attempt %i/%i)" % (dl_attempts + 1, MAX_ATTEMPTS)) # Wait... time.sleep(10) # Open the url try: f = urlopen(url) print(" -> Downloading:") print(" %s" % truncate_url(url)) # Open our local file for writing with open(dest, "wb") as local_file: timeout_http_body_read_to_file(f, local_file, timeout = 300) #local_file.write( # Everything good! break # Error handling... except HTTPError: _, e, _ = sys.exc_info() print(" !! HTTP Error: %i (%s)" % (e.code, url)) print(" !! Server said:") err ="utf-8") err = " !! " + "\n !! ".join(err.split("\n")).strip() print(err) except URLError: _, e, _ = sys.exc_info() print(" !! URL Error: %s (%s)" % (e.reason, url)) except HTTPException: _, e, _ = sys.exc_info() print(" !! HTTP Exception: %s (%s)" % (str(e), url)) except socket.error: _, e, _ = sys.exc_info() if e.errno == errno.EBADF: print(" !! Timeout reached: %s (%s)" % (str(e), url)) else: print(" !! Socket Exception: %s (%s)" % (str(e), url)) # Increment attempts dl_attempts += 1 if dl_attempts > MAX_ATTEMPTS: print(" !! ERROR: Download failed, exiting!") sys.exit(1) def generate_file_md5(filename, blocksize=2**20): m = hashlib.md5() with open( filename , "rb" ) as f: while True: buf = if not buf: break m.update( buf ) return m.hexdigest() def generate_file_sha1(filename, blocksize=2**20): m = hashlib.sha1() with open( filename , "rb" ) as f: while True: buf = if not buf: break m.update( buf ) return m.hexdigest() def generate_file_sha256(filename, blocksize=2**20): m = hashlib.sha256() with open( filename , "rb" ) as f: while True: buf = if not buf: break m.update( buf ) return m.hexdigest() def output_md5(filename): md5_result = "%s %s" % (filename, generate_file_md5(filename)) print(md5_result) return md5_result def output_sha1(filename): sha1_result = "%s %s" % (filename, generate_file_sha1(filename)) print(sha1_result) return sha1_result def output_sha256(filename): sha256_result = "%s %s" % (filename, generate_file_sha256(filename)) print(sha256_result) return sha256_result # True if valid, False otherwise # Generalized validation function # filename - file to check # chksum_file - checksum file to verify against # hash_name - name of hash function used # hash_regex - regex to validate the hash format # hash_func - function to create hash from file def validate_gen(filename, chksum_file, hash_name, hash_regex, hash_func): print(" -> Validating file with %s: %s" % (hash_name, filename)) try: hash_fh = open(chksum_file) correct_hash = hash_fh.close() except IOError: print(" !! ERROR: Could not open checksum file '%s' for opening!" % chksum_file) print(" !! Exact error follows...") raise # Ensure hash is a valid checksum hash_match = re.match(hash_regex, correct_hash) if not hash_match: print(" !! ERROR: Invalid %s checksum!" % hash_name) print(" !! Extracted %s (invalid): %s" % (hash_name, correct_hash)) sys.exit(1) # One more thing - check to make sure the file exists! try: test_fh = open(filename, "rb") test_fh.close() except IOError: print(" !! ERROR: Can't check %s checksum - could not open file!" % hash_name) print(" !! File: %s" % filename) print(" !! Traceback follows:") traceback.print_exc() return False # Alright, let's compute the checksum! cur_hash = hash_func(filename) # Check the checksum... if cur_hash != correct_hash: print(" !! ERROR: %s checksums do not match!" % hash_name) print(" !! File: %s" % filename) print(" !! Current %s: %s" % (hash_name, cur_hash)) print(" !! Correct %s: %s" % (hash_name, correct_hash)) return False # Otherwise, everything is good! return True def validate(filename): valid_md5 = validate_gen(filename, filename + ".md5", "MD5", r'^[0-9a-f]{32}$', generate_file_md5) if valid_md5: valid_sha1 = validate_gen(filename, filename + ".sha1", "SHA1", r'^[0-9a-f]{40}$', generate_file_sha1) if valid_sha1: # Special case: SHA256. # Check its existence before attempting to validate. if check_file(filename + ".sha256") or SHA256_STRICT: valid_sha256 = validate_gen(filename, filename + ".sha256", "SHA256", r'^[0-9a-f]{64}$', generate_file_sha256) return valid_sha256 else: print(" !! **********************************************************") print(" !! WARNING: SHA256 checksum was not found for file:") print(" %s" % filename) print(" SHA256 checksum is strongly suggested for file integrity") print(" checking due to the weakness of other hashing algorithms.") print(" Continuing for now.") print(" !! **********************************************************") return True else: return False # alternatively, valid_sha1 else: return False # alternatively, valid_md5 def dl_and_validate(url): validation_attempts = 0 local_fn = os.path.basename(url) print(" -> Downloading + validating:") print(" %s" % truncate_url(url)) # Download checksums... print(" -> Downloading checksums for file: %s" % (local_fn)) dlfile(url + ".md5") dlfile(url + ".sha1") # SHA256 support was recently added, so do some careful checking # here. if check_url(url + ".sha256"): dlfile(url + ".sha256") else: # # url_parsed = urlparse(url) if url_parsed.netloc == "" and url_parsed.path.startswith("/artifactory"): file_info_json_url = url.replace("://", "://") if check_url(file_info_json_url): dlfile(file_info_json_url, local_fn + ".info.json") file_info_json_fh = open(local_fn + ".info.json") file_info_json = json.loads( file_info_json_fh.close() if "checksums" in file_info_json and "sha256" in file_info_json["checksums"]: print(" -- Found SHA256 checksum from file JSON info.") print(" SHA256: %s" % file_info_json["checksums"]["sha256"]) sha256_fh = open(local_fn + ".sha256", "w") sha256_fh.write("%s" % file_info_json["checksums"]["sha256"]) sha256_fh.close() else: print(" !! Could not find SHA256 checksum in JSON info.") else: print(" !! JSON info does not seem to work or exist:") print(" %s" % file_info_json_url) print(" Will not be able to locate SHA256 checksum.") else: print(" !! Could not detect a OSS JFrog URL. Will not be able") print(" to find SHA256 checksum.") while validation_attempts < MAX_ATTEMPTS: # If we aren't on our first download attempt, wait a bit. if validation_attempts > 0: print(" !! Download + validation attempt failed, waiting 10s before retry...") print(" (attempt %i/%i)" % (validation_attempts + 1, MAX_ATTEMPTS)) # Wait... time.sleep(10) print(" -> Downloading file: %s" % (local_fn)) # Download file... dlfile(url) # ...and attempt to validate it! if validate(local_fn): break # Validation failed... looping back around. # Increment validation attempt counter validation_attempts += 1 if validation_attempts > MAX_ATTEMPTS: print(" !! ERROR: Download and validation failed, exiting!") sys.exit(1) print(" -> Downloaded + validated successfully:") print(" %s" % truncate_url(url)) def extract(filename): print(" -> Extracting file: %s" % filename) if not silent_exec(["7z", "x", "-y", "-oC:\\", filename]): print(" !! ERROR: Failed to extract file: " % filename) print(" !! See above output for details.") sys.exit(1) def install_deps(): print(" * Attempting to download dependencies...") dl_and_validate('') dl_and_validate('') dl_and_validate('') dl_and_validate('') print(" * Attempting to install dependencies...") extract('Qt5.12.0_Rel_Static_Win32_DevDeploy.7z.001') extract('Qt5.12.0_Rel_Static_Win64_DevDeploy.7z.001') print(" * Successfully