addInfo('Title',_('Indented BOM Listing')); $pdf->addInfo('Subject',_('Indented BOM Listing')); $FontSize=9; $PageNumber=1; $line_height=12; $sql = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tempbom"; $result = DB_query($sql); $sql = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS passbom"; $result = DB_query($sql); $sql = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS passbom2"; $result = DB_query($sql); $sql = "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE passbom ( part char(20), sortpart text) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8"; $ErrMsg = _('The SQL to create passbom failed with the message'); $result = DB_query($sql,$ErrMsg); $sql = "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tempbom ( parent char(20), component char(20), sortpart text, level int, workcentreadded char(5), loccode char(5), effectiveafter date, effectiveto date, quantity double) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8"; $result = DB_query($sql,_('Create of tempbom failed because')); // First, find first level of components below requested assembly // Put those first level parts in passbom, use COMPONENT in passbom // to link to PARENT in bom to find next lower level and accumulate // those parts into tempbom // This finds the top level $sql = "INSERT INTO passbom (part, sortpart) SELECT bom.component AS part, CONCAT(bom.parent,bom.component) AS sortpart FROM bom WHERE bom.parent ='" . $_POST['Part'] . "' AND bom.effectiveafter <= '" . date('Y-m-d') . "' AND bom.effectiveto > '" . date('Y-m-d') . "'"; $result = DB_query($sql); $LevelCounter = 2; // $LevelCounter is the level counter $sql = "INSERT INTO tempbom ( parent, component, sortpart, level, workcentreadded, loccode, effectiveafter, effectiveto, quantity) SELECT bom.parent, bom.component, CONCAT(bom.parent,bom.component) AS sortpart, " . $LevelCounter . " AS level, bom.workcentreadded, bom.loccode, bom.effectiveafter, bom.effectiveto, bom.quantity FROM bom INNER JOIN locationusers ON locationusers.loccode=bom.loccode AND locationusers.userid='" . $_SESSION['UserID'] . "' AND locationusers.canview=1 WHERE bom.parent ='" . $_POST['Part'] . "' AND bom.effectiveafter <= '" . date('Y-m-d') . "' AND bom.effectiveto > '" . date('Y-m-d') . "'"; $result = DB_query($sql); //echo "
sql is $sql
"; // This while routine finds the other levels as long as $ComponentCounter - the // component counter - finds there are more components that are used as // assemblies at lower levels $ComponentCounter = 1; if ($_POST['Levels'] == 'All') { while ($ComponentCounter > 0) { $LevelCounter++; $sql = "INSERT INTO tempbom ( parent, component, sortpart, level, workcentreadded, loccode, effectiveafter, effectiveto, quantity) SELECT bom.parent, bom.component, CONCAT(passbom.sortpart,bom.component) AS sortpart, $LevelCounter as level, bom.workcentreadded, bom.loccode, bom.effectiveafter, bom.effectiveto, bom.quantity FROM bom INNER JOIN passbom ON bom.parent = passbom.part INNER JOIN locationusers ON locationusers.loccode=bom.loccode AND locationusers.userid='" . $_SESSION['UserID'] . "' AND locationusers.canview=1 WHERE bom.effectiveafter <= '" . date('Y-m-d') . "' AND bom.effectiveto > '" . date('Y-m-d') . "'"; $result = DB_query($sql); $sql = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS passbom2"; $result = DB_query($sql); $sql = "ALTER TABLE passbom RENAME AS passbom2"; $result = DB_query($sql); $sql = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS passbom"; $result = DB_query($sql); $sql = "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE passbom ( part char(20), sortpart text) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8"; $result = DB_query($sql); $sql = "INSERT INTO passbom (part, sortpart) SELECT bom.component AS part, CONCAT(passbom2.sortpart,bom.component) AS sortpart FROM bom,passbom2 WHERE bom.parent = passbom2.part AND bom.effectiveafter <= '" . date('Y-m-d') . "' AND bom.effectiveto > '" . date('Y-m-d') . "'"; $result = DB_query($sql); $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM bom,passbom WHERE bom.parent = passbom.part"; $result = DB_query($sql); $myrow = DB_fetch_row($result); $ComponentCounter = $myrow[0]; } // End of while $ComponentCounter > 0 } // End of if $_POST['Levels'] if (DB_error_no() !=0) { $Title = _('Indented BOM Listing') . ' - ' . _('Problem Report'); include('includes/header.php'); prnMsg( _('The Indented BOM Listing could not be retrieved by the SQL because') . ' ' . DB_error_msg(),'error'); echo '
' . _('Back to the menu') . ''; if ($debug==1){ echo '
' . $sql; } include('includes/footer.php'); exit; } $sql = "SELECT stockmaster.stockid, stockmaster.description FROM stockmaster WHERE stockid = " . "'" . $_POST['Part'] . "'"; $result = DB_query($sql); $myrow = DB_fetch_array($result); $assembly = $_POST['Part']; $assemblydesc = $myrow['description']; PrintHeader($pdf,$YPos,$PageNumber,$Page_Height,$Top_Margin,$Left_Margin,$Page_Width, $Right_Margin,$assemblydesc); $Tot_Val=0; $sql = "SELECT tempbom.*, stockmaster.description, stockmaster.mbflag, stockmaster.units FROM tempbom,stockmaster WHERE tempbom.component = stockmaster.stockid ORDER BY sortpart"; $result = DB_query($sql); // $fill is used to alternate between lines with transparent and painted background $fill = false; $pdf->SetFillColor(224,235,255); $ListCount = DB_num_rows($result); while ($myrow = DB_fetch_array($result)){ $YPos -=$line_height; $FontSize=8; $FormatedEffectiveAfter = ConvertSQLDate($myrow['effectiveafter']); $FormatedEffectiveTo = ConvertSQLDate($myrow['effectiveto']); if ($_POST['Fill'] == 'yes'){ $fill=!$fill; } // Parameters for addTextWrap are defined in /includes/class.pdf.php // 1) X position 2) Y position 3) Width // 4) Height 5) Text 6) Alignment 7) Border 8) Fill - True to use SetFillColor // and False to set to transparent $pdf->addTextWrap($Left_Margin+($myrow['level'] * 5),$YPos,90,$FontSize,$myrow['component'],'left',0,$fill); $pdf->addTextWrap(160,$YPos,20,$FontSize,$myrow['mbflag'],'left',0,$fill); $pdf->addTextWrap(180,$YPos,165,$FontSize,$myrow['description'],'left',0,$fill); $pdf->addTextWrap(345,$YPos,30,$FontSize,$myrow['loccode'],'left',0,$fill); $pdf->addTextWrap(375,$YPos,25,$FontSize,$myrow['workcentreadded'],'left',0,$fill); $pdf->addTextWrap(400,$YPos,45,$FontSize,locale_number_format($myrow['quantity'],'Variable'),'right',0,$fill); $pdf->addTextWrap(445,$YPos,20,$FontSize,$myrow['units'],'left',0,$fill); $pdf->addTextWrap(465,$YPos,50,$FontSize,$FormatedEffectiveAfter,'left',0,$fill); $pdf->addTextWrap(515,$YPos,50,$FontSize,$FormatedEffectiveTo,'left',0,$fill); if ($YPos < $Bottom_Margin + $line_height){ PrintHeader($pdf,$YPos,$PageNumber,$Page_Height,$Top_Margin,$Left_Margin,$Page_Width, $Right_Margin,$assemblydesc); } } /*end while loop */ $FontSize =10; $YPos -= (2*$line_height); if ($YPos < $Bottom_Margin + $line_height){ PrintHeader($pdf,$YPos,$PageNumber,$Page_Height,$Top_Margin,$Left_Margin,$Page_Width, $Right_Margin,$assemblydesc); } if ($ListCount == 0) { $Title = _('Print Indented BOM Listing Error'); include('includes/header.php'); prnMsg(_('There were no items for the selected assembly'),'error'); echo '
' . _('Back to the menu') . ''; include('includes/footer.php'); exit; } else { $pdf->OutputD($_SESSION['DatabaseName'] . '_Bill_Of_Material_Indented_' . date('Y-m-d').'.pdf'); $pdf->__destruct(); } } else { /*The option to print PDF was not hit so display form */ $Title=_('Indented BOM Listing'); include('includes/header.php'); echo '

