EmbedderOptions 0 0 544 221 Embedder options 0 0 0 Take a snapshot of the current window content -- hold to take snapshots repeatedly (every 100ms) Take snapshot :/data/img/camera.png:/data/img/camera.png true 100 50 Qt::ToolButtonTextBesideIcon true QAbstractItemView::ScrollPerPixel QAbstractItemView::ScrollPerPixel QListView::Static QListView::LeftToRight true QListView::Adjust QListView::IconMode true 0 0 Set zoom factor for snapshot items Set zoom factor for snapshot items % 10 1000 10 100 Qt::Horizontal 0 20 false 0 0 Save selected image Save as :/data/img/filesaveas.png:/data/img/filesaveas.png Qt::ToolButtonTextBesideIcon 0 0 Clear snapshots Clear :/data/img/broom.png:/data/img/broom.png Qt::ToolButtonTextBesideIcon false 0 0 Choose the image-type for which the selected image should be used directly Use as :/data/img/filesaveas_and_apply.png:/data/img/filesaveas_and_apply.png QToolButton::InstantPopup Qt::ToolButtonTextBesideIcon Qt::Vertical 0 0 Select the snapshot scaling mode No scaling Original size - no filter Original size - filtered toolButtonTakeSnapshot comboBoxScaleMode spinBoxZoom toolButtonClearSnapshots toolButtonSaveAs toolButtonUseAs listWidgetSnapshots toolButtonClearSnapshots clicked() listWidgetSnapshots clear() 401 17 393 44