installed build dependencies!") def overwrite_copy(src, dest): src_bn = os.path.basename(src) dest_path = os.path.join(dest, src_bn) src_fh = open(src, "rb") dest_fh = open(dest_path, "wb") dest_fh.write( src_fh.close() dest_fh.close() def collect_static_main_files(arch, build_path, dest, extra_wc = None): file_list = [] if extra_wc: for copy_type in extra_wc: print(" -> Copying %s files (%s)..." % (copy_type, arch)) copy_wc = extra_wc[copy_type] for file in glob.glob(copy_wc): print(" -> Copying %s (%s, %s)..." % (os.path.basename(file), arch, copy_type)) overwrite_copy(file, dest) # Finally, add our binary! print(" -> Copying main executable (%s)..." % (arch)) exec_path = os.path.join(build_path, "CEmu.exe") overwrite_copy(exec_path, dest) # No manifest needed - already embedded into exe. # wc = wildcard # extra_wc: dictionary of extra wildcard paths to copy in! # example: { "More DLLs" : "C:\MoreDLLs\*.dll"} def collect_main_files(arch, vcredist_wc_path, ucrt_wc_path, build_path, dest, extra_wc = None): file_list = [] print(" -> Searching VCRedist for DLL files to include (%s)..." % (arch)) for file in glob.glob(vcredist_wc_path): print(" -> Copying %s (%s, VCRedist)..." % (os.path.basename(file), arch)) overwrite_copy(file, dest) for file in glob.glob(ucrt_wc_path): print(" -> Copying %s (%s, UCRT)..." % (os.path.basename(file), arch)) overwrite_copy(file, dest) if extra_wc: for copy_type in extra_wc: print(" -> Copying %s files (%s)..." % (copy_type, arch)) copy_wc = extra_wc[copy_type] for file in glob.glob(copy_wc): print(" -> Copying %s (%s, %s)..." % (os.path.basename(file), arch, copy_type)) overwrite_copy(file, dest) # Finally, add our binary! print(" -> Copying main executable (%s)..." % (arch)) exec_path = os.path.join(build_path, "CEmu.exe") overwrite_copy(exec_path, dest) # No manifest needed - already embedded into exe. def collect_qt_files_with_qml(arch, deploy_tool, dest, exe_file, qmldir = "qml"): os.environ.pop("VCINSTALLDIR", None) print(" -> Collecting all Qt dependencies (%s)..." % (arch)) if not simple_exec([deploy_tool, "--qmldir", qmldir, "--dir", dest, exe_file]): print(" !! ERROR: Failed to collect Qt dependencies!") print(" !! See above output for details.") sys.exit(1) def collect_qt_files(arch, deploy_tool, dest, exe_file): os.environ.pop("VCINSTALLDIR", None) print(" -> Collecting all Qt dependencies (%s)..." % (arch)) if not simple_exec([deploy_tool, "--no-angle", "--no-opengl-sw", "--no-system-d3d-compiler", "--dir", dest, exe_file]): print(" !! ERROR: Failed to collect Qt dependencies!") print(" !! See above output for details.") sys.exit(1) def build_file_list(arch, dest): file_list = [] root_parts = len(dest.split(os.sep)) print(" -> Finalizing file list for release (%s)..." % (arch)) for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(dest): for filename in filenames: full_path = os.path.join(root, filename) # Delete root folder from path to form archive path! arc_path = os.sep.join(full_path.split(os.sep)[root_parts:]) file_list.append([full_path, arc_path]) return file_list def make_zip(arch, filename, file_list): print(" * Building ZIP file %s (%s)..." % (filename, arch)) if compression == zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED: print(" (Compression is enabled!)") else: print(" (Compression is DISABLED!)") zf = zipfile.ZipFile(filename, mode='w') try: for file_entry in file_list: if len(file_entry) == 1: full_path = file_entry[0] arc_path = full_path elif len(file_entry) == 2: full_path = file_entry[0] arc_path = file_entry[1] else: print(" !! ERROR: Bug - invalid number of file elements in file_entry!") print(" file_entry is %s" % (str(file_entry))) sys.exit(1) print(" -> Adding %s -> %s..." % (full_path, arc_path)) zf.write(full_path, compress_type=compression, arcname=arc_path) finally: print(" -> Closing ZIP file %s (%s)..." % (filename, arch)) zf.close() print(" * Successfully built ZIP file %s (%s)!" % (filename, arch)) def upload_snapshot(filename, cur_timestamp, snap_base_fn, bintray_api_username, bintray_api_key, extra_path = None): cur_date = cur_timestamp.split("_")[0] cur_date_ym = cur_date[:6] full_path = BINTRAY_SNAPSHOT_SERVER_PATH + BINTRAY_MAVEN_GROUP_PATH + "git/" + cur_date_ym + "/" + cur_date + "/" + snap_base_fn + "/" base_fn = os.path.basename(filename) print(" * Preparing to deploy snapshot: %s" % base_fn) if extra_path: full_path += extra_path # Compute MD5, SHA1, and SHA256 print(" -> Computing checksums before uploading...") file_md5sum = generate_file_md5(filename) file_sha1sum = generate_file_sha1(filename) file_sha256sum = generate_file_sha256(filename) print(" -> MD5 = %s" % file_md5sum) print(" -> SHA1 = %s" % file_sha1sum) print(" -> SHA256 = %s" % file_sha256sum) headers = { 'X-Checksum-Md5' : file_md5sum, 'X-Checksum-Sha1' : file_sha1sum, 'X-Checksum-Sha256' : file_sha256sum, } #files = {base_fn: open(filename, 'rb')} fh = open(filename, 'rb') file_data = fh.close() print(" * Uploading/deploying snapshot: %s" % base_fn) r = requests.put(full_path + base_fn, headers = headers, data = file_data, \ auth = (bintray_api_username, bintray_api_key)) print(" * Resulting status code: %i" % r.status_code) print(" * Resulting response:\n%s" % r.content) if r.status_code != 201: print(" ! ERROR: Upload/deployment of snapshot failed!") def deploy_snapshots(): print(" * Preparing to deploy...") # Check for our needed environment variables! # First up? Bintray! bintray_api_username = os.environ.get("BINTRAY_API_USERNAME") bintray_api_key = os.environ.get("BINTRAY_API_KEY") if (bintray_api_username == None) or (bintray_api_key == None): print(" ! ERROR: Authentication environmental variables not found!") print(" ! BINTRAY_API_USERNAME defined? %s" % ("Yes" if bintray_api_username else "No")) print(" ! BINTRAY_API_KEY defined? %s" % ("Yes" if bintray_api_key else "No")) sys.exit(1) # One more - are the Qt5 dynamic directories defined? qt5_bin_dir_dynamic_32 = os.environ.get("QT5_BIN_DIR_DYNAMIC_32") qt5_bin_dir_dynamic_64 = os.environ.get("QT5_BIN_DIR_DYNAMIC_64") if (qt5_bin_dir_dynamic_32 == None) or (qt5_bin_dir_dynamic_64 == None): print(" ! ERROR: Qt5 dynamic location environmental variables not found!") print(" ! QT5_BIN_DIR_DYNAMIC_32 defined? %s" % ("Yes" if QT5_BIN_DIR_DYNAMIC_32 else "No")) print(" ! QT5_BIN_DIR_DYNAMIC_64 defined? %s" % ("Yes" if QT5_BIN_DIR_DYNAMIC_64 else "No")) sys.exit(1) # Make a directory for our deploy ZIPs mkdir_p("deploy") mkdir_p(os.path.join("deploy", "release32")) mkdir_p(os.path.join("deploy", "release64")) mkdir_p(os.path.join("deploy", "release32_debug")) mkdir_p(os.path.join("deploy", "release64_debug")) mkdir_p(os.path.join("deploy_static", "release32")) mkdir_p(os.path.join("deploy_static", "release64")) mkdir_p(os.path.join("deploy_static", "release32_debug")) mkdir_p(os.path.join("deploy_static", "release64_debug")) # git rev-parse --short HEAD git_rev = output_exec(["git", "rev-parse", "--short", "HEAD"]) if git_rev == None: sys.exit(1) git_rev = git_rev.decode("utf-8").strip() # Snapshot filename - based on cur_timestamp = time.strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S") snap_base_fn = "cemu-%s-git-%s" % (cur_timestamp, git_rev) snap_base_path = os.path.join("deploy", snap_base_fn) # Locate files that we need! print(" * Collecting all dependencies for deployment...") collect_main_files("x86", r"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\redist\x86\Microsoft.VC140.CRT\*.dll", r"C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Redist\ucrt\DLLs\x86\*.dll", os.path.join("build_32", "release"), os.path.join("deploy", "release32"), extra_wc = { "vcpkg provided DLLs" : os.path.join("build_32", "release") + r"\*.dll" } ) collect_main_files("x64", r"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\redist\x64\Microsoft.VC140.CRT\*.dll", r"C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Redist\ucrt\DLLs\x64\*.dll", os.path.join("build_64", "release"), os.path.join("deploy", "release64"), extra_wc = { "vcpkg provided DLLs" : os.path.join("build_64", "release") + r"\*.dll" } ) # For debug builds, only copy api*.dll for UCRT redist, then copy # the specific ucrt debug DLL in the extra copy arg. collect_main_files("x86 Debug", r"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\redist\debug_nonredist\x86\Microsoft.VC140.DebugCRT\*.dll", r"C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Redist\ucrt\DLLs\x86\api*.dll", os.path.join("build_32", "debug"), os.path.join("deploy", "release32_debug"), extra_wc = { "UCRT Debug" : r"C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\x86\ucrt\*.dll", "vcpkg provided DLLs" : os.path.join("build_32", "debug") + r"\*.dll" } ) collect_main_files("x64 Debug", r"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\redist\debug_nonredist\x64\Microsoft.VC140.DebugCRT\*.dll", r"C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Redist\ucrt\DLLs\x64\api*.dll", os.path.join("build_64", "debug"), os.path.join("deploy", "release64_debug"), extra_wc = { "UCRT Debug" : r"C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\x64\ucrt\*.dll", "vcpkg provided DLLs" : os.path.join("build_64", "debug") + r"\*.dll" } ) # Static builds # Release collect_static_main_files("x86 Static", os.path.join("build_static_32", "release"), os.path.join("deploy_static", "release32"), #extra_wc = { # "EGL Library" : r"C:\Qt\Qt5.12.0-static\bin\libEGL.dll", # "GLESv2 Library" : r"C:\Qt\Qt5.12.0-static\bin\libGLESv2.dll", # "DirectX Compiler Library" : r"C:\Qt\5.12.0\msvc2015\bin\d3dcompiler_*.dll", # "Mesa OpenGL Software Rendering Library" : r"C:\Qt\5.12.0\msvc2015\bin\opengl32sw.dll", # } ) collect_static_main_files("x64 Static", os.path.join("build_static_64", "release"), os.path.join("deploy_static", "release64"), #extra_wc = { # "EGL Library" : r"C:\Qt\Qt5.12.0x64-static\bin\libEGL.dll", # "GLESv2 Library" : r"C:\Qt\Qt5.12.0x64-static\bin\libGLESv2.dll", # "DirectX Compiler Library" : r"C:\Qt\5.12.0\msvc2015_64\bin\d3dcompiler_*.dll", # "Mesa OpenGL Software Rendering Library" : r"C:\Qt\5.12.0\msvc2015_64\bin\opengl32sw.dll", # } ) # Debug collect_static_main_files("x86 Static Debug", os.path.join("build_static_32", "debug"), os.path.join("deploy_static", "release32_debug"), #extra_wc = { # "EGL Library" : r"C:\Qt\Qt5.12.0-static\bin\libEGLd.dll", # "GLESv2 Library" : r"C:\Qt\Qt5.12.0-static\bin\libGLESv2d.dll", # "DirectX Compiler Library" : r"C:\Qt\5.12.0\msvc2015\bin\d3dcompiler_*.dll", # "Mesa OpenGL Software Rendering Library" : r"C:\Qt\5.12.0\msvc2015\bin\opengl32sw.dll", # } ) collect_static_main_files("x64 Static Debug", os.path.join("build_static_64", "debug"), os.path.join("deploy_static", "release64_debug"), #extra_wc = { # "EGL Library" : r"C:\Qt\Qt5.12.0x64-static\bin\libEGLd.dll", # "GLESv2 