/* HTTPSERV.C (c)Copyright Jan Jaeger, 2002-2009 */ /* HTTP Server */ /* This file contains all code required for the HTTP server, */ /* when the http_server thread is started it will listen on */ /* the HTTP port specified on the HTTPPORT config statement. */ /* */ /* When a request comes in a http_request thread is started, */ /* which will handle the request. */ /* */ /* When authentification is required (auth parm on the HTTPPORT */ /* statement) then the user will be authenticated based on the */ /* userid and password supplied on the HTTPPORT statement, if */ /* these where not supplied then the userid and password of the */ /* that hercules is running under will be used. In the latter case */ /* the root userid/password will also be accepted. */ /* */ /* If the request is for a /cgi-bin/ path, then the cgibin */ /* directory in cgibin.c will be searched, for any other request */ /* the sysblk.httproot (/usr/local/hercules) will be used as the */ /* root to find the specified file. */ /* */ /* As realpath() is used to verify that the files are from within */ /* the sysblk.httproot tree symbolic links that refer to files */ /* outside the sysblk.httproot tree are not supported. */ /* */ /* */ /* Jan Jaeger - 28/03/2002 */ #include "hstdinc.h" #define _HTTPSERV_C_ #define _HENGINE_DLL_ #include "hercules.h" #include "httpmisc.h" #include "hostinfo.h" #if defined(OPTION_HTTP_SERVER) /* External reference to the cgi-bin directory in cgibin.c */ extern CGITAB cgidir[]; static MIMETAB mime_types[] = { { NULL, NULL }, /* No suffix entry */ { "txt", "text/plain" }, { "jcl", "text/plain" }, { "gif", "image/gif" }, { "jpg", "image/jpeg" }, { "css", "text/css" }, { "html", "text/html" }, { "htm", "text/html" }, /* This one should be: { "ico", "image/vnd.microsoft.icon" }, but Apache 2 sets it as: */ { "ico", "image/x-icon" }, /* so we'll go with what's actually in use. --JRM */ { NULL, NULL } }; /* Default suffix entry */ DLL_EXPORT int html_include(WEBBLK *webblk, char *filename) { FILE *inclfile; char fullname[HTTP_PATH_LENGTH]; char buffer[HTTP_PATH_LENGTH]; int ret; strlcpy( fullname, sysblk.httproot, sizeof(fullname) ); strlcat( fullname, filename, sizeof(fullname) ); inclfile = fopen(fullname,"rb"); if (!inclfile) { logmsg(_("HHCHT011E html_include: Cannot open %s: %s\n"), fullname,strerror(errno)); hprintf(webblk->sock,_("ERROR: Cannot open %s: %s\n"), filename,strerror(errno)); return FALSE; } while (!feof(inclfile)) { ret = fread(buffer, 1, sizeof(buffer), inclfile); if (ret <= 0) break; hwrite(webblk->sock,buffer, ret); } fclose(inclfile); return TRUE; } DLL_EXPORT void html_header(WEBBLK *webblk) { if (webblk->request_type != REQTYPE_POST) hprintf(webblk->sock,"Expires: 0\n"); hprintf(webblk->sock,"Content-type: text/html\n\n"); if (!html_include(webblk,HTML_HEADER)) hprintf(webblk->sock,"\n\nHercules\n\n\n\n"); } DLL_EXPORT void html_footer(WEBBLK *webblk) { if (!html_include(webblk,HTML_FOOTER)) hprintf(webblk->sock,"\n\n\n"); } static void http_exit(WEBBLK *webblk) { CGIVAR *cgivar; int rc; if(webblk) { /* MS SDK docs state: "To assure that all data is sent and received on a connected socket before it is closed, an application should use shutdown to close connection before calling closesocket. For example, to initiate a graceful disconnect: 1, Call WSAAsyncSelect to register for FD_CLOSE notification. 2. Call shutdown with how=SD_SEND. 3. When FD_CLOSE received, call recv until zero returned, or SOCKET_ERROR. 