# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import json import logging import pprint import werkzeug from odoo import http from odoo.http import request _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class AdyenController(http.Controller): _return_url = '/payment/adyen/return/' @http.route([ '/payment/adyen/return', ], type='http', auth='public', csrf=False) def adyen_return(self, **post): _logger.info('Beginning Adyen form_feedback with post data %s', pprint.pformat(post)) # debug if post.get('authResult') not in ['CANCELLED']: request.env['payment.transaction'].sudo().form_feedback(post, 'adyen') return werkzeug.utils.redirect('/payment/process') @http.route([ '/payment/adyen/notification', ], type='http', auth='public', methods=['POST'], csrf=False) def adyen_notification(self, **post): tx = post.get('merchantReference') and request.env['payment.transaction'].sudo().search([('reference', 'in', [post.get('merchantReference')])], limit=1) if post.get('eventCode') in ['AUTHORISATION'] and tx: states = (post.get('merchantReference'), post.get('success'), tx.state) if (post.get('success') == 'true' and tx.state == 'done') or (post.get('success') == 'false' and tx.state in ['cancel', 'error']): _logger.info('Notification from Adyen for the reference %s: received %s, state is %s', states) else: _logger.warning('Notification from Adyen for the reference %s: received %s but state is %s', states) return '[accepted]'