Library" : r"C:\Qt\Qt5.12.0x64-static\bin\libGLESv2d.dll", # "DirectX Compiler Library" : r"C:\Qt\5.12.0\msvc2015_64\bin\d3dcompiler_*.dll", # "Mesa OpenGL Software Rendering Library" : r"C:\Qt\5.12.0\msvc2015_64\bin\opengl32sw.dll", # } ) # Qt files only needed for dynamic builds collect_qt_files("x86", qt5_bin_dir_dynamic_32 + r"\windeployqt.exe", r"deploy\release32", r'build_32\release\CEmu.exe') collect_qt_files("x64", qt5_bin_dir_dynamic_64 + r"\windeployqt.exe", r"deploy\release64", r'build_64\release\CEmu.exe') collect_qt_files("x86 Debug", qt5_bin_dir_dynamic_32 + r"\windeployqt.exe", r"deploy\release32_debug", r'build_32\debug\CEmu.exe') collect_qt_files("x64 Debug", qt5_bin_dir_dynamic_64 + r"\windeployqt.exe", r"deploy\release64_debug", r'build_64\debug\CEmu.exe') file_list_32 = build_file_list("x86", r"deploy\release32") file_list_64 = build_file_list("x64", r"deploy\release64") file_list_32_debug = build_file_list("x86 Debug", r"deploy\release32_debug") file_list_64_debug = build_file_list("x64 Debug", r"deploy\release64_debug") file_list_32_static = build_file_list("x86", r"deploy_static\release32") file_list_64_static = build_file_list("x64", r"deploy_static\release64") file_list_32_static_debug = build_file_list("x86 Debug", r"deploy_static\release32_debug") file_list_64_static_debug = build_file_list("x64 Debug", r"deploy_static\release64_debug") # Build our ZIPs! cemu_win32_zip_fn = snap_base_path + "" cemu_win64_zip_fn = snap_base_path + "" cemu_win32_debug_zip_fn = snap_base_path + "" cemu_win64_debug_zip_fn = snap_base_path + "" cemu_win32_static_zip_fn = snap_base_path + "" cemu_win64_static_zip_fn = snap_base_path + "" cemu_win32_static_debug_zip_fn = snap_base_path + "" cemu_win64_static_debug_zip_fn = snap_base_path + "" make_zip("x86", cemu_win32_zip_fn, file_list_32) make_zip("x64", cemu_win64_zip_fn, file_list_64) make_zip("x86 Debug", cemu_win32_debug_zip_fn, file_list_32_debug) make_zip("x64 Debug", cemu_win64_debug_zip_fn, file_list_64_debug) make_zip("x86 Static", cemu_win32_static_zip_fn, file_list_32_static) make_zip("x64 Static", cemu_win64_static_zip_fn, file_list_64_static) make_zip("x86 Static Debug", cemu_win32_static_debug_zip_fn, file_list_32_static_debug) make_zip("x64 Static Debug", cemu_win64_static_debug_zip_fn, file_list_64_static_debug) # Upload everything! upload_snapshot(cemu_win32_zip_fn, cur_timestamp, snap_base_fn, bintray_api_username, bintray_api_key) upload_snapshot(cemu_win64_zip_fn, cur_timestamp, snap_base_fn, bintray_api_username, bintray_api_key) upload_snapshot(cemu_win32_debug_zip_fn, cur_timestamp, snap_base_fn, bintray_api_username, bintray_api_key) upload_snapshot(cemu_win64_debug_zip_fn, cur_timestamp, snap_base_fn, bintray_api_username, bintray_api_key) upload_snapshot(cemu_win32_static_zip_fn, cur_timestamp, snap_base_fn, bintray_api_username, bintray_api_key) upload_snapshot(cemu_win64_static_zip_fn, cur_timestamp, snap_base_fn, bintray_api_username, bintray_api_key) upload_snapshot(cemu_win32_static_debug_zip_fn, cur_timestamp, snap_base_fn, bintray_api_username, bintray_api_key) upload_snapshot(cemu_win64_static_debug_zip_fn, cur_timestamp, snap_base_fn, bintray_api_username, bintray_api_key) print(" * Snapshot deployment complete!") def usage(msg = None): if msg: print(msg) print("Usage: %s [make_checksum|install|deploy]" % sys.argv[0]) sys.exit(1) if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) != 2: usage() sys.exit(1) if sys.argv[1] == "make_checksum": make_checksum() elif sys.argv[1] == "install": install_deps() elif sys.argv[1] == "deploy": deploy_snapshots() else: usage("ERROR: Invalid command!")