DemoModeDialog 0 0 359 370 Demo mode 0 0 ROM state filter Qt::Vertical Use only sets that are tagged? Tagged Driver status Choose the driver maturity states for sets to be included in the demo good good + imperfect good + imperfect + preliminary Use only sets included in the favorites list? Favorites Name filter 0 0 Clear name filter :/data/img/broom.png:/data/img/broom.png Use only parent sets (no clones)? Parents Select all categories :/data/img/plus_all.png:/data/img/plus_all.png Deselect all categories :/data/img/minus_all.png:/data/img/minus_all.png 0 0 Options 0 0 Select / deselect the categories you want to include / exclude Start emulators in full screen mode (otherwise use windowed mode) Full screen true false Maximize emulators when in windowed mode Maximized false Embed windowed emulators Embedded Launch sets sequentially rather than randomly Sequential 0 0 Seconds to run Number of seconds to run an emulator in demo mode s 999999 60 0 0 Pause (seconds) Number of seconds to pause between emulator runs s 1 9999 2 0 0 Run demo now Run &demo 0 0 Close this dialog (and stop running demo) &Close 0 0 Category filter 0 0 Specify a name (ID) filter-expression (Qt regular-expression syntax!) -- leave empty to not filter by name Qt::AlignCenter true 0 0 0 Select ROM state C (correct)? :/data/img/sphere_green.png:/data/img/sphere_green.png true true 0 0 Select ROM state M (mostly correct)? :/data/img/sphere_yellowgreen.png:/data/img/sphere_yellowgreen.png true true 0 0 Select ROM state I (incorrect)? :/data/img/sphere_red.png:/data/img/sphere_red.png true 0 0 Select ROM state N (not found)? :/data/img/sphere_grey.png:/data/img/sphere_grey.png true 0 0 Select ROM state U (unknown)? :/data/img/sphere_blue.png:/data/img/sphere_blue.png true toolButtonSelectC toolButtonSelectM toolButtonSelectI toolButtonSelectN toolButtonSelectU comboBoxDriverStatus lineEditNameFilter toolButtonClearNameFilter toolButtonSelectAll toolButtonDeselectAll listWidgetCategoryFilter checkBoxTagged checkBoxFavorites checkBoxParents checkBoxFullScreen checkBoxMaximized checkBoxEmbedded checkBoxSequential spinBoxSecondsToRun spinBoxPauseSeconds pushButtonRunDemo pushButtonClose checkBoxFullScreen toggled(bool) checkBoxMaximized setDisabled(bool) 354 139 354 164 pushButtonClose clicked() DemoModeDialog close() 354 348 292 98 checkBoxFullScreen toggled(bool) checkBoxEmbedded setDisabled(bool) 354 139 354 189 toolButtonClearNameFilter clicked() lineEditNameFilter clear() 259 76 210 78