\name{plot.efp} \alias{plot.efp} \alias{lines.efp} \encoding{latin1} \title{Plot Empirical Fluctuation Process} \description{Plot and lines method for objects of class \code{"efp"}} \usage{ \method{plot}{efp}(x, alpha = 0.05, alt.boundary = FALSE, boundary = TRUE, functional = "max", main = NULL, ylim = NULL, ylab = "Empirical fluctuation process", ...) \method{lines}{efp}(x, functional = "max", ...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{an object of class \code{"efp"}.} \item{alpha}{numeric from interval (0,1) indicating the confidence level for which the boundary of the corresponding test will be computed.} \item{alt.boundary}{logical. If set to \code{TRUE} alternative boundaries (instead of the standard linear boundaries) will be plotted (for CUSUM processes only).} \item{boundary}{logical. If set to \code{FALSE} the boundary will be computed but not plotted.} \item{functional}{indicates which functional should be applied to the process before plotting and which boundaries should be used. If set to \code{NULL} a multiple process with boundaries for the \code{"max"} functional is plotted. For more details see below.} \item{main, ylim, ylab, ...}{high-level \code{\link{plot}} function parameters.} } \details{Plots are available for the \code{"max"} functional for all process types. For Brownian bridge type processes the maximum or mean squared Euclidean norm (\code{"maxL2"} and \code{"meanL2"}) can be used for aggregating before plotting. No plots are available for the \code{"range"} functional. Alternative boundaries that are proportional to the standard deviation of the corresponding limiting process are available for processes with Brownian motion or Brownian bridge limiting processes. } \value{\code{\link{efp}} returns an object of class \code{"efp"} which inherits from the class \code{"ts"} or \code{"mts"} respectively. The function \code{\link{plot}} has a method to plot the empirical fluctuation process; with \code{sctest} the corresponding test for structural change can be performed.} \references{Brown R.L., Durbin J., Evans J.M. (1975), Techniques for testing constancy of regression relationships over time, \emph{Journal of the Royal Statistical Society}, B, \bold{37}, 149-163. Chu C.-S., Hornik K., Kuan C.-M. (1995), MOSUM tests for parameter constancy, \emph{Biometrika}, \bold{82}, 603-617. Chu C.-S., Hornik K., Kuan C.-M. (1995), The moving-estimates test for parameter stability, \emph{Econometric Theory}, \bold{11}, 669-720. Krämer W., Ploberger W., Alt R. (1988), Testing for structural change in dynamic models, \emph{Econometrica}, \bold{56}, 1355-1369. Kuan C.-M., Hornik K. (1995), The generalized fluctuation test: A unifying view, \emph{Econometric Reviews}, \bold{14}, 135 - 161. Kuan C.-M., Chen (1994), Implementing the fluctuation and moving estimates tests in dynamic econometric models, \emph{Economics Letters}, \bold{44}, 235-239. Ploberger W., Krämer W. (1992), The CUSUM test with OLS residuals, \emph{Econometrica}, \bold{60}, 271-285. Zeileis A., Leisch F., Hornik K., Kleiber C. (2002), \code{strucchange}: An R Package for Testing for Structural Change in Linear Regression Models, \emph{Journal of Statistical Software}, \bold{7}(2), 1-38. URL \url{http://www.jstatsoft.org/v07/i02/}. Zeileis A. (2004), Alternative Boundaries for CUSUM Tests, \emph{Statistical Papers}, \bold{45}, 123--131. } \seealso{\code{\link{efp}}, \code{\link{boundary.efp}}, \code{\link{sctest.efp}}} \examples{ ## Load dataset "nhtemp" with average yearly temperatures in New Haven data("nhtemp") ## plot the data plot(nhtemp) ## test the model null hypothesis that the average temperature remains ## constant over the years ## compute Rec-CUSUM fluctuation process temp.cus <- efp(nhtemp ~ 1) ## plot the process plot(temp.cus, alpha = 0.01) ## and calculate the test statistic sctest(temp.cus) ## compute (recursive estimates) fluctuation process ## with an additional linear trend regressor lin.trend <- 1:60 temp.me <- efp(nhtemp ~ lin.trend, type = "fluctuation") ## plot the bivariate process plot(temp.me, functional = NULL) ## and perform the corresponding test sctest(temp.me) } \keyword{hplot}