4. Call closesocket. Note: The shutdown function does not block regardless of the SO_LINGER setting on the socket." */ // Notify other end of connection to not expect any more data from us. // They should detect this via their own 'recv' returning zero bytes // (thus letting them know they've thus received all the data from us // they're ever going to receive). They should then do their own // 'shutdown(s,SHUT_WR)' at their end letting US know we're also not // going to be receiving any more data from THEM. This is called a // "graceful close" of the connection... shutdown( webblk->sock, SHUT_WR ); // Now wait for them to shudown THEIR end of the connection (i.e. wait // for them to do their own 'shutdown(s,SHUT_WR)') by "hanging" on a // 'recv' call until we either eventually detect they've shutdown their // end of the connection (0 bytes received) or else an error occurs... do { BYTE c; rc = read_socket( webblk->sock, &c, 1 ); } while ( rc > 0 ); // NOW we can SAFELY close the socket since we now KNOW for CERTAIN // that they've received ALL of the data we previously sent to them... // (otherwise they wouldn't have close their connection on us!) close_socket( webblk->sock ); if(webblk->user) free(webblk->user); if(webblk->request) free(webblk->request); cgivar = webblk->cgivar; while(cgivar) { CGIVAR *tmpvar = cgivar->next; free(cgivar->name); free(cgivar->value); free(cgivar); cgivar = tmpvar; } free(webblk); } exit_thread(NULL); } static void http_error(WEBBLK *webblk, char *err, char *header, char *info) { hprintf(webblk->sock,"HTTP/1.0 %s\n%sConnection: close\n" "Content-Type: text/html\n\n" "%s" "


%s\n\n", err, header, err, err, info); http_exit(webblk); } static char *http_timestring(char *time_buff,int buff_size, time_t t) { struct tm *tm = localtime(&t); strftime(time_buff, buff_size, "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z", tm); return time_buff; } static void http_decode_base64(char *s) { char *b64 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"; int bit_o, byte_o, idx, i, n; unsigned char *d = (unsigned char *)s; char *p; n = i = 0; while (*s && (p = strchr(b64, *s))) { idx = (int)(p - b64); byte_o = (i*6)/8; bit_o = (i*6)%8; d[byte_o] &= ~((1<<(8-bit_o))-1); if (bit_o < 3) { d[byte_o] |= (idx << (2-bit_o)); n = byte_o+1; } else { d[byte_o] |= (idx >> (bit_o-2)); d[byte_o+1] = 0; d[byte_o+1] |= (idx << (8-(bit_o-2))) & 0xFF; n = byte_o+2; } s++; i++; } /* null terminate */ d[n] = 0; } static char *http_unescape(char *buffer) { char *pointer = buffer; while ( (pointer = strchr(pointer,'+')) ) *pointer = ' '; pointer = buffer; while (pointer && *pointer && (pointer = strchr(pointer,'%'))) { int highnibble = pointer[1]; int lownibble = pointer[2]; if (highnibble >= '0' && highnibble <= '9') highnibble = highnibble - '0'; else if (highnibble >= 'A' && highnibble <= 'F') highnibble = 10 + highnibble - 'A'; else if (highnibble >= 'a' && highnibble <= 'f') highnibble = 10 + highnibble - 'a'; else { pointer++; continue; } if (lownibble >= '0' && lownibble <= '9') lownibble = lownibble - '0'; else if (lownibble >= 'A' && lownibble <= 'F') lownibble = 10 + lownibble - 'A'; else if (lownibble >= 'a' && lownibble <= 'f') lownibble = 10 + lownibble - 'a'; else { pointer++; continue; } *pointer = (highnibble<<4) | lownibble; memmove(pointer+1, pointer+3, strlen(pointer+3)+1); pointer++; } return buffer; } static void http_interpret_variable_string(WEBBLK *webblk, char *qstring, int type) { char *name; char *value; char *strtok_str; CGIVAR **cgivar; for (cgivar = &(webblk->cgivar); *cgivar; cgivar = &((*cgivar)->next)); for (name = strtok_r(qstring,"&; ",&strtok_str); name; name = strtok_r(NULL,"&; ",&strtok_str)) { if(!