' . ' ' . $Title . '

'; echo '
'; echo '
' . _('Part') . ':
' . _('Levels') . ':
' . _('Print Option') . ':

'; include('includes/footer.php'); } /*end of else not PrintPDF */ function PrintHeader(&$pdf,&$YPos,&$PageNumber,$Page_Height,$Top_Margin,$Left_Margin, $Page_Width,$Right_Margin,$assemblydesc) { $line_height=12; /*PDF page header for Indented BOM Listing report */ if ($PageNumber>1){ $pdf->newPage(); } $FontSize=9; $YPos= $Page_Height-$Top_Margin-5; $pdf->addTextWrap($Left_Margin,$YPos,300,$FontSize,$_SESSION['CompanyRecord']['coyname']); $YPos -=$line_height; $pdf->addTextWrap($Left_Margin,$YPos,300,$FontSize,_('Indented BOM Listing')); $pdf->addTextWrap($Page_Width-$Right_Margin-105,$YPos,160,$FontSize,_('Printed') . ': ' . Date($_SESSION['DefaultDateFormat']) . ' ' . _('Page') . ' ' . $PageNumber,'left'); $YPos -=(2*$line_height); /*set up the headings */ $Xpos = $Left_Margin+1; $pdf->addTextWrap($Xpos,$YPos,90,$FontSize,_('Part Number'), 'left'); $pdf->addTextWrap(160,$YPos,20,$FontSize,_('M/B'), 'left'); $pdf->addTextWrap(180,$YPos,165,$FontSize,_('Description'), 'center'); $pdf->addTextWrap(345,$YPos,30,$FontSize,_('Locn'), 'left'); $pdf->addTextWrap(375,$YPos,25,$FontSize,_('WC'), 'left'); $pdf->addTextWrap(400,$YPos,45,$FontSize,_('Quantity'), 'right'); $pdf->addTextWrap(445,$YPos,20,$FontSize,_('UOM'), 'left'); $pdf->addTextWrap(465,$YPos,50,$FontSize,_('From Date'), 'left'); $pdf->addTextWrap(515,$YPos,50,$FontSize,_('To Date'), 'left'); $YPos =$YPos - $line_height; $FontSize=8; $YPos =$YPos - (2*$line_height); $pdf->addTextWrap($Left_Margin+1,$YPos,40,$FontSize,_('Assembly').':','',0); $pdf->addTextWrap(85,$YPos,100,$FontSize,mb_strtoupper($_POST['Part']),'',0); $pdf->addTextWrap(185,$YPos,150,$FontSize,$assemblydesc,'',0); $YPos -=(2*$line_height); $Xpos = $Left_Margin+5; $PageNumber++; } // End of PrintHeader function ?>