(value = strchr(name,'='))) continue; *value++ = '\0'; (*cgivar) = malloc(sizeof(CGIVAR)); (*cgivar)->next = NULL; (*cgivar)->name = strdup(http_unescape(name)); (*cgivar)->value = strdup(http_unescape(value)); (*cgivar)->type = type; cgivar = &((*cgivar)->next); } } #if 0 static void http_dump_cgi_variables(WEBBLK *webblk) { CGIVAR *cv; for(cv = webblk->cgivar; cv; cv = cv->next) logmsg(_("HHCHT012I cgi_var_dump: pointer(%p) name(%s) value(%s) type(%d)\n"), cv, cv->name, cv->value, cv->type); } #endif DLL_EXPORT char *http_variable(WEBBLK *webblk, char *name, int type) { CGIVAR *cv; for(cv = webblk->cgivar; cv; cv = cv->next) if((cv->type & type) && !strcmp(name,cv->name)) return cv->value; return NULL; } static void http_verify_path(WEBBLK *webblk, char *path) { char resolved_path[HTTP_PATH_LENGTH]; #if 0 int i; for (i = 0; path[i]; i++) if (!isalnum((int)path[i]) && !strchr("/.-_", path[i])) http_error(webblk, "404 File Not Found","", "Illegal character in filename"); #endif if (!realpath( path, resolved_path )) http_error(webblk, "404 File Not Found","", "Invalid pathname"); // The following verifies the specified file does not lie // outside the specified httproot (Note: sysblk.httproot // was previously resolved to an absolute path by config.c) if (strncmp( sysblk.httproot, resolved_path, strlen(sysblk.httproot))) http_error(webblk, "404 File Not Found","", "Invalid pathname"); } static int http_authenticate(WEBBLK *webblk, char *type, char *userpass) { char *pointer ,*user, *passwd; if (!strcasecmp(type,"Basic")) { if(userpass) { http_decode_base64(userpass); /* the format is now user:password */ if ((pointer = strchr(userpass,':'))) { *pointer = 0; user = userpass; passwd = pointer+1; /* Hardcoded userid and password in configuration file */ if(sysblk.httpuser && sysblk.httppass) { if(!strcmp(user,sysblk.httpuser) && !strcmp(passwd,sysblk.httppass)) { webblk->user = strdup(user); return TRUE; } } #if !defined(WIN32) else { struct passwd *pass = NULL; /* unix userid and password check, the userid must be the same as that hercules is currently running under */ // ZZ INCOMPLETE // ZZ No password check is being performed yet... if((pass = getpwnam(user)) && (pass->pw_uid == 0 || pass->pw_uid == getuid())) { webblk->user = strdup(user); return TRUE; } } #endif /*!defined(WIN32)*/ } } } webblk->user = NULL; return FALSE; } static void http_download(WEBBLK *webblk, char *filename) { char buffer[HTTP_PATH_LENGTH]; char tbuf[80]; int fd, length; char *filetype; char fullname[HTTP_PATH_LENGTH]; struct stat st; MIMETAB *mime_type = mime_types; strlcpy( fullname, sysblk.httproot, sizeof(fullname) ); strlcat( fullname, filename, sizeof(fullname) ); http_verify_path(webblk,fullname); if(stat(fullname,&st)) http_error(webblk, "404 File Not Found","", strerror(errno)); if(!S_ISREG(st.st_mode)) http_error(webblk, "404 File Not Found","", "The requested file is not a regular file"); fd = hopen(fullname,O_RDONLY|O_BINARY,0); if (fd == -1) http_error(webblk, "404 File Not Found","", strerror(errno)); hprintf(webblk->sock,"HTTP/1.0 200 OK\n"); if ((filetype = strrchr(filename,'.'))) for(mime_type++;mime_type->suffix && strcasecmp(mime_type->suffix,filetype + 1); mime_type++); if(mime_type->type) hprintf(webblk->sock,"Content-Type: %s\n", mime_type->type); hprintf(webblk->sock,"Expires: %s\n", http_timestring(tbuf,sizeof(tbuf),time(NULL)+HTML_STATIC_EXPIRY_TIME)); hprintf(webblk->sock,"Content-Length: %d\n\n", (int)st.st_size); while ((length = read(fd, buffer, sizeof(buffer))) > 0) hwrite(webblk->sock,buffer, length); close(fd); http_exit(webblk); } static void *http_request(int sock) { WEBBLK *webblk; int authok = !sysblk.httpauth; char line[HTTP_PATH_LENGTH]; char *url = NULL; char *pointer; char *strtok_str; CGITAB *cgient; int content_length = 0; if(!(webblk = malloc(sizeof(WEBBLK)))) http_exit(webblk); memset(webblk,0,sizeof(WEBBLK)); webblk->sock = sock; while (hgets(line, sizeof(line), webblk->sock)) { if (*line == '\r' || *line == '\n') break; if((pointer = strtok_r(line," \t\r\n",&strtok_str))) { if(!strcasecmp(pointer,"GET")) { if((pointer = strtok_r(NULL," \t\r\n",&strtok_str))) { webblk->request_type = REQTYPE_GET; url = strdup(pointer); } } else if(!strcasecmp(pointer,"POST")) { if((pointer = strtok_r(NULL," \t\r\n",&strtok_str))) { webblk->request_type = REQTYPE_POST; url = strdup(pointer); } } else if(!strcasecmp(pointer,"PUT")) { http_error(webblk,"400 Bad Request", "", "This server does not accept PUT requests"); } else if(!strcasecmp(pointer,"Authorization:")) { if((pointer = strtok_r(NULL," \t\r\n",&strtok_str))) authok = http_authenticate(webblk,pointer, strtok_r(NULL," \t\r\n",&strtok_str)); } else if(!strcasecmp(pointer,"Cookie:")) { if((pointer = strtok_r(NULL,"\r\n",&strtok_str))) http_interpret_variable_string(webblk, pointer, VARTYPE_COOKIE); } else if(!strcasecmp(pointer,"Content-Length:")) { if((pointer = strtok_r(NULL," \t\r\n",&strtok_str))) content_length = atoi(pointer); } } } webblk->request = url; if(webblk->request_type == REQTYPE_POST && content_length != 0) { char *post_arg; if((pointer = post_arg = malloc(content_length + 1))) { int i; for(i = 0; i < content_length; i++) { *pointer = hgetc(webblk->sock); if(*pointer != '\n' && *pointer != '\r') pointer++; } *pointer = '\0'; http_interpret_variable_string(webblk, post_arg, VARTYPE_POST); free(post_arg); } } if (!authok) http_error(webblk, "401 Authorization Required", "WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"HERCULES\"\n", "You must be authenticated to use this service"); if (!url) http_error(webblk,"400 Bad Request", "", "You must specify a GET or POST request"); /* anything following a ? in the URL is part of the get arguments */ if ((pointer=strchr(url,'?'))) { *pointer++ = 0; http_interpret_variable_string(webblk, pointer, VARTYPE_GET); } while(url[0] == '/' && url[1] == '/') url++; webblk->baseurl = url; if(!strcasecmp("/",url)) url = HTTP_WELCOME; if(strncasecmp("/cgi-bin/",url,9)) http_download(webblk,url); else url += 9; while(*url == '/') url++; #if 0 http_dump_cgi_variables(webblk); #endif for(cgient = cgidir; cgient->path; cgient++) { if(!strcmp(cgient->path, url)) { char tbuf[80]; hprintf(webblk->sock,"HTTP/1.0 200 OK\nConnection: close\n"); hprintf(webblk->sock,"Date: %s\n", http_timestring(tbuf,sizeof(tbuf),time(NULL))); (cgient->cgibin) (webblk); http_exit(webblk); } } #if defined(OPTION_DYNAMIC_LOAD) { zz_cgibin dyncgi; if( (dyncgi = HDL_FINDSYM(webblk->baseurl)) ) { char tbuf[80]; hprintf(webblk->sock,"HTTP/1.0 200 OK\nConnection: close\n"); hprintf(webblk->sock,"Date: %s\n", http_timestring(tbuf,sizeof(tbuf),time(NULL))); dyncgi(webblk); http_exit(webblk); } } #endif /*defined(OPTION_DYNAMIC_LOAD)*/ http_error(webblk, "404 File Not Found","", "The requested file was not found"); return NULL; } void *http_server (void *arg) { int rc; /* Return code */ int lsock; /* Socket for listening */ int csock; /* Socket for conversation */ struct sockaddr_in server; /* Server address structure */ fd_set selset; /* Read bit map for select */ int optval; /* Argument for setsockopt */ TID httptid; /* Negotiation thread id */ UNREFERENCED(arg); /* Display thread started message on control panel */ logmsg (_("HHCHT001I HTTP listener thread started: " "tid="TIDPAT", pid=%d\n"), thread_id(), getpid()); /* If the HTTP root directory is not specified, use a reasonable default */ if (!sysblk.httproot) { #if defined(_MSVC_) char process_dir[HTTP_PATH_LENGTH]; if (get_process_directory(process_dir,HTTP_PATH_LENGTH) > 0) { strlcat(process_dir,"\\html",HTTP_PATH_LENGTH); sysblk.httproot = strdup(process_dir); } else #endif /*defined(WIN32)*/ sysblk.httproot = strdup(HTTP_ROOT); } /* Convert the specified HTTPROOT value to an absolute path ending with a '/' and save in sysblk.httproot. */ { char absolute_httproot_path[HTTP_PATH_LENGTH]; int rc; #if defined(_MSVC_) /* Expand any embedded %var% environ vars */ rc = expand_environ_vars( sysblk.httproot, absolute_httproot_path, sizeof(absolute_httproot_path) ); if (rc == 0) { free(sysblk.httproot); sysblk.httproot = strdup(absolute_httproot_path); } #endif /* defined(_MSVC_) */ /* Convert to absolute path */ if (!realpath(sysblk.httproot,absolute_httproot_path)) { logmsg( _("HHCCF066E Invalid HTTPROOT: \"%s\": %s\n"), sysblk.httproot, strerror(errno)); return NULL; } /* Verify that the absolute path is valid */ // mode: 0 = exist only, 2 = write, 4 = read, 6 = read/write // rc: 0 = success, -1 = error (errno = cause) // ENOENT = File name or path not found. if (access( absolute_httproot_path, R_OK ) != 0) { logmsg( _("HHCCF066E Invalid HTTPROOT: \"%s\": %s\n"), absolute_httproot_path, strerror(errno)); return NULL; } /* Append trailing [back]slash, but only if needed */ rc = strlen(absolute_httproot_path); if (absolute_httproot_path[rc-1] != *HTTP_PS) strlcat(absolute_httproot_path,HTTP_PS,sizeof(absolute_httproot_path)); /* Save the absolute path */ free(sysblk.httproot); sysblk.httproot = strdup(absolute_httproot_path); logmsg(_("HHCHT013I Using HTTPROOT directory \"%s\"\n"),sysblk.httproot); } /* Obtain a socket */ lsock = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP); if (lsock < 0) { logmsg(_("HHCHT002E socket: %s\n"), strerror(HSO_errno)); return NULL; } /* Allow previous instance of socket to be reused */ optval = 1; setsockopt (lsock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (void*)&optval, sizeof(optval)); /* Prepare the sockaddr structure for the bind */ memset (&server, 0, sizeof(server)); server.sin_family = AF_INET; server.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; server.sin_port = sysblk.httpport; server.sin_port = htons(server.sin_port); /* Attempt to bind the socket to the port */ while (TRUE) { rc = bind (lsock, (struct sockaddr *)&server, sizeof(server)); if (rc == 0 || HSO_errno != HSO_EADDRINUSE) break; logmsg (_("HHCHT003W Waiting for port %u to become free\n"), sysblk.httpport); SLEEP(10); } /* end while */ if (rc != 0) { logmsg(_("HHCHT004E bind: %s\n"), strerror(HSO_errno)); return NULL; } /* Put the socket into listening state */ rc = listen (lsock, 32); if (rc < 0) { logmsg(_("HHCHT005E listen: %s\n"), strerror(HSO_errno)); return NULL; } logmsg(_("HHCHT006I Waiting for HTTP requests on port %u\n"), sysblk.httpport); /* Handle http requests */ while (sysblk.httpport) { /* Initialize the select parameters */ FD_ZERO (&selset); FD_SET (lsock, &selset); /* Wait for a file descriptor to become ready */ rc = select ( lsock+1, &selset, NULL, NULL, NULL ); if (rc == 0) continue; if (rc < 0 ) { if (HSO_errno == HSO_EINTR) continue; logmsg(_("HHCHT007E select: %s\n"), strerror(HSO_errno)); break; } /* If a http request has arrived then accept it */ if (FD_ISSET(lsock, &selset)) { /* Accept the connection and create conversation socket */ csock = accept (lsock, NULL, NULL); if (csock < 0) { logmsg(_("HHCHT008E accept: %s\n"), strerror(HSO_errno)); continue; } /* Create a thread to execute the http request */ if ( create_thread (&httptid, DETACHED, http_request, (void *)(uintptr_t)csock, "http_request") ) { logmsg(_("HHCHT010E http_request create_thread: %s\n"), strerror(errno)); close_socket (csock); } } /* end if(lsock) */ } /* end while */ /* Close the listening socket */ close_socket (lsock); /* Display thread started message on control panel */ logmsg (_("HHCHT009I HTTP listener thread ended: " "tid="TIDPAT", pid=%d\n"), thread_id(), getpid()); sysblk.httptid = 0; return NULL; } /* end function http_server */ #endif /*defined(OPTION_HTTP_SERVER)*/